Write A Number In Table

Jun 28, 2009

I am having some trouble setting up an excel spreadsheet. I dont know alot about this kind of thing so if it comes out confusing i apologise.

what i need to do is the following:

1. I need to have a cell which holds a range of data for example between 7.5 and 7.99, then the next cell 8.0-8.49 etc. How would I go about doing this?

2. I then have 2 tables side by side. on the first table i want to be able to write a number in, say 7.6, and once i enter this number i need in the second table for it to have sorted which of the above fields it fits into. I know you can have colours for each field, and that is the way i would identify which data range it fell into.

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Write Double Interpolation Formula For Table?

Apr 16, 2014

Power.jpg I must write a double interpolation formula for the table.

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Change Macro To Write To Next Empty Row Of Table?

Mar 19, 2014

It works to add a new row to an existing table and adding data. This doesn't work for me because i need the tables to stay a certain number of rows, probably about 10. I need it to add data to the first blank row of the table instead.

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Count And Write The Number For Every Fifth Row

Apr 22, 2014

I need to have the counter to count every row consecutively, but to write the consecutive number in the first cell in every fifth row.

F.e. A$1$ should have the number 1 but A$6$ should have the number 2 and so on.

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VBA Write Text To Spreadsheet As Number?

Jul 22, 2014

I have a userform with a textbox that has numbers in it, but when I write them to Excel they are put in the column as text, not as numbers.

[/CODE]Cells(erow,6).Value = txtbox_Amount[CODE]

How can I force it to write the information as numbers?

P.S. My computer won't let me paste into these posts, even when it asks me to allow access to my clipboard. What setting can I change so I can paste my code instead of typing it.

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Write A Total Number Of Hours Each Month Into Appropriate Cell?

Jun 12, 2014

I have a base of workers which log each day their activities in hours (D01-D11). I would like a macro to sum total hours of each project (project numbers are from 320-516) and put it into the table on the left.

For example: For PERSON 1, I want that the cell I60 writes 10, and cell I74 = 6. For worker 2 (PERSON 2) would be AK60 = 3,5; AK67 = 8 and AK74 = 8.

In total where would have been 10 workers.

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Write Total Number Of Hours Each Month Into Appropriate Cell?

Jun 6, 2014

I have a base of workers which log each day their activities in hours (D01-D11). I would like a macro to sum total hours of each project (project numbers are from 320-1500) and put it into the table on the left.

For example: For PERSON 1, I want that the cell I60 writes 10, and cell I74 = 6. For worker 2 (PERSON 2) would be AK60 = 3,5; AK67 = 8 and AK74 = 8.

In total where would have been 10 workers.

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Trying To Write A List Of Numbers In A Cell, Keeps Converting It To A Long Number

Jan 12, 2010

I'm doing the website for my company and things have to be entered into the site via spreadsheets. I have a list of numbers

e.g. 3652, 2845, 50925, 4809, 18392

that need to have the spaces removed in order for them to work.

e.g. 3652,2845,50925,4809,18392

There are over 500 cells with multiple numbers in each, so I don't want to do it one at a time, and rightly so, because Excel keeps changing the format and giving me something like

3.6*10^30 and loses all my commas.

Is there an easier way?

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Write Formula That Will Count Number Of Unique Occurrences In Column?

Nov 2, 2011

I'm trying to write a formula that will count the number of unique occurrences in a column, if a specified value is found in a different column.

So I want to count the number of unique values in the "ID" column if let's say the text "NameA" appears in the "Name" column.

ID Name 12345

NameA 12346

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Sep 25, 2008

ColumnA Column B ColumnC (Yes/No)
2121 345766
23423 6456546
4234 6456456
7567 64566456
76756 654645
67567 3344534
76575 34534534
756756 45345
7657 534545
756767 4534534
756756 435345

What I am trying to do is

Search the number written at ColumnB in ColumnA and if found write YES to column C

if not write No

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Find Largest Invoice For Each Individual Identifying Code Number In The Table Without Using A Pivot Table

Sep 8, 2009

Data Table including-

List of Identifying Code Numbers for customer invoices

Multiple repetitions of individual Identifying Code Numbers in list

Various data in table range including Various Values of invoices from different dates for each repetion of Identifying Code Number.

- Wish to find largest invoice for each Individual Identifying Code Number in the table without using a pivot table.

i have tried combining Max and Large functions with Vlookups etc.

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Enter A Number From A Table

Apr 21, 2006

I am working on a spreadsheet and I want to enter a number from a table and
have the associated values from the table transfer with the number into my
spreadsheet. What functions and formulas should I use? (Below is the Table,
the PTM# is the one I would query for.)


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Number And Highlight New Row In Table

Apr 24, 2008

I'm trying to create an audit log worksheet on the different steps taken to resolve a problem e.g

1 fill kettle with water
2 plug kettle in

etc, etc.

What I would like is for each new row to be entered the number of row is automatically displayed and for the contents of this row to be either in a different coloured font or have a coloured pattern.

I would also like that at the end of each row completed a command button is pressed to return the cursor to the new row and provide the above. Ideally, the row just completed should return back to a normal coloured font or have the pattern removed.
I presume this would require nested if statements within the command button but unfortunately its far too complicated for my excel skills.

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Pivot Table - How To Calculate The Number

Feb 14, 2014

I created a pivot table, but having a bit of difficulty. Here is what it tells me to do....

"...pivot tablet that calculates the number and average salaries by position."

I had no problem included in the table the average salaries by position, however I can't figure out how to calculate the number as well. It's apparently supposed to be another column since the instructions tell me to change the label above 'count' to 'number'.

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Pivot Table Number Formatting

Dec 5, 2009

Whenever I make one with numbers, I get formatting for a number as below

1234567.78(no commas and 2 decimal places)

I normally want the formatting as 1,234,568 (comma inserted, no decimals,), (the last digit is changed just becasue of round off, other wise number in both cases is same).

Now I can double click the field, goto number--> number and then apply this formatting.

My question is whether there is a setting in excel somewhere so that this formatting will come as default (after I create the pivot table each time)?

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Serial Number In Pivot Table

Jul 15, 2012

I want S. No. in Piovt Table like

If I collapse Date then S. No. Main should work. Althought, I'm doing this manually by unchecking blank cell in "S.

Sr.No.Pivot.xlsxMain" and If I expand then Sub S. No. should automatically expand. Is it possible in Excel Pivot Table ?

Manual S. No.

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Find Row Number Of Value From Table For Interpolation?

Feb 13, 2014

which function to use to find the row number of a value for interpolation.If I have a table of 5rows and 5 cols, how to find those rows of those 2 numbers between which my interpolation should be done.

2.2 3.45
2.9 4.56
3.3 6.2
3.7 7
4 8.1

Now I want to interpolate for 3.1. So how to find the row numbers of 2.9 and 3.3

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Delete Number Table Rows Using VBA

Jul 19, 2013

Im trying to use VBA to copy old entries from a table on one sheet, to a history table on another sheet once they have been there for two weeks.

That much has been accomplished. However, I would also like the old entries to be removed from the original table.

Each entry is numbered using the following method:

If text is entered into the second column in a row, excel takes the number of the entry before that, adds 1 and places this number in a column outside of the table. The first column of each row then references this number. This way your entry is numbered as soon as you type it in. The reason I referenced outside the table and did not type the formula in the first column directly is because when I did and excel deleted a row through visual basic it messed up the rest of the table. Referencing outside fixes that problem, but there is another.

I have several columns for conditional formatting to the right of my table, full of 1s and 0s. When a row gets deleted in the table, all remaining rows shift up but continue to conditionally format based on the cells they were originally along side of. The problem is, those cells recalculate for the row in the table that is now along side of it.

Is there any way I could make the formulas in those columns evaluate only once and to not re-evaluate once something has moved?

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Round To The Nearest Number In Te Table

Nov 5, 2009

I Need Formula To Number To The Nearest Number In Te Tabel

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Pulling The Largest Number From A Table

Feb 25, 2010

I have a worksheet that is full of names (column A) and dollar amounts (column B). Many of the names are repeats.

How do I pull the largest dollar amount for each unique name in the worksheet?

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Keep Rows Number In Table Consistent

Jan 4, 2007

I have 3 columns of data "Store", "Week" and "Cust" and use the code below to ensure that it was always 150 consecutive rows long regardless of whether any data is in the row.

This is fine if I just have one week to sort, but I find I now have 52 weeks of data and each week could have a different number of stores. I just need the macro below to run each time a new week starts. I can easily put a space (or something else) at the start of each new week so that a " loop" can check for it.

For i = 1 To 150
If ActiveSheet. Cells(i, 1).Value <> i Then
End If

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Automatically Number Table Entries

Oct 13, 2007

How do I automatically generate an Entry Number for each entry in a table?

I have a sheet to build up a database of information and a Userform for the data to be input through. Each time the user selects to create a new entry with the userform I'd like to be able to automatically provide a number (i.e. Entry 1 of 12) in the Entry Number field which will then be transfered back to the sheet.

In addition, if an entry is deleted from the sheet the entry numbers beneath the deleted entry will need to update.

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Table Name Or Number For Current Worksheet

Apr 2, 2008

Does anyone know the VB syntax for obtaining a table name or number on an existing worksheet? I'm using Excel 2007 and have a worksheet that is one large table. I have a macro which copies the worksheet to a new sheet, converts the table to a range and then edits out the elements I don't require (my macro won't strip out information I don't require if it's still a table, which is why it's converted to a range). However, every time I copy the sheet, the table number increments by one.

For example: Unitlist is the original table name. When I copy the worksheet, the table on the copied sheet becomes Unitlist1. If I delete the sheet and copy it again, the table becomes Unitlist2 etc. etc. In order to get around this, I need to be able to reference the name of the table on the copied sheet and then use that reference to convert the table to a range. I can convert the table to a range using:


However, I need an automated way to obtain the table name. I've attached a copy of my macro for further reference.

Sub CopySheetDeleteData()
Dim c As Range
Dim i As Long
With Application
.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
. ScreenUpdating = False
Sheets("Units").Copy After:=Sheets("Units")
' rename the sheet
Sheets("Units (2)").Name = "ExportUnits"......................

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Find Matching Text In Table And Add Number In Row

Feb 26, 2014

I've got a problem which I'd like to do without using VBA if possible. I have 2 rows, one with text and one with numbers. I need to go through all the text, find the text that matches and add the number in that row.

That's very poorly explained so I've given an example below:

text 1 20
text 1 10
text 2 10
text 1 20
text 2 10

I need the formula to do this:

text 1 50
text 2 20

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Copy ID Number From One Table To Another When T/f Column True?

Oct 31, 2013

I have a list of items that I am preparing to upload to an access database. The list is quite lengthy and has required a lot of manual corrections to get it prepared for upload. It also has several columns that are not needed in the access database, but that I used to make sure that all of my data was ready. What I'd like to do is create a new table that will have the same structure as the table in my access database and upload the portion of data that I have ready now so that I can do some further development using actual data. In order to do this I need to extract the ID Numbers (column B values) of the records that are marked "True" in the "Ready" column (column G Values) and deposit them in the new table. I only want to copy over the ID Numbers as the additional fields will be populated with match / index lookups from a third table that I have on another worksheet.

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VBA Pivot Table With Unspecified Number Of Rows?

Mar 21, 2012

I'm new to using VBA and have been recording macros and then trying to edit them where I need to and using Google to get the answers that I need, however I have hit a snag when I create a pivot table using my current macro.

The data sheet that I am creating my Pivot Table from will always have a different number of rows from week to week, but I am unsure of how to code this into my macro. When I recorded this, I used the range A1:S10000, which gives me (Blank) as the last row in my pivot table. change my code so that it only selects the data rows to stop these blanks appearing?


'Pivot Table DATA Tab to show Call Out Times for all Centres in file
ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:= _
"DATA!R1C1:R10000C19").CreatePivotTable TableDestination:= _
"PIVOT!R3C1", TableName:="PivotTable1", DefaultVersion:= _


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Divide All Numbers In Pivot Table By Certain Number?

Jun 22, 2012

How could you divide all numbers in a pivot table by a certain number?

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Formula To Return Number Of Results From Table

Mar 12, 2013

I have the following table in a spreadsheet and want to return the number of rows where the Matched column is "F" and the Type column is "L".



So in the example given the formula should return 1.

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Return Column Number Of Maximum Value From A Table

Jan 2, 2010

I have a got a table ( 10x30) with random numerical values.

How can I return a column number with maximum value?

Values will be changed periodically so the maximum number could be in different column each time


The results will be 4.

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Pivot Table - Convert Cell From Number To Text

Jun 25, 2014

I have a pivot table & want use the following to convert the cell from number to text under the Format Cell -> Custom. If I just type in [=1]"COA Denied";[=2]"Deferred to Future Class"; .... it works

However, I add more condition after , it won't work

[=1]"COA Denied";[=2]"Deferred to Future Class";[=3]"Offer Accepted - Confirmed";[=4]"Offer Declined";[=5]"Offer Waitlist Position";[=6]"Student Withdrawal Post Interview";[=7]"Waitlist Declined";

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