I have a start time in one column, end time in another and a column with the difference between the two. In another column I have profit. In the last column I have profit per hour where I divide the profit by the hours, but since one is hours and the other is a number it gives me an error.
I have time start and time end and the difference between the two times. In a third column I have profit and want to calculate the profit per hour. When I divide the profit with the time spent I get a very very high number. If I for instance type in 1 hour of work and profit 100, then I get profit per hour 2400. (profit/hours spent)
On a side note I am trying to get the numbers as 24 hours and not use am or pm and in the spread sheet I get these numbers but in the box at the top where you see the formulas etc. it shows as am and pm. I have uploaded an example.
I am attempting to create a formula that will count the number of times, lets say letter A, occurs in column E. However, the tricky part that I have been confused on is that I only want to count how many times A occurs between each hour of the day. I need to count number of times "A" occurs between each hour of the day for the entire month.
My Worksheet looks as such: Column A contains the dates for the month of November, Column B contains times that random instances occur, Column C is not important, Column E contains a Letter A-N that pertains to what occurred at a time in column B. SO, Column B and column E coordinate with each other.
Here is an example. Column A - Cell A1 - 11/01/2013 , A2 - 11/02/2013, A3 - 11/03/2013. Column B - Cell B1 - 12:01 AM , Cell B2 - 14:03 , Cell B3 - 15:23 Column C - Cell E1 - A , Cell E2 - A, Cell E3 - B
So I would like Column F to display that between 12:00 - 12:59 Am there was X number of times the letter A occurred throughout the entire month.
I currently use a manual time clock for my employees to punch in and out. I then use Excel to tally their times. This is very tedious and error prone.
Is it possible to use Excel as the timeclock itself? I know that the employee can enter the time in a spreadsheet manually. But this also opens the door for error and potential dishonesty.
What I am looking for is, if the employee can punch in and out by doing a keystroke and Excel uses the computer's clock to timestamp.
What i try to achieve is: from 00:00hrs to 24:00hrs = 24hrs which is 1.0 day Have made the attached spredsheet to calculate it correctly to 1 day. But if you look on the attachment the "total hrs" is saying 00:00 (it transfers to 00:00 when i am putting in 24:00). Basically how am I able to make Excel to display 24:00 insted of 00:00. Maybe there is an add ins availible like the pop up calendar but for times instead.
Okay I have a basic Time clock calculation in excel (i.e.-(timeout1-timein1)+(timeout2-timein2)="Total time"). What I need to do is convert the "Total time" to be changed to 3 min increments. I don't know if that is the best way to put it but let me show you the chart for the conversions. 3 mins=.05 hrs, 6 mins=.10, etc etc etc.
So lets put this into us
A1 (timein1)= 6:42 AM A2(timeout1)=11:30 AM A3(timein2)= 12:00 PM A4(timeout2)= 5:00 PM (17:00)
So A5(Total Time)=9h 48min, but I need it to equal 9.80 hrs because with the conversion, 48 mins is .80 of an hour. So how can I set up A5 (Total time) to automatically do this calculation? This website is how I would like it to work http://www.1728.com/timecard.htm
I've calculated the time of hours worked by staff using th 24 hour clock - "hh:mm" format.
When summing up the hours, it goes a bit haywire, i.e.
Staff A = 12:30 Staff B = 14:00 Sum = 02:30
Total should equal 26:30 (26 and a half hours), however I get returned 02:30. I assume it is down to the 24 hour clock and I so I tried adding 24 to it in the formula bar to get the right answer and it didn't work.
I need to calculate how much time I've got left before the earliest order needs to be despatched (it might be 2 or more on every day). This wouldn't be a problem if orders would be placed daily. But for every item it varies. For example: for "X" product there is an order in 3 days time to be despatched at 19:00. I have built a live clock in the spreadsheet but I can't work out the formula.
P.S. Also I need two time formats, first - days(text) hh:mm second - just a numeric value that can be formated as [hh:mm].
Need running clock in Excel... in A1 I have put running clock which is taking current system time. However, I want to add running clocks for EST in B1 - CST in C1 and PST in D1.
VB code I used to display current system running clock
Global clockOn As Boolean Sub runClock() Range("A1").Value = Now() If clockOn = True Then
I want to make a Word Clock. Instead of showing the time as "12:30" I want it to show the words "It is half past twelve"
To Do this I've created a Square of Letters on an excel sheet (one letter per cell!) with black letters and black back grounds, when it is 12.30 I want the relevant letters to (cells) to change the text coulor to white so it shows up.
The cell I'm using are from D8 to P19 and the time is shown in A1
So lets say at 12.30 Cells D9, F12, H14 and M16 need to change from Black Text Colour to White Coulour,
I need a code or some VB that says "If A1 = 12.30 the Cells D9,F12,H14,M16 = White Text Colour, if not Black Text Colour".
I currently use a manual time clock for my employees to punch in and out. I then use Excel to tally their times. This is very tedious and error prone.
Is it possible to use Excel as the timeclock itself? I know that the employee can enter the time in a spreadsheet manually. But this also opens the door for error and potential dishonesty.
What I am looking for is, if the employee can punch in and out by doing a keystroke and Excel uses the computer's clock to timestamp.
Anything in the same line will round to the bolded time.
Example: I arrive to work at 8:09 and go to lunch at 11:59, it will round to 8:12 and 12:00, making my time worked 3:48 or 3.80. Then I get back from lunch at 12:59 and leave at 17:14, which will round to 13:00 and 17:12, making my time worked 4:12 or 4.2 for the 2nd 1/2 of the day and 8:00 or 8.0 hours for the day.
Time In----------Time Out----------Total Time----------Decimal Time----------Total Hours ...8:12.................12:00..................3:48......................3.80 ..13:00................17:12..................4:12......................4.20..........................8.00
The problem is I want to write the actual time and not have to round everything myself and yet I need the decimal time to match what my time clock actually calculates from.
My current formula for the decimal shown above as 3.80 is this: =(HOUR(F7)*60+MINUTE(F7))/60 My current formula for the total time for the day (regular hours) is this: =IF((((E7-D7)+(I7-H7))*24)>8,8,((E7-D7)+(I7-H7))*24) My current formula for overtime is this: =IF(((E7-D7)+(I7-H7))*24>8,((E7-D7)+(I7-H7))*24-8,0)
This is not a time clock, it is my personal copy of what my time for the week was/is, so that I can compare it to the actual time card that I have to sign off on.
.I have a data dump of when people have entered in times for when they worked. I need to be able to calculate their total time they worked but running into a problem with people that work over night and those that enter in times that overlap.
An example:
John A. Time in: 12:00 AM Time out: 7:00 AM John A. Time in: 4:00 AM Time out: 7:00 AM John A Time in: 7:00PM Time out: 11:59 PM
The total time should be 12 hours but the formula using max/min is giving 23:59 hours/minutes. How would I create a formula so it will calculate the right time? Second, how do I get the formula to not duplicate overlap time? I am getting with the first two rows a total of 10 hours instead of 7 hours because it double counts.
I have a large amount of data and I'm trying to count how many unique values I have in one column. I also want to know how many times each duplicate appears. I tried using a pivot table but it's not working for me.
I also tried the following formula: =SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(H:H,H:H)>0,1)) but it's not quite working.
Is there a function that allows you to read column A for an ID (these may or may not include letters/numbers/"?", are non-sequential and are of variable lengths) and, if it is the first time that it has seen an ID column B will read "sample_1_arm_1", if its the second time it has seen an id it will read "sample_2_arm_1", etc? An example of what I am trying to do on a much larger scale:
I am trying to come up with a macro that selects values from one sheet and inserts them into another sheet. The number of values will change each time based on the user's entry, as well as the number of times that each entry should be pasted.
For example:
Entry: X | Y | Z Number of Times to be Inserted to New Sheet 3 | 2 | 1
Result: X X X Y Y Z
I have spent a while trying to figure it out, however the best I can come up with is using an array, but I can only get one value from the array to paste multiple times:
(*Note: In my testing, I didn't insert into new sheet or set up the array to handle different values, I was just trying to get the basic idea to work)
Dim A(1, 3) As Variant A(1, 1) = Range("C3").Value A(1, 2) = Range("D3").Value A(1, 3) = Range("E3").Value
I've tried everything I know (which isnt that much to be honest. lol). Ive tried the frequency formula but that doesn't work the way I want it - I think its probably the wrong formula to use. I've also tried a pivot table but they always vex me. If a pivot table IS the way to go, could someone talk me through it step by step? (*the wizard is just as confusing as doing it yourself I find) ....
I am trying to pull the closest times above and below and some other data from various worksheets. I've included a sample worksheet that has a dumbed down version of the tables and sheets.
I am having problems pulling the correct times and believe my error is in this part of the bigger formulas (
COLUMN(INDIRECT(portlookup&C5&"HEAD"))-COLUMN(C1),3)+1<=2 which breaks down to COLUMN(INDIRECT(ABYJANHEAD))-COLUMN(C1),3)+1<=2
I don't think this is accurately telling my formula how to look at the table and pick the right time. I've tried different mod divisors and still can't get it to pull the right time.
i want to calculate the TAT between two times. the TAT target is <= 2 hours. i used the following formula
a1 has 3/13/2009 (received date) b1 has 7:08 AM (received time) c1 has 3/13/2009 (completed date) d1 has 9:08 AM (completed time) e1 has TAT formula :- '=IF((D1-B1)*1440<=120,"Met TAT","Not Met TAT")
however this formula does not work in the following conditions.
In these conditions, it is considered that TAT is met. 1. When the difference in time is <=2 hours .... for TAT calculation, on working days and working hours are taken into consideration.
To illustrate. Day begins : 8:00 AM Day ends : 4:00 PM
If job is received at 3:30 PM and completed the next working day by 9:30 AM, then it is considered TAT is met. calculation = 4:00 PM - 3:30 PM = half hour + next day's 9:30 AM - 8:00 AM = 1.5 hours, therefore, total working hours used to complete the job is within the agreed TAT.
If job is received and completed on non working days and during non working hours, it is considered TAT met.
If job is received almost at the end of the day, say, 3.30 PM and job is completed at 8:00 PM same day, then it is considered TAT met, rationale, only half an hour of working hours used to complete the job.
I am trying to get rid of some duff data by running a comparison to a fixed value on a defined range. However, the macro tries to compare the cell value (00:05:00) as a decimal value.
I think I need to use the format function to get round this.
For Each timecheckcell In range("g3:g60") timecheckcell.Value = Format(MyTime, "h:m:s") If timecheckcell.Value <> "00:05:00" Then timecheckcell.Offset(0, 1) = "" Next
Where C4 is 'Qualifying time', C5 is 'Starting fuel', C2 is 'Lap number' and C3 is 'Fuel consumption'. I also plan to make the 0.3 a changeable variable.
I'm not fussed as to whether or not this is a realistic function that would work in a real race, it's only hypothetical. However I would like to have a function that would give me the over all race time at any given lap, not just the lap time for it.
I am having trouble finding the difference between times. I have two cells, A1, A2. Times will be placed in there each day. A1 will have the first time and A2 will have a later time that day. i.e. A1 12:25AM, A2 2:45AM. A3 would have the formula. In this case I am looking for an answer of 2:00 (2hrs).
My second issue will be times when I have A1 11:20pm and A2 1:20am. I can't seem to get it to work.
I have a file that samples performance on a cpu. The output shows the sampling date and time in column A. This column changes depending on how long I run the file. No matter how long the column, I only want to pull out the sample date and time 20 times. So if I had data in column A with 300 rows, I want to divide 300 by 20 and pull those 20 numbers and put them in column B in chronological order. Same thing if I had 4000 rows in column A, I only want 20 samples.
I'm trying to subtract two times to get the difference. Entries are in military format (1615) and VBA converts the time to 16:15. My problem is that when a time is entered between 0001 and 0059 (i.e. 0015), the VBA converts the time to :15. My formula does not recognize this, but does recognize 0:15 (entered without VBA). The cell is custom formatted as h:mm. I've tried several other formats including [h]:mm but can't get any to work. How can I get a formula to recognize it?
I am trying to create a time sheet where there will be a start time - end time - number of hours (difference between the 2) - pay rate - total pay, but am getting strange results!