Transfer Copy/paste Based On Criteria
Jan 13, 2010
6 worksheets ("Monday" ,"Tuesday" etc)
1 Worksheet (call it Main)
In the Main sheet let's say there are 3 column headings - Date, Inv No, Amount
I want to copy from the Main sheet to the appropriate day e.g if the dates in the main are13/01/10 and 14/01/10 then all the info pertaining to 13/01/10 should go to the Wednesday worksheet.
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Nov 12, 2008
a VBA code to do the following:
I have a worksheet consist of some 17,000 records - from ColA:ColDZ. In Datasheet, I have all values. From this, based on some values in ColA all records should be copied into another sheet(s).
I have attached a sample workbook in which I have explained the requirement.
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Feb 13, 2014
Sheet 2 contains a drop down list containing names, would like to assign a Macro to a button on same sheet that would refer to sheet 3 based on certain criteria.
Sheet 3 contains columns A - K of data. 2 criteria, data in column D and column K. Column D would be the same as names in the drop down list, whereas column K refers to a constant, either y or n.
Example: If D contains "Cheddar" and K contains "Y", copy and paste A:K to Sheet1, preferably starting at row 7.
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Jul 19, 2007
I am very new to Macro programming. I want to set up a macro which will copy data from few cells in a sheet and paste them as "Values" to certain specific locations in another sheet based on criteria. This copy paste needs to be done for about 40 different cells. I want to fix this with a button on the source sheet, so that this process happens when the button is clicked. I am attaching a sample file showing what I need.
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Jan 22, 2008
I have 2 ranges: 1."Task info" (4x4 range)
2." Dates" (24x2 range)
I have one variable cell ref: "Date1" (a date)
Based on "Date1" I want to copy the value in the "task info" and Paste special value that is next to the corresponding date in "dates".
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May 23, 2008
I need to copy specific rows that have a specific value in colum B and Colum M to new worksheets.
So from attached screenshot , say for an example macro shud filter rows that have "BigPond" in coloum B ,"RG2" in column M & "INT" in column W and i dont want all cells in these rows , i only want copy cells under column C,AK,AL,AM (in this order) to my other excel sheet that is named "BigPond" and it should paste it starting from Row5?
I want to avoid recording a macro as it selects a range and i am expecting more new rows every week so if a record a macro the cell range for selection changes and i get incorrect result.
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Jan 17, 2007
I have a file that has two sheets, I have some formulas in the first sheet named "Data",What i would like to have is, If column G in the sheet Data is "Closed", then i want that particular row to be cut from the sheet " Data" and pated in to the Sheet "Done".
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Sep 4, 2006
I have a workbook with 2 - worksheets "DATA" and "LETTER".
The "DATA" sheet has columns "First Name" "Last Name" "Address"...etc.
The user can enter in either a "X" or a "x" in cells B6:B100 on the "DATA" worksheet.
After the user enters a X or x and hits the macro button I need it to copy certain cells from "DATA" worksheet to "LETTER" worksheet. I have listed a example below.
In this example if a "X" or "x" is entered into B6 on "DATA" worksheet and the macro button is hit, then: ....
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Apr 15, 2008
I have spent a few days searching through forums but cannot find examples that i have been able to successfully adapt ( because they are to complicated for my limited knowledge). I have a workbook with 5 sheets, sheet1 (current), and sheet 4 (archive) are the important ones. I need a macro to
A) copy rows from "current" to "archive" ( to the 1st empty row) if column S of "current" contains "Closed" ( the word is generated by formula).
B) The paste needs to paste special values and number formats ( want to lose formula but not conditional formatting).
C) data sort "archives" based on col A - this puts the newly archived data into correct sequence.Data sort lowest number 1st
D) delete the copied rows from "current".
e) give me a count of how many rows it deleted, (I have a macro to insert rows so will run that manually to recreate the correct number of emtpy rows (with formula and formatting) to bring the current sheet back to usual size.
I tried modifying a macro by RPaulson (based on cells on one sheet to cells on another), to work with entire rows but couldn't get it to work.
Found that paste special uses PasteSpecial xlPasteValues, but , and thats about it.
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Dec 10, 2009
I have a dictionary for which’s words I want to find poem verse pairs as references. I want to add 3 different verse pairs of poems as reference to each word from my wordlist. There are two worksheets: .......
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Feb 17, 2010
Basically a VBA code for a Command Button which when being pushed looks for the last cell being used in column A and copy/pastes rows 1 to 19 right in the next cell where this X (just an example..X could be anything basically) would be found. My columns go up to BU.
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Jun 4, 2008
I am trying to copy and paste Row by cell value. It is working fine when I am copying row from one worksheet by comboBox value to other worksheet. But problem is after updating data when I want copy back by cell value, it is showing "Run-time error '1004'" - Application-defined or Object-defined error. the code below is working fine
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim sfind As String
Dim cl As Range
'check for a value & show message
Sheet = "Data"
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
If Me.userIDCombo.Value = "" Then 'the textbox in userform
MsgBox "Please enter a Name to Update."
' show message if no Name Selected
Exit Sub
sfind = Me.userIDCombo.Value.........................
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Aug 5, 2014
I have a file that needs to copy/change and paste data if column H has the following 3 abbrev but each of them has its paste criteria. see details below.
1) In column H, if abbrev ="Prod 10", insert 9 rows and then copy and paste but the codes in column G of the copied rows need to change to different numbers.
2) If abbrev ="Prod 4", change the code of the following 3 rows to 44298.
3) If abbrev ="Prod 14", insert 13 rows and then copy and paste.
Is it possible to have a macro to do these tasks?
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May 8, 2008
I need to be able to search column y and rows 5-100 and where cells contain "A" copy and paste entire row to row 110. I am guessing it is really simple but I am obviuosly missing something
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Feb 18, 2012
I have a problem and I hope that it can be solved using a macro. Basically, I have a set of data in column A and B in sheet(1):
I have another set of data in Sheet(2):
basically, I would take into consideration the names and dates in sheet(1) and if it matches sheet(2) then it would then paste their salaries, characters and ratings into sheet(1).
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Jan 22, 2007
I want to copy and paste from one sheet to another based on column a using a macro copy button.
E.g. if column a value = apple then copy that row into the apple sheet.
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Jun 19, 2008
1) I have a original worhsheet_A which with header rows(1~6) and many columns.
2) In the sheet_A, there are 2 columns (ColumnN & S) which I need to set criteria (value>5).
3) If any row's data which meet the criteria (value >5) with either column N or S, copy all the entired rows to sheet_B following sheet_A sequence.
4) The sheet_B should have the same header row with sheet_A(row1~6).
Btw, is possible create a corn job trigger this macro to run daily 9am to send out the worksheet_B as email, so that the command button can be disregarded.
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Nov 21, 2011
I have a macro that would check data in Column A and validate if a particular number is repeating, then for that number go to column B, Take the Values from there go to a new sheet and paste the values in a row.
CurrencyDateRef CodeIDAccountAmountDes.USD07152011XDVU4315210.4200.C5001.USD-18,606,772.190Distr Payable 07152011USD07152011XDVU4315210.4200.C5002.USD-111,131.450Distr Payable 07152011USD07152011XDVU4315420.4240.C5001.USD18,606,772.190Distr Payable 07152011USD07152011XDVU4315420.4240.C5002.USD111,131.450Distr Payable 07152011
I get the data in the below format
CurrencyDateRef CodeIDAccountAccountAmountDes.USD07152011XDVU4315210.4200.C5001.USD420.4240.C5001.USD-18,606,772.190Distr Payable 07152011USD07152011XDVU4315210.4200.C5002.USD420.4240.C5002.USD-111,131.450Distr Payable 07152011
I need to the macro to get the data not from the second cell.
Below is my macro
Sub test()
Dim idRange As Range, c As Range
Dim uniqueID As String
Dim destSht As Worksheet, sourceSheet As Worksheet
Dim r As Long
Dim i As Integer
Dim map As Object, key, item
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Jul 17, 2014
I have a ListObject table called Table1, and the column name is Table1[Company]. The records have been sorted A-Z for the Company.
The records look something like this
Date Employee Company
1/1/11 Jane A Company
1/1/11 Jane B Company
3/1/11 Bob B Company
2/1/11 Bob B Company
4/1/11 Bob B Company
5/1/11 Bob C Company
What I need is a sub() to look in the column of Table1[Company] and determine:
The # of records that match the criteria given the Company name, and where they start and end. Ultimately, I'd like to copy and paste this portion of the table to another spreadsheet.
So for instance, if the Company = "B Company", then I could find out there are 4 records and there locations to copy and paste them.
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Jan 8, 2009
I'm looking to create a macro that will take data from an input sheet, and paste it into a cell in another worksheet, based on criteria specified in sheet1.
Specifically in the attached example, the macro would copy the data in cells C8:C10 of sheet 1, then paste them into sheet 2 based on the data specified in cell B3 i.e. it would paste them into the column headed Mar-09. I intend to make this cell a drop down, so that the user can then select the next reporting month and run the macro again to paste the data into the Apr-09 column.
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Jul 17, 2014
I have a spreadsheet with two tabs Line Crew and Master Log. I have a macro that searches the Master Log Column H for a value "Line Crew" and if it finds it, it will copy that row (Specified range) to the Line Crew tab. My problem with the macro is that it keeps copying the same row. I would like it to move down to the next row search for "Line Crew" , copy and paste until it gets to the end of Master Log Sheet. I have attached a sample of the spreadsheet. Here is my code:
[Code] ..........
Attached File : Book1.xlsm‎
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Nov 7, 2011
I have run into a problem which is quite unique. I have data for 40000 football matches. The Sheet "Raw data" has the raw format of the data.
Sheet "Goal Difference (Home - Away)" is pretty important. This sheet is the goal difference between the home team and the away team. "A5:A95" has the number of minutes in a football match and we are trying to track the way a team progresses throughout the match. Lets assume the score is 0-2 for the 1st match and the goals were scored in "39, 76," minute by the away team. So the data will read 0 from 0-38, -1 from 39-75 and -2 from 76-90.
Sheet "Red Cards conceeded_Home" tracks the number of red cards as the match progresses through 0-90 minutes for the home team. The catch here is if the score reads Red Cards : "1 - 2" and the Red Cards Time reads "26, 15, 18". The red card was issued to the home team at 26th minute, The away team received it at the 15th and 18th minute. So the data will read 0 from 0-25, 1 from 26-90.
The same applies to the other tabs.
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Apr 19, 2013
I have tried to write some VBA to copy and paste rows based on the condition in cells A:A in sheet one. So far I have managed to put something together which will paste the first row and insert a new row below but keeps on pasting the same row. But not much else! Not sure I have tried to make it more difficult than what is it.
I would like it to copy a row based on a certain condition ("WRW") in A:A sheet one and paste it to sheet2.
Function DoOne(RowIndex As Integer) As Boolean
Dim Key
Dim Target
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Jan 30, 2014
I have an Excel Spread Sheet that lists all of the people who have been issued Keys in your workplace, so the row has multiple information columns (Name, Department, Key Code, etc). One row is titled "Left Workplace" and you can select either a Yes or a No. Based on that selction I want it to copy and paste into a different spreadsheet (Either Inactive - if "No" is selected or Active - if "Yes" is selected) What is the best way to go about this?
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Apr 24, 2014
This code basically copies data from one worksheet to another worksheet based on the date and works great.
However, I have been asked to changed the format of the spreadsheet and the code needs to be changed. The code is in "This workbook".
The code takes the data from the summary tab and copies it to the archive tab. I now need it to take it from the summary tab and copy it to the archive 2 tab.
I have attached a copy of the spreadsheet. Data and Archive2.xlsm‎
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Dec 28, 2008
I have a userform.listbox1 that is generated by entries made from another userform on a commandbutton1_click I want loop through the listbox, find the value on one sheet and copy/paste to another.
the code below is what i have come up with. I do not get any errors, it just doesn't copy/paste anything. Why sheet1 has over 5400 rows, sheet2 is blank
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Mar 16, 2009
I've two sheets: "present" and "removed". I would like to have a whole row copied and deleted and existing rows moved up in "present" when I type the word "yes" in column E. The deleted rows are to be pasted into "removed", with two extra pieces of data - date removed and name of person removing it - to be asked in pop up boxes and inserted into col F and G respectively in "removed".
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Oct 28, 2009
I have data on sheet-1 ("MEAL CHART") that I copy over to sheet-2 (Nutri_DB) daily. The macro below is working for me when I post the data the same day it is recorded. However, I frequently need to post my data the day before or day after it is recorded.
I would like to modify my code below so it copies/pastes the data based on the date in cell B1 (Named range "DATE") not the actual date (today()).
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Jan 25, 2010
I would like a code which looks on the worksheet “Racks” and if Column A is "Y" then copy the entire row and paste it on the to sheet “Summary Racks”. I would need it to then find the next instance and then continue to copy and paste. I have attached the file I am currently working on.
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Aug 1, 2006
I have a spreadsheet that contains numerous ranges on different sheets with monthly data. The year begins with all formulas for forecasted data and as each month passes I need to copy/paste values in the current month column to reflect "actual" data vs. "forecasted". I would like to simplify this by using VBA, based on an inputbox ("current month") to find the month in each range and copy/paste values.
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