Update Values Prompt

Feb 12, 2013

I attempted to copy the cells (which had formulas) from one workbook worksheet into another workbook worksheet. It didn't paste properly, so I deleted it and resolved to enter the formulas I needed manually one by one. The formulas reference values in other worksheets within the same workbook. The issue is, now, for some reason when I attempt to enter the formulas, I get an "Update Values" prompt and the formulas won't reference the sheets within the same workbook anymore. Is there a way to stop this prompt from appearing? and unlink the workbooks?

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Update Links Without Prompt

Mar 18, 2008

I'm using code which forces users to enable macros prior to being allowed into a file. Then I ran into an issue of needing this Shared Workbook to update links, which you can't do in the workbook_open event and I do not want users prompted to update or not. So what I've done is made a 'skeleton' file to force the macro enable and then open up the real file with updated links. Once the real file is opened I want that skeleton file to close. For some reason, once the file closes the code halts. "Forcemacroenablemaster" closes, but nothing runs after it. If I comment the close line out everything after runs. This code is in my "Forcemacroenable" file:

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Call ShowAllSheets
Workbooks("Forcemacroenablemaster.xls").Close False
MsgBox "Test"

Call ValidSetup
End Sub

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Automatic Link Update WITHOUT Prompt When File Opened Not Working (XL2003)

Jul 6, 2006

Despite setting the "Edit/Links/Startup Prompt/Don't display the alert and update links" option numerous times, my workbook still prompts me to update links every time I open it. The option seems to be set okay (it is preset whenever I go into the "Edit/Links/Startup Prompt" dialog), but it doesn't seem to affect the workbook's startup behaviour. The workbook contains a ComboBox control that is initialized with customer names from another workbook, which is included in the References for this main workbook.

I am using Excel 2003 (from Office Pro 2003) under Windows XP (SP1). I believe this used to work without the prompt when I was working on this app last fall (I'm not sure, as my memory of specific behaviours back that far is fuzzy). However, it has been persistently prompting ever since I started working on this app again this spring/summer. Was there perhaps a bad fix to Office 2003 (that I automatically applied) that broke this feature?

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Prompt If Numeric Values Inputed Is Less Than Five Digits

Mar 5, 2009

I have a userform which has a textbox for employee id. If an employee enters less than 5 digits, it should prompt the user via msg box that he needs to enter 5 digits for employee id. However my coding doesnt work...can someone help me correct it?

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Update Col2 Values To Col1 Values

Mar 12, 2012

I've got e.g. two rows of numbers -

663 666
664 665
665 663
666 664
667 667

and want to update col2 values to col1 values. Col 1 is always sorted low to high. For some reason I can't figure this out, whichever end I start from will change numebrs prematurely and muck everything up.

But it's got to be simple, hasn't it ? ! It's in a macro, not a worksheet and there may be more or less then the 5 in the example above.

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Sum Won't Update After VBA Enters Values

Jun 2, 2009

I've got a user form that enters values from a text box into one of the spread sheet columns and a Sum at the top which is not updating when the value is added into the column. After highlighting the cell and pressing return it will update the sum though

I've checked that auto calculation is on and that all cells involved are the same format, I even made up a basic form to simulate the same situation in another workbook and that actually works. Is there any way and code could be causing this trouble? or maybe just a corrupt workbook for some reason?

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Automatically Update The Values.

Jan 5, 2010

I have a worksheet with a cell that references another cell.
Cell A1 references cell B1, and the value of cell A1 is "=B1"

When I type anything in B1, A1 won't automatically update to reflect what I've typed. The only way I can get it to update on the fly is to save the workbook. Even when I close the workbook and reopen it, it still won't update to what I've typed in B1. Is there a setting that keeps it from autoupdating?

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Values Update Automatically

Oct 18, 2008

In my worksheet I have a data validation dropdown which changes the value in a cell. I then use VLOOKUP to find values in Personal.xls (open) based upon that cell. It works great, BUT if I make any changes to the data in Personal.xls it doesn't get updated in the other file. I've tried saviing, closing, opening etc but it never updates since I first did it.

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Find And Update Row Values

Mar 27, 2008

I am writing a program that uses EXCEL forms to document all pending/back orders and saves the data to an EXCEL Sheet.When some items from a P.O have been fulfilled,I need to find the row where this order is located & replace it with the remaining quantity that needs to be delivered to the customers. EG.

Column A Column B Column C Column D
Status P.O. Description Quantity
Pending 1234 Table 10
Pending 2345 Chairs 20

Referring to the table above, when 8 chairs from P.O 2345 (order of 20 chairs) are being delivered to the customer, I need to find the row that contains this data & replace the quantity to 12 (User will input this value in a control form). I am using the MATCH function to find the row that contains the data but having problem in writing a code to replace the row values. Here is what I have written so far:

'to find the row that has an exact data match

i = Selection.FormulaArray = _


'replace the quantity to the remaining quantity(this is where the problem is)

lrow = ws.Rows("B" & (i + 6)).Select

'copy data to excel file

Cells(lrow, 5).Value = Me.txtPO.Value

Cells(lrow, 7).Value = Me.cboDescription.

Cells(lrow, 9).Value = Me.txtQuantity.Value

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Values Unrecognizable After Update Userform?

Sep 21, 2011

The following code edits/adds the value of textbox2 to its corresponding cell. The problem with it is that after updating, the values are unrecognizable and can't be used for further calculations.

With LB
LI = .ListIndex
Range(.ListFillRange).Cells(LI + 1, 2).Value = TextBox2.Value


Although it does not gives an error it makes even more values in the column unrecognizable.

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Update Summary Values (Detail)

Aug 25, 2013

I have a spreadsheet that has detail and summary info. I want to update the summary with the detail. I currently have the summary next to the detail, but I may move it to it's own tab.

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Update Values From A Userform Into A Worksheet

Jun 4, 2008

I am writing code that when you click "OK" on the userform the macro should copy the user entered values which are already in a worksheet into another worksheet. Once the values have been copied over I would like the form to clear the values.
The code that I have so far is giving me a Method " Range" of object'_Global' failed error.

Sub UpdateVariables()
Dim HomeAddress
Dim CellAddress
If Range("E1") = 0 Then Exit Sub
For Each Cell In Range ("E4:E496")
If ActiveCell.Value = 1 Then
HomeAddress = ActiveCell.Address
CellAddress = Variables & "!" & ActiveCell.Offset(0,1).Value
Range(CellAddress).Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0,-1).Value
End If
Next Cell
End Sub

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Paste Values From Cell With Formula That Will Update With Changes?

Jun 26, 2014

I have a cell with a fairly long formula for concatenating a large number of other cells. Let's call it cell "A". Due to the formatting and end use of the data in cell "A", I have to copy and only paste the values of that cell into another cell, which I'll call cell "B". What I need to know is whether there is a way for the values in cell "B" to automatically update in the same way they do in cell "A" when data changes in any of the cells that are being concatentated.

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Search For Values And Update Cell Totals

Jan 26, 2010

it's a search loop which runs the following when the file is opened. I would put it in the workbook_open sub but instead I want to have the sheet update before a main userform appears.

What I need it to do is:

Read each cell in column K from row 6 onwards to the last active row.

If a value is found then store the value (let's say as variable x) and from that cell, add up each value starting in the cell that is two columns to the left (column I) and one row down, onwards going down until a cell = "" is reached in that column (contains nothing). The total values added in column I could be stored as variable y.

Once cell = "" is reached, have x - y to make z and then the total (z)should display in the cell to the very left of the very original cell that contained the value x.

Finally, if x = the value in the cell to the immediate left from where x is (so same row but in column J), have that whole row from column A to L turn green, else have it turn orange:

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Enter Value From Dropdown List And Have Values Update

Sep 26, 2007

im creating a data sheet of a slide rule (pull the rule out and all the numbers change, you know the sort).

I want to be able to select a value in a dropdown list, and the others (already programmed in) to appear next to a diagram of a screw.

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Auto Update Links With Current Values

Aug 4, 2006

When copying data from a closed workbook, I frequently get the prompt:

"Links to 'Source.xls' were not updated because 'Source.xls' was not recalculated before it was last saved.
To update links with current values in 'Source.xls', click OK..."

Is there a way I can bypass this prompt and automatically update with the saved (uncalculated) values and therefore not require a user intervention?

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Find/Replace Asks To Update Values

Aug 16, 2006

I am copying fomulas from one row to the next. Then I am using the Find and Replace tool to replace some key text. This technique has worked 65 times. Now when I try to Replace All a box comes up asking me to Update Values for the text im replacing. Why is this happening?

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How To Update Rows Based On New Values So That Those Are Pulled Automatically

May 27, 2014

I create a report that shows one set of numbers against another set of numbers based on a transactions list I pull monthly. The Report tab is really simple and is based on the sumifs. Sometime, new accounts are created that I don't know about. They show up in the transactions table but not on the Report tab. Is there a way to automatically add new accounts/rows on my summary sheet so that no account is missed? Is there also a way where columns A and B on the Report tab are unique values that are pulled from the transactions tab? Hence, if a new number and description are added, the list just picks it up. In my case however, there are tens or hundred of lines with the same accounts/descriptions.

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Auto Update Of Values From Other Sheet Based On Changes In One Cell

Jul 24, 2013

i want to update values fon an excel sheet on a month by month basis. So i have jan to dec folders and excel sheets under each folder , i want to update my monthly forecast sheet based on the numbers in the folder I want to just change the cell in my monthly forecast sheet to Jan or Feb and the values should be pulled from the closed excel files in the monthly folders. I tried concatenation but it gave me #REF .. Is there a way to do it other than using "pull" ??

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Excel Asks To Update Values By Loading New File

Sep 23, 2013

I'm doing a Vlookup and when I copy down the formula Excel asks me to update the values by opening a new document. But this I can't or don't want to do - but I can't get rid of the box that asks me update the values with a new file.

How to remove this?

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Excel 2010 :: Update Values From And To Closed Workbook?

Mar 7, 2012

I am having a workbook (say a.xlsm) which has value entry fields and some values are given to another workbook (say b.xlsm) which has some sort of calculations and the result is projected back to the book a. most of the time book b will be closed. I am using Excel 2010.

I opened and saw that the result which is calculated and projected from workbook b is not getting updated. I opened the workbook b and saw that the values I have entered in a has not been updated in b. note that I am opening one book at a time and I do click on update links when I am asked.

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Excel - Search For A String And Update Few Values Access?

Aug 3, 2012

I have a requirement there is a excel sheet that has multiple sheet with application names , cntact names , phone numbers & email address and this gets updated by me often. I need a code that can put the application names and email address alone into an access database and that should automatically get updated whenever changes are made in the excel sheet.

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Auto Update Or Resync Values In Data Validated Lists

Feb 8, 2010

I was wondering if there was some way to auto update or resync values in data validated lists which are dependant on information in other cells.

I attach my spreadsheet. My list in Cell F32 changes depending on what has been selected in cell F31. However, my problem is that, until you select cell F32, it still keeps the previous value on display, if you know what I mean. So! What I would like to happen, is when I select a different option in cell F31, then I would like cell F32 to update and show the first available option from the new list?

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Open/Update Linked Files, Convert To Values & Save To New Folder

May 21, 2008

I have a number of spreadsheets in a folder called country (each sheet is the name of a region). These sheets are linked to another sheet called master which is in another folder.

The regional sheets all have a list of wrap codes and pull details specific to each code from the master sheet. All wrap codes for all sheets are stored in the master, details for wrpas are manually entered here as well as any other associated information.

The link is kept by way of an index match formula used to populate information from the master for all wrap codes in the regional sheet.

Each of the regional sheets act as a report for a specific region and the master is the main source. Every week we need to open the regional sheets (some reside in different folders/subfolders) update the index match formulas in the sheet so that the data is refreshed and then save as a new file with data as values to another folder for reporting.

I am looking for a code that can automatically update all of the excel sheets in a given folder and then save them to a new folder automatically.

I have very very limited knowledge of VB (did make a hello world dialog box once) and am stuck as to any way to automate this process.

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Update Range Values In Workbook With Values From A Different Workbook

Jul 14, 2006

I have two workbooks: master and student. I have one spreadsheet in each workbook. Both workbooks contains data in the same range.

master.xls data = B1:B10 (values are integers)
student.xls data = B1:B10 (values are integers)

I want to know how to update(add) the values in master.xls with the values in a closed workbook(student.xls). Basically if master("B3") = 5 and student("B3") = 1, it will update the value in master("B3") = 6.

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Update Time And Date When I Update Data Not When I Open A File

Sep 5, 2008

I have used the function = now() to have the most updated time but it updates a workbook when I open it in the first place. How I can avoid this?

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Automatically Update Only With Numbers (ifnumber-update And Go To Next Cell)

Oct 18, 2013

Let's say that in column A I have numbers,"Yes" and "No". I want in column B to have only the numbers from column A, in the same order without any empty ranges, and everytime I add in column A a new number, column B to update automatically with that number. Let's have an example:

Yes 12
12 13
No 10

And if I want to add in column A:
Yes 12
12 13
No 10
13 25
No 15

So the column be will update automatically. I already tried =IFERROR(INDEX($A$1:$A$10,SMALL(IF(ISNUMBER($A$1:$A$10),ROW($A$1:$A$10)),ROWS(B$1:B1))-ROW($A$1)+1),") but using this many times get's my file very heavy and the excel is working slow.

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Stop Update / Don't Update Requestor Message

Oct 27, 2008

I have some VB code which sequentially opens over 200 workbooks to extract data from each and populate another workbook. These workbooks do have links to other workbooks in them.
For some reason when some of these workbooks are opened I get a requestor window asking whether I want to Update or Don't Update the data. I always want to Update the workbook and believe this can be done in VB by hiding the requestor?

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Update Links And Click Update, Returns #VALUE!

Jun 21, 2007

I have a vlookup to another workbook. It works fine if both workbooks are open. But if both are not open and I open the workbook with the links and click Update, #VALUE! returns. I have attached the two files. I don't think it is my formula, but here it is anyway. =IF( COUNTIF([Tempozgrid.xls]June!$A$52:$A$83,A3),VLOOKUP(A3,[Tempozgrid.xls]June!$A$52:$L$82,12,FALSE),0)

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Autofill; Copy Down It Doesn’t Automatically Update The Cell References Because It Want To Update Them By Column Number Instead Of Row Number

Dec 11, 2008

I have a basic formula =C17+'Asset Depreciation 2008 Onwards'!C24, and I want to copy it down just using the drag function. Problem is that the second reference range of cells are in rows and hence when I copy it down it doesn’t automatically update the cell references because it want to update them by column number instead of row number. IE I want it to display =C17+'Asset Depreciation 2008 Onwards'!
D24, instead of C25. Do you know if there is any way of telling Excel that I want it to increase the column number by 1 every time, instead of the row number for this part of the formula?

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