Split Address Blocks Across Multiple Cells
Feb 20, 2006
I have cells of block addresses that are delimited (tab I believe - there's a
small square that appears).
I need to split the addresses out into separate columns for each line of address. I tried using the Text to Columns wizard as suggested by Excel Help, but ended up with only the first line of address being posted in the cell to the right (the rest of the address was nowhere to be seen).
I'm sure I've done this before but can't for the life of me remember how I did it.
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Apr 24, 2013
I have a list for addresses in excel in single column as shown below - aanandhi narayanan 3430 chemin de riviere sanjose,CA95148
abdi abdi 5390 monterey rd #6 sanjose,CA95111
Sheribel Abinsay 3212 Gateland CT San Jose, Ca 95148
I need the result to be in a way like -
3430 Chemin de riviere
San Jose
3838 Glengrove way
San Jose
5390 monterey rd#6
San Jose
3212 Gateland CT
San Jose
I have around 12000 records with the same format.
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Feb 22, 2010
I'm trying to split the address stored in column A into two columns (i.e. columns B & C). I got more than 30,000 addresses stored in column A and got the following excel function to do the job. However, it seems not to exactly solve my problem.
in column B : =LEFT(A1,FIND(" ",A1,20)-1)
in column C : =right(A1,len(A1)-FIND(" ",A1,21))
First, using the above functions, I got to manually drag the formula to the end of column containing 30,000 records! I tried to use vba to perform the job the script failed to do so. I know there has been something I missed in my vba script but do not know how to correct it.
for k = 1 to 30,000
Range("b" & k).value = LEFT(range("A" & k),FIND(" ",range("A" & k,20)-1))
Range("c" & k).value = RIGHT(range("A" & k),len(range("A" & k)-FIND(" ",range("A" & k,21))
What I really want to do is split the addresses in columns B & C with the first text ended with "Street" or "Road" stored in Column A and the other text after "Street" or "Road" in column C.
column A : 128 Johnway Road, 12/F, Flat C, Kowloon, Hong Kong
column B : 128 Johnway Road
Column C : 12/F, Flat C, Kowloon, Hong Kong
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May 6, 2013
Other than using text to column feature, how to split values in a cell to multiple cells. For example; in cell A1 I have something like this:
There is no comma or seperation. What i want to do is:
B1: text1
C1: text2
D1: text3
E1: test4
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May 27, 2014
I'm after a formula or some formatting trick to split up the address in the attached sheet. As you can see, the addresses have come through from a database in one cell, instead of a separate cells for the street line and the suburb line, making it difficult to merge for mailing.
eg. the address are coming through to the merge like this;
Joe Bloggs
3/119 newtown street sydney nsw 2001
When i need them to look like this;
Joe Bloggs
3/119 newtown street
sydney nsw 2001
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Apr 11, 2008
to automate a process that split name, address, city, state, and zip.
here are the examples of name, address, city, state, zip that i would like to be split in each column. this is difficult because the datas are not consistent and not predictable in how it WILL BE GIVEN....
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Apr 12, 2008
I believe many people face is to automate a process that split name, address, city, state, and zip.
here are the examples of name, address, city, state, zip that i would like to be split in each column. this is difficult because the datas are not consistent and not predictable in how it WILL BE GIVEN....
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Jan 13, 2014
I am receiving a new report from an external system. Unfortunate the system delivers many information within one cell, and it is not possible to reconfigure. These information are separate by a semi-colon or a semi-colon + space. separate the information in separate cells?
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Apr 26, 2007
I have a spreadsheet with a few thousand rows, yeah i know..lol Each one of the rows has contact details for individuals. I have the address for each person in one field with up to four different sections, seperated by tabs. How do I go about seperating each part of the address so it is in a different column? I have tried text to columns, and it only seperates the first portion of the address, seperated by the delimiter 'tab'.
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Apr 11, 2014
I have a group trip coming up where we took in a $1000 deposit per person. The total amount is only in the main members cell. There will be two more payment amounts coming. I need to make certain each person has paid the total amount they are required for the trip. There are two possibilities for total trip amount. Double occupancy is $15,500.00 and Triple is $14,500 per person.
There is a unique Identifier for each registrant, except when there is a multiple person under one registration the identifier has all the same number except at the end. I figured out a way to strip the number down to just show the same number in one registered group. There could be up to 10 people under one registration. I might not have the best option for breaking down the Identifier number, but thought it would be a good start. Used the code Left(column, number).
Issue is this. How can I now take the total number of people under one group take the total deposit and split it between just that unique group so I can then determine what is still owed after payments are made.
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Jul 6, 2012
I've got this large data set that I need to edit. My problem is, the clients name and address are contained with in one cell eg, John Smith, Alba Road, Bigtown. Is there some way of transferring this address into three different cells foe filtering?
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May 3, 2013
how I can get this:
John Smith
1 Aisleby Avenue
i.e. each line in it's own cell
to look like this:
John Smith
1 Aisleby Avenue
In other words, an address block in a single cell. Simple merging only saves the first cell's contents.
I need to do this for 500 addresses
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Mar 13, 2009
I would like to "reverse concatenate" an address text string as follows: ....
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Jun 30, 2008
I have a 2000 row sheet with an address field that contains the apartment number and the address. The text is displayed as unit number, then hyphen and the building/street number for example '101-1234 15th Street'. I'm looking to cut the building number from the cell and paste it into a seperate column. Ideally removing the hyphen completely, so that I have two columns 'unit number' and 'building/street address'.
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May 1, 2014
I have a master tab that has data grouped as follows
Column 1
title of a section (written once then left blank for the rest of a section)
Column 2
numerous descriptors (each in a new row)
Column 3
The response to the descriptors in column 2
I want to link entire sections from column 2 and 3 into different excel files so that if I make changes to column 2 or 3 in the master tab, the changes are made to all tabs. If there is a way, I'd like it if I add a row to the master, it is automatically added to the others.
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Feb 18, 2010
I have huge sheet with time periods across the top and accounts listed down. I have manually shaded cells red that represent "new" sales. I have used the custom function "colorfunction" to count these red shaded cells in the past. Now, I am trying to count blocks of cells. Each block is a different # of cells and represents sales $ over a different period of months. I want excel to count each block (start to end) ans add them up...
J F M Ap M....
acct 1
acct 2
acct 3
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Feb 18, 2010
I have huge sheet with time periods across the top and accounts listed down. I have manually shaded cells red that represent "new" sales. I have used the custom function "colorfunction" to count these red shaded cells in the past. Now, I am trying to count blocks of cells. Each block is a different # of cells and represents sales $ over a different period of months. I want excel to count each block (start to end) ans add them up... I can SEND THE SHEET IF YOU WISH....
J F M Ap M....
acct 1
acct 2
acct 3
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Apr 19, 2008
I saw a post that needed a solution for moving blocks of cells in order to get fewer rows but more columns. The post is gone but I'd like to think my work wasn't in vain as the algorithm was more difficult than I thought. The problem was wanting make a 5000 X 4 grid into a 1700 X 12 grid, 55 rows and 4 columns at a time. This is sometimes done for visiblity or printing purposes to get more data going across instead of down. An example would be wanting to have more data accross on a print page and the page holds 55 lines of data.
For example, A56:D110 would be moved to E1:H55, A111:D165 to I1:L55, A166:D220 to A56:D110 etc. The code is somewhat generic so different blocks of rows and columns can be specified. To see this code work, enter the number 1 in columns A-D, then fill series -> step by one for a thousand or so rows. Then run the code.
Sub FewerRowsMoreColumns()
'Rearranges blocks of cells so the end result is more columns and fewer rows
Dim RowStop As Long
Dim ColStop As Integer
Dim RowStep As Long
Dim ColStep As Integer
Dim RowOffset As Long
Dim rw As Long
Dim col As Integer
ColStop = 12 'Enter the last column number you want the cells moved to
RowStep = 55 'Enter the number of rows you want to move at one time
ColStep = 4 'Enter the number of data columns you are starting with.....................
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Apr 25, 2014
create cells which could be expanded/shrunk, to either show the first sentence or so of the essay, or the full essay. I'd need to be able to expand/collapse each cell individually, not by row or column as the tutorials I've found have shown. I'm pretty sure I've seen this done with a little +/- sign in the corner of the cell but I can't find the option. It would be a bit like on a website that have show more, show less buttons.
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May 7, 2004
i think this will be simple for most of you. i need a macro that will move blocks of cells from one column into the succeding columns. say i have one column of 1000 values and i need to break that up into columns of 50.
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Mar 5, 2012
I have a mass of data which look something like this:
table removed
and I require the ranges of reference numbers to be listed in a column one above the other, which requires inserting new rows. I also need the date & description columns copied down into the newly inserted rows.
So basically for example I would want the top row to now read:
table removed
and then apply the same procedure to the other ranges below this.
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Jun 29, 2007
I have large data sheets with blocks of blue-colored cells. I want to surround them with lavender-colored cells. Then I want to run a command to Clear Contents of all lavender-colored cells. Is this possible?
So first I have:
Then I want:
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Mar 4, 2013
if there is a way to split multiple values in a cell to multiple rows. example check the attached sheet, macro/function with in excel etc.
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Mar 21, 2008
I have a text file containing internet explorer browser history. The file has data in the following format (in Excel all data is in 1 column): ...
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Aug 1, 2007
I have and issue where I have name in one cell and need to separate them into 2 cells. Trouble is it is a combination of single names, husband and wife, and partners with different surnames. Sample of data is below:
Belinda Smith & Grant Jones
Ken & Marie Smith
Louie & Betty Johnson
Naomi Thomsoon & Craig Brown
Narele & Barry Day
Nicholas & Julie Smithson
S M Bole & Co
Jim Morris
Danielle & JohnSimpson
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Apr 11, 2008
Tried to write a Macro to Range Cells in a sheet, setting the range values from a another cell. I have encounted a Run-Time error as select method of Range class failed. Below is the Macro.
Sub Macro1()
Dim r1 As Range, r2 As Range, myMultiAreaRange As Range
Set r1 = Range("J4")
Set r2 = Range("K4")
Set myMultiAreaRange = Union(r1, r2)
Range(r1, r2).Select
End Sub
Have the Ranges been set incorrectly
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Aug 12, 2009
This code splits a worksheet into multiple sheets (based on sales person in column A). But when it does it, it deletes the sheets and then re-creates them.
However this messes with my formulas I have linked to the split sheets and turns them into #REF! errors.
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Mar 1, 2013
I would like to split a worksheet to multiple sheets based on a column header. On browsing through the forums I found the VBA code below.
My problem with is that the code automatically uses only the first column for spiliting into different sheets. But I would like to modify this so that it searches the first row for a matching header specified by me (Eg "Name" , which may be column 10)
Private Sub PagesByDescription()
Dim rRange As Range, rCell As Range[code]....
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Nov 8, 2008
I have a worksheet that has data in columns A to N. The Salesman’s number is in column A and I need to split this first worksheet in to separate worksheets in the same workbook for each salesman.
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May 4, 2009
The spreadsheet contains over 21,000 rows of data, and one of the columns (D I think) contains data as in the two examples below.
What she wants is to split this column at the semi-colons ( and have the column header as the "field" name.
Unfortunately not all the cells have the same number of "fields" as you can see. Some don't have an "addressLineTwo" while others also have "stateprovince".
Is it possible to split the column so each "field" goes into it's own column?
Please note that if a "field" is missing there is not two semi-colons to indicate an empty field. I'm also fairly certain that, between them the two examples below show all possible fields.
Data Examples.
addressLineOne:Road Belen Staana;addressLineTwo:Costado Oeste;city:SAN ANTONIO DE BELEN;highRate:194;latitude:9.97631;longitude:-84.20038;postal4005
addressLineOne:1766 Homestead Drive;airportCode:ROA;city:HOT SPRINGS;highRate:500;latitude:37.99662;longitude:-79.83079;postal24445;Rating:52;stateprovince:US
Didn't there used to be a "Split" function that split text over two cells? I'm sure I used it years ago, but can't find any mention of it in Excel 2003.
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