Conditional Count Excluding Hidden Columns
Jan 22, 2008
I was wondering if was possible to create a conditional calculation excluding hidden columns.
For example in C4:HA4 the cells may have a number of values L, S, U etc.
When a user access the spreadsheet certain columns a hidden based on comparing their PC user ID to an access list in the workbook.
What I would like to be able to do would be to count the instances of L in C4:HA4 but exluding the hidden columns.
I'd hoped I might be able to use SUBTOTAL in a similar way to Domenic came up with here:
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Nov 28, 2012
Have several rows
Some have data some do not
Some rows are hidden (Hidden rows also may or may not have data)
I wish to only count how many rows are not hidden.
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Mar 25, 2014
I have a linear count from 1 to 160 (J3:FM3) and I hide columns manually over time depending on a certain criteria. However, I would like to count how many columns I have left. I believe you need to use the subtotal function, but I do not understand how to use it.
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Jan 28, 2007
I am applying the sum function to a range of cells in a column. I've Auto Filtered my sheet to only include the data I need. Unfortunately, the sum function is adding everything in that column, even data from the 'hidden' cells that I've filtered out. I need to know what condition or parameter to apply to the sum function (or any other function for that matter), that will only add the data shown on my screen. Not the data that is hidden.
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Mar 26, 2009
I am trying to come up with a formula that will count everything excluding 1 in one row, while looking at another row to determine the group.
The attached example explains things a lot better.
I am going to have 2 formulas. 1 for the "Big" group and one for the "Small" The formula needs to look first at the column that has the group in it. Then it needs to count everything is column A excluding "Snake" And return the value.
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May 19, 2009
I have a COUNTA function that I'm using. However, I want to exclude "N/A" from my count, what is the function that I need to use to do that.
Currently I have =COUNTA($C$10:$C$122). How do I modify this formula so it doesn't include "N/A" in my count.
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Jan 30, 2014
I have pivot table that is pulling data from a page that is using the vlookup formula. I would like the table to only include fields that have data in the count. However, the pivot table is registering cells that have "0" (i.e., there's no actual data in the cell it is pull from) as having data. How can I get the pivot table count to ignore these cells?
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Jun 5, 2014
how to count days excluding only sundays in a calender period.
"weekdays" excludes both saturdays and sundays.
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Nov 15, 2012
conditional formatting. I am using the code below to conditional format every Odd row with a background/border.
I would like to know how to modify this, so that it only applies the format if the cell in column A on that specific row contain data and doesn't format blank cells.
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Dec 4, 2013
I have a holiday and sickness chart for all of the guys in my maintenance department for the whole of next year (2014). The holidays part works fine. The sickness is split into two areas; the number of occurrences of sickness and the total number of days sick. To make the formula work for the number of occurrences it is necessary to enter sick in both Sat and Sun if the sickness spans the weekend. But we do not work the weekend and so I do not want to count those two days. The formula needs to cover the entire year (cells BL5:ZL5). The calculation that I am currently using is =COUNTIF(BL5:ZL5,"Sick")/2 (divided by two as we log a.m. and p.m. and the answer is in days). In the example attached, it would be 1 occurrence of sickness and 3 days sick, not 4 as shown.
For completeness, the formula that I am using for the occurrences is =SUMPRODUCT((BL5:ZL5="Sick")*(BL5:ZL5<>BK5:ZK5))
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Feb 13, 2014
I have a list of courses that are run each month, I have a formula that counts the occurrences of these words to show how many times each course is run per month.
However, there are 'other' courses that will be run adhoc which I want to count the occurrences of. It basically needs to count if there is text there but exclude the normal courses which are run.
I have attached a spread sheet as an example, the list of the normal courses are on the right. I've highlighted in yellow where I need the formula.
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Jun 14, 2007
I have a list of invoices numbers in column B, some are duplicated
I want to count the the number of invoices excluding duplicates.
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Dec 5, 2012
I need to count a column of text excluding duplicates, but only if they are duplicates of the cell directly above them in the column. Example:
I want this to return 6 instead of 4. Is this possible?
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Sep 11, 2013
I want to count the number of cells in column C with one forumla that answers the question, "How many of the cells in column C contain the words, APM, BPPM, CAPM, and NMS while exluding any results that have "OUTLOOK" in Column K?
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Jun 9, 2007
I am trying to set up a sick leave list which will work out the cumulative total for the last 12 months (from last day of last sick entry). The problem I have, as the is is added to, I need a function/formula to work out 12 months from last date and then add up the no. of sick days from then to the last date. Hope this is clear. The next problem is I need it to work out total days and then without weekends. Below is the chart I have to work out.
Column 1 Start date of sickness
column 2 End date
Column 3 the number of days sick in period (column 2 less column 1 in days)
column 4 the number of days sick in period above excluding week ends (column
2 less column 1, less weekends in days)
column 5 total sick days in last 12 months from date in column 2 going back
a year including weekends
column 6 total sick days in last 12 months from date in column 2 going back
a year excluding weekends
What function or formulas can I use to calculate column 3,4,5 & 6. I am a not very experienecd in Excel
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Mar 13, 2014
Formula to count the number of consecutive zero starting from the last cell with non zero value.
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Jan 6, 2010
Is there a function that will count a column of numbers where that will eliminate counting empty cells based on a certain date that will also capture any numbers that is added after refreshing the table from Access? I have attached a spreadsheet for an example. I need to count on the number in column V that equals 13 for the date of 12/22/09.
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Jul 4, 2014
I have the below table of data and what I am looking for is a formula that will count the number for unique numbers (col E) depending on a several criteria. So far I have got this formula but it's not working!
=IFERROR((SUMPRODUCT(--(A3="2014"),--(B3="1"),--(D3="Boc Limited"),)),"")
supplier name
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Mar 22, 2013
I am writing a macro that will find several different values in sheet1 and replace them with values from a table in sheet2. It currently does exactly that but I realized that there are instances when replacing hyphens isn't appropriate and will ruin the upload of my data. I need to replace it in the rest of the columns though. The headers will always be the same, such as "MST" , so I could use that as a conditional statement I just don't know how to go about it with the replace function.
Sub FindAndReplace()
Dim LastRow As Integer
Dim i As Integer 'Counter to loop through all the rows found in the table
'Finds the last row used in my replacement table and sets that as the searchable range
LastRow = Sheets("Sheet2").Cells.Find(What:="*", SearchOrder:=xlRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious,
[Code] ..........
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Nov 19, 2006
I need a formula for counting rows. It should achieve the following;
It should count in increments of 1 (1,2,3,4, etc.) in each cell in a column (column AW, to be prescise).
It should skip hidden rows.
It should account for the fact that a formula is able to reveal rows and when this is
done, the counting formula should adjust to count the newly revealed row.
It should also be able to do the opposite - another formula/macro hides rows, and when this happens it should not count the newly hidden row.
I can imagine a formula in each cell of the column that says "Check the previous column and if it is visible, add 1. If a hidden row is encountered, do not add 1. When a non-hidden row is encountered again, continue adding 1."
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Mar 21, 2007
i count number of all rows with:
Dim countall As Long
countall = Sheet1. Range("a1", Sheet1.Range("A65535").End(xlUp)).Rows.count
this is the total of all rows, including hidden. how do i count the hidden rows which have been filtered?
preferably not a loop, isn't there a way to use "entirerow.hidden" and count that?
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Nov 4, 2005
I have an array that is 1 row high by 16 columns wide.
Each cell may contain a positive value, or a zero.
I need a formula to find the "Minimum value that is greater than zero" in
columns 1,3,5,7,9,11,13 and 15.
=MIN(A1,C1,E1,G1,I1,K1,M1,O1) will always return the zero value while I
need the minimum value that is greater than zero.
If I use nested IF functions to exclude zeroes I run foul of the max of 7
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Feb 1, 2014
I have conditionally formatted (Bold Italic) some data (the highest value in each column) and I have a macro that hides rows dependent on one value in that row. However I would like the conditional formatting to apply only to the visible cells, so that if the maximum value is in a row that is hidden the conditional formatting is applied to the highest, non-hidden value.
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Jul 15, 2014
I have few column values to count. I don't want the hidden column value. In that formula the hidden value also counted. How to ignore that hidden column value count, using macro/formula.
col A - col B - col C - col D - col E - col F
Task -- ok1 -- ok2 -- no1 --- ok3 -- ok4
Col D should be hidden. Final count result should be: OK = 4; No=0
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Jun 15, 2014
I would like to have the cell A26 equal to "VAT" when I enter a VAT percentage and set the cell A26 to "NOVAT" or blank when the columns G:H are hidden.
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Oct 6, 2011
After red filling certain cells based on some conditional formatting, I apply a filter to hide them. Now I need to delete them using a macro script.
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Nov 17, 2007
see my attached sheet cotaining the following questions. in a day report sheet how should i count request matching the crateria of date and other conditions. in a monthly report a heavy conditional sum calculation which make slower sheets how can i make it faster.
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Jul 15, 2005
when I want to send by email I find I cannot copy these smaller sheets - every attempt at a copy will also copy the hidden columns.
How to copy a spreadsheet and NOT pick up the hidden columns?
I realise this might be nearly impossible or considered useless because no hidden columns would mean either making the copy with blank hidden columns or altering all formulas to suit a sheet which now does not have all the original columns.
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Mar 19, 2009
I have a worksheet that currently has columns AB to XFB hidden. I want to unhide them, so I selected column AA and then drug the mouse over to the right (toward the empty space), intending to right-click and select "unhide". I do this all the time with no problems.
However, from the instant of my drag to the right, Excel has become totally unresponsive. I see it using 25% of my quad CPUs in task manager, but there is no active memory delta and it has been sitting for over 20 minutes now.
I'd rather not lose the work I just entered, but I can't seem to get Excel to come back to life by pressing escape or clicking in the worksheet. I've noticed slowdowns before when there is a lot of actual data in the cells selected, but these columns were empty to the best of my knowledge.
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Oct 12, 2007
Is there a maximum amount of hidden columns within Excel? I have double-checked protection, and I have enough columns total for the action I'm attempting to do. I am using Excel 2003, and working on a rather large spreadsheet for a forecast. The basics of it is that I have macro's within buttons set-up so that users can hide columns and just view certain columns for approximately 30 columns per week and 5 weeks.
And I can run the hide macro's for up to 4 weeks at a time, but when attempting to hide the 5th week it gives me a "Run time error 1004" Unable to set the Hidden property of the Range class.
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