Find A Value Then Populate Different Textboxes With Other Info
Dec 29, 2009
I am trying to do is when a user puts in an RMA number into a textbox (txtReviseRMA) on the userform, it will search column B on the spreadsheet to find the matching RMA number. Then I want it to look in column G for the Serial number and populate another textbox (txtSerial1) on the userform with that number.
My problem is that there can be a little as 1 serial number to an RMA or as many as 14, and each serial number has to go into a different textbox (they are named txtSerial1 all the way to txtSerial14).
If there are multiple serial numbers being sent in on one RMA, they are on different lines.
For example:
Column B (RMAs) Column G (Serials)
(B1) R66245 (G1) AA-10-1000
(B2) R66245 (G2) BB-20-2000
(B3) R66300 (G3) CC-30-3000
(B4) R66305 (G4) DD-40-4000
(B5) R66305 (G5) AA-10-1000
(B6) R66305 (G6) FF-60-6000
(B7) R66375 (G7) GG-70-7000..................
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Mar 28, 2009
I need to link the textboxes of a form to the appropriate cells associated to the selection made by a combobox. And in the process I need to be able to Edit one of those Textboxes on the fly while the rest will be locked to the user.
Not sure if the editing of the Notes section can be real time of if it must be updated through a button.
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Apr 28, 2013
I have 3 text boxes. and a numpad of 9 command buttons.
I wish to click on one text box and then click each of the "numpad" command buttons to populate the actve textbox with the number buttons that i click. What VBA code would i use to do this?
I think i can code something like this quite easily, the bit i am struggling with is how to make it so that only the active textbox text is amended.
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Jun 10, 2006
I have a userform with a combobox and a textbox, I would like that when I click the dropdown on the combobox I can pick an item from a list found on a spreadsheet in column A. This spreadsheet has two columns of data A & B. I would like to automatically populate the textbox with the data (from Column B) based on what was chosen in the combobox for (column A).
Don $5.00
John $6.75
Jerry $4.75
If I was to pick John in the combobox, I would like for the textbox to populate with $6.75.
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Jul 14, 2007
I want to enter a value in a textbox, search for it in an worksheet, and populate other textboxes with adjacent values if the value is found. Anyway, the problem is that if the value is not found, I get a debug error.
Dim test1
test1 = TextBox1.Value
Find_Range(test1, Cells, xlFormulas, xlWhole).Select
TextBox2 = ActiveCell.Value
TextBox3 = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value
I'm sure there's far better code to do what I need, but I tried to keep it simple. With the above code, it only works if the value is found. If it's not, I get an error. So how do I make it so that if the value is not found, the value of the textbox2 is "Not Found" or something...
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Mar 21, 2007
I am trying to match info from one column with another column and if it matches, I need the formula to populate the relevant data from the adjacent column. I using Vlookup and I am not sure why it does not work. I have attached a simple example.
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Nov 9, 2009
Attached is my dummy workbook. I have gotten the find and replace to work, yet I can not get the combo boxes to load up with the corresponding data.
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Apr 9, 2008
I have three columns
"A" is item number: "B" is sales Date: "C" is sales price.
What I would like to do is search column A and when there are two of the same item numbers know what date they sold and for what price. I would prefer to build another table that has only this data.
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Feb 15, 2010
I have a spread sheet with bunch of rows and columns. Columns goes all the way from A ... BB and rows from 1 to 40,000
The main focus is column Y and AC
If there is a value of FALSE found in column Y then macro should go to previous row and copy the value that contains in column AC and then move down to the next row, , where the value FALSE was found and that's in column Y and paste that value in column AC the NUMERIC VALUE
Below is the data ...
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Nov 13, 2009
I am comfortable with getting a macro to copy & paste where I need it to, however how to get the macro to recognise when a certain value has stopped.
For example in Column B on "DataDrop" are all the divisions that exist in my company i.e East Anglia, Essex, London etc. There is an empty row between each division.
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Nov 26, 2008
I am using Excel 2008 for Mac. I have a spreadsheet that I am essentially using as a simple cheque ledger so that I can keep track of who I have written cheques to, for what amount, and what has already cleared. I have a the following columns:
Date Written
Cheque Amount
In the 'Cleared?' column I mark an X when it has cleared the bank. I'm trying to find a way to get the SUM of the whole 'Cheque Amount' column that hasn't cleared (ie: has nothing in the 'cleared' column).
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Dec 3, 2013
I am trying to create a formula for a work report and I am afraid I am a bit of a novice with the more complex formulas. Here is what I am trying to do: Sheet 1 has Sales order numbers that duplicate based on the sales lines. Sheet 2 has single lines of sales order numbers and their assigned PO number. I would like to have Sheet 3 where it combines all data and duplicates and fills in the PO number to match all of the sales order numbers that repeat on the other sheet. I hope this makes sense. I can't seem to figure out if I need a VLookup or If or Match formula (or all of the above).
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Dec 3, 2009
i have 2 userforms one with textboxes and the other one with listbox and textboxes.
Everytime user input their data(ie:first name, last name, address etc) in the first form the data's going to be saved in Worksheet("customerSheet") and later on to be displayed in the second form. using the listbox you can select the customer's name and the customer info will be displayed in the textboxes.
here's my code in second form
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
'ActiveCell.CurrentRegion.Name = "Database"
'ActiveCell.address(False, False)
viewCustomerBox.RowSource = "A2:A15"
End Sub
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May 12, 2014
I would like to fill in a a form on page /sheet one and have the same info on every sheet that follows is it possible?
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Aug 22, 2014
I have attached a spreadsheet and I am trying to capture the info in lines 2,7,12,17 and return the info into column d,e,f,g
The info in these columns at present has been manually entered but I am sure it could be automated.
OOL Roster Final 18-31Aug14.xlsx
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Sep 20, 2007
I want to find the subtotal amount on one worksheet, which is two columns over from the text, "Sub Total:" on the same row. The subtotal line floats up and down each week. Once I can find the subtotal I want to populate another worksheet with the data.
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Dec 15, 2011
I've got a range of data in Column D approx 50,000 rows long and I need to go down this range and when theres a blank cell copy the info from the cell above. I've got some code which loops through this but I need to make sure I put "EOF and the bottom of the info to stop the loop. Is there a slicker way of writing this code?
Sub TestBlankCell()
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May 8, 2014
I want to find the highest value in a column (MaxValue) and populate first blank cell in a column with Maxvalue+1. Basically, I want to provide each new row with a unique project number. First, I'm running a macro to insert rows which copies the formula and format from Row 4, the user enters how many rows he wants and the requested number of new rows are inserted below Row 4 (That bit all works fine) . I now want to find the highest project number that has been used in Column 1, starting at Row 4, increment the highest project number by 1 and populate the newly inserted rows with the new project number.
I have a couple of problems with code I'm trying to use: If the active cell in column 1 is highest value the code ignores the active cell, i.e. this works once, as the cell that I have just populated becomes the active cell and the highest number, i.e. the next time the macro runs I get the same number as the active cell.
Ideally, I'd like use the number of rows that the user requested in the macro to insert new rows to be used in this macro to provide a unique project number for each of the newly inserted rows. (The add new rows macros uses Dim NoToAdd As Integer, as the number of rows that the user wishes to insert). Although, I'm quite happy to run the macro several times to find and populate projects which have not been allocated project numbers.
Here's where I've got to:
[Code] .....
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Feb 1, 2014
I am running Excel 2010 and Windows 7.
I have a form with a main list box and several other list boxes. I drag and drop records from the main list box to the others. When I drop a record onto one of the list boxes, a corresponding worksheet is updated with the same record. This works just fine.
The problem I have is:I close and re-open the form after having added some dataDrag/Drop a record to the list boxThe worksheet won't find the first empty rowExample: If the worksheet already contains 4 rows of data, I have to drag/drop 5 times before the fifth row will be updatedI would like to drop the data the first time and have the first blank row updated
1.) I have tried variations of "xlUp", "xlDown", and SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell) in the "Worksheets("Monday")... line of code; all to no avail.
2.) The cells contain formatting (borders)
Here is the relevant code:
'Copy items from the list box to the worksheet
For intI = 1 To ListBox2.ListCount
For intJ = 1 To ListBox2.ColumnCount
If IsEmpty(Worksheets("Monday").Cells(intI + 1, intJ)) Then
Worksheets("Monday").Cells(intI + 1, intJ).Value = ListBox2.List(intI - 1, intJ - 1)
End If
Next intJ
Next intI
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Aug 11, 2009
i have two fields with dates - one field A1 for date authorised (for a data request) and one field B1 for date actioned (data request)
i need a formula to populate in C1 the following:
if A1 is blank then C1 is 'not actioned'
if B1 is blank then C1 is 'not complete'
if both contain dates then C1 to calculate the number of working days between the dates eg. A1 10.08.09, B1 11.08.09...C1 = 1 working day
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May 28, 2013
I have a big clunky spreadsheet that I thought I'd tidy up by adding a userform to keep the info
There's a combination of textboxes, option buttons, listboxes and a multipage. Everything seems to load correctly, and selecting an item in a listbox correctly fills the textboxes, but when I change the value of the textboxes, only 2 out of 4 holds that value and sends it to the correct cell.
The code that is supposed to send all the values is;
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
'check that a row has been selected
If Range("K3") = "" Then
The culprits are TextBox3 and TextBox4.
I've tried changing the names, I've checked that there are no other textboxes pasted on top, I've even tried adding in a MsgBox line to show the value of the textbox; if the form loads and the box grabs a value of "ABC" from the spreadsheet, and I change it to "DEF", when I hit the button to execute the above code the textbox goes straight back to "ABC".
But it's not an issue with TextBox2 ...
Other parts of the code include a UserForm_Activate block and 5 x ListBox_Click's.
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Jul 31, 2013
So the think is that i have 197 textbox and i whant it to fill them with the range of a sheet preselected automatly with a loop.Whitout a loop i have this.
Dim e As Integere = CInt(TextBox198.Text)
TextBox1.Text = Sheets("Dia" + " " + CStr(e)).Range("A3").Value
that work, but its to slow, if i try this and also to modify
Dim e As Integer
For e = CInt(TextBox198.Text) To CInt(TextBox199.Text)
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To 17 [code]....
Where Textbox198.text define the start day (sheet), and Textbox199 the final day, this is highlighted.Also i dont know how to write the textbox(i).text loop, i try a lot of ways and always have problems.I tried to write like this that also didnt work out: TextBox & i & .text and TextBox+i.text
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Mar 9, 2009
how to create an array of textboxes in excel vba. I have declared an array of type textboxes and I'm still getting errors. I'm assuming its a flaw in my understanding here. The error is Runtime error 13 'type mismatch'.
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Mar 12, 2009
Using vba textboxes too do math .I have attached a sheet too explain, not sure if its possible. If it is I know this is the place too find out.
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Apr 19, 2008
I'm populating the textbox (which is locked, so can't be edited) using
Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
If ComboBox1.Value = "JS Logs" Then
UserForm1.TextBox1.Value = "A load of info on how JS works" & vbCrLf & "blah, blah blah"
elseif etc. etc.
Does anyone know how I can add formatting to the textbox? E.g. making certain bits of the text Bold/italic/different size/underlined etc? I don't want to apply this format to the whole textbox, just bits of the contents (i.e. sub-titles)
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Jul 24, 2008
I have a user form that has a section of 32 text boxes that all information randomly placed inside some of them. Most of the them will be empty.
Is there an easy way to have have a macro loop through these text boxes and find their values (if they have any), and then place those values on the next available row in a worksheet?
Here is a picture of what they look like
What I'm trying to do is get the next rows in my sheet to say:
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Jan 23, 2009
I have about 21 textboxes that are going to be watched by 1 textbox called totaltime on a userform.
I created the code below to add up those 21 textboxes, but it's not showing anything even though they are populated, some with zeros and some with one through eight.....
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Nov 7, 2003
I have a number of textboxes, or other boxes, using exactly the same code. In visual basic you can assign an index to these boxes and create one code where the index number specifies the box you are working with.
I have tried finding a way to do thing in VBA, but came up against a blank. I realise that this is either not possible or very simple, but right now I am stuck with the 'not possible'. Does anyone know if the 'very simple' is an option. It would greatly decrease the size of my program, make it easier to visualise and not make me change to much each time.
Of course I refer to subs as much as possible making these routines 3 line routines (sub-call-endsub), but still there are a lot of textbox1_click() routines whereas textbox_click(index) would be nicer.
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May 31, 2007
Is there a way to do something like this? The purpose is to get the value from a text box and put it in a cell...
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Jul 23, 2007
I am working on a form in VB and have a textbox that needs to be formatted so that every four spaces in the TB has a dash (users will input an Account Number).
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