Match One List To Another Omitting 0s
Apr 20, 2009
I want to tidy up a list - and exclude the 0's and go to the next integer in the series - without gaps. (Using this tidied list - I will then create lookups).
Source Data
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Sep 9, 2013
I saw a post with a formula of =LOOKUP(9.99999999999999E+307,SEARCH(" "&KeyWords&" "," "&$A1&" "),KeyWords) which I thought might work, but it returns an error.
I'm trying to search on A1 and return the correct name from a named range called KeyWords.
Chicago IAP
[Code] ......
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Oct 26, 2009
Formula does not take into account blank cells, and when I attempt to turn it into a percentage, it becomes greater than 100% if there is a blank cell.
Formula is as follows:
=SUMPRODUCT(('All Data sheet '!D$13:IV$13>=Print!$E$3)*('All Data sheet '!D$13:IV$13<=Print!$E$4)*('All Data sheet '!D14:IV14='All Data sheet '!$D$3))/SUMPRODUCT(('All Data sheet '!D$13:IV$13>=Print!$E$3)*('All Data sheet '!D$13:IV$13<=Print!$E$4))
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Apr 30, 2009
Trying to do the following. Look at a range of cells in a row, say A1- H1. Sum the last three cells that have a number in them versus being blank. So, let's say the last numbers in row 1 are in cells B1, F1 and H1, but in row 2 they may be in cells E2, F2 and G2.
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Apr 22, 2014
If I have a range of data say all numeric and range form cells A1:A20. How would I find the minimum value except A4 where A4>0?
I know I can use the 'MIN' function and highlight all the data bar A4 (min(A1:A3,A5:A20) but i was hoping for an actual way so I could later fix the column such that first A1 is the first to be omitted A2 is the second and so on.
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Mar 14, 2008
I'm currently building a excel workbook with charts that are feeding from Countif formulas, from a incident reporting sheet, now some of these items have "0" values and as a result are piling up making the charts look unsightly.
I know if I hide the rows with that data in them, it won't show up on the chart, the only problem is that this workbook will be going to about 8 countries, so I want this to be automated, is there any way for those 0 values to be excluded.
I have no experience with VBA, and only a little with macros
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Aug 13, 2008
I am trying to copy data from one worksheet to another.The problem is that it doesnt copy zeros across eg. for value 00125, it will copy only 125.
Can anybody tell me how to pick zeros as well.
Also at the moment i have added code to match just one column. How can i attach another criteria to match for 2 column value?
Set xlRng = xlSheet.Range("A13:A44")
Set rngFound = xlRng.Cells.Find(what:=ActiveSheet.Cells(rwNumber, 1).Value, LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole)
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Apr 28, 2006
I have columns like L2, M2, N2, P2, Q2, R2. For each row in this sheet, I want to get the average of L2:P2 and place them into R2. while omitting Q2. How do i put this in my code?
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Jul 28, 2007
I'm trying to merge two cells, But i want the second cell to be merged without the last 6 characters, im joining a file, wich is easy to understand. =(A2 & " " & A3) I want A3 without the last 6 digits, I know i have to use the RIGHT function but how so??
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Feb 12, 2008
I have run into a problem with the array formula. After inserting formula with the CTRL+SHFT+Enter it is giving me the same sum to the 3 cells that I had array formulas in but trying to capture different data from what was in the capturing column. Example:
If row F consists of text types: Move-in, Mid Year, and Year End as potential options,and row G is the score for that text type(cells will consist percentages), give me the average of all the cells in row G that are specific to Move-In only, but don't include the blanks in the average.
My existing formula isn't designated to exclude the blanks. how to exclude blanks and how to get it to stop giving me the same result in the three separate cells. My current formula is as such: {=AVERAGE(IF(F2:F73=E76, H2:H73))}
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Feb 21, 2008
Here is a question about the chart in excel. I have a sort of data where only part of the data is in numbers, and when drawing the chart, the whole range of data were selected. Then on the chart, there is a line drop to the x- array, anyone knows how to get rid of it? It is a line chart. Here's an example if i did not clearly describe the problem
Here's data
and between 7 and 8 on x, the line will drop from 343.82 to 0, and i don't want this part, i want the chart to show to 7 and leave the 8 to 12 blank..
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Jun 26, 2014
I have the following formula:
But if both cells are empty I get : EXP: VP DATE
If only one is empty, i get EXP: 08/26/19 VP DATE or EXP: VP DATE 06/27/14
But I do not want EXP: or VP Date text to show if the content of the AK# or AL# is empty. I figured I will place something like If(ak#="","",
But it give me a "Too many arguments" error.
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May 4, 2008
how do I perform calculations on the last x non-blank instances in a data range?
for example, let's say I have a spreadsheet of 5 baseball players' batting averages (rows are team game number played, columns are at bats and hits for each player). I want to see how each player has performed in their last 10 games played, but some players have not played in every game. If I just use the sum function for the last 10 cells, I won't get the correct information for any player that has missed one or more of the last 10 games.
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Apr 5, 2014
I have a daily report that gives a percentage based on what is typed into the "Supplier" and "Total Sales" columns but I'm having trouble writing the following formulas since my excel knowledge is relatively low.
1. Where a cell in the "Supplier" column says anything but "Den", "Burrowed" or "Studio Nyx" I need the "60%" and "40%" columns filled with the relevant formula (=B11*60% for example) and the "100%" column blank.
2. Additionally, if the cell contains "Den", "Burrowed" or "Studio Nyx" I need the "100%" column filled and the "60%" and "40%" blank.
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Nov 1, 2013
I would like a formula to find any value from one list to match another list and return a yes or no if there is a match
My example follows In column A 4 matches 4 in column B so I would like it to return Yes in Cell A1
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Microsoft Excel - Book2___Running: 11.0 : OS = (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata
(W)indow (H)elp (A)boutB6=ABCD1Yes 2 315 426 534 648
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Jul 2, 2014
I have a spreadsheet which has the following data;
Names Age Salary
Fred 23 $19,000
Joe 35 $26,000
Alan 45 $7,000
Richard 32 $25,000
James 19 $16,000
Ian 23 $28,000
Michelle 30 $45,000
I'm trying to list the names only where their age is "xx" or if I choose a certain salary, obviously there are hundreds of names, age's and salary information. How can I carry this out in excel ?
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Apr 18, 2013
I have data in B4:B55 and need a formula to return a count of rows, including rows that are blank. However, there are hidden rows that need to be omitted from the count.
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Nov 20, 2008
I am having is that I know that other people will be adding more and more suppliers/brands and types as time goes on.
This presents two problems:
1) I am not in a position to keep making new rules every time a new entry is added to each of these categories.
2) I am trying to add functionality that will allow me to sort them alphabetically - so that the drop down lists continue to make sense. However if this were to happen then the calculations created next to the lists would go out of whack whenever I did an alphabetical sort.
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Jun 17, 2009
I need some assistance on creating a formula that will Match "W1 Sheet" Team number look this number under Schedule Sheet then list names under "W1 Sheet". I have added a simple sheet.
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Oct 31, 2009
Within conditional formatting I use =COUNTIF(Task,I4)=0 and it highlights the non-matches. Task is a named range which works fine, but how could I actually just use a string instead of the named range? The named range only consists of Major and Sub. My first guess would be =COUNTIF({"Major";"Sub"},I4)=0 but this is not working.
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Jan 18, 2010
I have a list of values and value ranges (11 total) that I'm trying to match to values in Column A, but my formula has too many nested "IF" functions to work. My formula is fairly simple, so I'm hoping it will do a better job of describing my problem than I.
=IF(4>A2>0,"1",if(37>A2>24,"2",if(A2=39,"3",if(45>A2>41,"4",if(A2=48,"5",if(A2=62,"6",if(73>A2>64,"7 ",if(A2=75,"8",if(A2=80,"9",if(107>A2>102,"10",if(A2=141,"11",""))))))))))))
There should be a positive result if the cell value matches any one of the following:
In the formula I have numbered the results from 1 to 11, strictly for illustrative purposes. A return of X, 1, YES, etc.
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Sep 12, 2008
I have a list in which I have to lookup various Groups and find a Name accordingly. I am now using a very simple IF formula but I get blanks too. Refer below for an example. (A and B are data table, D and E are lookup).
ABCDE1NameGroup GroupName2 A A03MikeA AMike4 A A05JasonA AJason
Spreadsheet FormulasCellFormulaE2=IF(B2=D2,A2)E3=IF(B3=D3,A3)E4=IF(B4=D4,A4)E5=IF(B5=D5,A5)
Excel tables to the web >> Excel Jeanie HTML 4
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Mar 12, 2004
Im using XL 2k and working on several worksheets. Im trying to create a formula to do the following.
On Hardware Wksht Tab cell B20 should extract data from HardwareLIST Wksht if it matches to cell C20 from Hardware Wksht Tab. The cell in HardwareLIST A10 is a drop down list of hardware.
C20 Specifies 4 x 8 Only
C21 Specifies 4 x 9 Only
C22 Specifies 4 x 10 Only
However the drop list contains 3 different types of 4x8's, 4x9's & 4x10s. If selected then B20 should read drop list and match criteria & return the value from HardwareLIST D10. Im having trouble formulating this one.
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Nov 23, 2006
I have been working on a project with 30 products and 20 different companies.
I am working on a business case, where there are launch dates for various companies with expected sales, contribution margin, NPV etc.
The idea is that I can create specific scenarios (What is Company1 doesn't launch the products, etc), and there is an accompanying each company. Because it can be difficult to see what products are included in the current calculations, I would like to use some kind of function that produces a list that matches my criteria. (In this case, all cells for a company that are larger than 0).
I would like to find a function that finds all products that have a launch date and create a list of them -- without spaces between non-matched results. And that it updates whenever data is changed (new launch year or new product in company's profile)
I have included a generic excel file to show what I am going for.
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Feb 14, 2007
we have two workbooks which do change daily. one with 'data' sheet containing 40,000+ rows of data in coloumn 'B' another with 'cust' sheet with 10,000+ rows of data in coloumn 'C' as a part of daily work we have to compare last part of the each cell in Cust sheet with data sheet
1. last 6 digits are compared and the results copied to 'cust' sheet from 'D' column and so on adjacent to the corresponding data.
2. last 5 digits are compared and the results copied to 'cust' sheet from end of the aforesaid result (1)
3. last 4 digits are compared and the results copied to 'cust' sheet from end of the aforesaid result (2)
4. any duplicate within the row to be deleted from left to right
as the data are enormous the work can be completed only 10 - 15 % manually.
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Dec 22, 2012
I have a table A1:A400, where each individual cell contains multiple names (e.g. A4 =Name1; Name2; Name3)
I am trying to match a list of names in row G1:G50, and return a value of 1 or True in another column if any of the 50 names appear in a cell of row A.
Names to be found
Rep was there
Max; Joe; Mike; Karl; Jen;
Max; JB;
Max; Tod; Mike
I have been trying this as an array formula:
{=IF(ISERROR(SEARCH($G$2:$G$50,A2,1)),"", "True")}
But it only returns a true value for if it finds the first name from Column G.
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Apr 9, 2014
I have 2 spreadsheets with many rows (in the tens of thousands) and columns (about 20 or so) of data.
I am trying to take the ID# from one spreadsheet and append it to the other, based on a name match. Typically I would use a vlookup, but, in this instance, most companies appear more than once and they often have many different ID#s associated with them. I am looking to return each unique ID# that is associated with each company, and display them horizontally next to that company's name.
Since this is including a lot of private data, I have included a small, generic example of what I am looking to search off of and output. Sample Spreadsheet.xlsx
I have seen examples of how to return multiple values using index functions, but, they all seem to only be able to handle one name at a time, and it displays the values vertically from that. Since I am trying to do this for thousands of rows of data, this won't work for me. I need to be able to have a function/formula of some sort that I can apply to each and every of the thousands of rows of data simultaneously. And, on top of that, I'd like to be able to display the 2nd, 3rd, etc ID#s for each company in additional columns of data.
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Mar 21, 2014
I have created a sales pipeline list in a workbook. One of the sheets ("Contacted potentials") has the following setup:
Company name--------Location--------Probability--------Total company sales
Rows 1, 2 and 3 have other information. The actual list starts at the 4th row.
In another worksheet ("Overview"), I want to create a list of companies that have agreed on working with us (displayed by a probability of 100%). This should preferably be done in column A. Furthermore, column B should list the total company sales for that specific company. I have tried this myself using INDEX and MATCH formulas, by using the following formula:
=INDEX('Contacted potentials'!$A$4:$A$1000,MATCH(100%,'Contacted potentials'!$C$4:$C$1000,0))
But this only displays one of the companies, not all those which have a probability of 100%.
Ps. it is possible to automatically update this list (by pressing F9) when a company's status changes to 100%?
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Jul 12, 2013
I'm looking to find a way to get the total quantity of parts that are found in a separate list.
Part Number: Sheet "Desired BOM", Col A
Quantity: Sheet "Desired BOM", Col E
List of part numbers to search: Sheet "Parts List", Col A
The column of part numbers on Sheet A is variable, as is the list of part numbers on Sheet2. I have attached an example file, but be aware that whatever method that comes of this will be used with many parts, so the simply using the description to total everything won't work (i.e., matching "2D" or "3D" between lists).
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Mar 2, 2014
Populate my drop down list. I have 2 columns. I want to populate my dropdown list with data from column a that has a specific value in column b. is this possible with out using VBA?
Column A / Column B
123 / TEST
126 / TEST
100 / BACON
231 / CHEESE
basically I would like a drop down list that contains the constants from column b. so from the example above it should contain 123 and 126 as options.
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