Using The AutoFilter/Custom Filter Function

Feb 3, 2010

I am trying to use the AutoFilter/Custom function in Excel (it is available under the Data Menu). It offers me two conditions/criteria that I can apply using and/or. For eg:


does not begin with - 3

and / or

does not begin with - 9.

I want to add a third 'and' criteria .. is it possible, and if so, how?

The column that I am trying to filter has numbers formatted as text.

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Copy And Paste Function Messes Up Because Of Custom Sort / Filter?

Jun 5, 2013

what I do with excel: I have an excel sheet that has over 18,000 rows in it. Since it would be a nightmare to scroll around to find what I want, I use the Custom Sort and Filter options under Editing>Sort&Filter. So for example, I can omit 17,800 rows using a specific setting so that I can work with a more reasonable 200 rows. Moreover, the 200 rows comes from all over the spreadsheet. Meaning their row numbers are not always consecutive.

Here's the problem: Whenever I try to copy anything from this "edited or filtered" excel sheet, the resulting paste is not an exact copy. Excel perfectly copies the first rows up until the point where the row numbers ceases to be consecutive. So, the copy function messes up somehow when the data being copied comes from a different section of the original 18,000 rows.

In case this isn't clear enough...

Let's say that the original file has rows 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

Once I filter/custom sort, I see rows 1,2,3,8,9,10

When I try to copy/paste 2,3,8,9, excel copies 2,3, but messes up the rest of the 8,9. And I end up with a totally useless copy that's generally shorter than it's supposed to be.

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Autofilter To Filter Cells With A Number Filter Of >= 4 And <= 5

Jul 25, 2009

I m trying to use an Autofilter to filter my cells with a Number Filter of is greater of equal to 4 and is less than or equal to 5.

But as you can see I would like to customise is using a range of 2 values which i have specified in Cell P1 and Q1.

I manage to figure out how to reference to this cell, but Im not sure how can i put my ">=" and "<=" operators into my code so i can get it to work exactly how i want as shown in Code 1.

Code 1

ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$K$118").AutoFilter Field:=6, Criteria1:=">=4", _
Operator:=xlAnd, Criteria2:="<=5"

Code 2
ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$K$118").AutoFilter Field:=6, Criteria1:=Range("P1").Value, _Operator:=xlAnd, Criteria2:=Range("Q1").Value

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Keep Autofilter Custom Dialogue Box Open

May 6, 2007

I wish to use the custom option on autofilter several times. The problem is it closes every time I enter a new filter criteria. Is there a way to force it to stay open until I choose to close it? That way I don't have to use the pull down list to choose custom every time.

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Excel 2003 :: AutoFilter By Day Of Week When Day Is From Custom Format?

Jan 23, 2012

I'm working with three large data sets covering a month of data in 5 minute intervals. There is a single date and time column which I am using some custom formats to list Time in 12 hour format, AM or PM and Day of the week.

Based upon the various analysis scenarios, adding some Autofilter columns is meeting most of my needs. One issue I am having is that I can filter on a single day using the built in list that Autofilter provides. But I have been asked to look at weekend vs weekday.

Since Excel 2003 only offers two filter criteria, I thought I could use a custom filter with Saturday and Sunday as include or exclude criteria. But, what I am findings is that while the Autofilter shows each day in the dropdown, certain attempts to use them within the custom autofilter do not work.

For example, equals Saturday and equals Sunday correctly returns only weekend data. However, if I try changing both to Does not equals, the result is that no data is filtered.Some of my research indicates that the problem is that the date information being presented as days of the week would need to be text strings . This seems to shed some light on the issue as any attempts at using wildcards fail.

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Custom Autofilter (select Case Statement, Two Dates)

Jan 14, 2007

I have a workbook with 2 sheets I want to make an autofilter by two method :

- select case statement
- two dates

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AutoFilter VBA To Filter Different Ranges

Mar 30, 2009

If I had a table of data (say in range A5:D15) and then I autofiltered that table in vba with...

range("A5:D15"). autofilter

Is there any way that I can change the positioning of the autofilter drop down arrows, to row 1 say, rather than the usual row 5 (the top of the table)?

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Search Box That Uses Autofilter To Filter Results Down?

May 14, 2012

I want to create a searchbox in Excel which will locate text in a massive amount of data, for example, if a user types into the box....


I want the search box to filter the spreadsheet using the autofilter from cell B3, thus filtering out all results that are NOT "123".

Currently I have a button to press which brings up the CTRL + F screen, but that isn't exactly what is required in this instance.

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Automating Data Filter Autofilter...

Mar 5, 2007

Automating Data Filter Autofilter. i would like to automate the autofilter (from a form)...the following code works, needs improvement...

myfilter = Range("d2").Value
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=myfilter

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AutoFilter Fails To Filter On Numbers

Jul 2, 2008

I am experinacing some difficulty in using the Autofilter in the attached sheet. The workbook consisits of the following sheets:


Contains a button taht crates data for sheet "Working Data" by filtering and formating data found in Raw Data sheet. The code behind it ain't preetty but it worsk. Raw data

Just as the name implies

Working Data

Filter and formated raw data. After the VB code behind the button on sheet Main runs, I Insert an Autofilter on the coluimns of Working data. on column I ( Length ) I try and filter for rows were the value in column I is >= 35. Nothing shows up. I know this is wrong, just by inspection. I can ask for rows were column I is = 35 and get 1 rows. I can ask for rows were column I is = 45 and get 1 rows.
in fact I have Raw Data that comprises about 2000 rows but had to chop it down to meat board size req'ts:>

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Macro- Custom Filter Containing

Jun 8, 2009

I'm trying to write a macro that will custom filter a column for cells containing the value in a cell, the macro I have so far is:

Sub Filter()
ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = off
LookupVal = Range("C3")
Range("A8").AutoFilter Field:=4, Criterial:=LookupVal
End Sub

However that only returns cells that are equal to C3, normally to do contains I would put "* *" around the value but then that removes the reference to cell C3.

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Unable To Use '?' In Custom Filter

Apr 14, 2006

I have a column named remarks (amongst many others) and want to apply a custom filter on my data so that all records which have a "?" anywhere in the text should be listed.

However I can't do that because in the filter dialog box, the use of "*" and "?" is for wildcards...

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AutoFilter VBA - Filter And Delete Unwanted Rows

Oct 25, 2012

I'm trying to filter and delete unwanted rows as I need row where dates is within a specified range.

How can I do this using AutoFilter? or are there any other alternatives?

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Multiple Filters ,Advanced Filter And Autofilter

Apr 27, 2009

using VBA I have a control sheet which summerises variouse counts & totals of data held on a detail sheet. Bu using filters and counting the visable rows.

Statistics on 50 columns of data held in several thousand (rows) mixed around eight business regionsheld in first column.

I could determin the number of affected rows by using Tick boxes on the control sheet and applying filters to the detail records

A) checkbox indicates if I need filtering on the type of data in my detail sheet and apply the filter
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=XX, Criteria1:="Y"

B) Because I could not have more than two criteria on an autofilter column I resorted to using Advanced Filter on the column with the Business UNIT's,
I Create a range write the criteria of the records to be filtered into the range, then apply an advanced filter using that range.

Both of these work well indevidually, but I am getting inconsistant results when I mix them

using the autofilter route I can select multiple tick boxes and the output is correct, and using the advanced filter I can select any combination of business units and the output is correct, however I cant get them to work together

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VBA - Filter On Next Line In Autofilter Dropdown List

Oct 16, 2008

if anyone knows some VBA code to filter on the next line down in an autofilter list.

My spreadsheet has a column with the names of people, which can appear multiple times in no particular order.

I have a macro that I run several times -- once for each individual in the column. The way that I currently do this is by manually using the autofilter on that column to select a person from the autofilter dropdown list. After I've manually filtered on a person, I click a button which runs the assigned macro. I then manually select the next person in the autofilter list, and click the macro button -- over and over until I've done this for everyone in the autofilter list.

I'd like to add some code at the end of my macro so that the macro ends by automatically filtering on the next person (line) in the autofilter list.

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AutoFilter Macro With Changing Field To Filter By

Sep 3, 2007

I have a macro that automatically updates the field value if certain criterias are met. Now the user asked that TYPE be the first column in the spreadsheet. How do I change the last line in my macro to reflect that?

The range has now also changed from "A1:AT1000" to "A1:AG1000" ..

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Use AutoFilter To Filter And Copy Results To Existing Worksheet

Apr 5, 2013

I got the following code from Use AutoFilter to filter and copy the results to a existing worksheet and would like to incorporate this into my VBA project. The problem however is that this code were written to perform on one workbook and this is where my problem is. My project is between two different workbooks and cannot seem to get this code modified to do what it is supposed to do between these two workbooks. Everything I have tried so far failed. In short what this code would do is to check the existing data on the one sheet (the source) and extract only the data which is meeting my set criteria, and copy this data to the destination sheet. This is what I would like to do between two workbooks. With this the sample code as provided by Ron de Bruin. The sample workbook could be accessed trough the following link [URL]..... With this the code for matching and copying on one workbook.

Option Explicit
'This example will copy the filter results below the existing data on the destination sheet.
'Note the sheet "RecordsOfTheNetherlands" must exist in your workbook.
'This example will not copy the header row each time so when you manual add the worksheet
'"RecordsOfTheNetherlands" to your workbook you must add the headers yourself on the first row.

[Code] ............

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Automatic Custom Filter On Dynamic Data

Nov 27, 2008

I need a function/macro that will find all rows that have a specified value in column A and extract selected columns to a new spreadsheet. More, I need it to do it for every value in column A.

I would also like it to skip creation of new worksheet if value in selected row and column is null.*

I've been trying to combat this problem with advanced filters, which helped, but due to size of the data and range of values in column A it takes an entire day to process manually. Because the data is exported to another program after it's processed, it can't stay in the same sheet, also, linking back to the original sheet doesn't work because the data changes all the time.

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Custom Auto Filter Command Syntax

Jul 27, 2007

How can I perform a custom autofilter operation on the Column A data shown below that will filter out any cell that does not follow a "#.#.#" format. In other words I only want to see Level 3 paragraph numbers that contain two periods and suppress out all the other levels (variations containing 3 or more periods). I tried the following syntax in the custom aotofilter field with no success - "^#.^#.^#"


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Custom Sort / Filter Workbook By Specific Text

Jun 6, 2014

Is there any way to filter/sort a workbook by a specific text. (EX. Unit 17) I have a spread sheet with 40,000 plus rows and in 1 column it has descriptions. I am needing the filter to filter out all occurrences of Unit 17 and Unit 16. They will not always say the something happened to them. EX Repair brakes on Unit 17 or maybe repair tires on Unit 17...

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Custom Filter To Select A Value And Values Divisible By That Number.

Feb 5, 2009

As I have not tried to do this yet this is a hypothetical scenario. Imagine that a column, when filtered, gives cell values such as 3,6,9,12,18,24,36 ..and so on. Is there a way to select, say 12, and then see all the other values that are divisible into 12. e.g. all rows that have 3,6,12. Another example- select 36 and see 3,6,9,12,18 and 36?

On the attached example sheet, column 'O' will be filtered.

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Creating Custom Pivot Table Report Filter

Aug 8, 2012

I was wondering if it is possible to create a custom pivot table report filter? I would like to take an existing pivot table report filter and manually add values into it. I would like to do this because I have multiple pivot tables, some with the same values and some with different values and I have a VBA code from Contextures that applies a mass filter to all fields with the same name. So if i could manually add values into one report filter, I could filter from one location and have all my pivot tables update at the same time if they contain the value that i would like to filter by.

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Excel 2013 :: Saving Custom Filter Criteria

Jul 30, 2014

I am trying to save filter options to so I can apply the same filter to multiple spreadsheets. For example, I have several spreadsheets with 50 or more school names and I am trying to set a filter that will filter out the same 20 schools each time. Is there anyway to do this in excel 2013?

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Autofilter In The Heading Of A Column That Allows Me Filter On All, NonBlanks, Blanks, Cell Entries

Jun 23, 2006

I've have and autofilter in the heading of a column that allows me filter on All, NonBlanks, Blanks, Cell Entries, Etc.....But for some reason when I filter on all a number of rows are hidden or the row height is set to 0 and I can't view the cells unless I change the row height.

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Using Macros For Custom Filter Giving 'Or&quot; Criteria And Paste The Data In Sheet2

Sep 25, 2008

When I go one column and Click custom filter and give the command one number and or another numbers ( I Have attached an excel sheet with screen shot) This filters the data, and I need to copy the same and paste in the next sheet.

I have to do like this for about 20 times for 20 sets of data). I have already done this and pasted the data in sheet2. I did everything manually. ( sample sheet is attached) I need a macro to do this work for me.

When I run the macro If get 2 text boxes I can enter the numbers. and click ok,the data has to filtered in sheet1, and result has to be pasted in the next sheet.with the header. Again I will run the macro i will give 2 numbers and the result should be pasted in sheet 2 after the 1st set of data leaveing one row as blank. ( exactly like the sample data in sheet 2). If I run the macro for 10 times giving 10 different numbers, the result should be pasted one after the other in sheet 2.

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Custom Function To Run A Macro

Aug 11, 2004

I am wanting to create a custom function that i can enter into a cell to run a macro (MyMacro). I do not know how to write a function, but so far i have:

Public Function Run(MacroName As String)
Application.Run MyMacro
End Function

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Custom Average Function

Dec 11, 2009

Custom average function. can this be done with Worksheet functions:

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Custom Function For An Algorithm

Jan 28, 2009

This just a shot in the dark, but does anyone have a custom function that calculates the check digit for a cusip?

The algorithm is listed above.

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Custom Addresses Function

Jun 14, 2009

Imagine i have 2 columns: Open and Close, both of these got numbers like

1 ---- 2
3 ---- 1
4 ---- 10

and so on. I had to make a function which checks if some number is in between any of those Open and Close numbers and count how many, for example: im searching for number 1.3, so according to previously drawn table i would get answer of 2, because 2 is in between 1----2 and 3-----1, i achieved this by a simple function:

=IF(OR(AND(Bendras!$J$1>=Table1[[#This Row],[Open]],(Table1[[#This Row],[Close]]>=Bendras!$J$1)),AND((Bendras!$J$1<=Table1[[#This Row],[Open]]),(Table1[[#This Row],[Close]]<=Bendras!$J$1))),TRUE,FALSE)

this generated an additional column with TRUE and FALSE values which i counted with:


and got the answer.

so now then preparations are ready i need to make a function which would for example if the number i was searching was in 10th and 45th rows find the MAX/MIN values of Close column between those rows(hope i made my self clear)

this is how i was hoping to do that : first of all make a new array of all cell addresses from "Close" column which were "TRUE" from the first function i wrote and when do w/e i like with those cell addresses in other functions.

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Custom Function With IF Statements?

Nov 21, 2011

My co-worker created a function that would calculate the standard deviation according to whatever range is selected by the user.

I was hoping to add an if statement to the formula but am getting a #value! error.

coworker's function:

Function volatility(r As Range, Optional scl As Double = 252) As Double
Dim lr() As Double
rws = r.Rows.Count
ReDim lr(1 To (rws - 1)) As Double
Dim variance As Double


What I'd like to do with the function:


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