I have a spreadsheet of ~5000 rows of data that I would like to separate based on the product code column (11 product codes - 43,301,304,313,332,334,979,984,985,986,992). As it stands, I've been copying the sheets, then removing the data by filter, but doing this every week seems to be a waste of time.
I need to split the data into worksheets (see attached) by the Advertiser column and then by the deal year and deal code columns. I need each worksheet to be named per advertiser and deal year_deal code. I took off and replaced the data since it is sensitive information.
creating a macro or implicating one into the workbook to run for future reporting.
I am looking to split data in a worksheet into separate sheets based on Column C which contains Either Babycare or Homecare or Industrial or Professional. Eventually there maybe more names. If possible I would also like to name each sheet.
I need to separate row data from one workbook into separate workbooks based on cell data. Currently I filter the data, copy and paste it to a new workbook and save it. It's a tedious process and was hoping to find a way to automate it. I have attached a sample file. In this instance, I would like a separate workbook for the filtered data in Column 1 and then all the row data gets copied to new workbook. So all of Pennsylvania data would get copied to new workbook, then all of the Michigan data gets copied to a new workbook. I have also attached an example of the end result that I need.
I have on inventory sheet that has all the data in each cell 2612 to be exact! That changes month to month with deletions.
The format is: Sheet 2 A/B/ 334702/UEMR88QX 334703/UEMR85QX 334704/UEMR81QX 334707/UEMR8JQX
The master worksheet has about 5000 items and the (A and B) data are both on it with other data ranging from (A-Y). My question is how do I have a cell look up data and return that it exists or doesn’t exist on the inventory sheet?
My other problem I need to take that months inventory list and have it look at the master list and return the system number from the master list (B) next to the matching inventory number (C). Allowing me to cross match inventory to master each month and save inventory worksheet each month.
I know I can copy the column and past is as a value so I won’t lose the numbers as the master changes but getting the data onto that months inventory has been a pain.
I have a "memo of meeting" excel document used to capture notes during client meetings. In this document there's a cell for "purpose", "agenda", and "notes". The 'consultation type' cell is a drop-down populated by values set in Sheet2. The 'agenda' & 'notes" cells are then populated with information (also stored in Sheet2) based on what drop-down option was chosen in the 'purpose' cell. I'm currently making this happen with basic =IF() statements; however, the problem is that by doing it this way, the =IF() statement must reside in the actual cell which will end up showing the data.
This is undesirable as there may be additional notes, agenda items, etc. that I'll need to add during the meeting and as it's currently setup, I can only have either the pre-populated info OR the ad-hoc notes - not both. It seems a simple fix. Maybe put the =IF() statement in a cell off to the side but have it "assign" the value to 'agenda'/'notes' but that doesn't seem to work.
I have an invoicing spreadsheet, what I want is to have a main working page and then tabs after separated by vendor, but save myself a bunch of manual work in the future.
I want to be able to work in the main tab and the other tabs automatically update with the new info.
So I want the macro to search the text in the first column and if it finds "AIM Land Services Ltd." then I want it to populate the appropriate tab, in this case "AIM", with all the respective information after it ie: A-O. But I dont want it to select any other vendors/ info.
This is what I have:
Sub MoveData() For Each cell In Range("A1:A1") ' Where to look for the date If cell.Value = "AIM Land Services Ltd." Then ' The date Range("A5:O350").Select ' What is the range to copy Selection.Copy ' Copy it Sheets("Invoice_Log").Select ' Select the Sheet it applies to Range("A5").Select ' Where to paste the data
i have a worksheet that has information filled in columns A-N and rows 3-7262 (not including title and labels)
i need a macros that will separate this data into multiple worksheets based on the word in Column A; these words could be HDA, CCR/NHT, GRU/ATU (essentially dividing this data up by area name, there will be 14 worksheets)
i would also like to be able to update this master worksheet and have it be reflected in the multiple worksheets that are divided by their areas.
I have a macro below which splits the data in my workbook (Attached) into seperate workbooks on the basis of each change in data, and saves the new workbooks with the value available in column A. Everything else works perfectly with this code I just want the code to take the workbook name from Column B, not Column A as it is currently taking.
Sub Test() Dim Sh As Worksheet Dim Rng As Range Dim c As Range Dim List As New Collection Dim Item As Variant
I have a data sheet of 190,000 lines. It is a telecommunications bill with has approx 15 columns.
I need to separate the spreed sheet into the respective "call types" and put this data onto separate tabs, at the moment I do it all manually with Excel 2007.
Is there a way of automating this separation of data
I am trying to combine data from two separate worksheets onto one so it can be sorted for printing. Using the macro recorder, and the search function on the forum, I managed to ham-fist my way through most of it - except for one issue.
How can I have Excel/VBA go to the first open cell in column A before it pastes the 2nd batch of information? I get an "object required" error with the MyRange variable.
Code: Sub UpdateSortedTab() Dim MyRange As Variant
' Removes Old Information Sheets("Sorted").Select Columns("A:E").Select Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft ' Copies Bench Stock Information
I have a custom data entry form which is working fine. The form completes customer data for reviewing at a later date. I have now been asked to change it so it will seperate the data in to customer's who require some documents sent out and some that dont.
Is it possible to have a combobox on the form and if the options on the combobox are Yes and No (original), when either option is selected the data will complete on to a seperate sheet for cases with documents required or documents not required?
Is it possible to have a formula where it will retrieve a specific value on one sheet based on matching values? Unfortunately, hlookup wont work as there are several values in the table where the 'lookup_value' is the same.
On sheet 1 (titled BSRC), I have a table which has a list of values in column 1. On column two I have the 'lookup value' which needs to be matched and all values underneath it to be retrieved from sheet 2 (titled CSRD). The 'lookup_value' range is on row 9 of sheet 2.
I have attached a sample spreadsheet for clarification.
I have a worksheet with 10000 records. For example, entire data in ColA-ColZ. In that, ColA-ColF - Personal Information; ColG-J Group1; ColK-N Group2; ColO-R Group3; ColS-U Group4; ColW-Z Group5. I this case, the data to be copied into another sheet as follows:
1) the personal data should be copied repeatedly. 2) Each Group data should be copied next to personal data. 3) The group's name is mentioned at the top of the datasheet.
I have attached a sample workbook for your kind reference.
I have a huge list of survey responses which asks people to identify their location and then rate how important 6 facilities in their area is (rating 1 - 4, 4 being most important). So the table has cells are similar to this, except that there are about 5000 responses with about 2500 different locations identified
Location Location Location
I have been able to analyse the average results for the whole dataset by using the following formulas:
=COUNTIF(A2:C4,"camden") Count number of occurrences a location is listed =ROUND(AVERAGE(D2:D4),2) Average response for medical centres =COUNTIF(D2:D4,1) Counts number of times '1' comes up, would repeat '2', '3', and '4' to create a pie graph
But what I would really like to do it be able to count each response for each question by location (for example "Camden"). I've tried both of these but they don't seem to be working.
I have a spreadsheet where raw data is entered ("RAW_DATA") for each month it is collected. There are 7 questions that are tallied and each of those responses are transfered to a separate data table for analysis (7 individual tabs within the spreadsheet). I'm currently manually data entering the values from the raw data tab to the other seven tabs.
I would like to have VBA code that could transfer the data from one month ("RAW_DATA") onto the other 7 tabs based on the date and facility identified in the raw data tab. I have not attempted the VBA since I do not know where to start with searching on two variables.
In my spreadsheet, certain transactions are labeled as "Fees" in Row G. I need any amounts in Row D to be negative if they are labeled as "Fees" in Row G.
I could simply find them manually and make them negative, but the logic needed in this question will help me with similar problems I am facing.
I am thinking it is probably some combination of the "IF" command.
I am trying to create individualized worksheets based off a master worksheet. I have different committee names that I want to appear on the individualized sheets, based on whether the person is apart of that committee or not. On my master sheet, I choose the persons name under the committee and I want that committee name to show on the individualized sheet. For example, I want A1 on Master to show on Name 1, B3 and A10 on Master to show on Name 1, C3. Can I write a formula to achieve this or or am I asking too much? In my actual file, I will have about 10 names and 5 committees with one person being on up to all 5 of the committees.
Now the problem, Each client has a sheet in a workbook. In each sheet, I input the number of days of service available to that particular client in a single cell. We'll say cell [G8] is the cell used for this input in all sheets. If the client has 30 days of service available then we type [30] in cell [G8]. Each sheet is a 100 day template. I want to shade in dark grey and lock from input the days NOT available to the client based on the days of service input in cell [G8]. If 30 days of service are available in cell [G8] then the remaining 70 days on the 100 day template would be shaded dark grey and locked from input. That is, day 31 through day 100 of the template would be locked and shaded. Each individual day has multiple cells in a column. I want to lock and shade each column of cells in each day not available.
I'm trying to use a formula in conditional formatting to highlight a cell red if the cell contains a 0 but the date shown in another cell has passed. I want to copy the formatting throughout a column but I don't want the cell to highlight if there is no date in the other cell concerned.
Column 1: ABC - AC123 ASD - DS335 BBC - KK311 SWT - TR735 TIM - DN849
Between two texts to be separate, there is a " - ", we can separate them with that symbol right?..The cells should be look like after separate shown belows:
Today this data is inserted into one cell, in one column, but in 50 000 rows (in 9 different sheets!). I would like to separe it into separe columns so I could run calculations on the data. Separating it manually would take me at least 1 year,
I have a workbook which have worksheets say A to J. I wanted it to be separated into 10 different workbooks A.xlsx, B.xlsx, C.xlsx and so on in drive C. Could anyone help me here?
I am running a Macro to fix my hyperlinks in excel, and I have several worksheets that I want to preform the same function for but with different new and old strings. The code I'm running is the hyperlink fix code:
Sub Fix192Hyperlinks() Dim OldStr As String, NewStr As String Dim hyp As Hyperlink
I have two worksheets and each one has it's own number. Sheet1 has "100" and Sheet2 has "101" and they're located in "A4" on each. Each sheet will have a control button that will be pressed when a sheet is complete. The control button will clear a range of cells "B5:C20" and increase the sheet number in "A4". So if you press the control button on Sheet1 the range will be cleared and the number will change to "102" since Sheet2 is already using "101".