i am using e2k and i have got to filter some data where the filter relevant data is in one column formated as "standard". it contains either only numbers or letters mixed with numbers. in case of a mixed cell the first symbol is always a letter.
i need a way to filter only those rows which contain a mixed cell. the filter criteria should be something like !=#*
Column H has a list of names i.e. Fred, Barney etc.
Is it possible that when you select all the Barney names in header (the left one) shows the wording "Filter: Barney" ?
Just a thought only sometimes I have to filter and print off a sheet and the area with the names in does not get printed therefore a "Filter: xxx" would be quite useful.
I have a list with many duplicate names in it, from which I only wanted 1 instance of each name, to be placed in another sheet. So, I recorded a macro that selects, from the sheet called "Data", column E (the column with the relevant list), copy/paste's it into sheet 3 in column A, selects the new column, and runs an Advanced Filter command on it, to identify and display all the unique names in it in the same place. It ran just fine when I recorded it. But then, when I deleted the data created by the macro and tried to re-run it, I got random data. I found that whenever I click on a different cell, it provides a different output. I only want it to select Column E, and copy paste that, not other random columns depending on which cell is currently selected. This is my
Sub Fetch_Unique_Names() Sheets("Data").Select ActiveCell.Range("A1").Select ActiveCell.Range("E1:E2200").Select Selection.Copy Sheets("Sheet1").Select ActiveSheet.Paste Application.CutCopyMode = False ActiveCell.Range("A1:A2176").AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterInPlace, Unique _ :=True End Sub
I would like to be able to filter my pivot table to shows the rows with no data ?
I can make "no value" appear in the pivot table in 2 ways - either by using column field as well as row fields or by using the "show items with no data" option in value field settings but I cant get filter to show only the "no value" rows
My task is to write a macro on auto filtering. I got 2 columns of relevant data. Cells in column A show the team name and corresponding cell in column C shows the person who belongs to the team.
For clear illustration, this is an example of the list I got.
A1: A, C1: XX A2: A, C2: YY A3: A, C3: ZZ A4: B, C4: XX A5: B, C5, 00 A6: B, C6: 11
What I need to do is to write a macro that auto filters and shows only relevant data.
Assume XX used to be in team A but now moved to team B. When i filter for team A, i need all members who are/were in team A.
For instance, when i want team A, it has to include A1-A4 and when i want team B, it has to include A1,A4-A6.
Im looking for a way to select between multiple choices linked to one criteria. Eg criteria beeing Chain x Article 1, which should give me the option to show and select from multiple unique values linked to that criteria (in attached example values 1 or 30 in column AQ marked in yellow). If possible solution should be formulas/functions.
I have an excel sheet with over 4,000 rows of records regarding our 80+ employees clocking in. There are three columns:
A: Date (MM/DD/YYYY) B: Time (HH:MM:SS) C: Employee Name
Our employees are expected to be at work (and clock-in) at or before 8am.
At first, I just filtered the data to display only rows that have a time value of between 8am and 9am (the hour when most people are tardy). However, I now realize this is not a very accurate way of reporting tardiness.
Our forklift driver, for example, almost always arrives at 7:45am, but then works around the entrance and has to scan his card (clock-in) several times throughout the morning to get back into the building. So if he's moving something outside and comes BACK inside at 8:30am, my current "filter" inaccurately reports him as tardy for that day.
Is there some way to filter this data to first reduce it down to their earliest clock-in for the day, THEN isolate only the 8am - 9am data (if we did that, the forklift driver problem would be solved because his only time for that day would be 7:45am - his TRUE clock-in). The forklift driver is just one example. Many other employees occasionally go in/out of that door and end up clocking in multiple times, so are getting wrongly reported as tardy.
I'm trying to create a formula (used in sheet 2 column B) that would generate the results in sheet2.B based on the contents of sheet 1. sheet2.B2 would contain a formula searching for the both "Y" in sheet1.C and the text in sheet2.A2 (in this case "E&P"). When each match is found, the contents of sheet1.A should be returned to sheet2.B, as shown in the mockup. There will be multiple matches (at least 15-20) for each search criteria, and I don't know how many there will be ahead of time.
I've tried various formulas, and they either have incorrect syntax and return every row in a range, or only return the first match correct match each time instead of all correct matches. I found some UDFs posted online that claim to do this, but I've gotten them into the spreadsheet and they generate # NUM errors. I would prefer to work with Excel-native formulas if possible, because I'm going to eventually hand this off to someone else to maintain and they may not have the level of expertise to deal with UDFs.
I have a very large table and i need to be able to Hide/show specific ranges based on:
Filter +and+ specific cell values in columns
brief example of the table : tablee.png
So... 1. Filter Column "B" (in this case we select "HELPING") 2. Auto hide/show collumns. - IF "C1" = "Required" THAN Show "C:E", IF "C1" ="N/A" , HIDE "C:E" and so on for every column like above.
There are over 80 columns like the "C:E" range. and I only need to show those that are "Required".
My goal is for any of my team members to be able to use a macro to delete all of the unwanted text from a fairly large worksheet and only show their specific information. I created it for myself and posted a slimmed down version of it below. Instead of the macro deleting any rows that do not have BRANDON SCOTT in column D, I want a pop up box to enter your name, and then any rows that do not have your name in column D will be deleted. I’m sure it is something simple, but I have not been able to find another forum with this information.
Sub MyTeam2() With Columns("D") . AutoFilter field:=1, Criteria1:="<>BRANDON SCOTT*" .Resize(Rows.Count - 1).Offset(1).EntireRow.Delete .AutoFilter End With End Sub
I've a table of historical members status list. with this table, I could track each member status history, since the beginning they become a member.
Here is the short of table
Name Member Status Date
Adel New Member 1-Jan-14
[Code] ....
I expect to use Pivot table to show how many people which are still "New Member" and/or "Junior Member" up to now. From the table above, there should be: only one person who still as New Member. because it is only Smith, and only two people with Junior Member. they are Adel and Jhon.
I've search around and found the following useful link, viewing only the last date in a pivot table for each user also A quick way to return the latest date in a subset in Excel
How to know the last status of each user (each member in my case).
I have an issue with a Pivot table: I am using the 'show report filter pages' function and prior to this I have ensured my character length of that field is equal or less than 31 however when I hit the function the tab names are shortened to 26.
It is Gross Profit in Dollars and % for a particular project. Each row is a contract Item. The Overall Gross Profit for the month in dollars is 34,114.86 In preparing a short commentary to discuss this 34,114.86 I need to discuss atleast some contract items. If there were no negative results I have often in the past simply written. The top 5contributors to this Gross Profit were contract items 1 -6, out of 42, delivering 80% of the result. I might also go into what actually those contract items were and why they presented such a decent Gross Margin, ie. Costs came in well under budget(estimate). But with negative results, the bottom 4 contract items represent a large dollar loss of-34k which is 100% basically of the Gross Profit itself. If these had even just broken even we would have a GP double the current amount. So they obviously deserve as much comment.
Q1 In excel orsimilarly in say Crystal Reports what is a good way of further sorting these 42records either in a table or chart, whereby say the top 80% contract items that had a major impact on the gross profit are shown and the rest hidden. Ie. All thelittle sub 1000 or sub -1000 amounts.
Q2 How wouldother people here write a commentary on this data set? Can you script something to illustrate?
I have a spread sheet were the area is getting very limited. I need to insert a small icon and when the mouse goes over (like it does in a form tool tip) will show the value of a cell (text value) located in another sheet in same workbook, or I was thinking inset a comment next to the icon and link the comments of the comments text to cell with the text value.
I have a spread sheet were the area is getting very limited. I need to insert a small icon and when the mouse goes over (like it does in a form tool tip) will show the value of a cell (text value) located in another sheet in same workbook, or I was thinking inset a comment next to the icon and link the comments of the comments text to cell with the text value.
I've look the properties of this to objects and can figure it out.
I want to create 3 command buttons (active X) on a worksheet to toggle between showing rows which only contain the below text in column L (range L9:L30) and showing all rows containg the options (However, I also have some blank rows in this range and i always want them to remain hidden.)
My text options are:
High ‚ Medium ’†“™ Low ’á
The text arrives in the cells via a VLOOKUP
Is the chinese text a problem? i can't type it into VB.
I've been using the following macro to hide and unhide rows with a command button in the same sheet:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Toggle_Hide_Unhide End Sub
Sub Toggle_Hide_Unhide() Dim rngCell As Range Dim TakeAction As Boolean
If ActiveSheet.CommandButton1.Caption = "Hide" Then TakeAction = True ActiveSheet.CommandButton1.Caption = "UnHide" Else TakeAction = False ActiveSheet.CommandButton1.Caption = "Hide" End If
For Each rngCell In ActiveSheet.Range("I9:I30") With rngCell If .Value = 2 Then .EntireRow.Hidden = TakeAction End With Next rngCell End Sub
I am trying to write a function that will compare the text of cell "A2" to the text of cell "B2" and display cell "A2"'s text characters that didnt match from cell "B2" in column C. Can anyone help me out with writing this formula?
I have a huge list (over 900,000 rows) of text codes (e.g. ABC-12345) on Column A Spreadsheet 1 and would like to remove the ones that are not included in Column A Spreadsheet 2.
I changed all of the text on Column A Spreadsheet 2 to have the in front of it (e.g. ABC-1234) and tried to run the advanced filter but it does nothing.
This has got to be simpler than I'm making it out to be, but I'm stuck. I have a column that is created by a formula that counts the number of times a name appears in a list and prepends the number to the beginning of the name. The result is something like:
There's got to be an easy way to do this, but I can't figure how to account for the variable number of digits (1 or 2 digits) at the beginning. It would probably work to set up an advanced filter for cells that begin with a number less than 2, but I don't know how to do that.
i have a lot of data which i am going to be running an advanced filter on. One of the criteria i am trying to filter for is a list of text values that i want to make sure a row does not contain. Lets say for example I have a list of 2 text values in column "symbols" that i would like to omit in my filtered results, "abc" and "xyz". As of now I can only set up a criteria to omit one of those.
Symbol <>abc
this works right now.
But if i try to put <>xyz in the cell immediately under there, I thought its supposed to be filtering for symbol that does not equal abc or xyz, but instead it doesnt filter anything out. I think it may be a syntax error or something else that I am doing wrong. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Ideally, I would like to be able to filter out a list of text values that I keep in another column. Like lets say today I wanted to omit "abc" "xyz" and "lmnop" and I would have the advanced filter criteria just reference that list of values as what I would like to filter out. Except there would probably be a list of at least 20 to 30 values, that change over time, so it would be much easier to just keep it all neat in one column that I can edit as I need to.
I have a list of data (about 8K records) and I have identified those that are duplicates by changing the text colour to blue. Now, I want to remove the data that is black (and not duplicated).
florida golf found 4 time(s) in 21 Title words (Density: 38.10%) florida golf found 7 time(s) in 25 Meta Description words (Density: 56.00%) florida golf found 8 time(s) in 49 Meta Keywords words (Density: 32.65%) florida golf found 2 time(s) in 18 Heading(s) words (Density: 22.22%) florida golf found 18 time(s) in 191 Alt tag(s) words (Density: 18.85%) florida golf found 14 time(s) in 470 Linktext words (Density: 5.96%) florida golf found 5 time(s) in 210 Bold text words (Density: 4.76%)
I'm trying to use 2 combobox's to filter a listbox with 7 columns. I need to match the 1st 3 chars. and the last 2 chars of the 1st column field to filter the list that displays in a listbox on a form. Is there an easy way to do this? I tried working with the autofilter, but couldn't get rid of the dropdown selection arrows.