Get The Index Worksheet To Extract Data From The Sheets That It Has Indexed: Hyperlinks
Oct 30, 2006
I am now trying to get the Index worksheet to extract data from the sheets that it has indexed, for example, it returns the sheet name, but i want it also to return the value that is contained in C2 and C3. Is this possible? I have attached the code which i am using below for ease of reference.
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
Dim wSheet As Worksheet
Dim l As Long
l = 1
With Me
.Cells(1, 1) = "INDEX"
.Cells(1, 1).Name = "Index"
End With
For Each wSheet In Worksheets
If wSheet.Name <> Me.Name Then
l = l + 1
With wSheet
.Range("A1").Name = "Start" & wSheet.Index...................................
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Jul 23, 2014
I'm trying to perform an index / match lookup that can have a dynamic indexed column.
Sheet1 has the master table and sheet2 is where I'm putting the formula. The table on sheet1 has a RecordID field that uniquely identifies each record and that must be typed into Sheet2 [RecordID] column and then matched to sheet one to identify the record
The column headers on Sheet1 are used as data validation for the column [Field] on sheet2. The value of the Field column on sheet two should determine the the column on sheet1 to index.
This is what I have so far:
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Apr 9, 2014
Can't seem to attach sample Widgets.xls. I need a macro to take the heading (note heading not sheet name) from each worksheet on a workbook (or from a range of nominated worksheets in case I don't want to index the first or last few sheets) and use it as the Description for a Index entry on a nominated sheet e.g. Sheet named 'Index'. In addition that each Description is also a hyperlink back to the sheet with the heading. In this way users can click between each entry on the index to go to the sheet and then click on the heading on the sheet to go back to the index.
Index Sheet
M21, M22 and M22-A BICYCLES1
Q21, Q22 and Q22-A BICYCLES2
R21, R22 and R22-A BICYCLES3
Taking this one step further I ideally want to save this workbook as a pdf and the hyperlinks to remain.
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Feb 26, 2014
I am trying to place a hyperlink on each worksheet to an Index worksheet. This is what I come up with so far, and it does not work.
Sub CreateIndexHyperlinks()
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In Worksheets
ws.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=ws.Range("H1"), Address:="", SubAddress:="Index", TextToDisplay:="Back to Index"
Next ws
End Sub
It successfully puts the words "Back to Index" into cell H8 of every worksheet, but this cell does not link back to the Index sheet (which is called "Index"), the way I want it to.
I don't really understand the Address and SubAddress part of the argument for the Hyperlinks.Add method. I am guessing the Address part is "" because I am linking to a place in the same workbook. Is that right?
I tried changing the SubAddress to Worksheets("Index") and Worksheets("Index").Range("A1") but that just resulted in an error message.
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Feb 13, 2009
Here is the situation:
On Sheet1:
On Sheet2:
D, G
aaa123, 11
bbb456, 22
ccc789, 33
I would like the function to search strings within an array on Sheet2 for a value on Sheet1 (that is, to search for 123 within the strings aaa123, bbb456, ccc789,etc.). Once a match is found, I would like the function to return another value from the same row on Sheet2 that contains the value from Sheet1 (within the string).
Can you help me?
I must use cell references for the values on Sheet1 because I am working with thousands of unique supplier numbers. In addition, all cell formats are general. I prefer to use the INDEX(MATCH combination rather than the VLOOKUP option.
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Dec 15, 2006
I have copied a webpage into excel It contains URL javascript link.
a) I wonder if I can copy this link out without keystroking each row.
b) When I point at the link, a few numbers come out. I want to extract these number out.
I am thinking of creating a macro so that it can be performed automatically because I have more than 300 rows.
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Jul 4, 2014
I'm creating a database that contains a columns of hyperlinks and background color.
I've created code on Excel 2010 with advanced filters to copy selected rows to another worksheet. The extract works fine and those cells with hyperlinks and various color codes from the original database "appear" to have been extracted correctly.
However, a closer look shows the hyperlinks on the target worksheet are just blue underlined texts...with the links no longer working. Is there a way for me to correct this?
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Aug 6, 2008
I am running into at the moment is that where the Select Case is checking if the sheet name starts with the initials and project number, it doesn't seem to recognise if it is correct (and therefore perform the actions). I have stepped through the code and when I use the immediate window to manually check:
? ws.Name Like "TA0632*"
I get True as an answer, but the code goes on to the next case as though it is false. Here is the code I have so far, which I'm sure can be trimmed down loads:
Option Explicit
Dim currCell As Range
Dim c As Long
Dim r As Long
Dim rng
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim skp As String
Dim LastColumn As Integer
Sub Breakdown()
Dim t
t = Timer
For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
Debug.Print "Current sheet is " & ws.Name
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Aug 14, 2014
Creating macro which can read data from one/or more sheet and copy and paste it into another sheet, by matching up column A & B and Row 1, between the both sheets.
I have monthly data stored in each sheet, named as May, June, July etc. I also have sheet called 'monthly' within the same workbook, where I would like to extract all monthly totals, from sheets july, June etc, into the 'Monthly' worksheet by matching up its names from Column A and B and row1 header with each sheet's names.
The june,july worksheets have date1, date2 etc, columns with data and after those columns, there are the 'bs, rm, cm, cd, cl' columns, and these are the columns, I would like to use, to extract the numbers from and paste in the 'monthly' worksheet.
My current issue, is that the 'bs, rm, cm..etc' columns are not fixed, due to the 'date1, date2 etc' columns can vary, for each month.
For this current task, I was using a formula as shown below to extract the values into 'monthly' worksheet, however due to unfixed columns for 'bs, rm, cm... etc', I could not get the formula to work for the 'july' and 'Aug' months (i.e. extract data into 'monthly' worksheet, from the june&aug sheets).
[Code] ......
I would like to request, if it is possible to use the formula below to re-create macro which can carry out this task, by extracting all the values from 'june, july, aug etc' sheet, into the 'monthly' sheet, at once.
I have attached a sample workbook with example of data layout and desired output shown in monthly worksheet.
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Nov 13, 2012
I wanted to extract the data from the sheets if it match condition.
In the sheet george, data is in the A9: AE500. in the B9:B500, there is date format (mm-yy).
In the H9:AD500, designed as checklist where update as "Y" if or nothing
I wanted to extract the data from this file to sheet Exctract if any of the cell in the H9:H500 not equal to "Y" and B9:B500 of sheet george is less than or equal to D2 of sheet Extract. in the sheet George, some row will be hidden, i wanted to bring the data from hidden rows also.
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Mar 29, 2009
I have already placed a siniliar question but I think it fell through the cracks or it was to difficult to understand!! I am losing my mind as the hrs tick down and I can't get this done
I have a detailed sheet called "detail"
I have 5 other sheets called "J1" "J2" "J3" "J4" "J5"
The sheets are exactly the same with headers already in. However "detail" sheet has all the detail and the "J" sheets are blank.
I need a macro in a command box that will start on line 5 of the detail section and look in column "D". if either of the "J"s are in column D then the row will be copied, cell colour turns green, and pasted in one of the 5 "J" sheets depending on the value. This process should continue to loop until there are no more lines left in "detail" to copy
I just can't get my head around how to write a macro that will perform this. I have searched through different threads and tried and manipulated a few but I can't get it to work at all. I think I am so frustrated after 8 hrs that
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Jul 24, 2014
i want to compare two excel sheets and extract common data in either sheet. For eg: If sheet 1 and sheet 2 contains some common data, i need to compare or lookup or whatever i do but i need to pull out that common data in sheet 2.
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Jan 8, 2013
i want the compile all information from few sheet (20) with same format on daily basis based on due and CF status cash flow. the format as below as the result will same as original format,
Receive Date
Frank No
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Jun 15, 2013
I have a worksheet with 28 sheets. I want the first sheet to be the only sheet displayed when opening the file and then want people to have the ability to click a hyperlink to unhide a particular sheet. Then when they go back to the main page (via another hyperlink), the sheet that was unhidden will be hidden again. I was able to put together some code from [URL]. When I click on a hyperlink on the main page, I get a "Subscript out of range" error and it highlights Sheets(strSheet).Visible=True from the Worksheet_FollowHyperlink code. I made a basic spreadsheet with just 3 sheets and plugged this code in and it worked fine so I'm not quite sure what the error is. I attached the spreadsheet I'm using.
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Oct 2, 2013
Code through which I can extract the Name and father/Husband name from the following data in new Work Sheet in two column Name and Father/Husband Name
Cell A1 contain - Name : Ashok Kumar Father's Name : Raja Ram House No. : 1 Age : 60 Sex : Male
Cell A2 contain - Name : Renu Gerg Husband's Name : Ashok Kumar House No. : 1 Age : 55 Sex : Female
Cell A3 contain - Name : Mohd Yusuf Father's Name : Mohd Sabir House No. : 2 Age : 65 Sex : Male
Cell A4 contain - Name : Rani kishwar Sultana Husband's Name : Mohd Yusuf House No. : 2 Age : 52 Sex : Female
Cell A55000 contain - Name : Sudesh Father's Name : PC joshi House No. : 3 Age : 39 Sex : Female
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May 1, 2006
I am trying to create a basic order history in excel from orders generated on our limited ERP system. I have exported the data required and imported to excel, but due to the export limitations, I can only export certain fields at a time.
This means that I have to create three sheets for all the data I require.
The first sheet has the bulk of the data and is now nicely collumned. However, I cannot get both the customer code and full customer name on the same sheet due to the aforementioned limitations.
Sheet 1 has customer code and other data, sheet 2 has customer code plus full customer name.
I have created a collumn for the customer name on sheet 1 (A3) next to the customer code (A2)
Basically, what I am trying to get it to do is as follows:
In "A3" I need to create a formula that states that if A2 contains a certain customer code, then look in sheet 2, match the code and place the full customer name for that code. Bearing in mind that we have over 395 customer codes in use, so asking for a specific code to lookup would be as time consuming as entering the codes manually.
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Oct 10, 2013
I have a spreadsheet with company details in a worksheet. Each company details are in a new column. Like the following example:
company name
company name
company name
i basically need each of the bold heading in the first row of the new worksheet. Each company details will then need to be moved into a new row with the corresponding data under the correct heading column. Not all the companies have all the data for each heading it would be fine to have "none" value or blank in this case
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Apr 15, 2008
I have a folder with an unlimited number of Excel Workbooks. Data within workbooks are in same format - 3 columns of data. I would like to extract the Data in the range (B55:B70) for every workbook, transpose the data and append by rows into one worksheet.
To be clear - I want to take data range B55:B70 from first workbook,transpose and put on first row - take data range from second workbook, transpose and put on second row, repeating for unlimited number of times...
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Mar 19, 2007
I am trying to further automate the process of formatting my financial statements and am hoping someone might get me on the right track here. Currently I create 2 sheets, one called "MMM YYYY" (i.e. month year) and another called "General Ledger".
The process I am currently doing manually is creating a link between each line item on the financial statement and its GL account information on the General Ledger tab.
The description of each line item on the financial statement (the MMM YYYY tab) matches the GL account description on the General Ledger tab with the exception that the GL account description starts with the GL account number and then the description.
For example the "Utilities" line item on the financial statement needs to link to a line on the General Ledger tab that is "7071-45 Utilities".
In my mind I see the macro saying go to the next line and read what it says. Now go to the General Ledger tab and look for something that says the same thing excluding any preceeding numbers and make a hyperlink.
If it helps, I've uploaded a sample of one of the statements as I currently do them with the hyperlinks already set up. There are not any macros in this spreadsheet. If you'd like to take a look at it, you can get it here: ....
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Apr 30, 2013
I am trying to extract the data values from the references Bundesbank page and get them into a worksheet so I can manipulate from there. What I have is below.
Sub Get_Data()
Dim IE As New InternetExplorer
IE.Visible = False
[Code] .........
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Mar 15, 2007
I have a problem where a client is asking to have an Excel Spreadsheet completely secured. In itself this is a relatively painless exercise, but the problem lies in the fact that the workbooks have a lot of cross-sheet navigation by way of internal Hyperlinks.
My first thought was to unlock the cells that contain the the Hyperlinks and then allow selecting unlocked cells in the sheet protection properties, but this has an adverse affect in that it means clicking anywhere on the page will execute the hyperlink as if you had clicked on it directly. This isn't going to be sufficient in this case.
The Hyperlinks are simply added to the cell itself, but there are a lot of them and this template may be processed and updated up to 1000 times a month, so I need something that can handle being automated. My only other thought is to hand the document over to Acrobat and PDF it to allow security, but automating PDF creation is testy at the best of times.
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Apr 2, 2009
What I’m after is the macro code to remove all the Hyperlinks from the data in the cells in a worksheet.
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Nov 4, 2008
I'd like to be able to create a copy of a worksheet and maintain the relative hyperlinks within each worksheet. Currently, when I copy a worksheet, the hyperlink takes me back to the original worksheet.
I'm using Excel 2003.
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Dec 2, 2009
sheet 2
column C is list of chemicals (to give context)
column A is a list of the publication numbers they apear in
column B is GOING to be the list of publication titles they are in
sheet 3
column A is a complete list of every publication number in our library
column B is the corresponding publication title
what i would like to do is extract the title from sheet 3 and input it into column B sheet 2 corresponding to whatever pub number is listed in column A of sheet 2
the code i have so far is in column b sheet 2 "=INDEX(Sheet3!B:B,MATCH(A2,Sheet3!A:A,0))"
now the problem i have is this works perfectly when only one pub is listed in a cell in column A sheet 2 but when there is more than one pub listed (ie "pub number" next line in cell "another pub number") it gives a N/A result.
is there anyway to call up multiple pub titles from the multiple pub numbers within one cell
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May 20, 2008
10/05/0808:30:00 AMValid Card EntryLamDoor 1
10/05/0808:31:00 AMDoor Leave Open Door 1
10/05/0808:32:00 AMDoor Closed Door 1
10/05/0808:41:00 AMValid Card Exit Yap Door 1
10/05/0808:46:00 AMValid Card Exit Lam Door 2
10/05/0809:14:00 AMValid Card EntryLam Door 2
10/05/0810:18:00 AMValid Card Exit Lam Door 2
10/05/0810:19:00 AMValid Card Entry Yap Door 1
10/05/0810:40:00 AMValid Card Exit Yap Door 1
10/05/0810:42:00 AMValid Card EntryLamDoor 2
11/05/0808:30:00 AMValid Card EntryLamDoor 2
11/05/0808:20:00 AMValid Card EntryYapDoor 1
11/05/0810:20:00 AMValid Card Exit Lam Door 1
11/05/0811:40:00 AMValid Card Exit Yap Door 1
the above is the data i need to work with (dates are in dd/mm/yy). i need to find a way (a macro, preferably) to extract the date and time corresponding to one person, and paste it into a new sheet, e.g. at sheet 2 (renamed to "lam") should be
10/05/0808:30:00 AM 11/05/0808:30:00 AM
10/05/0808:46:00 AM 11/05/0810:20:00 AM
10/05/0809:14:00 AM
10/05/0810:18:00 AM
10/05/0810:42:00 AM
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Apr 10, 2014
Attached spreadsheet.
Basically I have 2 sheets. The first an orders sheet which shows all orders from companies with the date of the order, whether it is a repeat order, and whether it has been delivered. The second sheet a customer account sheet which shows the order history by customer. I have used the following formula :
To extract the companies from the orders sheet however if a company has had no previous order (i.e. a new customer) and has not recieved a delivery yet I do not want him added to the sheet.
I have tried amending my formula in different ways but always encounter problems.
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Apr 18, 2008
I have found the following code on this forum that has really worked well. This code matches the first two columns of two worksheets and inputs them into a third worksheet. But I need to be able to copy up to five more columns, a total of seven columns and have it input into the third worksheet. I am not sure what it means "For Each c In Sht1Rng". look at the code and advise me of what I need to do.
Sub FindMatches()
Dim Sht1Rng As Range
Dim Sht2Rng As Range
Set Sht1Rng = Worksheets("Data1").Range("A1", Worksheets("Data1").Range("A65536").End(xlUp))
Set Sht2Rng = Worksheets("Data2").Range("A1", Worksheets("Data2").Range("A65536").End(xlUp))
For Each c In Sht1Rng
Set d = Sht2Rng. Find(c.Value, LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not d Is Nothing Then
Worksheets("Results").Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Value = c.Value
Worksheets("Results").Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(0, 1).Value = c.Offset(0, 1).Value
Set d = Nothing
End If
Next c
End Sub
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Jun 4, 2014
I have a worksheet (named "A") contains all data, and would like to have a macro to searching in A under condition of date,and return those data to in a cell of different worksheets (saying worksheet B, C, D). and everytime i run the macro previous data wouldn't be replaced by new one. Example: worksheet A has data
worksheetname date number
B 01/01 10
B 02/01 11
B 03/01 12
C 01/01 13
C 02/01 14
C 03/01 15
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Jun 10, 2013
I have a built a catalogue of records for various of my companies assets. Each asset has its own sheet in a work book and I have used a vb macro to include an automatic Index sheet at the front of the book. This takes the names of the various tabs, in the order I have them in the workbook and creates a simple listing in column A as an Index List
What I want to do is to build a summary table to the right of the Index List, pulling in a few of the key data points about the assets into a single table.
To do that I need to be able to extract the text string from the Index List and use it to form part of a cell reference pointing to a specific cell in the relevant individual Asset sheets.
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Oct 21, 2009
I'm looking for a solution for my worksheet. I've got a main tab in which contains deposit data, I need to take the raw data format it and break it down into 7 different tabs. Each week a report is exported and then one for the actual month containing all the data. I’m currently manually recording some formatting macros because I haven’t learned to write my own yet. The number of columns in this report is always constant but the rows vary depending on the number of deposits. I have 7 tabs where the data from the main sheet will be broken down in. In my spread sheet I have the following headings. (A1)Date, (A2)Batch, (A3)Source (A4)Control (A5)Total Batch (A6)Total Variance
The information I would use to copy the rows to other sheets is going to be based on (A2).
Anything that starts with U65 would go into the U-65 tab.
1,7 or 8 would go to the lockbox tab.
2 or 5 = IN-HOUSE
Eh, WH, or WE = ACH
Finally the variance tab will contain any rows which have a number other than 0 Positive or Negative. My biggest problem is that I never know how many rows the data will have so when I recorded my macro I Started dragging my formats to about row 200. It could one day surpass this number so If I had a choice id set it to row 1,000.
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