Checking Multiple Column Data Across Two Worksheets And Combining Them Into One

Dec 2, 2008

what i want to do is 1 have a workbook with 3 worksheets. Sheet1 contains the columns:

Reference No. Line Item No. Amount Date
1 3 500 12/01
2 4 900 01/01

Reference No. Line Item No. Quantity PersonInCharge
1 3 10 Kim
5 6 60 Noel

For sheet 3, what i want to happen is that when i run the VBA macro, it searches through both worksheets (Sheet1 and Sheet2), finding rows that have matching Reference No. AND Line Item No. and combine all of the columns (and values) for that particular row into another row in Sheet 3. So for the above data set, the resulting data in Sheet 3 would be:

Reference No. Line Item No. Amount Date Quanity PersonInCharge
1 3 500 12/01 10 Kim

As this is the only entry in both sheet1 and sheet2 where there is a matching reference and line item no.

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Combining Data From Multiple Worksheets

Jul 26, 2007

would anyone be able to write the code that will combine the data from all rows from all worksheets within a workbook. i've struggled with this one....

here is the deal:

all worksheets have the same columns and column headings but differnet amount of row counts. the width of the sheets is to Column "M" or "13" and there are no blank columns.

There is no need to have the columns headings repeat within the compiled worksheet.

the amount of worksheets will vary depending on when i run it so it will not be able to use specific naming conventions.

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Excel Combining Data From Multiple Worksheets Into A Report?

Jan 21, 2014

This is a sample of what I am trying to accomplish (file attached). I have information in one worksheet (called MasterList) and a second worksheet called (RecordList). I want to take information from MasterList and RecordList and combine them to produce a report (Results). Assume the user does not have access to MasterList or Results.

The user would enter the UID in RecordList, which then populates information from MasterList. There can be multiple entries for each UID and there is no set number of entries (could be 1, could be 500)

The user enters the UID into RecordList, which populates information from MasterList. The user then adds in the additional information into the fields.

What I want is all the information from the Master List must be reported whether anything exists in RecordList or not. If there is information in the RecordList, display it and on a seperate line for each entry. Each UID then needs to be totalled (which can be done through pivot table later).

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Combining And Rearranging Data Records From Multiple Worksheets To A Single Worksheet

Sep 13, 2009

I have a set of related variables that are split over multiple worksheets, and I need to be able to take specific information, duplicate certain values and produce an output sheet for use in a separate piece of software.

The variables are:
Position Number (Sheet 1)
Position Title (Sheets 1 and 2)
Position Requirement (Sheet 2)
Requirement Importance (Sheet 2)

The output sheet requires a list of all the requirements for each position number, which means the position number itself needs duplicating (in new rows) X number of times, where X is the number of requirements assigned. The appropriate requirements are then to be pasted in next to each position number (and the requirements can be found by comparing position number to title, and from title to requirements).

Normally, I’d be able to do this using lookups and so forth, but my problem arises when I have multiple position numbers with the same related title (in the attached example, there are three plumbers with unique position numbers). I can’t figure out how to say to Excel “a plumber has five requirements, and there are three plumbers, so duplicate each position number for each plumber five times, then insert the appropriate qualifications (and their associated importance values) next to the position numbers”.

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Combining Multiple Cells In Multiple Worksheets In Multiple Workbooks Into One Table

Jan 6, 2009

I'm currently doing a survey using an excel workbook that contains multiple questions across multiple worksheets using radio buttons linked to certain cells.

I have around 400 workbooks coming back to me, so what i want to do is take specific values from across many worksheets within each workbook and combine them into a large master table in a seperate workbook.

I've tried using VBA, but not being very proficient at it i've hit a brick wall with that, so i'm hoping that there is an easier way to do it than what i'm currently pursuing.

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Combining Parts Of Multiple Worksheets Onto Worksheet

May 12, 2006

I am trying to do is have a worksheet that gets its information from other worksheets within the same workbook. Some of the worksheets that it gets its data from are web queries, and as such change on occasion (columns stay the same but rows get inserted or deleted as data on the web page that it is importing changes). Also due to this being an import I can not change directly the format that comes onto the sheets (ig split into different columns etc). Much easier described within the example as I am not sure of the words to best describe the end result I am looking for. A copy of a smaller version of what I am doing is attached

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Combining Multiple Excel Files To One Workbook But Different Worksheets?

Jul 17, 2013

I have five excel separate excel files containing values covering more than 500,000 rows each. I want to put then in a single excel workbook without tedious work of copy/paste to sheets of this workbook.

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Combining Text And Cell Values From Multiple Worksheets

Dec 1, 2013

I have the below macro which is failing to insert text into A1 of the Header Sheet, followed by the values in the designated cells that are from Sheet1. I would also like to have the values in cells J2 and K2 enclosed in single quotes.

Sub Header()
ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1).Select
ActiveCell.Value = "create or replace" & " '" & Sheet1.Range("J2").Cell.Value & "' " & " '" Sheet1.Range("K2").Cell.Value & "' "
End Sub

how do I get it into the nicely formatted version most of you are using? The Mr Excel HTML add-in?

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Mapping Data: Combining Two Worksheets Into A New One

Feb 15, 2007

mapping data. Attached is a sample of what I need help with.

I have a Two Worksheets with Data and a third containing the template with which I want the first to to combine into.

The first sheet looks like this:

The 2nd sheet:

I want to map these two sheets together into the 3rd that looks like this

by using the similar data found in the first two sheets (year, liter, make, model, submodel)

I've attached a sample of what I need..

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Combining Data From Worksheets Into Consolidated Worksheet?

Jun 10, 2013

I'm trying to consolidate data from different worksheets that has the worksheet name consisting of "Pg*" into a summary sheet. The problem is it does not loop through every sheet and only extracts data from the active sheet.

For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
If ws.Name Like "Pg*" Then
Set CopyRng = ws.Range("A2:G68")


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Add Data Column To Multiple Worksheets Of Same File

Jan 26, 2014

I have an excel file with few worksheets. From the 2nd to the 22nd the structure of the worksheets is the same. For each of them I have to add the same column of data. How do i do this?

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Matching Column Data In Multiple Worksheets

May 18, 2006

I've got 2 worksheets SH1 & SH2( Two different workbooks) Col A is NAME in each Sheet. Need to Match Col A Sheet 2 to Col A Sh1 if they are identical. If identical copy info from Col B, and Col E- G to Sheet 1 Col B and Col H-J. If a Name is in Sh2 but not in Sh1, Copy (using same Column positions: copy info from Col B, and Col E- G to Sheet 1 Col B and Col H-J ) to NEXT AVAILABLE ROW in Sh1 COL A, and highlight it in Some bright color ; Then open a MSG Box telling me how many new names were added.

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Split Data Into Multiple Worksheets Based On Column

Feb 4, 2008

I have a huge Excel spreadsheet going into the 10 000 mark.

What I want to do is split the spreadsheet into multiple worksheets based on the Company column.

I've attached a small sample.

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Excel VBA Checking Column / Row Of Data

Aug 11, 2014

I have a requirements in excel vba to evaluate and check the column data from other workbook. I would like to filter remarks for all "INTRANSIT" from my working file then If the data or tracking# is exist from the source file evaluate if transaction remarks is "Done" or if "Not yet" exist. If remarks from SourceFile is "Done" i will put "RECEIVED" or If "Not yet" i will put "INTRANSIT" in my Working file Remarks column.

Workbook WorkingFile:
Tracking# QtyModelRemarks

SouceFile --- to evaluate if Done or Not Yet

Tracking# QtyModelRemarks
D-8840862411|20mmmNot Yet
D-8840865000|230mmmNot Yet
D-8840865000|50bbbbNot Yet
D-8840862450|20bbbbNot Yet
D-8840862450|120bbbbNot Yet

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Copy Column Data From Multiple Worksheets To Single Worksheet Based On Header Criteria

Oct 18, 2013

I have a workbook with many sheets of similar but not identical data. I need to extract columns from each sheet based on 5 header criteria and paste them to a single sheet. Each worksheet contains these 5 criteria.

I've been working with the VBA script I've pasted below. It's grabbing the 5 column criteria that I have in sheet 12, and comparing them to sheet 1 in the workbook, then copying them to sheet 12. This much is good, but I need the script to also return the data from the other worksheets as well. I've tried modifying the script based on other loop functions in other scripts I've found, but I'm not having any luck.

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Combining Data From Multiple Tabs Into One VBA?

Jun 29, 2014

I need to combine data from multiple tabs into one tab. I can have up to 5 tabs with data that starts in column B. The number of rows will be different each time.

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Combining Data From Multiple Sheets

Mar 11, 2008

I have multiple sheets within a workbook, where the sheetnames will always be changing.

Inside of these worksheets there is data that will be different, the starting cell of the range is allways the same and the number of columns is constant. The number of rows changes. I need a code that will go to each worksheet, define and copy the range on that sheet and paste it onto a summary sheet, in order.

I would like to collect all the data and put it onto one sheet.

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Copying Data From Multiple Worksheets To Multiple Worksheets In Another Workbook VBA

May 14, 2012

I have 2 nearly identical workbooks and I need to update historical data from the old workbook into the newer one.

My current Coding Snippets that I want to use look like the following:

Sub UpdateWorkbook()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim r1 As String
Dim r2 As String
Dim r3 As String
Dim r4 As String
Dim r5 As String
Dim r6 As String


Now, this code isn't working I suspect because the Copy and PasteSpecial Functions don't work the way I wish to.

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Automatically Combining Data From Multiple Sheets?

Sep 28, 2013

I have a time tracker that provides hours that employees clock in and out. It provides me with an excel document with all the employees time every two weeks as needed, however it does not total the hours from all previous spread sheets so that I can have a YTD (year to date) total of the employees hours worked and I need to be able to have this. Currently I am going through each and every spreadsheet and totalling them up. I have over 40 employees and this has become very time consuming to say the least.

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Combining A Data Range From Multiple Workbooks?

Jun 16, 2014

I am trying to create a macro to gather a data range from multiple files placed a folder and combine them into a single worksheet which can be easily totaled. I've used some similar code I did for another project to gather the data. It starts by listing the file name and then the data set (About 40 cells) below the file title. However, the data sets from each spreadsheet are filling themselves into a single column one after the other, whereas I would like to have them populate one worksheet's data in each column.



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Combining Data Across Multiple Sheets Onto One Summary Sheet

Jul 29, 2014

Is it possible to create a summary sheet that includes all the data from many sheets (in 1 workbook)?

I have a workbook with several sheets of data that I need to have combined into 1 sheet that adds all parts and adds the quantities.


Sheet 1:

Sheet 2:
201632117-5092EASPLICE ANGLE
201632120-1034EASUPPORT ASSY.
201632121-5130EAFORMED PANEL

Sheet 3:
201632117-5092EASPLICE ANGLE

Notice how there are a couple parts that occur in more than 1 sheet. Can a summary sheet combine all those parts into one master list and total the quantities for each part?

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Excel 2007 :: Combining Data With Multiple Row Entries

Mar 7, 2012

I'm using Xl 07 and need to combine two sheets of contact info and have them sorted alphabetically.

Each contact entry takes the follwing form(comma's denote new columns)

55555, Name , John, Smith, Tel: , 555-555-5555
ID , Company, XXX , , Email, xxxxxx

Each sheet has a list of 200 or so entries about 400 rows long. The entries on each sheet are sorted in alphabetical order. the names also alternate alphabetically from sheet to sheet. So when i look at the entries on my final sheet, the 1st will be from sheet1 the second from sheet2 the third from sheet1 and the fourth from sheet2 etc.

I'm not sure whether I should build a new list by pulling alternating entries from each sheet or just copy one list below the other and then try to sort it somehow.

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Combining Column Data When There Are Duplicate Row Headers?

Apr 10, 2014

I currently have a worksheet filled with data from other worksheets. I want to combine data from different columns when they share an identical row header and don't know how. For example:


Would go to:


Another specific issue is that some row headers are bold and need to be considered a separate header from the non-bold alternative.

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Combining Contents Of Multiple Cells Into 1 Cell - Without Losing Data

Jun 5, 2013

Collapsing function: I want to select cells that I want merged, and have them COLLAPSE into the first cell selected calls
Combining function: OR Select the cells I want merged, and allow me to pick a destination cell for the result COMBINE

I would like to add this functionality to all my spreadsheets in the future.

Excel-Forum-Data Collapsing sample.xls

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Move Multiple Columns From Multiple Worksheets Into 1 Column

Aug 18, 2007

I have an excel workbook with 8 worksheets. Each worksheet has vertical columns (approx 250 columns per sheet) of numeric data. Is there a function or macro that will combine all of this data into one vertical column without having to individually cut and paste each one into the new column?

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VBA Combining Worksheets ...

Aug 21, 2007

Four worksheets (A,B,C,D) all begin with row2 and end with the last non-blank cell.

What VBA code would merge the information from the four worksheets to Worksheet E?

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Combining Names From Two Different Worksheets?

Jan 21, 2014

I have two worksheets...let's call them worksheet A and worksheet B. How can I get a list of people who are on worksheet A AND also on worksheet B? I would actually like those names on a separate worksheet.

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Combining Worksheets Horizontally

Oct 15, 2009

I have a project that requires merging several worksheets into a "Master"worksheet in the same workbook. But because each of the worksheets have a different number of columns, I need to add each worksheet to the Master horizontally. The finished Master should appear just like each of the origional worksheets are lying side by side.

The code below adds the Master worksheet, copies each of the worksheets, and inserts it into the Master. So far so good. It does so perfectly on the first worksheet to be copied. But as it loops through the rest, the column widths get messed up. Is there any way to keep the column widths the same as the origional on my master worksheet?

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Combining Specific Worksheets Using VBA

Jun 3, 2012

I would like to use VBA to combine specific sheets. I have a workbook containing about 15 sheets but want to combine 6 specific sheets. All the sheets have the exact same headers and number of columns but the number of rows are different.

I found this VBA code that works but it combines ALL of the sheets in the workbook. How to modify this to combine specific sheets. How to combine all visible sheets if that's possible.

Here is the code I found...

Sub CopyFromWorksheets()
Dim wrk As Workbook 'Workbook object - Always good to work with object variables
Dim sht As Worksheet 'Object for handling worksheets in loop
Dim trg As Worksheet 'Master Worksheet
Dim rng As Range 'Range object

[Code] .........

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Combining Two Unrelated Worksheets Into One Database

Nov 25, 2009

I am trying to combine two worksheets into one worksheet. In the first worksheet I have countries in the first column. In the second column, I have the statistics for how many people belong to a certain religion. Then in the second worksheet, I have the countries in the first column and birthrate in the second column. How do I combine this information into one table in a third worksheet?

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