Filter By Number Preceding Text?

Jan 15, 2014

This has got to be simpler than I'm making it out to be, but I'm stuck. I have a column that is created by a formula that counts the number of times a name appears in a list and prepends the number to the beginning of the name. The result is something like:


I need a filter that results in a list of names preceded by "1" (but not 10, 11, 12, etc.) The correctly filtered result of the above list would be:


My autofilter searches for data that begin with "1", so instead of the above result, I get:


There's got to be an easy way to do this, but I can't figure how to account for the variable number of digits (1 or 2 digits) at the beginning. It would probably work to set up an advanced filter for cells that begin with a number less than 2, but I don't know how to do that.

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Extracting Phone Numbers From Text String Variation In Preceding Text

Mar 29, 2013

I'm pulling phone numbers out of text strings. There is text string ("Office:") indicating that the number following is an office number (the number that I need). MID and FIND take care of this. There are sometimes two instances of office numbers in single text string, so adding a second column using the third argument of FIND lets me start another search past the first instance of an office number. We have a bunch of office numbers with the qualifier "(Text)" after the original "Office" but before the phone number. How do I catch these ones?

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Formula To Remove Preceding Numbers From Text Input

Mar 5, 2012

I have data in the (various) formats as follows:

1) Text value here
1. Text value here
1.Text value here
1 Text value here
1)Text value here

Is there a way to take the cell contents from the first Alpha character? (i.e. no punctuation, no numbers). There are other numeric characters in the text values that I would like to keep.

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Filter Last 9 Digits From 16 Digit Number Within Text

Nov 20, 2012

I have a large file with cells filled with text (converted from a database, imported into Excel). The text is in rows of column A and always contains a 16 digit number, which is what I need. I am able to clean up this text and show only this number, but then Excel shows the last digit as a '0'.

An example of the text I need to filter the 16-digit number from: GIRO 6838657 K MAHMODBETALINGSKENM. 7062542158461684 STORNOADMINISTRATIEVE REDEN 1 ZIE DE TOEGEZONDEN KENNISGEVINGVAN VERHAAL OF CJIC.NL/VZD

I've altered some of the information in here so this is fake. The text is messy but all I need is the number.

This is the macro I use to clean up the text and leave only the 16 digit number:

Sub CleanUp
Dim e As Variant
With CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")


It sort of works, but when I run it, I get this number as a result: 7062542158461680 (last digit is changed into a zero).

I've been trying to insert this line into the macro but it doesn't work: Columns("A:A").NumberFormat = "@"

How do I change the outcome of this macro into the actual number?

If this is impossible to do, I can also manage if there is a way to filter only the last 9 digits from the 16 digit number. I can work with that, too.

I use Excel XP (2002) at work.

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Autofilter To Filter Cells With A Number Filter Of >= 4 And <= 5

Jul 25, 2009

I m trying to use an Autofilter to filter my cells with a Number Filter of is greater of equal to 4 and is less than or equal to 5.

But as you can see I would like to customise is using a range of 2 values which i have specified in Cell P1 and Q1.

I manage to figure out how to reference to this cell, but Im not sure how can i put my ">=" and "<=" operators into my code so i can get it to work exactly how i want as shown in Code 1.

Code 1

ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$K$118").AutoFilter Field:=6, Criteria1:=">=4", _
Operator:=xlAnd, Criteria2:="<=5"

Code 2
ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$K$118").AutoFilter Field:=6, Criteria1:=Range("P1").Value, _Operator:=xlAnd, Criteria2:=Range("Q1").Value

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Result Conditional Upon Preceding Values

Mar 19, 2007

I am using the following formula (which I need to adapt) to enter a value in a cell C30.
I will need to enter this formaula in column C rows 1 to 300.

The problem is that, in addition to A30 needing to be >0, I only need to enter a value in C30 if a value (>0) is found in column B (B29 going back to B1) before a value is found in the A column (A29 going A1). If a value in the A column is found first then I need to enter "0".

For example, if A30 is >0 and the previous A row A29 is >0, I want to enter 0 in C30.

Another example, If A rows A20 to A29 are 0 and B19 >0, then I want to enter A30 in C30.

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Identifying Tasks Based On Value Of Preceding Task

Jan 21, 2012

I have a project network spreadsheet shown below and in column BT I need to identify each non-critical path task (value in column BS is "N") that has a critical path task (value in column BS is "Y") as one of it's immediate predecessors.

Predecessor tasks are listed with commas separating them in column G. They are also separated out into columns H through Q for another function in the spreadsheet.

Note: Task ID's can be numeric or text

*BGBSBT11Task IDPreceding Tasks * * * * * *(comma seperated)CP?

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Fill Blank Cells In A Column With Preceding Value

Feb 28, 2013

I have been using this code I found awhile back to fill blank cells in a column with the preceding value. but it leaves the very last cell blank. Like this.




[Code] ........

Is there a way to add possibly a "Do until column B is null or """?

Sub FillBlanks()
Dim rRange1 As Range, rRange2 As Range
Dim iReply As Integer
If Selection.Cells.Count = 1 Then
MsgBox "You must select your list and include the blank cells", vbInformation, ""

[Code] ........

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Find First Non-empty Cell & Paste To Preceding Cells

Jun 15, 2007

I need to find the first non-empty cell in a range and paste a constant value into the preceding cells.

aa bb
aa bb
aa bb
aa bb cc
aa bb cc

aa bb xx
aa bb xx
aa bb xx
aa bb cc
aa bb cc

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Updating Time In Realtime Based On City In Preceding Cell

Nov 21, 2009

i am trying to figure out, how to automatically update time, based on specific city's time zone? Lets say, if the city is dallas, time zone is Central GMT-6. In the next cell, the time shows up as Dallas's local time, instead of local computer time. And this time updates itself after every 2 min.

2ndly, if that city's time is later than 8:59 PM local time, that specific city's cell grays out.

Attach: Snapshot of sheet

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How To Find First Blank Cell In Column Then Copy All Preceding Cells

Aug 14, 2013

I am working with arrays that extend far beyond their actual content, and so i am looking for a way, through macros, to find the first blank cell in a column and then copy all preceding cells in that column.

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Copy Preceding Single Cell Data Into Following Empty Cells In Same Column

Sep 5, 2013

I need a macro that will examine column A starting at A2 and working its way down copying the data in the first cell (A2) and then delete that row. If the next cells are empty (usually the next 5 cells) it should paste this copied value in each of the empty cells until it comes to the next cell with data in it. At this point it should copy this next value and delete the subsequent row and copy this value in each of the empty cells directly following (again, usually 5) until it finds the next cell that has data in it. At this point, again the whole process begins again repeating it self until it comes to the end where no more data is.

Here is an example of what I need done:

This sheet:



Item Number
Type 2

[Code] ...

Should look like this:



Item Number
Type 2

[Code] .....

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Filter Partial Number

Apr 25, 2014

Is there possible filter a partial number in column?

i have many values in column, i want enter partial value in Texbox (ActiveX).

if i enter in textbox 6840.

if i enter in textbox 5480.

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Extract Top Row Number After Filter

Jan 13, 2009

I have to find out the top first number aftet filtering the data based on particular column. ie each time when i am taking each filter value the row will start from different number.

so how to find the top row number after filter? U got what i mean?

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Number Of Rows In A Range After Filter

Apr 12, 2007

I have applied a filter to my worksheet and would like to know if there is a way to get the number of rows included in the resulting filtered data.

Worksheets("All Work").Select
iCount = GetEnd(Worksheets("All Work"))
Set Cell1 = Cells(2, 1)
Set Cell2 = Cells(iCount, 6)
Worksheets("All Work").Range(Cell1, Cell2).AutoFilter Field:=7, Criteria1:="Unassigned"

Now that I have it filtered I need to know how many rows are there with data. I'll then set up a loop to read the data from each row. I can't use my getend function because it will still end up with 93 rows and the number of unassigned is about 23.

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Filter Out Letters Put In After A Number In A Time Card Spreadsheet

Jan 14, 2009

I have the need to filter out letters put in after a number in a time card spreadsheet. I'm not sure that using a select case is the right approach. I need to allow the user to put in a number and a letter signifying what type of time it is. Each cell equals a date on a calendar. For example if the user puts in 8s then the code will add 8 hours to the total sick time, strip out the s and just leave 8 in the cell. The problem is that I need to deal with all of the other letters/symbols that they can enter. From what I know of VBA which isn't much a Select Case seems to be way to go without using a bunch of nested If statements. Here is what I would like to do but this doesn't work. This is a short example of what I have tried as far as Select Case goes.

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Custom Filter To Select A Value And Values Divisible By That Number.

Feb 5, 2009

As I have not tried to do this yet this is a hypothetical scenario. Imagine that a column, when filtered, gives cell values such as 3,6,9,12,18,24,36 ..and so on. Is there a way to select, say 12, and then see all the other values that are divisible into 12. e.g. all rows that have 3,6,12. Another example- select 36 and see 3,6,9,12,18 and 36?

On the attached example sheet, column 'O' will be filtered.

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Advanced Filter For Text

Aug 23, 2009

I have a huge list (over 900,000 rows) of text codes (e.g. ABC-12345) on Column A Spreadsheet 1 and would like to remove the ones that are not included in Column A Spreadsheet 2.

I changed all of the text on Column A Spreadsheet 2 to have the in front of it (e.g. ABC-1234) and tried to run the advanced filter but it does nothing.

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Filter To Show Only Text

Dec 14, 2006

i am using e2k and i have got to filter some data where the filter relevant data is in one column formated as "standard". it contains either only numbers or letters mixed with numbers. in case of a mixed cell the first symbol is always a letter.
i need a way to filter only those rows which contain a mixed cell. the filter criteria should be something like !=#*

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Pivot Tables - Finding Number Of Individuals With Particular Filter Combination?

Jan 30, 2013

I am using a pivot table to explore the relationship between the two variables in a survey. Question 1 is a "choose all that apply" question, while Question 2 is more "if you said yes to any in question 1, choose all that apply".

So, I have about 10 filters for question 1, where each combination will give me a different number for the responses for question 2. My question is this: How do I get excel to automatically find the # of individuals with the particular combination of filters in question 1?

Ie. if said yes to 3/10 options in question 1, how do I get excel to find out how many actually said yes to the 3/10 questions.

The purpose of this data is for reference to question #2, so that i can utilize some percentages.

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Advanced Filter For <> Several Text Strings

Jan 8, 2010

i have a lot of data which i am going to be running an advanced filter on. One of the criteria i am trying to filter for is a list of text values that i want to make sure a row does not contain. Lets say for example I have a list of 2 text values in column "symbols" that i would like to omit in my filtered results, "abc" and "xyz".
As of now I can only set up a criteria to omit one of those.


this works right now.

But if i try to put <>xyz in the cell immediately under there, I thought its supposed to be filtering for symbol that does not equal abc or xyz, but instead it doesnt filter anything out. I think it may be a syntax error or something else that I am doing wrong. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Ideally, I would like to be able to filter out a list of text values that I keep in another column. Like lets say today I wanted to omit "abc" "xyz" and "lmnop" and I would have the advanced filter criteria just reference that list of values as what I would like to filter out. Except there would probably be a list of at least 20 to 30 values, that change over time, so it would be much easier to just keep it all neat in one column that I can edit as I need to.

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Filter List By Colour Of Text

Jul 8, 2012

I have a list of data (about 8K records) and I have identified those that are duplicates by changing the text colour to blue. Now, I want to remove the data that is black (and not duplicated).

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Filter To Separate Text From Numbers

Jun 6, 2009

table.tableizer-table {border: 1px solid #CCC; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px;} .tableizer-table td {padding: 4px; margin: 3px; border: 1px solid #ccc;}
.tableizer-table th {background-color: #104E8B; color: #FFF; font-weight: bold;}

florida golf found 4 time(s) in 21 Title words (Density: 38.10%) florida golf found 7 time(s) in 25 Meta Description words (Density: 56.00%) florida golf found 8 time(s) in 49 Meta Keywords words (Density: 32.65%) florida golf found 2 time(s) in 18 Heading(s) words (Density: 22.22%) florida golf found 18 time(s) in 191 Alt tag(s) words (Density: 18.85%) florida golf found 14 time(s) in 470 Linktext words (Density: 5.96%) florida golf found 5 time(s) in 210 Bold text words (Density: 4.76%)

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Use Combobox Text To Filter A Listbox

Sep 18, 2006

I'm trying to use 2 combobox's to filter a listbox with 7 columns. I need to match the 1st 3 chars. and the last 2 chars of the 1st column field to filter the list that displays in a listbox on a form. Is there an easy way to do this? I tried working with the autofilter, but couldn't get rid of the dropdown selection arrows.

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Advance Filter Dates Seen As Text

Jun 15, 2007

I have a excel sheet auto generated by a process in which there are 4 columns and 150 Rows. One column has dates data in DD-MMM-YYYY (15-May-2007) format..but the datatype of that cell is not Date. When I click on any date let say I selected 24-Mar-2007 in formula bar instead of displaying 3/24/2007 it displays as it is 24-Mar-2007.

But when i double click on this cell it shift to right alignment and display date format 3/24/2007 in formula bar. I have to create a formula using which I can see only some rows of define date range. Means if i define range in two cells 01-Jan-2007 and 01-Jun-2007. The sheet will display only rows having this criteria. But due to this datatype problem before putting the criteria I have to double click each of the row to convert it to Date. RightClick Format cells option is also not help full in this.

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Filter Text File While Importing

Jul 5, 2007

I am importing a text file, Comma Seperated, small sample below....

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How To Reference The Month Preceding Current Month

Jul 18, 2012

the MONTH(NOW()) Function, as I need it to reference the month preceding the current month.

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Count Text-cells After Filter Selection

Aug 5, 2006

I filtered my database in such a way that i end up with a list in which different companies are shown.

For example:
Companies (column A)

Now i want excel to count for me the number of different companies active (so in this example it would be 3, that is MER + TYH + INT). Does anyone know how to make this formula?

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Multi-column Text Search Box Filter

May 24, 2007

I am trying to create a search filter that checks a cell for text or part of text in 3 columns and then filters out the rows that have a match. So there would be a cell at the top of the page with a line around it and the word type your search criteria here. The used types in a word and excel then looks into 3 columns below that have various data. If there is match then a filter action would kick in and only show the rows where there was a match regardless of the column.

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Excel 2010 :: Convert Text To Number And Format Number Without 2 Decimal Places?

Oct 23, 2011

I have a problem that when I try to convert text to number and format the number without 2 decimal places as seen on the link I have given below, Instead of 1607.947, I get 1607947. I have Excel 2010 loaded. The details are in below picture.


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