Pivot Table Filtering On A List?

Nov 27, 2011

I have a pivot table with a group # on the left, and team members on the right. There are multiple team members in each group, and each are on a separate line in the pivot table, like this:

Group #Team1chrisdawnsally2cassiechrisdawnkathysally3jimjoejohntomGrand Total

I need to find where "sally" is on the team (easy to do"), BUT I need to display the rest of the team members in the group with her, like this:

Group #Team1Sally, Chris, Dawn2Cassie, Kathy, Sally, Dawn, ChrisGrand Total

Using the concatanate function to put them all into one cell and then filtering for "contains" was all I could come up with, but there are 14,000 groups

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Filtering In Pivot Table By Each Value?

Jun 2, 2014

I have a Pivot Table (pivottable1) starting from cell A1 (lets asume that this cell is "Pick up date"). What I want to do is to filter by each "Pick up date" one by one - for example by first date 2014-05-30 than do some stuff (I have this part of code so no worries) and after that pass to next Pick up date do the same stuff pass to the third pick up date and etc. The problem is that the number of Pick up dates can be different - sometimes it could be 10 pick up dates and another time it could be 150 of pick up dates. I suppose it should be some kind of loop but I have no idea how to start this.

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How To Sum Pivot Table Filtering Values In Other Table

May 12, 2014

how can i sum pivot table filtering some values in other table. if i change filter, sum is changed

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Macros For Filtering Values In Pivot Table?

Oct 2, 2012

I am currently using the following code below in the macros for filtering out a certain set of activities in fields LVL to be "0"

Dim PI As PivotItem
With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("Lvl")
.PivotItems("0").Visible = True


I now wish to filter lvl activities with pivot items " 0" and "1" as well.

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Pivot Table Filtering According To Current Year?

Jan 18, 2012

I'm working on pivot tables using excel macro. Basically , I need to filter out the year submitted according to the current year . I did this to filter out my pivot :

For Each PivItem In _
PT.PivotFields("Year Submitted").PivotItems
PivItem.Visible = True
Next PivItem
For Each PivItem In _
PT.PivotFields("Year Submitted").PivotItems
Select Case PivItem.Name
Case "2012"


But this can only filter out year 2012 . I need to use this workbook for the next couple of years and I dont want to keep modifying the codes .

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Pivot Table - Filtering Against Specific Range

Jun 20, 2012

I am trying to create a Pivot Table that filters on a range of data.

I have a sheet with lots of data on it, and separate sheet where I have created my Pivot Table and my list I wish to use as the filter values.

I need to extract 630 specific Departments out of thousands and report the movements against those depts. The 630 will change as time goes on and I want to just have a range where I can update the values as and when changes occur. I initially tried using Filter on Department but realized this was going to be a very long winded process.

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Excel 2010 :: Filtering Pivot Table?

Sep 13, 2012

I have a pivot table in 2010- is there a way to filter the data using an external reference from the pivot table? I'd like to put the value in another cell and have the pivot update automatically when I type a new value in that cell.

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How To Check If Value Exists In Pivot Table Before Filtering For It

Sep 12, 2013

right now, formula is simple as follows

Sheets("Shift Premium").Select
ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable3").PivotFields("DT_REPORT_DATE"). _
ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable3").PivotFields("DT_REPORT_DATE"). _
CurrentPage = myDate

The idea is that the pivot table always displays yesterdays data.

However, there may not be any data for that day, so when i tell the macro to filter for it, I get an error.

My question is, how could I formulate some sort of iferror statement so that if yesterdays date isnt in the filter list, then it does nothing (by default leaving the filter on last populated date)?

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Excel 2007 :: Pivot Table Grouping And Filtering

Sep 10, 2013

Using Excel 2007 I have a pivot table that counts that number of incidents based on month and year. To get the month and year I group the date field as months and years.

My problem is if I want to filter specfic months in say year 2012 it also takes out the month in 2013. I though it used to give you the option of year and date in the filter but mines are 2 seperate filters.

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Pivot Table Filtering - Display Sums By Date Horizontally And Not Vertically

May 14, 2013

I am working on a pivot table just like the one on the picture here [URL] .......

Ideally I wanted the sums by date to be displayed horizontally and not vertically as shown in the picture, but was unable to do so. Anyways, I want to be able to filter those dates, so I can display data just from an specific date, and then change this date whenever I want and the new data will show up.

I tried doing by the checkbox that appears under the "data" dropdown on top of the column; However, when I uncheck a specific date, it dissapears and I have to add it again if I want to see it. Is there a way to keep the values on the dropdown even after I uncheck them? Or even another way to filter the information? Below is the pic of the dropdown I get when trying to sort the data, But as I said If I uncheck one of the values, it dissapears from the list.

[URL] ........

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Excel 2011 :: Pivot Table Filtering On Values In Specific Subcolumn

Jul 19, 2013

Is there is some way to filter based on the value in a specific subcolumn.

Using the example of a list of salespeople and their transactions over the year, who sell multiple products, the PT is Sales Person name for the Row Labels, and Type of Product for the columns. The resulting PT has 3 columns, for each of the products - e.g. table, chair couch, and the Values are the total number of that item sold. Is there any way I can filter, so that I will see only those sales people who have sold 3 tables or more lets say. (Thus enabling me to quickly see what other products those sales people have sold.)

(The actual situation is a lot more data heavy than that - it is actually a list of donations for a non-profit, coming in from hundreds of people, across a dozen different categories; I am trying to analyse the extent to which people who gave for a particular category (Direct Mail solicitation) also gave across other categories.

So far I've manipulated things by inserting a '% of row total' value into the PT and then using countif/sumif functions outside of the PT to figure out how many people donated solely to this category (= 100% of row total), and how many donated to other categories too (= more than 0% of row total, less than 100%), which gives me a decent summary of sole donations to this cause vs other categories too, but doesn't visualise what the actual other categories donated to were. I've also investigated making a PT of the existing PT, but I'm not sure if that's even possible...)

(I'm using Excel 2011 for Mac, but if there's some other version that would make this possible, I may be able to use another computer.)

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Filtering And Converting A Text Table To A Single Column List?

Dec 16, 2013

From a table like the one here, how can I generate a list (without spaces) of all the names only? Perhaps filtering by "Mr","Miss","Dr" or something? The result I'm after would be a column on a new sheet that ran:

Mr James
Mrs Milly
Dr McAllister
Miss Aujard
Mr Barker
Mrs Stanley

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NOT Displaying Items With No Data When Filtering Data In Pivot Table?

Aug 19, 2012

is there any way to NOT Displaying Items with No Data when filtering data in my pivot table?

For instance, I have 2 report filters: Category and Subcategory, when I select a category in the first filter I want to see only the options of subcategories with data in the second filter, I mean display only the subcategories of the Category previously filter.

Same scenario I have with a report with Directors and Organizations, when I filter one Director it would be nice to see only the organizations of this director and not all options on the data.

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Using A List In A Pivot Table To Generate A List On Another Sheet

Jul 29, 2008

I have a set of accounts (general ledger accounts) that the accounting group posts expenses to. every once in awhile a new account is added. This is captured through a pivot that i have built (sheet A).

on another sheet (sheetB) i want to display the accounts that are shown in the pivot so that i can forecast their future activity.

What i am trying to figure out is how can i make the list on Sheet B change when new accounts are added to the pivot on Sheet A (without simply referencing the pivot table making one cell equal the other)? I am not looking for a data validation pull down, i want a full list of the accounts.

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Auto-filtering Pivot Based On Data Contained In Another Pivot?

Sep 5, 2013

I've attached some dummy data. Basically, everyday I'm going to dump a report containing data into a 'Data Dump' tab. 'Pivot 1 - Filtered' I have set up so that it will show specific product IDs only (In this example I only want to see 1X, 2X and 9D).

However, I now have a need to see the total value of that order number in 'Pivot 2 - Autofilter'. (For Example, order number 1111 has both 1X and 8D contained within it). Now obviously the simple thing to do would be to filter every order number shown in pivot 1, and filter pivot 2 with them. However when I'm doing this for real, this can be tens/hundreds of order numbers.

The only workaround I have found is to put a column at the side using VLOOKUP and if ISERROR is false then include in pivot, then used an autofilter on that, but I'd like to keep the normal pivot if possible.

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Pivot Table Source List

Jun 19, 2008

I'm trying to create a Pivot table with various columns comparing information of executives from various Private Equity Firms. Some of the additional columns are Industry Specialty, Harvard Grad Year, My companies contact, etc . . .

The goal is to allow me to then query this information so if I wanted to see all Bain Capital employees who graduated with an MBA in 1990 and their specialty.

My question comes in trying to set up my source list for the data under Industry Specialty and my companies Contact. Is there a way I can set a value for these cells and mark them as an "AND" in the source if there are multiple contacts or industries that one of the Private equity executives is linked too, that would then allow them to be displayed as so when I create the pivot table?

Attached is .zip for further clarification.

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Create List From Pivot Table

Feb 24, 2010

I'm trying to create what is essentially a report card for our staff. I have all the data in a pivot table and then I am using 'GETPIVOTDATA's in the report template to extract the information, linking the sheets via a cell that contains the staff members name. Easy enough. However for reasons of efficiency and practicality I would like to be able to select the names from a drop down list on the sheet rather than having to type it in manually or maintaining a separate sheet for everyone. The operators will change from month to month and there are approximately 90 staff at any given point in time that will need to be reported on so it really needs to be sourced from the pivot data.

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Pivot Table Field List

Jan 12, 2009

on the pivot table field list-enable on the right hand side of the screen, only after that the needed fields can be dropped in.

Is there any other method to draw the pivot table?

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Pivot Table Page List

Jun 2, 2009

I've a Pivot Table which i would like to get a list of it.

It is from an OLAP cube from Oracle

Based on the image below, every month i refresh this PT, there will be an additional WK. Lets say WK22.

How do i export the whole list from WK08 to WK21 everytime after i refresh my PT?

How do i select the last item in the Page field? If there is WK22, den it will auto select WK22. If not WK21.

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Break Down List Of Pivot Table

Apr 7, 2008

Originally I considered posting in the Excel / Email area but I know how to automate the email part of this already once I get the data collection I'm looking for. Let me explain. I have a pivot table that consists of reps, accounts, items, and sales data in that order.

For each rep I want to create an email of affected accounts and items with thier respective sales data. Because each rep has a variable number of lines I'm having trouble defining the exact range. I've used a few pieces of code taken from various posts from this forum to start me off but nothing seems to be working, else I'd post what I already have.

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Pivot Table Field List Doesn't Appear

Nov 27, 2009

The field list does not appear when I create a pivot table in Excel 2007. It works properly if I start Excel in safe mode. I have toggled the field list button in the PivotTable Tools show/hide ribbon and I tried repairing Office 2007 from the control panel.

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Using VBA To Return CurrentPage List In Pivot Table

May 17, 2006

I am trying to write code so I can control the PivotFields on a PivotTable from another sheet in the book. I cannot figure out how to get Excel to return a list of the fields in each page field. If I record code to change the Animal PivotField to show dogs, i get the following:

ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("Animal").CurrentPage = _"dogs"

I can also choose cat, birds, and beavers, but I do not know how to get excel to return a list of the option in the PivotField.

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Pivot Table List From Multiple Columns

May 12, 2007

I am trying to round a number to the next half penny. The mround function would seem to work but does not work for fractions.

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Reverse Pivot Table :: Recreate The List It Was Derived From

May 14, 2009

I am trying, starting from a list that has the same structure as a Pivot Table, to recreate the list it was derived from.

I added a sample to show what I mean.

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Pivot Table Field List Default From Count To Sum

Dec 21, 2011

How can I change my Pivot Table Field List to produce Sum of the values rather than Count of Values?

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List Values From Excel Pivot Table Field

May 13, 2003

I have a Pivot Table with pivot fields and data. I would like, through VBA, to get the list of values that can be chosen from a given pivot field.

For example, a list would be Product1 / Product2 / Product3 .... I would like to read that list and put it into a drop down list in a form.

GOAL: I have several Pivot tables on the same sheet with similar fields and I want through macro to allow the user to update them all with one click.

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Pivot Table Formula Dependant On List Selection

Jun 10, 2009

Im trying to create a 'drill-down' interface with the GETPIVOTDATA command.

I believe (but im not sure) that this will require several different formulas.

e.g., assuming this formula resides in A1, this returns all data in the pivot $A$6 for Monday of 6/1/2009:

=GETPIVOTDATA("Sum of Mon",$A$6,"Week", DATE(2009,6,1))

however for cell A1, if the user wants to drill down, then the required formula expands to the following..in this case we are drilling down to Name=Baby Becket/Ball, Stage=Infant..and so on..

=GETPIVOTDATA("Sum of Mon",$A$6,"Name","Baby Becket/Ball","Week",DATE(2009,6,1),"Stage","Infant","B/L","B","WL",)

Essentially, without writing a bunch of IF's in the formula for A1...is there a way to put these formulas in a lookup table, and then depending on what the user chooses on how they want to analyze the data (e.g., they may select Name, Stage, etc from a drop down list elsewhere on the sheet), the appropriate formula is populate in A1?

In a nutshell: Can the formula of a cell be changed depending on what the selection value is of another cell or list value?

This could probably been done easily via VBA, but if there is a formula or vlookup based solution that would be easier..

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Listing Pivot Table Field List Fields

Oct 17, 2006

Is there any code or way to generate the compete list of fields that are selectable from the " PivotTable Field list"?

I have various cubes I need to check and compile the list of fields for each.

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Pivot Table To List Multiple Source Columns In Rows?

Jul 4, 2014

I have a huge data set with survey data (sample attached: sample.xlsx). Column headings: survey questions Row headings: respondent identifiers (names) Row data: answers to questions (numeric values, only five answer options 1,2,3,4 or 5, no blanks)

I need to build that kind of pivot table:

Rows - list of particular questions (i.e. questions no. 3, 7 and 12) Columns - list of all diffrent answer entries (eventually, it will be 1,2,3,4 and 5) - it could also be questions in columns and answers in row (no difference) Values - count answer entries (i.e. how many answers "5" are on quesiton 3)

UPDATE: explanation added.

The reason I need pivot tables: i'll have to cross analyze multiple sets of questions. I'll have to do such cross-analysis 100+ times, so, writing a formula for each time does not quite work...

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True/false With Lookup List/pivot Table Data

May 15, 2009

I want to compare a hand entered data sheet to my system data. System data is exported in. Then that data is used to populate a pivot table. I use a lookup list that fills in matching data from my hand typed sheet. From there I want to use true/false to see if the data matches. However, the formula will not copy down. I am sure it has to do with the formula holding a value, but I can’t seem to correct it.

1.System data populates sheet
2.Pivot table pulls info I need.
3.Lookup list cross references hand entered data sheet and puts value next to pivot table.
4.I need to do a true false to see if data matches but can’t get it to work

Example worksheet: On the worksheet you can see that the true false statements are incorrect. The system data and the hand entered data match two times not once.

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