Summarizing Attendance Sheet

Oct 4, 2009

in range B9:B187 I have names and I have their attendance in I9:AM187
I have all the dates in I8:AM8

attendance codes are PL SL CL LWP TRG & P. I want to segregate all PL SL CL LWP and TRG

I want the output in a different sheet where in column A I will should get name, in column B I should get type "SL PL CL LWP TRG", in column C I should get start date and in column I should get end date.

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Overtime Counting Formula Is Not Working In Attendance Sheet

Jun 2, 2014

I have an attendance sheet for our Company Employees.

This attendance sheet shows the salary of the month from the total basic salary / hour and overtime / hour of each

I found a problem in this sheet. When i reduced overtime charges in the last of this sheet so the Total Salary of the month
was not changing. I couldn't found any mistake in formulas.

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Attendance File - Copy Multiple Cells From Many Sheets To One Main Sheet

Feb 6, 2013

I have an attendance file w/least 30 sheets. 29 of the sheets are for each separate group. The other sheet is the main one where I need to collect information like "total participants in attendance" and "total members in group" Then I divide those two and get the percentage of attendance.

The sheets containing the individual groups info are set up like this... (1=they were in attendance)

Name / January / February / March/
Joe ________1________0________0
total P ____3________1_________1
% _______100_______33________33

The main sheet looks like this

Group / Jan. Participation / Jan. Member total/
Grp 1 ________3_____________3
Grp 2 ________8_____________10
Grp 3 ________7_____________10
% total-__________________78.2%

I know I can manually go through and link the sums of participation and total group size into the main sheet, but I have a lot of workgroups and need to do this every month, is there an easier way? I am willing to change the set up of the sheets.

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Calculate Attendance

Oct 31, 2008

I got struck in preparing absenteesm report from 22nd Sep 08 to 21st Oct 08. I've to put the dates on which a employee was absent ...

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Summarizing Raw Data

Oct 28, 2009

I was asked at work to create a report that takes raw data from a questionnaire and compiles it in an easy-to-read report. (Little do they know that this is how I'm such a wiz at excel ;-) )

It seems pretty simple, but I can't seem to figure it out! On the attached workbook, the first spreadsheet,"SUMMARY", is the jist of what the report should look like - the average score for each question by floor. On the next spreadsheet, "RAW DATA", is a sample of what the raw data looks like - just a list of each room number and the score it received by question. the first 2 digits of the room number signify the floor (ex. 201=2nd floor, 1215=12th floor, etc.).

My major issue was with getting the score for each floor without having to manipulate the raw data - this report will eventually become a shell that can be used with new data every month. Is there a way to make a range equal a number (ie. 200-299=2)?

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Summarizing From Other Worksheets

Jul 10, 2012

I have many sheets in a workbook (Sheet1, Sheet 2 etc), and I am trying to create a final summary sheet (Summary).

In cell A1 of the summary sheet, I want the information from Sheet1-A1 to be transposed (so =Sheet1!$A$1).

In cell A2 of the summary sheet, I want the information from Sheet2-A1 to be transposed (so =Sheet2!$A$1).

I've tried to drag/drop the formula on the summary sheet, but I can't seem to make it change the worksheet and not the cell.

I don't want to have to manually input the formula for each cell.

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Summarizing By Date

Aug 7, 2007

I have a basic bookkeeping workbook with multiple sheets each representing a differenct account. In each sheet, an entry is entered on a row with main columns being date, credit (where a positive amount goes), debit (negative amount goes), and then a series of columns representing the type of credit or debit where a simple "x" is placed.

This style has worked well in the past becuase we merely just sort by column and the "x"s clump all credit or debit types together and we just sum them at years end.

However, we are now trying to have the numbers report to a main sheet that will summarize them monthly; basically where the first column is all the different types of credits and debits and the next 12 columns are the months.

We know how to refference the other sheet to get the data, but where it gets complicated is summarizing ALL the sheets together since they all have varying number of entires per month.

Is there some sort of way I can write a formula (or series of formualas) that will allow it to collect all the data from one sheet by only looking at the month column, and add that up, and then do the same for each sheet?

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Summarizing The Data

Jul 12, 2009

First sheet is comprised of 12 grouped cells. Each group consist of 7 rows and 6 columns
the above mentioned groups are bwoke down with 6 lines of data and 7th row is totals of the 6 boxes.

Each gtoup will have totals, even if they run over to next group
The first column is a task number, which will be the main component. A task number can be used multiple times and can run over to next group of cells

Here is an example of above mentioned sheet
task# Start time end time Description
999.......15:00.......15:05.........Open Mail
999........16:05.......16:55........sort claims

A new task number will move to the next group of cells
748........15:05.......16:05.........23 inches

2nd sheet will be a time tracking sheet. Here is the info from this sheet Mail
748.......15:05.....16:05......23 inches
999........16:05.....16:55......sort claims

The 2 sheets look alike but on first mentioned sheet info is broken down by task number

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Print Attendance Certificates From Given Name List

May 30, 2013

I have a list of names and want to print an attendance certificate off for each individual on that list. is there a way of doing this automatically or is it copy/paste.. print.. then do next one.

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Formula To Count Attendance By Day And Activity

Feb 11, 2013

I am recording attendance to our various activities as follows (screenshot):

Column A show the activity

Columns B onwards show attendance by day of the week (names gathered from list).

Now I've got a simple formula =COUNTA(Sep!B4:AE51) to count the total attendance for the month, modifying the range to cater for each activity, but it would be better if I could keep the range the same and modify the activity.

Also, I would like a formula to show the attendance at each activity by the day of the week (ie to show the total and average attendances for Mondays or Tuesday etc).

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Count Attendance Of Each Unit Per Session

Aug 15, 2006

If you take a look at the spreadsheet you'll see that there are 11 sessions. I'd like to figure out a way by looking at the attendance log to get the percentage/number of people from a certain unit that attended each session. The Y's means that they were present and the N's means that they weren't.

I tried = countif( range,"12WT") which I guess is wrong because it only counts the number of times the word 12WT appears. It doesn't count the number of time a person from 12WT attended the session which is what I'm looking for. How do I go about getting the percentage of people that attended from each unit?

For all the units that didn't attend, is there a formula that would list the units that didn't attend according to the session number? For instance for session one, someone for EC, 9WT, didn't attend. Is there a way that the end result for the formula could be: EC,9WT. Or, does the result for every formula always have to be numeric?

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Formula For Summarizing Various Columns?

Feb 18, 2014

I would usually do this in a pivot table (which works fine) but I need something else as the person I am passing this on to will not know how to change the range and this 1 report is a part of a larger report which should just be as simple as: Data download >>> calculations run automatically >>> print

I need to sum up various bits of information. The attached file is the example. The DATA tab holds the information and the REPORT tab shows the column headers that I am after. These columns are as below:Contractor Name: The formula should look through the DATA tab and bring back a contractor nameApproved Quotes: Then taking the name from the above field, the formula should add up column T where column AP = YesApproved WO Count: This one should just add up how many rows the above total is made of.Rejected Quote: Then taking the name from the contractor field, the formula should count add up column T where column AP = NoRejected WO Count: This one should just add up how many rows the above total is made of.

The PIVOT EXAMPLE tab holds the example with the red highlight being excluded.

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Summarizing Sales Data

Feb 26, 2009

I'm stumped on what I know is a pretty basic problem. Maybe i'm just trying to over think it.

I have a table of sales data...One field is the date it was sold, one field is the amount it sold for. The date field isn't in order and it contains dates over the past 12 months. I need a way to total the amount of sales in each month and not through a pivot table. I am able to count how many entries there are, but I can't find a easy way to do a count of how much was sold in each month.

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Summarizing Values From Other Sheets

Oct 3, 2008

In the first sheet (EQ MOVES) I have:
Column A contains a list of some 300 different pieces of equipment.
Column D is where the foremen enter the job number (4 digits) and job name of where the foreman wants the equipment to go the next day.

In the second sheet (PERSONNEL MOVES) I have:
Column A contains all employee names.
Column D is where the foremen enter the job number and job name of where the foremen want the employees to go the next day.

In the third sheet (SUMMARY) I have:
A box in A1 where I type in a job number (4 digits) but no job name.
A2 says "EQUIPMENT and B2 says "PERSONNEL".
A3 and below should list all equipment to go to that job listed in A1.
B3 and below should list all personnel to go to that job number.

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Deleting Rows When Summarizing

Nov 23, 2008

I have a master worksheet and 4 scenarios. The master worksheet has all the details and I need to extract each scenario into separate worksheets. I can "if" a statement to pull only those rows that have "x" in a scenario but how can i delete all the rows that do not have a corresponding "x" for that scenario?

In essence, how do i extract only the info for a particular scenario without having to go back and delete the empty rows?

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Excluding Text Inputs For Attendance List

Jul 29, 2014

I'm making an attendance list that calculates regular hour and overtime hours for days in a month on rows. Besides the number of hours, there's input for v and s, which stand for vacations and sick days. I'm using the "if" function to separate hour and overtime, and when I put v or s in a cell it messes up my totals. Is there a way to make it so that the cells with v or s don't affect my other columns?

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If Function - Tracking Daily Employee Attendance

Jul 31, 2014

I am creating a spreadsheet that tracks daily employee attendance.

The title for the E Column is, "Received On Time?"

In the next column, I want to enter a formula that does the below:

If I enter Y, the cell reads "N/A"
If I enter N, the cell reads "ENTER TIME"
If the cell is BLANK, the cell should read "NOT RECEIVED"

So far, I have entered the below function in a cell in my excel spreadsheet, which worked perfectly:


I also want to add in this same cell:


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Existing Templates Monthly Class Attendance?

Sep 2, 2010

I would like to have a workbook with class lists for 21 classrooms.

Then I would like to use this each month to generate a workbook that has one sheet per class with the teacher name and class name as an overall header. The row stubs would be the student names. The 2 column headers would be the weekdays (Mon through Fri) and the day of the month as a number.

It seems that this could very well be an application that already exists. It seems like the kind of thing a business would create and put on the web as a free download as a good will thing.

Does such an application already exist? If not, is there a small example of populating a workbook with information in another workbook?

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Track Attendance Points For Rolling Year

Nov 8, 2013

I've started with an Attendance tracking template that I found in Excel. My company has implemented an attendance policy where each employee is allowed up to 10 points before they are terminated. A 1/2 point is given for arriving late or leaving early and a whole point is given for an unscheduled absence. The points stay on the employee's record for one year, after that time period it drops off their record. We want to monitor each employee's cumulative points.

So, I'm looking for a way to look back 1 year from the current date and add up the cumulative points over that period.

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Expected Attendance Per Session Split Into Age Ranges?

Mar 26, 2013

I am trying to create a 'simple' spreadsheet which will allow me to check how many children are going to be attending my nursery and split them into the different age bands.The columns I am using at the moment are

Start date
Mon AM
Mon PM
Tues AM
Tues PM

I need to be able to split this data into three age groups: Babies (under 2 years), Tweenies (2-3 years) and Pre-school (3+).I would also like the formula to take account of the start date so to remove children from the list who will not have started by this data.

The idea is that I can use this as a quick look to see if I can accept another child / give me an idea of staffing needs. I know there is software out there that can do all this and more, and used to use them on previous nurseries, however this is a new start nursery which does not have the cash to pay for the software at the moment so I am looking to save myself a few hours of checking it all myself until the nursery is up and running and can afford the software which we would hopefully buy in year 2.

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Click Cells To Take Attendance By Cell Color

Feb 18, 2008

I would like for a vba programmer to tell me if the following program can be written before I attempt to code it. When I open Excel I want to see cells containing names in a square array with red backgrounds. As I click on each cell I want the cell to turn green and I want an alphabetized column of the names to have a 1 recorded(after I click) indicating that the person is present. If a person's name is red then I need a 0 recorded. If possible, I would like to be able move over one column each day that I take attendance by clicking on a cell in a row above the column of names. I am a math professor and I write computer code most every day but I have only written some small routines in vba that did not involve events.

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Summarizing Sets Of Data (sumif?)

Jul 8, 2009

Sheet1 contains a large set of data, including a date and a corresponding value.

Sheet2 (Summary) has a column called "Begin Date" and a column called "End Date". How can I use a formula to sum every piece of data that fits within the two dates?

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Summarizing To New Worksheet (Runtime ERROR 9)

Dec 6, 2009

I have a Petty Cash Workbook that consists of a Cash Receipts worksheet, and two separate credit card worksheets. I would like to be able to summarize the data from these three worksheets to a fourth worksheet called “Yearly Totals”. I’ve copied and modified code from Ron deBruin’s website but I’m not getting anywhere with it. I’m constantly running a Runtime ERROR 9 with this line:

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Summarizing Data From Multiple Tabs?

Dec 26, 2012

I have a spreadsheet with 12 tabs, 1 for each month in the year. On each tab I have employee names (column A), followed by the premium they pay for their health insurance (column B). I'm attemting to create a list of each employee and how much they paid for helath insurance over the year. Since employees come and leave thorughout the year, the lists aren't the same on each tab. However, I was able to create a master list of all possible employees and placed this list into a new tab.

I'm vaguely farmiliar with the SUMIF function and I believe that this would be the best approach, or some possibly sort of vlookup.

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Summarizing Selected Entries In A Table?

Apr 26, 2013

I wold like to summarize values of a certain numbers of enties (eg. 5), on a specific criteria, but discarging earlier entries of the same criteria. An example being:

Entry A


If I would like to summarize the values from Entry A, but firstly do so from number three entry buttom-up, and only the prior five values, how could this be done?

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Creating Simple Database To Hold A Record Of Attendance

Dec 6, 2013

I have been creating a simple database to hold a record of attendance.

I'm now at the stage where I want to create a worksheet that cannot be modified; but rather is something the user can look at in a glance.

I need forming a SUMIFS formula that will look for monthly periods of the times late, sick, absent etc and add them up to return to one place.

So the dependants will be the month, the employee and the type of record (late, sick, holiday)

I have created a userform that I can use to add in the raw data, so I'm not sure what range I can create, as every time new data is added it finds the next available row.

Here is what I'm using so far: [Code] ........

What the Overview will look like : Overview.PNG

What the raw data looks like : Raw Data to use.PNG

Do I need to introduce a matched up column that has the employee name and date?

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Excel Count - Tracking Attendance Broken Down Into Percentages

Jan 13, 2014

I've created a spreadsheet it is for tracking attendance etc broken down into percentages.

What I'm looking to do is if someone doesn't attend this doesn't get added to the attendance total.

I've attached a screen shot so you can see what I mean.


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Excel 2007 :: Spreadsheet For Taking Class Attendance?

Sep 10, 2013

I've got an Excel 2007 spreadsheet that I want to use to take the attendance in the school where I teach. I've got it more or less the way I want it, but there are 2 improvements I'd like to make:

1. I don't want to have press Enter to go down to the next cell. If a kid is present, I want to press 'p' and automatically be one cell lower.

2. When I open the spreadsheet (which contains multiple worksheets for different classes), I'd like it to open at today's date on the left regardless of which worksheet I go to (I've frozen the first four columns, so I'd like 'today's column' to appear next to them). I've put the dates in row 1. I've put the dates in the format ddd, d/m/y. (I don't know if that info makes any difference, hence I'm including it). I've already looked up some posts on this and copied and pasted a few different suggestions, but none worked.

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Summarizing Function That Will Filter By Product Key And Date

Aug 5, 2014

I created a large table with data (1700 lines long) and am looking to create a sheet that will use it to do a call for totals whilst filtering for a specific line.

This is what I have currently, filtered by delivery date and key ("furniture desc").

The 58 and 54 are totals for that particular product which I would like to ideally see on a separate sheet.

result 1a.JPG

What I would like to achieve is this: result2.JPG

What kind of formula would I need to use to first filter by date, then by key, then to tally up the quantities and drop them on another sheet?

Bearing in mind that other keys are intertwined on the Y axis so I can't use =SUM(xx:xx)

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Removing Duplicates In One Column And Summarizing Data

Feb 9, 2012

I have a 5 column document with about 3000 entries that I need streamlining. THe first column is a student's name, then grade. The next 2 columns are for Honour Roll Standing (A or B) and/or an Effort Honour Roll Standing (E). Finally there is also a "term" column indicating if they received this award is Term 1, 2 or 3.

An example source file is found here: [URL]...

As you can see, there are many students who have received an award in all 3 terms, however there are also some students that only received standing for 1 or 2 terms.

I need to manipulate the data so that there are no duplicate names and all the data regarding Honour Roll standings and which term it occured in are all laid out in one row per student.


NAME | Grade | Term1 HonourRoll | Term1 Effort | Term2 HonourRoll | Term2 Effort |

etc etc etc

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