Find 2nd Blank Row In WS2 And Paste Data

Sep 26, 2009

I am trying to create a workbook that would work as follows:

I enter values in worksheet 1 that calculate a comparison of 2 items.

I recorded a macro that pastes these 4 rows into worksheet 2 and clears data entered in worksheet 1.

So far - easy.

What I would like to do is find some code that would let me enter new values in worksheet 1, and when the macro is executed, it would find the first blank row on worksheet 2, skip a row, and paste the info.

By doing it this way, I would be able to keep adding new items, compare them and add them to worksheet 2.

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Paste Data In New Sheet In Next Blank Row?

Feb 24, 2014

I need to be able to setup make for to take taken info say from row 2 in sheet 1 nd paste it into sheet 2 in the next blank row in 2003 version

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Copy And Paste Data Into Next Blank Row

May 20, 2009

I have been tinkering with a code for a few days now and managed to finally get it working . The Code basically copies data from one spreadsheet (Macro Tester6), opens up another spreadsheet (Macro Tester Master), pastes the data, Saves the file (Macro Tester Master) and then closes it.

The Macro Tester6 file is then left open as I prefer.

The problem I have is that the data always paste into the same row, hence overwrites data already inserted.

the code finds the next blank row to paste the data in.

My code is:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
' select current workbook and paste the values starting at A1
Windows("Macro Tester6.xls").Activate
' open the source workbook and select the source sheet

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Copies The Data From The First Of The Worksheets And Paste It In A Blank One

Sep 25, 2009

I have several worksheets( Named 1, 2, 3,4,5) in a book containing data , the amount of rows for every sheet is variable depending on the job. I would like a macro that copies the data from the first of the worksheets and paste it in a blank one(lets call it Results), then copy the data from the worksheet two immediately below and do the same with data contained in worksheets 3,4,5.

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Find Last Cell In Column And Paste Formula In Next Blank Cell Then Repeat On Remaining Columns

Jan 14, 2013

I need a macro to find the last cell in the column, then copy the formula to the next blank cell. Then, it goes back to the last cell (above) and paste's values. Then, go to the next column and repeat the process. I can do this but have to call each cell separatly...however, I would like to do it in a loop to simplify things. It would be great to even be able to just set the start and ending columns. Here is my current code:

Dim rng As Range, aCell As Range
Set rng = Range("C8, D8, E8, F8, G8, H8, J8, K8, L8, M8, N8, O8, P8, Q8, R8, S8, T8, U8")
For Each aCell In rng
Application.CutCopyMode = False

[Code] .......

It does not go to the next column, instead it stays in the same column and repeats the process.

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Creating Macro For One Blank Row Above With Copy Paste Data

Apr 25, 2014

The task I have in front of me is that I have a very large spreadsheet (28,000 +rows) that has data that was exported from a legacy system that we no longer have. It has data in columns A thru G. I must get this data prepped to have ready for importation into the new system. What I'm trying to do is copy the data in cell A and cell B, everytime the value in column D = 1, and insert one blank row above and copy the values from cell A and cell B to cell A and cell B on the newly created row.

Below is a picture of what I'm trying to capture:

sample image.png

I thought that a macro would be a fairly easy way to do this, but it's proven challenging for me to write. Here is what I attempted using the macro recorder:

[Code] ........

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Copy Data Columns From CSV Paste Into Next Available Blank Space

Jul 10, 2014

I have some data from many csv files.

I would like to record/create a macros to open the file and paste 4 columns worth of data into another spreadsheet. Making sure the data is pasted in the correct column and doesn't overight data already in a tracker. Ie. paste it into the next available space.


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Copy / Paste Not Replace Data (only Blank Cell)

Nov 9, 2013

How to copy paste data without replace existing data or keeping existing data?

it's possible??

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Copy Non-Blank Data From One Sheet And Paste To Another - Runtime Error 424

Feb 14, 2014

I have a very basic code to copy "non-blank" data from one sheet and paste to another. The code is not complete yet - I am running in debug mode I get the above error. My code is as below.

Sub SampleFind()
Dim StrWord As String
Dim Quantity As String
Dim i As Long

Call nrows

For j = 2 To 2
For i = 2 To nrows1

[Code] ..........

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Find Changes In Data And Insert Blank Row

Oct 13, 2009

Need a VBA macro that is similar to the subtotals function but without the subtotals? Basically I want the macro to look at column A and say, for each change in column A insert a blank row… I don’t need to worry about the sorting, I just would like to know how I can tell a spreadsheet to look at a column find changes in that column and just insert a blank row. On the second page of the attached spreadsheet is an example of the desired output… I will probably use this for many different spreadsheets so the simpler and more versatile the better, ie I can change the column I want the macro to look at.

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Find Rows Containing Data And Copy To Next Blank Row?

Apr 21, 2013

In table 1 you will see that not all rows contain data (this is because i have removed it previously with a macro) the second table shows what i want the macro to do but without deleting rows:

Hiddenrow with formula


So basically i would like a macro to search for the first none blank value in column A and copy the row to the first available blank row , it also needs to blank out that row once done. i.e row 3 would be moved up to row 2, 5 up to 3, 7 up to 4 etc etc.

The hidden rows contain formulas which cannot be deleted or my ws goes Pete Tongue.

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Find Blank Cell In Column To Add Data

Nov 5, 2006

I need to write entries into an open spreadsheet with data input on a userform.

i need to use the xlup facility to find the last used row in the spreadsheet, select the next line and then enter the data, but how to return to VBA the actual cell reference that has been selected after doing the xlup and down one row. I need to be able a total potential 31 rows of data from the userform.

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Find Blank Cell Then Fill Column With Data

Apr 20, 2006

I have a userform that I am using to populate a column with data. I have the following code to find the next blank cell on the first row to enter the data from the first textbox in the userform

ActiveSheet.Range("av1").End(xlToLeft).Offset(0, 1).Value = TextBox1

I was then going to populate the rest of the cells in the column by changing the range "A1" to "A2" and so on. The problem I have is that not all of the cells have a compulsory entry so when the end(xlToLeft) function may not always end in the same column and the data will be staggered.

First Entry

Second Entry

What I want to do is find the first blank cell in the first row, as that will have a compulsory entry, and then fill the rest of the cells in the same column. So if the first blank cell is D1 i want to go down then D2,D3,D4 etc.

I can do it going across the rows but cannot figure it out using columns.

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Vlookup And Row To Find / Copy / Paste Data?

Feb 22, 2007

I am needing to find a specific row of data in one workbook and, once found, copy and paste the values into another workbook. The worksheets in both workbooks are formatted exactly the same. Only the first eight fields of the row need to be copied (e.g. A7:H7, A150:H150, etc.)

Will a combination of VLOOKUP and ROW do this and how do I get them to work together? Once the correct row is found, how are the fields selected, copied and pasted into the specific worksheet of the other workbook?

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Find Data Copy / Paste Each Value Into Different Sheet

Feb 21, 2012

I need to firstly find data in the main sheet which relates to the activecell and then I want to copy and paste that data into another worksheet.

The simplest of ways I guess would be the .xldown function however this seems to copy the blank cells as well as the cells with data, which is no good. I have therefore written code as below which finds the first cell with data, copies and pastes, then loops.

How do I set the loop to look at the next cell down from the initial copied cell and if there is data in it to paste it into the cell underneath the one I have just pasted into?

Range("D3") = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1)
SheetName = Range("D3")
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Select


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Macro To Find Several Names And Paste Data

May 12, 2009

I have this macro below written. It isn't working for me and I am trying to figure out how to write it. Basically, the macro is supposed to go to the test.xls workbook and then look at names in row 4, from there it will take each name and search for it on the all csrs new.xls workbook and then move over to the right 5 times and copy data and paste 1 down from the name on the test.xls workbook. One workbook has the names going to the right and the other workbook has the names going down....

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Vlookup & Row To Find/copy/paste Data

Feb 22, 2007

I am needing to find a specific row of data in one workbook and, once found, copy and paste the values into another workbook. The worksheets in both workbooks are formatted exactly the same. Only the first eight fields of the row need to be copied (e.g. A7:H7, A150:H150, etc.)

Will a combination of VLOOKUP and ROW do this and how do I get them to work together? Once the correct row is found, how are the fields selected, copied and pasted into the specific worksheet of the other workbook?

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Find Data & Paste In Pervious Column On Multiple Sheets

Dec 14, 2008

I have a workbook that has 397 sheets. On many of the sheets (but not all) they have some of the same data. On sheet 1 cell B5 is ContactID, Sheet 15 cell B32 is also ContactID. Sheet 1 A5 needs to reflect Contact ID and Sheet 15 A32 needs to reflect Contact ID. I need to find all sheets that contain the data "ContactID" and place (paste?) Contact ID in the same row, but in Column A.

Right now I am doing a Find all and clicking through the sheets 1 at a time (some of these finds though have 30+ sheets).

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Find The End Value In A Row (right Side) And Select The Empty Cell To Its Right To Paste Data In

Nov 27, 2007

i need a method to find the end value in a row (right side) and select the empty cell to its right to paste data in.

problem is the row where this data is may change so using

limit = (row, col).end(XlRight).Col

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Why After Paste Value The Blank Cells Are Like Not Blank Anymore

Aug 13, 2013

the situation is i have a sheet, contains like 500 cells, from A1, to T500, some of the cells are blank, then i figure that from cell A1 to E500 not all the words in capital, so i make it with upper on the2nd sheet, then, i copy + paste value back to the first sheet (A1 to E500)

i get wht i want, but why it's like there's no blank cells anymore on my worksheet.

like you know, if u want to jump from a filled cell to the blank cell, you would hit Ctrl + Down, it jump to the very end of the datas that i paste value before.

so when i hit Ctrl + Down from A1, it jumps to A500, meanwhile the filled cells only 10 cells.

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Macro To Find Required Data Than Copy/paste In Specific Cell Address

Nov 4, 2009

I want to copy some data from internet and paste it in to worksheet location Range A1:A30. the data look like following information.

LocationKuwaitP.O.Box:4819 SafatAddress:ShuwaikhTel:-22253580Fax:-24343645Category:CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES

the above information have following header ie. Location, P.O.Box, Address, Tel, Fax and Category.

every time one of the header inforamtion is missing ie. Address or P.O.Box, Or Fax, due to this problem every time cell address of information aganist header is change. supose in first copy/paste Tel inforamtion is in A15, but second time it may be on A13, and 3rd time it may be on A17 and so on.

I want to make a macro which search header ("Location", "P.O.Box", "Address", "Tel", "Fax", "Category" ) from a Range A1:A30. than down two steps to copy header information (75325412) and paste in fixed cell location C1:C5 (C1=Name, C2=Location, C3: P.O.Box, C4=Address, C5=Tel, C6=Fax, C7=Category) in same sheet. and repeat the steps to copy information aganist header from all header in Range A1:A30.

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Copy Data In Non-blank Cells Within Range And Paste Into Cells On Another Worksheet

Jan 19, 2012

I have data in some of the cells within range A26:A39

These cells are populated via an IF function on another worksheet. Even though the cells appear blank (as in the value returned is ""), there is a formula in these cells. I think it's called formula blank?

I am looking for a way to copy the data from the cells within the range which are not blank (ie: not = "") and paste this data elsewhere on the sheet in a list with no blank spaces in between.

I anticipate that there will be 4 non blank cells within this range.

Ideally I would have data from the nonblank cells copied and pasted to cells

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Copy First Non Blank Row And Paste On First Blank Row

Mar 2, 2013

I'm working on this macro that copies data on sheet1 from A2:AI2 till the last non-blank row in the same range i.e. A:AI and paste it on sheet2 in the first blank row. However, my code keeps picking up A1:AI1 from sheet1 as well and pastes it on sheet2 just before the data that I actually want to paste. Here's my code:

[Code] .....

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Button To Cut/paste To Blank Row In New Sheet And Delete Blank Row In Old Sheet

Sep 2, 2009

I have spent several hours searching the forum but have not been able to find any code that I could tailor to my specific need.

Basically, when I press a button on a 'Util' sheet, I need to cut every row on the 'Source' sheet with 'Closed' in column 'B', paste the rows to the next blank row on the 'Closed_Requests' sheet, and delete the resulting blank row from the 'Source' sheet.

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Make It Paste In First Blank Row

Dec 30, 2009

I get reports weekly that contain too much information. Using "IF - LIKE - THEN" in my macro I copy and paste only the relevent data from the new work sheet to a separate worksheet.

It works fine except, it pastes over the previous data instead of below it overwriting the old info. Please have a look at my code, How do I instruct it to paste in the first empty row?

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Paste To The Next Blank Cell In The Same Row

May 15, 2009

I have a spreadsheet where the value in cell A2 can change daily. I need a formula or macro that will allow me to copy the value in cell A2 and paste to B2, but if B2 is not empty, paste to C2, and if B2 and C2 are not empty, paste to D2, etc.

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Copy And Paste While Cell Is Blank Do Next

May 30, 2013

In a column, there are data, but in between of each data in a column, there are many blank cells. I would like to do a copy and paste of the first data, and paste it in the same column column, while the cells are blank, and stops when there is a cell with a data, which is different than the previous one, and do the same again and again.

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Copy And Paste One Formula Into Every Other Blank Row?

Jan 21, 2014

way to copy and paste a formula into every other blank row?

The formula will be staying in the same columns the whole way down the sheet. Eg: A1, A2, A3 ..... ETC

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Copy Paste Into Next Blank Cell

Jan 5, 2009

I am looking for a macro that will open a file called File1.xls highlight only the cells in columns A:B that have content, then toggle back to another file called File2.xls, scan columns A:B, find the next blank cells within A:B and paste.

Here is a sample of what i am looking for:

Macro to scan File1.xls and find & copy only cells in columns A:B that are not blank.

_|__A_ |__B_|
1|_text|_text| (Copy)
2|_text|_text| (Copy)
3|_text|_text| (Copy)
4|_text|_text| (Copy)
5|blank|blank| (DO NOT Copy)

Toggle to File2.xls, scan columns A:B, paste content copied cells from File1.xls in next blank cells in columns A:B of File2.xls.

_|__A_ |__B_|
1|_text|_text| (Pre-existing text)
2|_text|_text| (Pre-existing text)
3|blank|blank| (Paste Row1 from File1.xls)
4|blank|blank| (Paste Row2 from File1.xls)
5|blank|blank| (Paste Row3 from File1.xls)
6|blank|blank| (Paste Row4 from File1.xls)

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Paste In Blank Cells Within Range

Oct 28, 2011

I am trying to write a macro which will copy a formula located in cell "A1" and paste it into all blank cells within the range "B1:B20" .

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