What To Keep Track Of Employee Project Hours To Then Do Some Calculations With Totals
May 20, 2014
I have been working on the attached spreadsheet, we have projects that our employees work on. I need to keep track of the hours spent on each. Then I need to combine this information so I can do some calculations, for example based on the total hours spent I can then work out the actual cost spend on the project versus what we have invoiced for this project, like a mini Profit and Loss on the labor only.
I created a different worksheet per employee, I would like each employee to only be able to access there own worksheet, based on some protect or share worksheet rules. I created lists of Projects and Users, so this data is the same in each worksheet. Then I would like the data from each employee (only have 3 at this stage) to collate onto another worksheet, which only I can see, so I can do my total calculations etc. Along with hours, sometimes each project might have extras, this is charged at a certain rate per employee, so on the totals page I will also use this information.
Here is what I have so far. Workings 150514 - sample for expert.xlsx
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Jan 26, 2010
I have created a spreadsheet in Excel where it gives me a report of how many hours my employees do per week and it seperate them in different categories.
What I would like to do is find a way to match the cell's description with the amount of total hours that were spend on certain project.
So here is the scenario.
In my department there 6 employees that are assigned to work on certain projects in daily basis. These projects are called CRs and to identify them I've added a number after them.
So we will have CR0001, CR0002, ect. These are unique projects.More that one employee that could woork at the same project as well on other sections but I am only interested on the projects.
To help you understand what I am trying to do I will give you an example.
John is working on project CR0005, CR0006, CR0001. He has been working on them three projects for the last week.
Here is the summary of the hours:
- 5 hours on CR0005
- 10 hours on CR0006
- 5 hours on CR0001
This information is inputed in Excel spreadsheet Week 1 .....
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Jun 26, 2007
I believe that someone is using excel's coding features to sabotage a file by entering blank and/or false data into a speadsheet using macros / vb code, and the project is locked for viewing so I cannot view the code. Is it possible to track the changes of vb code by using the 'track changes' feature in Excel? I have pictures of the history sheet and a copy of the file if any of the experts here want to take a look at it.
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Sep 28, 2009
I have tortured the cells into producing the output I want...
Namely time(s) in and out, with the hourly totals - subtracting 1/2 hour
for shifts over 6 hours.
I however have a couple of questions about glitches the approach I am using give me.... I will outline as best I can: wish I could upload a sample...
1) the user inputs (in the time format) the starting and ending times for the individual ie. 9 A = 9:00 AM ... 1:30 P = 1:30 PM simple
2) after the user inputs the total formula for each day is calculated:
That leaves the cell null if there is no time in the day...
If there is time, checks to see if more than 6 hours...
If so, deducts 1/2 hour, else does the difference calculation
This does work, but is it the elegant or simple way? recommend?
3) At the bottom of each day totals are calculated by this :
This also works to sum the individual totals to the bottom
But is this the best way to work with the times?
4) the individual then inputs the Actual Hours worked by the team...
And the sheet does a variance calculation between actual hours
Worked vs. Scheduled hours...
Now this is a problem...cannot do negative times....need help!
5) Am having a problem with totaling the individuals weekly total using ...
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Jun 10, 2014
I am currently trying to find a better way to track quantities of delivered material from multiple suppliers. I have a attached a sample of what I am trying to do. In the "totals" sheet Row 3 is working as planned. There are a couple of issues that I am having with my formatting as is. First off in my "raw" data sheet there is an empty row between each row of numbers (this is they way I am sent the information from the supplier). This empty row causes my totals to place a Q everywhere column A on "Raw" is not filled with "B". Is there a way to have the totals sheet only pull from the cells with values in them?
My other question is how I would be able to get the values for material, Net wt., and Charges to populate if Column A in "Raw" is Q?
Quantity Tracking.xlsx
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Aug 6, 2006
I created again some pivots and now i want to make calculations between the pivot items and pivot totals. Is this possible. And if not how can a use other Excel trick to overcome this problem? attached file is for more details.
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Jul 22, 2014
I have a spread sheet for my checking accounts. There are 3 sheets, BW, QW, and Chase CC. In the 1st 2 sheets row D is named "Category" and the 3rd sheet has the same name but is in column C.
How to link the 3 sheets to a summary sheet keeping track and totals of the categories ?
Example in sheet BW I have a category called "Utilities" and the column to the right of that is the amount. Then ect for other categories.
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Apr 11, 2013
Just like if I put the employee's number and work time for each day,
The excel will accumulate the hours automatically somewhere in the sheet. (I don't want the total hour cover each day's work time)
Is there anyway I can do it?
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Jan 7, 2010
i m trying to use Excel program to keep track of the hours he is working. I know there is a way to do it but it has been many years since I used Excel and can not remember how to do it. He would like to insert the time (hours & minutes) he works in column A and have a sum in the next column.
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Dec 21, 2013
Refer to the attached sheet which is Daily Schedule for employee. I need a formula to add hours worked on single day in cell C2 for Monday, E2 for Tuesday, G2 for Wednesday, and so on.
Every day we have Clockin_Clockout info for each employee as shown for employee a & b.
FYI : I am using below formula to add employee hours for the week as (formula in cell R4).
[Code] .....
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May 9, 2008
I am creating a spreadsheet that will track hours of overtime worked and within the spreadsheet there are several separate departments listed.
I have made it dynamic so that the summary spreadsheet will update as employees are added. I’m using a macro and some complicated helper cells to be able to sort the employees based on their total OT hours worked.
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Sep 25, 2013
I am trying to create a a file that will serve as time log and dashboard report for consultants who work a maximum of two hours a day, with a strict(fixed) calendar schedule with multiple sessions. Some consultants may work one hour of a particular schedule on category A(Lead) and the second hour as category 2. How to create a sheet that sums the rates for all the categories worked on a given day without using a macro. Here is my sample data
Pay Categories:
Pay Rates
Assistant - $40/hr
Admin - $20/hr
Sessions and Session Dates sample:
Session 1 - 10/8/2013 to 11/8/2013
Session 2 - 11/15/2013 to 12/15/2013
Session 3 - 01/06/2014 to 03/15/2014
*Note the dates will or should be listed in separate columns in order for them to be used for daily logging.
Employees (Sample)
Jane Doe
Jack Doe
John Doe
Desire goals of the report:
1. Daily log as employees work e.g if Jane Doe works on 10/8/2013 as a Lead and Assistant, ideally the data entry person should be able to enter these two values on one cell or pick the relevant value from a set list
2. The report would then match the value of the data in the cell for Jane Doe on 10/8/2013 with a table array with categories in one column and the pay rate in another, and return the appropriate pay value which can either be a sum of the two rates or the total hard coded into the cell.
3.Be able to create a dashboard report that would sum the totals by employee, month,sessions etc in a separate sheet vs other criteria such a budget etc.
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Oct 14, 2007
I am trying to create a rota in excel but I am struggling to get it to add up the total number of hours per week per employee.
It get a little complicated as they work split shift so they may do 4 hours in the afternoon and another shift in the evening going into the next day, example they may work 11.00 am - 3.00 pm and 8.00 pm untill 2 am.
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May 30, 2007
I need to sum the total hours by project between two dates. There can be multiple projects and the two dates can vary. So...
In column A are the project # (say A2 001, A3 001, A4 002, A5 003)
In column B is Yes or No for each project (contract Signed?)
In Column C through Z, row 1, are dates (shows the Monday of each week)
In Column C through Z, row 2-5 (which corresponds to the projects 001, 001, 002, and 003 above) are the number of hours worked that week.
On a separate tab (lets call it MonthTab) is the start and end date for each month (Jan through Dec)
On a separate tab I want to SUM the hours by Month for each project (so for project 001 would need to go across multiple rows), that has a Yes in column two. Therefore the hours summed For January will be taken from MonthTab and be between StartJan and EndJan.
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Jul 24, 2009
I can't figure out how to do a proper formula for calculating time. For instance I have one column that says "Time In", the next is "Time Out" and the other is "Lunch Time". My calculation needs to be this:
Find the total hours between the Time In and Time Out and then Minus the lunch time to get total hours worked for the day. The only way I can get this to work is using 24 Hour time format. Is there another way?
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Mar 27, 2013
How to achieve the same as in the linked thread below, but in weeks instead of months? I'm very insecure about how excel deals with weeks.
[URL] .....
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Sep 14, 2006
I'm creating an log to track the total number of hours an employee works in one day and calculate regular and overtime hours worked based on the following criteria: overtime will be >8 hours in one day and >40 hours in one week.
Right now I have it 'mostly' figured out, but under certain conditions, it calculates more than 8 hours in one day for straight time. Is there a way to set a maximum value for the straight time cell and have the difference be added to the overtime cell?
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Feb 27, 2012
If I want to make a formula for a time such as
I have this time like 4:30 hour and i want to get this time by minutes like 270 minutes.
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Jul 8, 2009
I need to show the size of a project in a cell based on it's number of hours, e.g.
Between 5-80 hours = SMALL
Between 80-200 hours = MEDIUM
Over 200 hours = LARGE
How can I do this? I can't get the IF function to work like this (unless I'm doing something wrong) and I thought about using a pivot table but think there must be an easy formula to use?
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Jun 10, 2014
Looking for a formula for total cost based on a list of hours for each employee and a table of rates for each employee.
Please see attached file : Formula.xlsx‎
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Jun 12, 2014
I have two columns with total hours worked at different places and a grand total for both together in a third column.
I'm trying to sum the total hours for the week so far from Thursday till the following Wednesday for each week.
I want the wookbook to look up todays date and tell me what the total hours are for the current week
I'm using Excel 2003 - see the file attached
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Aug 4, 2014
I have a table of projects with 1) duration in year, 2) time window (number of years of our planning cycle), and 3) start year of the project. I want to generate a list of project parts of all projects where they may take place. This will serve as an input to an optimization program.
So a project of 2-year duration should have 2 parts over any year within the time window. I am including the "impossible" ones for my developer to tag them as "0" when we run it through his code.
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Sep 5, 2013
My task is to consolidate 4 Excel Project Lists (Workbooks) to a Master Workbook. The Project Lists has a different structure and almost different content. The relevant information is always on Sheet1 but it has completely different ranges. The only constant is the Project Number, which should be used to sort the information. Every Project should be listed only once with all the existing information.
I found a code written by Ron de Bruin which has already some components that I want to have in my VBA but I think there are still a lot of necessary adjustments to do.
Sub MergeSelectedWorkbooks()
Dim SummarySheet As Worksheet
Dim FolderPath As String
Dim SelectedFiles() As Variant
Dim NRow As Long
Dim FileName As String
Dim NFile As Long
Dim WorkBk As Workbook
The Master Project List should has the headers in Row1 and the information listed below. The Macro should automatically places the correct information to the correct column. Some of the information are in 2 or more of the lists but they should be listed only once in the Master List.
Project Number
Project Description
I guess a problem is that the structures of the Lists are quite different so there must be a kind of sorting process.
In the end I want to have an Excel File with the Macro and a Command Button and by clicking the Macro creates a new Workbook with the Master List.
It would be better if there is a variable range instead of a defined. Like the Macro searches the last row and starts at this row and column.
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Jul 30, 2013
I am trying to get excel to open a MS Project file and then run a project macro on it.
What is happen is that when I run my code it works, and then excels VBA window freezes up and the run arrow goes away, and if I try to open project I just get a chiming noise and it won't open.
For now I have to select the MS Project file from a directory, but in the future I would like it to go through the folder and open all of the file in the folder
Sub ImportMSProject()
Dim FileToOpen
Dim mpApp As MSProject.Application
Dim prjmacro As Object
'Identify the File to Open - START
FileToOpen = Application.GetOpenFilename("Microsoft Project Files (*.mpp), *.mpp")
If FileToOpen = False Then
Exit Sub
End If
'Identify the File to Open - END
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Apr 27, 2007
I have tried to record macro to protect VBAProject / lock project for viewing. But can not success by that way.
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Aug 28, 2007
I need to write a couple of functions. Firstly I want to do a count on column B (project $) depending on the criteria on column A (project description). For example a total count of all values in col B if project description is "P" or "A". [I can do sumif functions but this is a countif and I cannot get this right].
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Jun 27, 2014
As you can see on the example i have TEST hours.xlsx, I have a file that calculate the money every doctor should take based on the working hours.
Nights, holidays and holiday night have different price/hour.
The excel is working fine…but now I have to make a formula that separates automatically based on the beginning time and the end time of the doctor’s shift the day hours tha night hours, the holiday hours and the holiday nights hours.
In the excel I have fill the hours Manuscript, I need a formula to do that for me…
On the yellow cell I have try to find out the formula for the holiday hours but because the day is calculated due to a formula it is not working!!!
Simple Example: A doctor Is working from 21:00- 8:00 (next morning Sunday) he should have 1 simple hour (21:00-22:00) 9 night hours (22:00-6:00) and 2 holiday hours (6:00-8:00,)
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Nov 4, 2008
In column A I have a date AND time entered. By the way, this is not via cell format, I have manually entered, say today's date and the current time. In column B I have a future date and time.
Basically, column A is the date and time a problem was given to me. Column B would be the date and time I resolved the problem. Now for the formula....Column C needs to spit out whether the problem was solved between 24 and 48 hours OR less than 24 hours OR greater than 48 hours.
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Jan 13, 2014
Lunch is not paid. Holiday and vacation hours get calculated at the regular pay rate. Overtime is anything in excess of 8 hours per day and/or in excess of 40 hours per week and/or over 5 working days per week. Saturdays for most the employees will be overtime because it will be their 6th workday of the week; but it will be regular time for one employee as it will only be his 5th workday of the week.
For accounting and payroll purposes, we need the totals to display in both hour and decimal format.
So far, I have Lunch, Regular and Overtime hours figured out, but I still need to work with Saturday, Vacation and Holiday hours. Also, currently, the time in and out has to be typed in with the colon and AM or PM. Is there another way to input the info without having to type in those items? I'm trying to make it as user friendly as possible.
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Mar 2, 2010
The below formulae allows me to see the difference between two dates and only returns the difference in working hours ie :
Difference between
02/02/2010 08:00 & 03/02/2010 08:00 is 16 Hours 0 Minutes
The following displays it in the Hrs and Mins format
=TEXT(B15,"[h]")&" Hour"&IF(OR(TEXT(B15,"[h]")+0=0,TEXT(B15,"[h]")+0>1),"s "," ")&MINUTE(B15)&" Minute"&IF(MINUTE(B15)1,"s ",""))
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