Count Number Of Non-blank Cells In Column?

May 29, 2014

I need to count the number of non blank cells in a column and add a text string to the result to show, for example, "75 Clubs" as the result. I have tried "=Count(A1:A90) + Clubs" but this does not work.

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Count Number Of Cells In Column Per Month Ignore Blank Cells?

Jan 13, 2014

I have this formula which is counting the number of cells in a column that fall within each calender month.

However, if there is a formula at the bottom of column B and C that yield a "", the formula breaks.

In my workbook, B/C:133 have a formula =""

I will need the formula in column E to work if there is a formula that yields a "" in column B and C.

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Count Number Of Cells In Column That Contain Specific Value But Leave Blank If None?

Mar 6, 2014

I have a spreadsheet that contains given answers to a multiple choice test. I want to count the number of times each possible answer has been chosen at the bottom of the column. I have tried to use COUNTIF and that works fine to give me the number times each answer has been chosen but there is just one annoying thing. If the given answer hasn't been chosed by anyone, a "0" is automatically entered into the cell. This tends to really clutter up the spreadsheet and I would prefer for the cell to be left blank if the answer hasn't been chosen by anyone.

The closest I can come up with is: {=IF(D1:D10="","",COUNTIF(D1:D10,"A"))} but unless the answer "A" is chosed in D1, the cell remains blank.

If "A" is chosed in D1, then the formula works and counts all the rest of the cells that have "A" as an answer.

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Count Number Of Cells Which Do Not Have Either Zero Or Blank

Mar 26, 2012

I am trying to count the number of cells in A1:A1000 which do not have either zero or blank in them.

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Count Blank & Zero Cells Where Corresponding Column Not Blank

Jun 15, 2007

I was curious if it is possible to give a single cell multiple number formats based on what the number is in the cell. So for example if my number is bigger than 1000, I would like to use comas so that it looks like this 1,000. However, if it is less than 1000 I would like it to look more like this 999.00.

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Count Number Of Blank Cells In Range Starting And Ending Will Cells That Match String Values

May 13, 2013

I'm trying to develop a new daily timesheet for my production workers, where non-production items are recorded in 15 minute intervals. The user would put in "Clock in" by the corresponding time, and the same for "Clock out" at the end of the day. Any non-production items will be type in next to their appropriate time. Since clock in and clock out times will vary, I need to set up a formula that searches the array of cells for the day, finds the "Clock in" and "Clock out" values, and counts any blank cells in between them. Basically the blank cells will equal production time, and the result of the Count function will be multiplied by 0.25 to get the hours.

I am having a very difficult time finding a way to set the "Clock in" and "Clock out" cells as the range for the Count function, because it won't always be the same cells. What would be the best way to automatically have excel find the cells containing these values and set them as the range criteria for a Count function?

The formula at the bottom was one of my initial attempts, but it didn't work. I took out the '=' for the screenshot, so that wasn't the problem.

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Count Number Of Blank Cells Between 2 Cells Containing Data

Mar 29, 2014

Getting a formula or macro that count the number of blank cells between 2 cells with data (numbers) in 1 column. E.g.


In this case the blanks between 1 and 2, between 2 and 3 to be displayed in an adjacent column.

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Count The Number Of 'YES' In Column B ONLY When Column A Is Blank

Jul 27, 2006

I have 2 columns - Column A and Column B. I want to count the number of
'YES' in column B ONLY when Column A is blank.............

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Count The Max Number Of Blank Cells Between A Range On Data

Apr 17, 2007

For reference, I’ve attached a sample spreadsheet. I’m trying to find a way to calculate the max number of blank cells between a range of cells. As an example, in row two of my data, the result would be 3 using the range of F2:N2. Can this be done without the use of VB?

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Count Of The Blank Cells In Column

Nov 3, 2008

I am creating a chart and want to get a count of only the blank cells in Column D only if there is information contained in Column A (same row). I am using Excel 2003.

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Count Blank Cells In A Column?

Jul 7, 2006

Can i get a simple formula to count a number of blank cell in a column ?.

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Count Blank Cells In A Column With A Twist

Jan 24, 2014

I have a spreadsheet that has 36 columns and 6000+ rows. Each column has a mix of blanks and content, which is an X. See example of the pattern below, column A. I want to run the COUNTBLANK function through the entire column A so that it assigns a value in column B, next to the content it relates to. Line B4, B9, and B11 would have results, in the example below. I want to be able to apply a formula the entire worksheet, all 36 content columns, and over 6000 rows, so that I can obtain the results quickly by filling down, across, etc. I suspect a loop might be in order. Currently, I have to run the COUNTBLANK between one X and another, repeating that tediously over and over again.

1 X
2 blank
3 blank


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Count Blank Cells In Column Where Last Row Varies

Mar 14, 2008

I am using the following to count my blank rows.

Using a formula, rather than VBA, how can I modify this formula to accomodate a variable ending range. Without thinking I initially just counted the blanks in column N - yes there were lots of blanks. My goal is for the end user to not have to modify the formula.

I have the following formula in H2
which would give me the number of rows used for the month. I tried referencing the countif to cell H2 but, as of yet, have not been successful.

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Count Cells Blank In 1 Column And Meeting Criteria In Other

Aug 13, 2007

I am trying to count the number of times a code appears in column N, IF the corresponding cell on column T is blank. Column T either has a date or is blank and column N has a 4 letter code.

This is what i have been trying.


I want the code in column N to match to the code currently in cell B2, i have also tried using "" instead of ISBLANK but i get # NUM! error as a result either way. the result should just be a number i.e. 400 (cells with the same code as B2 and no date in cell T)

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Counting Number Of Cells In Column That Are Not Blank

Mar 21, 2012

I want to count the number of cells in column A that are not blank MINUS or EXCLUDING the cells in Column AD whose values are "Closed".

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Count Number Of Cells In Column Per Month?

Jan 9, 2014

I would like to count the number of cells that contains a date in each month.

I have attached my workbook here: Book2.xlsx

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Counting Conditionally - Count A Number Of Cells In One Column?

Dec 11, 2012

I am attempting to count a number of cells in one column so long as they fall within a certain date, which is located in another cell in the same column. I'm trying to account for a number of reports that happened within a certain week.

The formula I came up with was


But this returns 1 more then it should no matter what. Even when all cells within A_DATE are empty. it returns 1.

I know the COUNTIFS portion works to count the cells between certain dates.

Is what i'm looking to do possible or am I suffering from Excel burnout and just can't see that logicaly it makes no sense?

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Count Number Of Cells Between Recurring Cell In A Column

Aug 15, 2012

code that will count the number of cells under a "title cell" that is recurring in a column, and then divide the result by 2. The result will then be displayed in another column preferably aligned to the "title cell" (in this case "Items") in column A.

For example:

Before code is applied

A1: Items
A2: Items
A3: four-legged
A4: dog
A5: two-legged
A6: chicken
A7: Items
A8: four-legged
A9: cat


After code is applied to column A

A1: Items B1: 0
A2: Items B2: 2
A3: four-legged
A4: dog
A5: two-legged
A6: chicken
A7: Items B7: 1
A8: four-legged
A9: cat


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Count Blank Cells Within A Range Not Including Fully Blank Rows

Jul 15, 2008

I can count the blank cells withiin a range using


But I dont want it to count the cells if the entire row, within that cell, i.e. C6:AD6, is blank.

It should only count the blank cells within a row if there has been some data entered on that row..provided it has been entered within the specified range.

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Excel 2010 :: VLookup Result Blank If Column Index Number Is Blank

Mar 3, 2014

The below piece of code carries out a vlookup on a defined cells value and produces a result in sheet one, however if the column index number in sheet 2 (Database) is empty the result 00/01/1900 is produced.

I'm not sure how to say leave the result blank if the column index number is blank.

Excel 2010
Userform = Tab 1
Database = Tab 2

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How To Count The Number Of Rows Until A Blank Row

Dec 29, 2012

I want to be able to count the number of rows until I hit a blank row, and use the counter as an index. How is that possible?

I have a no. of rows that are fulled, followed by a blank row then another set of rows that are filled then a blank row etc. I want to count the rows filled till the blank row and set the counter to that number. Then I want to do the same with the next set of rows etc.

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Count Column Based On Certain Text In One Column And Blank In Another

Feb 4, 2014

I need to count column E when it does not say "MTO" or if column G is blank. E.g. below would return me a value of 2. I would count row 1 and 3 only.

Column E Column G

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Count/Average Number Of Specified Name Where Corresponding Cell Is Not Blank/Empty

May 1, 2008

sumif problem but it wont work with a countif or average if.

Column A has various names and Column B has amounts, what I need is to count the number of occurances "John Smith" has an amount in Column B. The previous formula I tried was

=sumif(A:A,"John Smith",B:B) but with either countif or averageif it errors too many arguements.

I wasn't sure if Dcount or an array would be suitable but have not used them before.

Pivot tables I'm sure will be the future with this but haven't got to the foot of that mountain yet.

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Count Number Of Equal Cells With A Prefix In Col D And Insert Count In Col A?

Aug 7, 2013

I need to count the number of equal cells in col D beginning at the top of the column. The counted cells must begin with a text prefix of "Category:" without the quotes.

Some but not all of the cells in col D begin with a prefix of "Category:" without the quotes, followed by a word or words following the word "Category:" See examples below. All of the terms prefixed with "Category:" in col D are in alphabetical order. I need to count the number of identical cells in col D with the "Category:" prefix.

Examples of the contents of cells in col D with the "Category:" prefix are as follows:

Category: Adversity
Category: Answers
Category: Assurance
Category: Blessings
Category: Build
Category: Change
Category: Children
Category: Choices

Cells above and below cells with a prefix of "Category:" in col D are not adjacent.Cells above and below cells with a prefix of "Category:" in col D are separated by 3 to an undermined number of rows.

I need to count the number of equal cells in col D and insert the count in col A at the last equal term. For example, col A above would have 93, 1, 1, 5, 10, 8, 3, and 12 inserted into col A.

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Count Blank Cells In VBA

Jun 9, 2006

how to create a macro that will count blank cells. I've tried several different variations of a basic 'count cells' macro, but I can't seem to find the right one.

If anyone would be kind enough to post a solution VBA, I would be extremely thankful, and so would my superiors. I'm an intern trying to get my foot in the door, and this would certainly be a first major step for me.

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Count Blank Cells..

Mar 21, 2007

I have a spreadsheet where I'm trying to determine the number of weeks that have transpired since the last sale of an item. COUNTBLANK is the direction I started in but it only shows the number of blank cells, it doesn't count the blanks until it recognizes a numeric value and stop. Essentially, I need a "count until x happens" function.

I've attached an example to walk through the issue. The weeks are across the top, the item number in col A, and I've put the result I'm expecting in col B.

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Count Number Of Clusters / Groups Of Given Number Occurs In Column

Mar 2, 2012

I have data in a column (G) consisting of zero and ones. I would like to count the number of clusters of the number 1 in the data. For example in the data below there are 8 ones. But instead, I need to calculate how many groups of 1s occur. So in the case below the group of 1s = 3.

In terms of what defines a group. Whenever there is a zero either before or after the occurance of a 1 constitues a group, i.e the groups are broken out by zeros.


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Highlight Blank Cells Red In Column G If Not Blank In Column C (same Row)

Feb 17, 2010

I would like a macro to do this...If a cell in column G is blank and the cell in the same row in column C is NOT blank, highlight the blank cell in column G Red.

I need the search to stop ONLY when it gets down to the bottom-most row of data in column A.

Note: Any row headers will always be in row 1 only


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Count Blank Cells Only If A 1 Is Previous

Feb 19, 2009

getting a formula to do this

I have
......D E
5 )......1
6 )......2
7 )......3
8 )......4
9 )......5
etc down to 31

They only show up when the cell next to it is not empty.


If nothing is put into say D5 D6 or D7 but something is put in D8 then i would like E8 to become 1 as it is the first to be filled.Then when D9 has something in it, it becomes 2 if D10 has nothing in it it gets left blank but when d11 has something in it e11 becomes 4 counting the blank cell in between.

How can this be done.

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Count Cells Until First Non-blank Cell

Feb 15, 2009

So what I have is an unknown number of rows, starting at row 2. The first row (row 2) contains information from A2:M2 but all rows after this in column M will be blank up to a particular row. What I want to do, is count how many rows are blank in the column M up to the last blank cell and fill this with a specific word. I have attached a basic layout workbook to show what I want. There is a comment on cell M3.

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