Formula That Links Cells In Tables Together With Cells Not In Table And Give Sum
Apr 18, 2014
What I'm trying to do is link a cell to give me the sum of 2 different cells located in 2 different tables I created.
So I want to have Cell B5 look for the number in cell B3 in the Table that starts in column Q1 and give me the corresponding number in the same row in the column R1
then lookup the number in cell B1 in the Table that starts in column T1 and match it with the number in Column U1 that corresponds to it in the same row
and Finally give me the sum of both corresponding numbers.
IE.. the number in B3 is found in Q13 which uses the number it corresponds to in R13. The takes B1 finds it in T16 and uses the number it corresponds to in U16.
Then returns the sum of R13 and X16 into B5. (B5 should show 176)
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Jan 21, 2010
I know that I an probably asking for too much but I must get the formula some way. OK, I need a formula for this:
lets say I have 3 columns (A,B,C (search criteria). In each Column there is a DIFFERENT number. There is 3 more columns (D,E,F (used to compare).Each column has 3 Different numbers. If 3 numbers match between the two sets of 3 numbers I want Column G to display "CCC". IF 2 numbers match I want G to display "CCH". If 1 number is a match I want G to display "HHC". If none of the numbers match I want G to display "HHH".
I can manually do these but it will take waaaay toooooooooo much time to do. If you can do this for me it would be a great help indeed because I'm trying to do other states. With this formula I can use Automate to do a large quantity of numbers.
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Oct 20, 2006
I have cells (range named Formulas) in a worksheet A (wsA) linking to another workbook. This workbook has several sheets, each a different forecast. From a Radio Button Group on wsA I would like to choose forecast, FC1-FC3, and then all the cells in the range Formulas would be updated with the choosen FC.
I would like a VBA script to handle this:When the workbook is activated the present Forecast in the Radio Button Group should be stored as a variable (oldFC)When I choose a new forecast, the value should be stored in a new variable (newFC)I then want to loop through the whole range (Formulas) and update each cell and it's part of string value to the newFC
Before update:
wsA cell N3='H:[5500-plan-06.xls]FC 3'!N$16
wsA cell N4='H:[5500-plan-06.xls]FC 3'!N$17
When new Forecast is choosen this should be update to:
wsA cell N3='H:[5500-plan-06.xls]FC 1'!N$16
wsA cell N4='H:[5500-plan-06.xls]FC 1'!N$17
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Feb 22, 2008
I have a sheet called "Sheet1" in workbook "File1". In this sheet, I have a lot of formulas and some of them involves linking to external files located in E: Finance folder. Is there a way to automatically highlight those cells containing a formula that references to external files?
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Mar 28, 2014
I want to count a range of cells and if the value of those cells is 5 and over, i want it to give a 1 and if its under 5, i want it to give a 0. I've attached a file of what i'm after, row 13 is where the formula would go, i have just put in the values.
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Oct 29, 2012
long time reader, 1st time poster:I have a spreadsheet which uses =F to give set responses i.e.
Cell H35= =IF((G7-G35)=0,"No Issue",IF((G7-G35)>=1,"System/Paperwork do not Match",IF((G7-G35)
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Aug 30, 2013
I'm having a problem with data tables. Actually, not with data tables, but links to data tables. Calculation is set to be automatic and values within data tables update alright, but links to those values do no update. So you may have a certain value in one cell within a data table, for example cell B5, and a different value in another cell which is just a link to cell B5.
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Feb 4, 2012
columns consist of 1,2
I selected only 1 value of cells
I want to add comments to all the 1 value cells by selecting all 1 by shift + ctl +down
I can put same comments to all the cells?
If you want to have the same comment applied on many cells you could apply it to a single cell, then use the copy and paste special tool bar commands (under Edit) In Paste Special select "Comments" but value is going of that cell.
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Feb 14, 2014
see the attached 'Example' excel sheet.
I'm not the best at explaining, but I think that the excel sheet is pretty straight forward.
In Sheet2, cells C3 and D3 are manually entered by the user. I am looking for a formula for B3 that will take the information entered into C3 and D3, find the row in Sheet1 in which column C=Sheet2!C3 and column D=Sheet2!D3, and give the unique corresponding result from Sheet 1 for that row in column B .
So, for example,
if C3=A and D3=102, then the result would be 444
if C3=A and D3=104, then the result would be 111
if C3=B and D3=102, then the result would be 111
The combination of C3 and D3 is always unique and will never have more than one possible result in column B of Sheet1.
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Aug 11, 2008
I am trying to give a cell a unique ID based on the contents of 2 other cells.
Basically in cell A1 a value is entered between 1 and 13 and in cell A2 another value is entered between 1 and 4 to find the unique ID that matches these I need to look in DF4:FE4 to find the number that matches A1 ( there will be 4 matches) then look in thoses 4 matches in DF5:FE5 to find the match to A2 ( there will only be 1 match ) then return the id from the relvant cell in DF3:FE3.
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Oct 23, 2013
I have a range of cells that totals different data that we use for reporting. I set up a couple of pivot tables and charts so people could break down work to what they need,
The problem I'm having is that the cells are updating but the pivot table still shows the data from last week when I set it up. I need it to update so how can I do it?
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Jul 27, 2006
How can I detect on an excel workbook which cell have links(formula =) to
other workbooks without have to put my cursor on top of each linked cell.
I have had a hard time finding this cells. I can see the links by choosing Edit
then links, and excel will display list of links, but it does not specify
which cells contain those links
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Nov 5, 2008
I am trying to use Excel to document fiber optic cables that run between different locations. Each cable has 2 ends, but whatever service is connected to one end, will also be a the other. I would like to use an Excel worksheet to represent a termination point (a "light shelf" comprised of several fiber optic cables each made up of several strands of fiber (kind of a table with the 1st 4 columns of 6 rows being cable A, and the next 8 cable B)). I would like to be able to type in the value for cable A Strand 1 and have it linked to another worksheet representing a different location (the other end) and vice versa. I have tried to paste a link, but that seems to get broken. Is there a better way to make permanent links (Excel is bawking about a circular reference, which it is as each end needs to be linked back to the other.
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Jan 31, 2013
In spreadsheet 1 I have a bunch of data, no formulas or anything, but data I need. I created spreadsheet 2 to take parts of S1 and have set links to cells in S1 so that when the data there is changed S2 gets updated automatically for me.
My problem is that when I add or delete rows or columns to S1 it's messing up my links in S2, not showing the right data. Issue with my linking that will tie the cells together when rows or columns are added or deleted.
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Jul 4, 2014
When i save the worksheet cells are loosing links to other cells. what is even more surprising it happens only for 6 cells in 6 sheets.
scheme of links
Basic data
On the sheets P1-P6, each cell A1 has a link to Basic data.
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Jul 19, 2009
I have a list of links in 1 excel worksheet. They are spaced every other row if it makes a difference. I need to create a macro that clicks on every link automatically. Each link is a direct file that I need downloaded every few months. I have no Macro experience beyond hitting record to automate basic tasks.
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Oct 25, 2011
I would like to refresh all external links to other xl files (on a network drive) and break all links
I have a code like this:
For Each l In ActiveWorkbook.LinkSources
Workbooks.Open Filename:=l, updatelinks:=1, ReadOnly:=True
ActiveWorkbook.Close False
Next l
For Each l In ActiveWorkbook.LinkSources
ActiveWorkbook.BreakLink l, xlLinkTypeExcelLinks
Next l
It seems to be working, but if i go step by step (f8) it updates values but sometimes after closing the source workbook and updating next one, the previously updated values disappear...
I cannot open all files because there are many of them and they are like 40mb each.
There are no defined names in the file, except print_area
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Feb 27, 2008
I have the following code in Sheet1 for file Book7.xls
Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
On Error Resume Next
For Each rcell In Range("A1:D6")
Select Case rcell.Value
Case Is >= 5
rcell.Interior.Color = vbBlue
Case Is < 5
rcell.Interior.Color = vbRed
End Select
Next rcell
End Sub
Range A1:D6 is linked to an external source file which I am changing every now and then.
A1 has the formula:
Copied all the way to D6.
[Book8.xls]Sheet1!A1:D6 presently has all values 1 hence the formatting in Book7 is all red.
Now I an changing source file to Book9.xls (thru EDIT menu->LINKS). [Book9.xls]Sheet1!A1:D6 has all values 10. But when I change external source to Book9.xls, the right formatting did not apply. All are still red (instead of blue). I still need to go in one of the cell and press F2 and F9 to trigger calculation.
How do I change the code in order to recognise the calculation in order to trigger the codes in the event?
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Oct 28, 2013
I have a long chain of formulas calculating the return on a particular investment in equipment. We'll call the inputs A, B, and C, and the output (total savings generated) Z. There are several set combinations of values for A, B, and C that I'm interested in generating a summary report for.
There are a number of steps in-between the inputs that I'm interested in, all of which are necessary to get to the output, but is there a good way to have excel chart inputs and outputs without filling out the intervening data?
I suppose the whole thing is essentially a multi-variable, multi-step data table.
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Sep 1, 2009
I am looking for a formula that I can use in the lower table to fill in the missing County cells, based on the values in the Town/Zip columns on the top table (I apoligize for the crudeness):
This would consist of hundreds of Zips and Towns and this is just an abbreviated mock up.
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Feb 2, 2010
i've attached a pivot table where some cells are empty (see GCP tab). i want the empty cells to appear empty, and not as they currently appear, with the word "blank" in parentheses. i am aware that if i enter 2 spaces in any cell and press return, all empty cells in that column will also appear empty. is there any other way to have empty cells in a pivot table appear empty?
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Sep 23, 2008
I am trying to use visual basic editor in excel. I have all ready set up my user form where information can be entered, but I ave having trouble getting the information that is entered in the user form into the correct cells in excel.
I am wanting my information to enter the tables and then automatically move into the next available cells below.
Private Sub cmdadd_Click()
Dim iRow As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets("details of cars in stock")
iRow = ws.Cells(Rows.Count, 1) _
.End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Row
If Trim(Me.txtreg.Value) = "" Then
MsgBox "please enter a registraion number"
Exit Sub
End If
ws.Cells(iRow, 1).Value = Me.txtreg.Value
Me.txtreg.Value = ""
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Oct 7, 2006
Sheet 2 is the problem.
I need to match cells e3:h3 whenver the dates change in in cells c5:c9 and then put there result of cells b5:b9 into the corresponding cells of e5:h9.
Basically what I'm saying is that I want to keep a track of all previous pay amounts from each pay period. So when the next period changes the date it also copies the new pay amount to the corresponding date of the previous pay section.
I have included a sample.
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Mar 29, 2014
Have you ever copy a row with formula in locked cells & insert it in a protected worksheet?
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Jun 27, 2008
formula using if's and vlookup's to populate a calendar with x's for day a person is gone. however the last couple of people that are gone are not being marked on the calendar even though i use the exact same formula (except for cell numbers and such) for previous, working entries. Here is my formula
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Jun 25, 2009
Hi, I desperately need help with a pivot-table and can't find anyone else who's ever had this problem...I have a very large healthcare data table which for simplicity I will describe as follows. In essence the first two columns respectively are (A) location and (B) month. Let's say the third column (C) is the number of cases of the disease kidpox treated in each health centre during that month. The fourth column (D) is the total number of cases of everything treated during that month in each clinic. The fifth column (E) is the proportion of cases of this disease over all consultations for each health centre and month, and the formula in E2 is .....
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Dec 22, 2011
I try this method but data entry not allowed
Here is a scenario to protect
formula cells but allow access to data cells:
. Select all cells in the worksheet by clicking on the top left corner of the sheet.
. On the Format menu Click Cells.
. Click on the Protection tab.
. Uncheck the Locked and
Hidden check boxes, then click OK.
These four steps will make all cells in the worksheet unprotected and can therefor be modified. Next step is to
protect the formula cells, and here is how we do it:
. Select all cells that have formulas.
. On the Format menu Click Cells.
. Click on the Protection tab.
. Check the Locked and Hidden check boxes, then click OK.
. On the Tools menu click
Protection and select Protect sheet
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Sep 27, 2006
I am trying to write a macro which highlights all the cells with any reference to other cell. The macro should highlight a cell with formula like = 3 * A25 but not highlight a cell with following formula. = 3 * 0.4535566. 'Hasformula' property is not useful here as it can't distinguish between above examples.
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Apr 14, 2009
I would like to have a macro to automatically generate a statistics table (on the "statistics" tab) with the 5 following fields:
Fragment names / # samples / # of failed samples / % of success / # of variations in the fragment (SNP). At the bottom of this table, I would like to have a cell with the average % of success for all fragments. The data to generate these statistics are on the "gene name" tab (please note that this name will change every time I will work on a new gene). To make things easier, I think the macro should be run from this tab.
1. The Fragment names are displayed in row #5. I use one column per variation per fragment. If one fragment has 3 variations, there will be three columns and I will merge together the fragment name cells. The fact that some cells are merged can be a problem when copy-paste to the stats table (as I would like to get rid of the merging).
2. # of samples corresponds to the number of cells in blue in column A. The number of samples can change from one report to another but is always constant in the same report.
3. # of failed sequences. In the table, I type "Failed Sequence" (if the analysis has failed) and "Missing Sequence" (if the analysis has not been done). When a sample is failed or missing, it is for the who fragment, no matter how many variation there is in the fragment, so I usually merge the cells of all variations for this failed sample.
4. % of success: this is quite easy #sample/#of failed+missing sequence for this fragment
5. # of variation is equal to the number of variations for this fragment (can be 0, 1, 2, etc.). When there is no variation in a fragment, I put '-- in all cells of the corresponding fragment on the "gene name" tab. Fragment 3 on my file is an example of 0 variation.
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May 6, 2009
I am new to Excel macros and programming, and am running into a problem that I can't figure out how to solve. I have read through the forum and tried various examples, but I am still not getting the result I am looking for.
I have a spreadsheet that has a variable number of cells in-between blank rows (the data can be 1 to 6 rows). I need to sum up the rows of two columns and see if they equal 0 or if there is a difference. If there is a difference, I want to make the cell red. The exact problem I am having is I can't make it check the # of rows and run the formula based on that number of rows. I am attaching an example of my raw data followed by an example of what I am looking for as the end result.
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