Combining All Data Tables Into One Master Table

Apr 10, 2014

I have 10 workbooks that each contain a table of data. Each table is consistent in format and headings.

I need to group all 10 tables into one big table. I do not want to merge or combine data just simply have all the data in one master table.

Previously I have used named ranges and arrays to copy them in but this seems cumbersome and thought there must be an easier way to do it.

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Combining Data Onto A Master Spreadsheet

Jan 15, 2009

i just want a macro to run over 4 sheets and combine onto one. I found this code -

Sub masterer()

if sheets(1).name "Master" Then
Sheets.Add before:=Sheets(1)
ActiveSheet.Name = "Master"
end if
For i = 2 To Worksheets.Count
Cells(1, (i - 2) * 7 + 1).Select

End Sub
This places all data in a line in row 1. Can the code be easily changed so
it puts each line from each worksheet onto a new row. So i have one big list of data ranging from columns A:G

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Combining Data From Two Workbooks Using A Table

Feb 13, 2009

I'm not sure if what I am trying to accomplish is best done using the LOOKUP function. It occurred to me that a table might be the best way to go but I'm not sure exactly how to go about it. The LOOKUP function I am using contains way too many variables and thus has not yet been correct in displaying the proper info.

What I would like to do is create a workbook with a table, say column "A" is the Style/Model product, column "B" would be the pricing information, and column "C" would be the Product Identifier......

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Combining Workbooks Into One Master By Worksheet

Jul 6, 2009

I have several workbooks (called Cons_age0, Cons_age3, Cons_age6 and Cons_age12) that I would like to combine into one workbook called Cons. Each of the previous workbooks should now be a worksheet within Cons by their name.

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Combining Worksheets Into One Master Sheet

Jul 24, 2009

I've been looking through code online, but i'm still not understanding how I can combine data from multiple worksheets into one master worksheet.

I have 16 worksheets, with identical column formatting (6 columns), but with different amounts of rows.

The master sheet is called Master Holdings. The first worksheet's data should be placed stating on row 2, and the second sheet's data should follow right after sheet 1's data, etc...

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Combining Sheets From Multiple Workbooks Into Master

Sep 17, 2009

I have several workbooks that supervisors in a call center use to grade calls for quality.

Each supervisor has a seperate workbook, and after scoring the call, the supervisor runs a vb script that copies all of the data from the worksheet "observation" onto "sheet1" for storing the data.

So now I want to use another workbook to:

1. Copy each sheet1 from all of the supervisor workbooks onto a sheet named "cumulative" in a different workbook.

In a perfect world it would also:
2. Keep a count of how many observations were done by each supervisor each day
3. Keep a count of how many have been done week to date
4. Keep a count how many have been done total since January 1, 2009

Each workbook is kept on a network drive at s:supervisorsqadata and named - for example QAformMelissa.xls

I'm okay with keeping the master sheet in the same directory if that makes it easier to accomplish this.

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Tables Feeding Data Into Further Table

Jan 10, 2013

I need to put together a number of worksheets, each worksheet is to record project information that's happening at our production sites and all the tables are uniform in design. There also needs to be one 'master sheet' in which all the information added on the lower sheets is automatically added.

So basically I need to have four tables on separate sheets that feed information in to one table on a further sheet.

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Creating Table From Data From Several Other Tables

Jan 10, 2014

My family owns a Fast Casual Middle Eastern/ Mediterranean Restaurant. I'm taking charge of making it as profitable as can be! Our plates are different combinations of kebabs, rice, Falafels, Gyros, salad, platters. So theirs tons of combinations.

I am Dead serious about knowing REAL plate costs:

I spent days entering price data, weighing meat, produce, calculating usable yields. I then built "component builders" using data validation drop-downs, and Index + Match functions to construct the costs of the recipe items,standard base items and side items. So I now know How much a skewer of Marinated Kebab Costs me, and all the Components that go into building a plate.

I've now built a "Plate Builder" (See Pic) to create the EVERY combination available at our restaurant. So when I'm done filling in all the builders, I'll have a whole lot of tables. I'd like to pull the name and plate cost from each table and create a big table organized by whether its eat in or take out. How do I do it.

TL;DR: Need to create a table that pulls data from several other tables....

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Powerpivot - Combining Multiple Tables And Calculating Across Them

Sep 7, 2013

I'm trying to figure out whether or not something is possible in power pivot. I'd like to load two tables into powerpivot and then set up formulas that create calculated values across the two tables.

Here's a simplified description of what the tables look like. [URL] .........

The pivot table should join the two tables on Month and Category and allow me to create calculated values across the cost category, like this. Note it's filtered to a single cost category right now: [URL] .......

In this view it's filtered to all cost categories but i'd be looking to still maintains the right count of members (i.e. it doesn't inflate the numbers from duplicate records as you might get if you were to join the two tables in a sql database): [URL] ....

The actual tables I would use are quite a bit larger (too large for excel without pp), and have quite a few more of each type of category.

Would something like this be possible to do in powerpivot without having to do some data prep work in another app to join the two tables together?

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Excel 2007 :: Sub-Tables From Master List?

Feb 27, 2014

I am trying to create a dynamic sub-table on another sheet from a master list in excel 2007. Where the master list size can change and have this reflected in the sub-table. I cannot use pivot tables.

Master List (Locations):

Sub List (should look like this):
London #count
Drummond #count
Kentville #count

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Multiple Pivot Tables - Single Table Of Source Data

Mar 9, 2014

I am trying to generate several pivot tables from one data source table. I have successfully created my first pivot table (A date field, and a water storage facility level reading) and subsequently a graph from this. I have worked out that I need to group my dates as I am supplied a daily reading, but only need monthly average. All worked great.

Now i need to create more pivot tables and graphs. The next one I want is to create one grouped by years. But when I create this new pivot table and change the grouping of the date field to yearly, it also changes the grouping on my first pivot table, which is undoing my work.How to tell excel that these pivots are independent, and I don't want them changing in unison? See screen grab of my source data and where I am up to...

Microsoft Excel - 401027_0100.00_0221.00.csv_2014-03-10_11-41-35.jpg

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Dynamic Sub Tables Based On Master Sheet Array Formula And Drilling Through?

Feb 11, 2014

I have 7 sheets including the table as you can see on the attached. Now, each sheet is allocated to individual items e.g. item 10, item 20 and so on. I can't figure out how to return all the Item 10, 20, 30 ... to the corresponding sheet. It says Item 40 to all sheets.

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Pivot Table Combining Several Tabs

Aug 22, 2007

Good Afternoon. I am attempting to create a pivot table using 4 columns from 5 different tabs. I have created pivot tables before using one tab and they are pretty easy. However, I have been working on this for over an hour and I am getting nowhere. Can someone tell me how to put all five tabs into one pivot table? The columns are all in the same order on each tab. They are as follows: System, Management Area, Schedule Date, WO Type. I want the pivot table to have System and Management area on the left side, date on the top row and counting the number of WO Types.

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Update Master Table

Jul 20, 2009

I'm new to Excel Macros and have hit a brick wall on what I would consider
to be my primary workhorse macro! I'm embarrassed to admit that I haven't
mastered coding for movement of data around the spreadsheet much beyond
the macro recorder. I need something tight, efficient, and (instructively commented)!

I've got a spreadsheet consisting of a Master table with 42 rows, (2 rows
per record), and 14 columns of information. To the left of that is another
table consisting of live data from the process. It has anywhere from 1 to
24 rows with 10 columns representing Current/Live/Pre-processed information,
pulled in from the company web location.

Both tables start with an indexing column of 2 character alphanumeric IDs.
They are as follows: C2, D3, D4, E3, E4, F3, F4, G3, G4, H3, H4, I2, I3,
I4, J2, J3, J4, K1, K2, K3, K4.

MASTER TABLE Index Column is B4 to B44 (2 rows per record, in A->Z order)
UPDATE TABLE Index Column is Y4 to Y24 (Could be from 1 to 21 rows (Max),
1 per record, normally in A-Z order.

What I need to do is Key on the Master index column for a particular ID,
against the UPDATE index column. When there's a match I need to take the
updated values from the UPDATE table and assign them to the appropriate
cells locations in the MASTER table.

Starting with ID "C2" in the MASTER table, check to see if "C2" exists in
the UPDATE Table Index. If there's a match the following cell value
transfers must occur. Z4 -> E4, AB4 -> J4, AC4 -> J5, AD4 -> H4,
AE4 -> K4 and AG4 -> I4. If "C2 is not found in the UPDATE Table then skip
to next ID, (D3).

If ID D3 is found, another cell value transfer must occur. Z5 -> E6,
AB5 -> J6, AC5 -> J7, AD5 -> H6, AE5 -> K6, and AG5 -> I6. If "D3 has no
updates then skip to next ID and so on. Continue checking IDs and updating
until all IDs have been checked.

I'm having difficulty crafting a macro to search 2 columns against one nother,
specify the correct ActiveCell, than offset appropriately to place the desired
value in the correct location.

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Creating A Master Table

May 3, 2006

I have 9 identicle spreadsheets, one for each user on a shared workbook.
I want to create one master table linked to the 9 spreadsheets which will automatically update including when new records are added.
With this in place I can then create a pivot table

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Update Table Based On A Master

Aug 22, 2007

I have one "master" spreadsheet I utilize per month. Each month my "master" spreadsheet is updated twice a week (so, for a four week month I update my "master" spreadsheet a total of eight times).

To update my "master" spreadsheet I compare it to an "update" spreadsheet that contains the same column headings as my "master" spreadsheet.

What I need updated:
I need to compare account numbers (column A) between the two spreadsheets, once I find a match I need to update each of the costs for the 5 products (columns B thru F) from the "update" spreadsheet to the "master" spreadsheet. I currently have a simple SUM(IF) statement that completes this for the first update.

I am lost at how I can have my "master" continually update for the next seven updates without losing each of the previous updates.Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

I am attaching two sample spreadsheets - "master" and "update".

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Separating Categories Located In One Column Then Combining It In A New Table

Mar 20, 2009

im currently working on a project that needs to consolidate the data per given date. but the thing is, all of them are located into one column. i was able to separate each category into separate columns but now, i cannot align the data on a per date basis.

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Splitting A Table Into Two Tables?

Oct 28, 2013

I have a table of two columns, but I want them to be two separate but adjacent tables.

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Formatting Budget From Master Worksheet Using Table

Mar 19, 2013

I have a Master Worksheet that I am using to populate other worksheets using the Table function. I would like to keep the format the same as the Master worksheet even if lines get added or deleted. I have seen that others group the sheets together when making the changes but I can not really us that options. I will be giving the Budget to someone else to fill out and they will not know how to do that.

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Append Multiple Tables Into One Table

Nov 27, 2012

I have a workbook that contains mutiple tables in multiple sheets that are all in the same columns in each sheet but contain various rows. Data may not be entered in every single row within each table. I'm trying to create a master list of all data from all of these tables on a single sheet so I can analyze the information in total. I don't want to show any blank rows on the master file where data is not entered in each table. I've tried using the consolidate function within Excel but am not looking to perform a function (i.e Sum, count). I've also tried a pivot table from multiple consolidation ranges (Alt + D + P) but do not like the limited functionality of the pivot table. I do not have much experience with VBA but am assuming this may need to be done using code.

Attached is a sample workbook with named ranges of each table. Example.xlsx

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Combine Tables From Different Worksheets In One Table

Jul 18, 2012

I have an excel workbook with 11 different worksheets. Each worksheet represents a project my company is working on. And in each worksheet there is exactly the same table, just with different data).

Now we would like to get an overview of all these different data put together in one 'summarizing' table on a new worksheet (number 12).

-Is it possible make such a table without having to copy past all the time?
-The data in the tables may change over time, so it would be good if that 'summarizing' table automatically adapts to the other ones.

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Create Summary Table From 2 Tables

Apr 15, 2008

I have 2 worksheets which have a table on each. I would like to create a list using data from both tables. The list I am looking to create is for an upload fom an excel planning sheet into an ERP system and requires certain data fields and a certain format. Both table have the same amount of fields and the dates across the top. On worksheet one there are material numbers on the left and dates across the top. In the list I require I would need the dates down the left in the first column, next the material number, next the quantity from table one and then the last column I would require the value from the second worksheet which is relevant to the material number and date from the first table. I have tried pivot tables but cannot get this to work and feel it may work with a lookup. I have attached an example of the data.

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How To Merge Multiple Tables Into One Large Table

Dec 6, 2012

I'm having an issue where I want to merge lots of tables held in different spreadsheets into one large table so that I can use it in a pivot table. The attached spreadsheet demonstrates what I mean:

So there are 3 different accounts held in the first 3 tabs. These all have the same columns and format. I want to merge these automatically into the table that is in tab 4 so that I can use the pivot table also demonstrated in this tab.

What I want to happen is when I add rows to the tables in the first 3 tabs, these are automatically populated onto the 'overall' table in the 4th tab. (I'm aware I could do this manually, but for what I'm using this for these will be dozens of tables with hundreds of rows updated monthly).

Is this possible? Basically it doesn't matter how it's done, as long as i can show the information held in the pivot table each month end.

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Extracting Out Of Multiple Tables Onto One Summary Table

Jun 3, 2014

I would like to summarize information from multiple tables (across multiple worksheets) into one table using a formula.

I have Attached an example: Book6.xlsx‎

The 'option plan 1' tab shows multiple summary tables for different types of clothing. (the type of clothing is text in the top left hand side of each table just under the month i.e. "jersey tops"). This tab is an example of 6 similar tabs that come from 6 different workbooks...

For each clothing type (i.e., Jersey Tops) I would like to extract the TTL OPTIONS no. and the TTL UNITS no. for each store and show these on the table in the "front Sheet". against the clothing type.

Is there a formula that can match the Clothing type from column A in Option plan 1 tab with Column C in the the front sheet tab and subsequently Match up the TTl Units and Options for each store on the front sheet tab.

I have manually keyed in what I would like the formula to show for 'jersey tops' on the Front sheet tab.

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Identifying Small Tables In One Large Table

Mar 23, 2009

I have a data dump, on this single excel sheet their are a large number of tables, up to 100 in all, and what i need to do is extract key figures to form a summary table which i then produce stats for.

What i need is a macro or code that will automatically scan the tables, retrieve the key figures and return them in my summary table.

Attached is an example, you will see three small tables labelled Servicing query complex, servicing query simple and total.

I need to extract the blue cell, being the name of the table, the purple cell being the last figure in column c in each table (total number or processes) and the green figure being the the average turnaround. The final figure is i think the hardest to get as its the total number of figures in column c that have either a 0 or a 1 in Colum A. Note that their will be table where neither 0 or 1 will appear.

All figures are dummy figures but the table structure is correct.

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Updating Excel Table Values Into SAP Tables

Jul 23, 2012

I want to write a interface program using VB Macro, for updating the Excel Table values into SAP Tables. Is there any macro that can do this work?

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Preserve Format Of Table When Splitting Master Into Separate Tabs

May 27, 2014

I have a macro that enables me to split my master table into separate tabs based on the first column. However, the column widths and the header format is not retained. Is there something I can add to the macro below to keep the formatting?

Sub DispatchTimeSeriesToSheets() Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Sheets("MasterList")
Dim LastRow As Long

LastRow = Range("A" & ws.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

[Code] ......

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Excel 2013 :: Pull A PowerPivot Table Off Of The Tables?

Mar 22, 2014

I threw together some sample data, just to test things out. It's very basic, one table of "Customers" and another table with the 50 US State's and their corresponding abbreviations. In the "Customers" table, there is a column of state abbreviations, and in the "States" table there is a column of state abbreviations as well. I have a relationship set up between these two in PowerPivot.

Each "Customer" in the "Customers" table has a unique "User ID". In some states, there are multiple "Customers" (User ID's).

When I try to pull a PowerPivot Table off of these tables, it's showing me all the states as being associated with every user ID. It looks correct if I just pull in the "States" column and the "User ID" column from the "Customers" table...


But as soon as I drag in the "Full State Name" column from the "States" table, it screws up the PowerPivot Table and shows all the state names being related to the state abbreviations, and all the User ID's as being related to all the states. (This isn't the full image of the table, only part of it, since the full image would be too large).


I'm used to doing everything with VLOOKUP's, and seldom used PivotTables at all in the past. But it was my understanding that these new PowerPivots would eliminate much of the need for VLOOKUP's.

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Converting Two Tables In Different Sheets Into (Pivot?) Table In Another Sheet

May 27, 2014

I have a portfolio of 23 funds and I need to calculate IRR for each one every month.

The problem is that I have dispersed information for each fund.

For instance in sheet CashCallsBD I have a table with the funds cash calls. This table has a first column with the Fund Name then other column with the cash call date, another column with the cash call value. This table may have other columns. One fund may have several cash calls.

In sheet DividendosBD there is a table with some columns that refer to cash distribution movements. The main columns relevant for this case are Fund Name, Date and finally Cash Distribution (signed in red in the attached document)

And then my problem: In order to calculate IRR for each fund I need to create a table (for each fund) that merges and sorts the information of CashCallsBD, Dividendos BD and present market value for each fund and then apply the XIRR function. For each fund this sorted table would have at least 2 columns (date and values).

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Table Manipulation Based On Header And Details Tables?

May 19, 2014

I have a table which is extracted from a database using 2 tables.

1 Header and 1 details table.

I want to display the latest date in column E.

As Column A,B,C is the header table and column D,E is the details table.

Can this be done in vba or a pivot?

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