Formatting Budget From Master Worksheet Using Table

Mar 19, 2013

I have a Master Worksheet that I am using to populate other worksheets using the Table function. I would like to keep the format the same as the Master worksheet even if lines get added or deleted. I have seen that others group the sheets together when making the changes but I can not really us that options. I will be giving the Budget to someone else to fill out and they will not know how to do that.

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Create A Separate Worksheet That Has The Data In And Reference Cells On Budget Worksheet?

Feb 7, 2014

I need to reference the projected and actual expenses from the total on worksheet 'expenses' So i did so, however, if I change the drop down on the expenses worksheet to only display housing data, then the projected and actual expenses on my budget worksheet changes as well to the new data portrayed on the expenses worksheet.

I need to reference the cell, without it changing when I change the category display, but I need the cell to change accordingly if I enter new data in the overall tablet on the expenses worksheet.

Or do I need to create a seperate worksheet that has the data in and reference my cells on my budget worksheet to that new worksheet?

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Conditional Formatting :: Total Budget

Oct 2, 2009

I have a couple of columns in excel and one of them " total budget" and another is "Business Case". How can I do a check on the budget, say if total budget is less than $250,000 then business case value should change to N/A.

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Forecast An Estimated Budget Based On Original Budget And Percent Complete

May 21, 2006

In the attached spreadsheet i have a budget amount, billed to date, %complete, %remaining and forecast figure. What i am trying to do is estimate the forecast spend vs the budget or billed to date and percent remaining. I am struggling with how to do this based on in some cases the budget is already overspent but the %complete is less than 100%. What i really want to do is create a forecast based on the billed to date or budget depending on which is greater and work out estimated spend based on whether the task is complete or there is still a % remaining.

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Create A Spreadsheet That Will Keep Track Of Budget Spent And Budget Remaining?

Dec 17, 2013

I am trying to create a spreadsheet that will keep track of budget spent and budget remaining.

I need the values to take what is spent from expenses claim forms that are filled out,

Each budget category has a code and within that code there are sub heddings

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Show Budget VS Actual In Pivot Table

May 1, 2008

I have weekly budget report (for the entire year) that I put in a Pivot Table with approx 20 different row labels. The actual revenue numbers come only once a month (several different reports make up the actual revenue numbers). I need to put the actual numbers on the same row as the budget numbers and I can't figure it out.

For example, for the first three months of the year, I have the pivot table showing everything perfectly. In February, I get January's actual revenue numbers that now "replace" the budget numbers for January. If this was a regular table, I could easily overwrite these numbers, but with the pivot table, I can't get these two fields to line up. For now, I have the Actual Revenue numbers on the Rows above the Budget numbers for their respective months/quarters.

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Budget Worksheet - Lock Cells With Formulas

Jul 24, 2014

So I am trying to create a budget worksheet for past and future expenses, basically an excel checkbook with running balance

In Column A I have my debits/credits

In Column B I have my running balance so that there is a current total next to each of the debit/credits in column A, it is formulated as follows, it adds the cells directly above it to the cell directly to the left of it (i.e. Cell B10 = B9+A10, which was dragged and iterated to many cells below)

I wan to be able to drag in drop cells in the A column (Just moving them up and down different cells in the A column) with out it changing formulas in the B column.

I tried the $ trick so that for example B10 = B9+$A$10 but if I moved cell A9 to say A10, I get a reference error in cell B10 (why is it doing this when B10 is locked with $)

I then tried going to format and locking the B column and not the A column and then protected the document but I still get the same REF error.

I know I can copy and paste with out effecting it but this is tedious, the whole reason I did this was so that I can move around bills EASILY and play around with what get paid when. There has to be a way to do this, but I'm probably searching with the wrong keywords.

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Moving Data From A Monthly Worksheet To A Master Worksheet

Apr 9, 2014

Each month I get a report that is formatted by the customers and this sheet never changes. The problem is that the master sheet my job uses is not formatted this way. The master workbook has several sheets that breaks down the data from the monthly sheet. Instead of having to enter the data manually I'm looking for a way to export the data from the monthly sheets into the master workbook. As I stated the sheets are all the same but come from different providers and all contain the same amount/style of data.

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Transfer Data From Master Worksheet To Individual Worksheet

Oct 7, 2009

I receive a monthly download of individuals call-logs in one "Master File." For internal reasons, I need to separate every person's monthly call-log into individual worksheets. Unfortunately, the file is very large and copy/paste is very time consuming. I am operating on MS Excel 2007.

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Consolidate Data From Many Worksheet To A Master Worksheet

Nov 7, 2006

I'm trying to consolidate data from many worksheet to a master worksheet. So far, thanks to the help of some experts, i've got this code. But i need to tweak it further to suit my requirements.

Sub CopyDataToConsol()
Dim Sht1 As Worksheet
Dim Sht2 As Worksheet
Dim SrcRg As Range

How can i tweak the above code to:

1) copy the lastest updated row to the Master sheet, instead of copying the whole set of data over and over again..

2) automate it by using worksheet change?

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Update Master Table

Jul 20, 2009

I'm new to Excel Macros and have hit a brick wall on what I would consider
to be my primary workhorse macro! I'm embarrassed to admit that I haven't
mastered coding for movement of data around the spreadsheet much beyond
the macro recorder. I need something tight, efficient, and (instructively commented)!

I've got a spreadsheet consisting of a Master table with 42 rows, (2 rows
per record), and 14 columns of information. To the left of that is another
table consisting of live data from the process. It has anywhere from 1 to
24 rows with 10 columns representing Current/Live/Pre-processed information,
pulled in from the company web location.

Both tables start with an indexing column of 2 character alphanumeric IDs.
They are as follows: C2, D3, D4, E3, E4, F3, F4, G3, G4, H3, H4, I2, I3,
I4, J2, J3, J4, K1, K2, K3, K4.

MASTER TABLE Index Column is B4 to B44 (2 rows per record, in A->Z order)
UPDATE TABLE Index Column is Y4 to Y24 (Could be from 1 to 21 rows (Max),
1 per record, normally in A-Z order.

What I need to do is Key on the Master index column for a particular ID,
against the UPDATE index column. When there's a match I need to take the
updated values from the UPDATE table and assign them to the appropriate
cells locations in the MASTER table.

Starting with ID "C2" in the MASTER table, check to see if "C2" exists in
the UPDATE Table Index. If there's a match the following cell value
transfers must occur. Z4 -> E4, AB4 -> J4, AC4 -> J5, AD4 -> H4,
AE4 -> K4 and AG4 -> I4. If "C2 is not found in the UPDATE Table then skip
to next ID, (D3).

If ID D3 is found, another cell value transfer must occur. Z5 -> E6,
AB5 -> J6, AC5 -> J7, AD5 -> H6, AE5 -> K6, and AG5 -> I6. If "D3 has no
updates then skip to next ID and so on. Continue checking IDs and updating
until all IDs have been checked.

I'm having difficulty crafting a macro to search 2 columns against one nother,
specify the correct ActiveCell, than offset appropriately to place the desired
value in the correct location.

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Creating A Master Table

May 3, 2006

I have 9 identicle spreadsheets, one for each user on a shared workbook.
I want to create one master table linked to the 9 spreadsheets which will automatically update including when new records are added.
With this in place I can then create a pivot table

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Update Table Based On A Master

Aug 22, 2007

I have one "master" spreadsheet I utilize per month. Each month my "master" spreadsheet is updated twice a week (so, for a four week month I update my "master" spreadsheet a total of eight times).

To update my "master" spreadsheet I compare it to an "update" spreadsheet that contains the same column headings as my "master" spreadsheet.

What I need updated:
I need to compare account numbers (column A) between the two spreadsheets, once I find a match I need to update each of the costs for the 5 products (columns B thru F) from the "update" spreadsheet to the "master" spreadsheet. I currently have a simple SUM(IF) statement that completes this for the first update.

I am lost at how I can have my "master" continually update for the next seven updates without losing each of the previous updates.Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

I am attaching two sample spreadsheets - "master" and "update".

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Combining All Data Tables Into One Master Table

Apr 10, 2014

I have 10 workbooks that each contain a table of data. Each table is consistent in format and headings.

I need to group all 10 tables into one big table. I do not want to merge or combine data just simply have all the data in one master table.

Previously I have used named ranges and arrays to copy them in but this seems cumbersome and thought there must be an easier way to do it.

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Reconciling A Master Worksheet Against Three Other Worksheets?

Jul 23, 2012

I have four worksheets and they are named: P (the master spreadsheet), and then A, G, and S (which, combined, should contain all the values on P). These spreadsheets are identically formatted. Column A in each spreadsheet has a Name, and column B has a quantity associated with that name. There are no column titles or headers.

Basically, I need to ensure A, G and S role up into P.

I'd like to create a macro that will identify instances where Column A (the Name) on the master spreadsheet has a match with Column A (the name) on any other spreadsheet. Then when there is a match, I want to reconcile Columns A (the names) and B (the quantities) on the master spreadsheet against its corresponding values on the other spreadsheets. In my ideal scenario, a new worksheet would be created showing:

Column A: Contains the values from Spreadsheet P, Column A

Column B: Contains the value from Spreadsheet P, Column B

Column C: Blank

Column D: Contains any matching value to Spreadsheet P, Column A, but otherwise states "No Match"

Column E: Lists the corresponding value to Column D, but otherwise states "No Match"

Column F: Equals Column B minus Column E, but otherwise states "No Match"

I've tried applying examples from other threads but they are so customized/specific to people's individual needs that I've been unable to make them work for my more simplistic example above.

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Combining Workbooks Into One Master By Worksheet

Jul 6, 2009

I have several workbooks (called Cons_age0, Cons_age3, Cons_age6 and Cons_age12) that I would like to combine into one workbook called Cons. Each of the previous workbooks should now be a worksheet within Cons by their name.

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Invoke 2nd Procedure In Master Worksheet

Feb 7, 2013

I have a code that looks fetches all names of the worksheets in a workbook and lists in a master sheet.


Sub Button1_Click()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim x As Integer
Dim lr As Long
x = 2
lr = Worksheets("Totaliser").Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row
Worksheets("Totaliser").Range("A2:A" & lr).Clear


This works fine collecting all of the named sheets but is there a way of me invoking a 2nd procedure to count the number of rows within each worksheet that contain line items which are updated at the beginning of each month. Placing them into the next column (B) to the right of the sheet names.

All worksheets contain a header Row (1) so the count function would if at all possible count from the 2nd Row to the end.

I have tried different lines of code but just get errors.

The code above places the first sheet into cell A2 and then down respectively

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VLOOKUP Populate Into One Master Worksheet

Jun 4, 2009

I am currently working on a project that has six worksheets with information to populate into one master worksheet.

I would like it to work as if the information is not in the first worksheet to search the second sheet and so on and so forth.

Here is the complex part, the information that I need does not always appear in the same spot…Example: Sheet 1 has Weekly Benefit under B20, Sheet 2 has Weekly Benefit under B22, and Sheet 3 has Weekly Benefit under B23.

Here is what I have, unfortunately not working very well for me…


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Copy & Paste To A Master Worksheet

Sep 10, 2007

attached is the template that im working on right now. the worksheet which is named as "1" has a command button when clicked on it would create another worksheet named as "2", now i need to collate the information in to a master sheet which i have named as "daily report". All im in need is to copy data from every worksheet and post the same in the daily report using a Macro code.

iam able to do the same using the following for one row (1.1 to 1.5) of values which repeats only once for the first worksheet and doesnt repeat next time for worksheet 2 and so on. I want to have the values for 1 to 10 in the daily report. Can someone help me?[/color]

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Preserve Format Of Table When Splitting Master Into Separate Tabs

May 27, 2014

I have a macro that enables me to split my master table into separate tabs based on the first column. However, the column widths and the header format is not retained. Is there something I can add to the macro below to keep the formatting?

Sub DispatchTimeSeriesToSheets() Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Sheets("MasterList")
Dim LastRow As Long

LastRow = Range("A" & ws.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

[Code] ......

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Generate A Master Worksheet From Individual Worksheets

Dec 8, 2009

I'm having trouble making a master worksheet that imports data from a set of worksheets that are in the same file directory.

I have about 200 or so rate sheets and I need to get them all into one master worksheet so that way I can run different data and graphs without manually typing each one into the master worksheet.

I've not really new to excel; however I am new to VBA and I'm assuming that's what I need to use??

I've now uploaded all the correct files that I'm using.

Master RCF Report.xls

I need to find a way to import the info RC1272 and others alike into the master file. In reality, I'll have about 150-200 "RC" to get moved over.

What stuff that I need to move from the individual RC files are highlighted in YELLOW in the RATESHEET tab

Here's a list of the items that I need moved over from RateSheet (from top to bottom and left to right) to the master file

Provider Name: Column B
Provider Number: Column D
OSS/IPC Resident days: Column F
Total Resident Days: Column G
Total Provider Beds: Column E
Total Allowance Days: Column H...........................

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Get Master Worksheet To Separate Data Into Various Worksheets?

Jun 17, 2014

i have a worksheet that has information filled in columns A-N and rows 3-7262 (not including title and labels)

i need a macros that will separate this data into multiple worksheets based on the word in Column A; these words could be HDA, CCR/NHT, GRU/ATU (essentially dividing this data up by area name, there will be 14 worksheets)

i would also like to be able to update this master worksheet and have it be reflected in the multiple worksheets that are divided by their areas.

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Transfer Data From Master Copy To New Worksheet

Oct 9, 2012

I have a large data ... my problem is that I want the data is segregated automatically without manual filtering. in my data there are approximately 1000 individual name data, i need information about one person automatically segregated in one worksheet



for example; in the table we can see the red colour font in column D, that is the name person, what i want is data for one person automatically transfer to another sheet..example : Annamalai data to Sheet2, Koh Che Kuan to Sheet 3, Rashidah to Sheet 4..etc

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Master Worksheet Populates Existing Worksheets

Mar 7, 2014

What I need:

-Master worksheet copy/populate child worksheets at the press of a button or automatically if possible.
-If copy pasting, it needs to overwrite the original data and not just duplicate it underneath in the child sheets.
-I tried using the code from "[URL] ......" but could not tweak it quite how I wanted.
-Any unique values without a child sheet, just ignore and leave in the master sheet or ideally add them into their own child sheet

I have multiple other macros going. Some details about my sheet:

-My table headers and filters come down to "A13:R"
-All my information starts on "A14:R" which is what I want sorted. All of my worksheets have the same heads/locations.
-The column "I" is where I want to take my info for sorting from. For example "I14" = grapes, "I15" = apple, "I16" = grapes. etc. So i would like all the apple rows to automatically go to the "apple" worksheet and the grape rows to the "Grape" worksheet.

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Merge Worksheets Into Next Empty Row Of Master Worksheet

Dec 23, 2006

I am collecting data from 6 locations for the quarter and combining the information into a corp worksheet. Each quarter I need to copy information from 6 different files and paste it into the master file worksheet. The sheet I need to copy is named Substandard. The amount of information changes from each location (ie one may have 10 rows one 50 rows) so the number of the row to paste it into the master sheet changes. I would like a macro that opens the file Location1 copies the information from the substandard sheet opens the Master file pastes the information into the Substandard sheet closes the Location1 file, and repeats the process for all 6 locations. I would end up with all infomation in the Master file substandard sheet. I know how to manually record a macro to do this but the numer of the row to paste it into varies on the Master sheet depending on the amount of information from each location.

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Looping Directory And Pasting To Master Worksheet

Apr 26, 2007

I purchased the book VBA and Macros for excel and it has gotten me pretty far in this code, but I am having difficulty with one code though. I want the Macro to run through a specified directory, and copy the contents of the specified cells (9th row to last row) from each file and paste them in the next available space on my master. Then repeat this process for each file in the file directory. So far, it is successfully going through each file, but it isn't pasting it to my master sheet.

Dim lCount As Long
Dim wbResults As Workbook
Dim wbCodeBook As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim NextRow As Long

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.EnableEvents = False

On Error Resume Next

Set wbCodeBook = ThisWorkbook
With Application.FileSearch
.LookIn = "K:ESAR GroupForecasting"
.FileType = msoFileTypeExcelWorkbooks
.Filename = "*.xls".........................

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Extracting File Names Into A Master Worksheet

May 18, 2006

As above, how do i retrieve excel file names in a specific folder and place the names into a specific column?

Say there are 2 files named UAT1.xls and UAT2.xls and i have a master file to put all this data in.

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Automatically Update Master Worksheet From Other Worksheets

Feb 12, 2007

I have a workbook with 6 worksheets inside; One of the sheets is a master list; it's simply the other 5 sheets compiled into 1 big one. I need to set it up so that any new data entered into the 5 separate department sheets is automatically entered onto the master sheet, in the first blank row.

The columns are the same across all the sheets. Hopefully this will be easier for the pros here than it's been for me, I've been banging my head against the wall on this one. I'll be checking this thread religiously, so if you need any more information just let me know...

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Paste Method When Compiling Data Into Master Worksheet

May 6, 2014

Here is my code thus far - it seems to go through the directory and copy data (single columns of 101 data-points) from the workbooks, but does not successfully paste it into the master-workbook (error message reads: 'paste method of worksheet class failed').

Sub LoopThroughDirectory()
Dim MyFile As String
Dim ecolumn
MyFile = Dir("C:Documents and SettingskbriemMy DocumentsErindi_i_vinnsluEXCELprufa1")

[Code] ....

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Merging 1 Worksheet From Multiple Workbooks Into Master Workbook?

Apr 8, 2014

I'm trying to take a single worksheet from a workbook and merge them all into one workbook. In that master workbook I'm looking to have each of the worksheets on different tabs and the tab names as the original workbook name.

So if I have Workbook1, Workbook2, Workbook3, Workbook4 in a folder. I want to open a new spreadsheet, run this macro, select the folder with the Workbooks in, and have it take the range selected from the worksheet 'other' from each of the workbooks and generate a 'master' Spreasheet where each tab would be called Workbook1, Workbook2, Workbook3, Workbook4 and the contents would be from the 'other' tab

I found some of Ron de Bruin's code online which I've tried to customise.

Currently this takes a range from the tab specified, puts it into an array and then pastes it all into different columns on one worksheet. change this so that it creates a new worksheet for each original workbook, and names it after that workbook.

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