Sub Macro1()
Macro1 Macro
Dim strbody As String
For Each cell In Range("B2:B640")
Sheets("Final Merged").Select
End Sub
The code above is creating a new sheet for each different value in column B. I would also like to take that value and place on the newly created sheet in cell A17.
Also, how would I get the sheet to be ranamed to match the value in cell A17 of the newly created sheet?
I need to populated a specific range of cells based on a value of any kind in a header cell. Attached is a sample of the end results. Please remember each header cells needs to determine what happens the range of cells below the header cells.
A B C 4.5 9.50 4.657 4.5 11.60 4.789 4.5 12.50 4.654 4.5 13.50 3.930 4.5 15.20 3.826
I need to be able to auto-populate the cell in column G based on values in columns A & B. If I type 4.5 in E2, and 13.50 in F2, G2 should auto-populate with the value from column C
I am currently trying to create a spreadsheet whereby if I enter certain text in a cell in Column A on worksheet 1 that correlates with text in a cell in Column A on Worksheet 2, then the description in Column B in Worksheet 2 is entered into Column B on worksheet 1.
For example, if worksheet 2 has the following:
and I enter XXXX in column A on worksheet 1, I want Column B on worksheet 1 to automatically enter PRODUCT 1.
I am trying to build a staff roster. The staff rotate over a 4 week cycle. the name of the staff member, and their shift needs to be looked up from the key then matched with the particular week. the name and shift then need to populate specific cells.
I have attached the worksheet so you can see what i am trying to achieve.
I am attempting to make a range of cells' data be deleted if a cell outside of that range that had a name in it is no longer there. So if I have a list of names in cells A1:A6 and a range of data in cells D10:E20 that corresponds to a name in cell A2. If the name in A2 is deleted I would want the data in D10:E20 to be deleted.
Is it possible to be able to select a range of dates, and a time interval, and then to automatically fill in cells in a column? to be more specific, I want to be able to select, say 1 Jan 2013 to 31 dec 2013 in one box, then specify a time interval, for example "hourly" and then a column is populated with each interval, i.e. 1 jan 2013 00:00, and then the next one is 1 jan 2013 01:00 etc. I have tired the normal automatic fill tool but it never seems to get it right. It works for the first few days then it all goes funny.
I have a spreadsheet that is updated weekly -- but every week new info is added that needs a user to input corresponding info. I use a vlookup function to link to another spreadsheet that populates the info from previous weeks and the info that is missing shows up as #N/A...
First I was using a msgbox function to get the info:
For Each b In myrange If Application.IsNA(b.Value) Then Employee = b.Offset(0, -2).Value SSID = InputBox("Please enter ID# for " & Employee & " :", "New Employee Found") b.Value = SSID End If Next b
But it can be up to 30 different new employees... and that is time consuming.
I would like to make it more user friendly by creating ONE userform that displays all of the employees as labels -- has a text box in which to put the ID # -- and then has a drop down box to choose the type of employee (2 options). I want all of that info to go back to the reference spreadsheet so it will be saved for following weeks, and then redo the vlookup to get the info into the new weekly spreadsheet (I can do that part)....
Private Sub CloseButton_Click() Unload UserForm1 End Sub
not sure if this is possible but can you populate cells on one tab based on data from a specifc tab.
For example say I have 3 tabs, Summary, Old & New. So if I had a drop down box in the Summary tab that had the options of Old & New and based on which is selected it will populate from the approporiate tab.
I am trying populate a listbox on a userform using the range of a4:a:30 from a sheet entitle names. I can do this singly using the additem command, but I am not sure how I can add a range, or if that is possible. this is my code so far:
Code: Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() With LBoNames .AddItem Sheets("names").Range("a1").Value End With End Sub
I have a list of staff in cell A1 in a drop down list. In cell A2, I would like Excel to populate automatically the branch from which the staff is from when I choose the staff name in cell A1.
I run this macro that populates 7 cells based on data in another sheet. It seems that every sheet that have formulas that point to this sheet are being stuck in in the screen updating somehow?
Basically when I press F9 to calculate or change any cell that makes the sheet calculate it has like a screen burn in of all the sheets that are being calculated. I have been able to use this as a workaround:
Private Sub Workbook_SheetCalculate(ByVal Sh As Object) Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub
But I shouldn't have to do this and it slows it down as it runs through this specific code about 11 times for each sheet that is re-calculating. Something is getting stuck in memory or something that seems to be causing this issue. This is the code I am using and I am not selecting any cells or sheets, but it appears that when I walk through the code that an image of the sheet comes up on the screen? The code in red seems to be what is causing the issues, but I do not know why? I can pass the 2 workbooks along to someone so they can see the behavior if they would like? Just let me know.
Sub populateEmployeeData() Dim srcWorkbook As Workbook Dim foundEmployee As Range Dim srcWorkbookName As String srcWorkbookName = "XIP_Employee_Data_" & Left(ActiveSheet.Range("B9").Value, 31) & "_" & Format(ActiveSheet.Range("B10").Value, "MMMDDYYYY") & ".xlsx" If IsWorkBookOpen(srcWorkbookName) Then..........................
I am trying to populate a field in a Sheet 1 that is dependent on two other drop down fields that are chosen. Some of my data has the same names but different equipment.
Name Equipment Serial Model
Jim Jones snips 123 1AB
[Code] ....
Basically, I want to choose a name from say a drop down, then an equipment pc from drop down, and have the other field populate for say the Serial Number.
I would like to know how to automatically populate a combobox with the data in a certain range. Attached is a simple workbook with the example. I know how to do this with the additem. But I dont know how to create the array or userform initialize to populate the combobox with the range.
I've been trying to get a table to populate based on a couple of criteria. However, I've not come-up with the solution yet.
I have my dropdown selections in cells C2 & C3. The objective is to populate the table below the dropdown with data from the sheet named (very unimaginatively) 'Data'. Currently you see the selection AA-11 & Mar-14 in the Contract ID & Month cells. If I change this, the table below should auto-populate.
I've attempted using Vlookup, Index-Match. But it does not give me the desired result.
Also, the number of Products can change each month (although the file shows 4 for each month & each Account).
What formula do I use to populate certain cells (E5:E10 and J5:10) based on match with condition (E3) with cells from and in the ranges C2:C73 and D2:D73 without creating milelong IF formulas? I am almost at the goal... past 10pm here in Thailand and still at the office
I need to make a userform, my userform contains (1 textbox , 2 labels , 1 listbox , 2 buttons(clear & cancel))
I tried my best but I unable to make it perfect..
I need to populate data in listbox based on textbox change, below is my condition
Required column Headers in listbox is "Acno Nbr","investname","amount"
- textbox contains only number if user enter text then msgbox should show plz enter numbers only & as well as in lable - our account nbr which we are enter in textbox that should be start from "9" if user enter number otherthan "9" , msg should show invalid number & as well as in lable - if user entering the number & whatever the number user enter listbox should populate required data whatever the account nbr starting with that number(textbox value) - suppose if user enter only lessthan 10 & greaterthan 10 then in lable show invalid number u have enter lenght of account nbr(textbox value) - suppose if textbox value is available in worksheet then in listbox populate the required data and in lable populate "yes it's power goal number" - suppose if textbox value is not available in worksheet then in lable show "no records found - might be its not a power goal number"
Is there a way to make a cell populate certain text based on conditions of other cells without putting the formula in the cell you want to populate. So that someone could type other text into the cell if the conditions were not met?
I have a macro that copies data from 6 different worksheets into one summary worksheet - based on certain criteria - I need a way to note on each row of the summary sheet which worksheet it was copied from. Each worksheet is specific to a salesperson, so ideally I would like that salespersons last name to populate in column B on the summary page for each row of theirs that is copied is my current macro I use to copy the data: (this code is repeated for each sales persons sheet - "Blankenship", "Dew", etc...) I have attached a scaled down version of my file.
I have a table in excel with some data to create labels, but these labels must be repeated according to the number of volumes. Example: I have a delivery for X and such delivery has 5 volumes, need to create 5 labels just changing the volume number: 1/5, 2/5, 3/5, 4​​/5 5/5.
I would enter a value in "D1" after running the code, in column "A" shall be filled as follows.
I have a userform with multiple textboxes and comboboxes, the contents of which are saved to a database sheet, each time on a new row. Everything else is now all set but I still need to create a unique id number for each entry. I set the value of the textbox in question to the last cell value in the id column incremented by 1 in the userform_initialize but for some odd reason it doesn't work. However, if I use a direct reference to a cell it does work. Here's my Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
You will notice that the number of steps is the number of x values that take us up to 4. The 4 is fixed. I would be able to work out the maths myself as I am a maths teacher but I was wondering how I could autopopulate the table based on a drop down box selection. If it involves going into VBA then don't worry my son needs to get to grips with what I have done.
Edit. The formatting does not seem to work above. On the left of each table is supposed to be the x value and on the right is x^2.
I have a macro that copies data from 6 different worksheets into one summary worksheet - based on certain criteria - I need a way to note on each row of the summary sheet which worksheet it was copied from. Each worksheet is specific to a salesperson, so ideally I would like that salespersons last name to populate in column on the summary page for each line of theirs that is copied is my current macro I use to copy the data: (this scrpit is repeated for each sales persons sheet - "Blankenship", "Dew", etc...)
I found many examples on this forum of how one can pull in data from closed workbooks, or copy it and have it stored in the active sheet. So far so good, but I need a solution which would do the opposite - I need the macro to take a range of data form the active sheet store it in a closed workbook and save any changes in the target workbook without opening it.