Copying And Evaluating A Range Of Cells
Nov 25, 2008
Sheet 1 to look into Sheet 2
> Find a certain string "name1" > if string is name, copy succeeding columns if not goes and checks another cell till it finds it.
> Then copied columns will be evaluated (sum, divide, etc)
this loops through all rows.
next problem i am seeing is what if it finds 2-5 names how can i combined all the cells copied?
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Oct 31, 2009
HI can't seem to get this last scenario laid into this if statement. I am having trouble with the second statement. I need the three cells to equal 100, but only when all three are filled. If only two as in this scenario I would like % Error in cell G2.
Sheet3 *DEFG250%50%*O.K.Spreadsheet FormulasCellFormulaG2=IF(SUM(D2:F2)=0,"",IF(AND(OR(ISBLANK(D2),ISBLANK(E2),ISBLANK(F2)),SUM(D2:F2))=1,"% Error",IF(OR(D2>E2,F2>E2,SUM(D2:F2)1),"% Error",IF(SUM(D2:F2)=1,"O.K.",IF(AND(E2>D2,E2> Excel Jeanie HTML 4
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Mar 17, 2014
I have a row data corresponding to the measuring of load cell per min and I need to average the values per hour. So I have a column B for the date (from 1-01-2013 to 31-01-2013, column C for the time (0:00:00 to 23:59:00), and D de values per min I want to average. I have to do the same for the rest of the month of 2013 (February, ...., December).
I would like to know if there is a way to create a formula to calculate the average of the first 60 values (to get the average of the first hour of 1-01-2013), and then copy it to get the average of the following 60 (average of the second hour in 1-01-2013) and so on.
If there is no way to do it, I would like to know if I can do it using functions like average, match, index, offset, what would be the best match of those functions.
I also tried it by doing the analysis in another tab and using the function "averageifs" with two criterias: one for the date (example 01-01-2013) and another one for the hour (example 0:00:00), but it didnt work, it show error: #value. I inserted an extra column in the data tab with just the hour (example 0:00:00) in front of the corresponding column with (example 0:01:00, 00:02:00, etc)
Equation I used for this:
=AVERAGEIFS('Data (min)'!D$6:D$43206,'Data (min)'!$A$6:$A$44646,A6,'Data (min)'!$B$6:$B$44646,B6)
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Jul 30, 2006
I got a range of data on sheet2, size changes everyday (dynamic) And in sheet1. I got a range of data and the size changes everyday as well. I need to copy the range in sheet2 to sheet1. The position would be at the cell after the last data in sheet1. e.g.
sheet1 got 105 data
I need to paste data of sheet2 start of row106 in sheet1
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Jul 29, 2014
i am trying to copy few cells with data, and i have something like this:
Range("A3:AO" & Format(intRowCounter, "###")).Select
So this will copy all data withing those cells range, however, i want to copy only data from specific columns, ie, from column A3, and from K3:J
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Oct 30, 2009
I'm looking for an algorithm that does the following:
1. Open one-by-one a number of excel workbooks in a directory and copy their .UsedRange
(i.e. all sheet content in each of the workbooks).
2. Paste append one-by-one each of the workbooks .UsedRange of data into a master workbook that is already open (i.e. active workbook).
Note that the source workbooks and target master workbook contain the same format of data. So a simple copy and paste of the .UsedRange is apt.
Basically I need each .UsedRange of an opened workbook to be appended to the data from previously opened workbook in the master workbook already opened.........
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Apr 12, 2007
I am creating a macro needed for many worksheets. I am trying to paste a range that will be different within each worksheet. I started the macro off by locating the correct cell to start the copy from. I want to copy 11 columns across and 32 rows down from the cell I selected.
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Feb 1, 2014
I am trying to capture data for statistical analysis, but have hit a snag. As shown in attached sheet I have each day for the year broken down into hour time slots into which data will be added. As I will need to come up with a number of similar sheets in the future I was wondering if there is a way to automate through vba, a quick way to copy down the hour slots for each day, 365 times, rather than the laborious task of copy and paste manually.
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Apr 22, 2014
Why the following doesn't work?
Sheets("Sheet1").Range(Cells(1,1), Cells(20,1)).Copy Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A1:A20")
If I can get his to work, I will be able to use variables for the Cells arguments to give the functionality I want.
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Nov 5, 2012
I'm using Excel 2003. I've got two different .XLS files, each with multiple sheets.
I'm trying to create a macro which will copy a range of cells from one sheet on one .XLS file (which is closed) to a specific place on a specific sheet on the current .XLS file (which is open).
So for the sake of argument:
I've got two Excel files: C:ApplesOldFile.xls and C:OrangesNewFile.xls
OldFile.xls is closed -- NewFile.xls is open and in front of me.
I'm trying to copy the data in ranges B6:C41 and F6:F41 from Sheet2 in OldFile.xls to the same ranges on Sheet6 in NewFile.xls. There are no formulas in these cells -- just data (numbers).
I keep getting error messages, failures to copy to clipboard, etc.
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Oct 30, 2012
I have a spreadsheet that allows users to paste set data from a PDF Image (using OCR) straight into Excel and then use the MID function to split the data accordingly.
Unfortunately, the OCR isn’t too intuitive and gets it wrong sometimes.
So to counter this, in another sheet (in the same workbook) I have a manual input section, and a simple macro button that pastes this data into the same fields where the OCR text would be, so that the main sheet works exactly the same way as before.
The problem is, and most likely due to the simplicity of the sheet, if a combination of OCR pasting and manual inputting is used, when I hit the paste button, it over rides the OCR data with blank cells
In the link below I have shown what is currently happening (1, 2, 3), and an example of what I would actually like it to do (4, 5, 6).
Example - Online Spreadsheets - EditGrid
So, in the 2nd scenario, I would like “5” to recognise that the respective cells in “4” already contain data and fill them ‘Grey’. This I have already achieved with basic conditional formatting.
However, I need to take it 1 step further and say that if the parent sheets cell (Auto OCR) contains data, as well as filling cells (in sheet Manual) lock these cells off and prevent the end user from adding data and/ or being copied over to the parent sheet.
Is this possible?
The result then being the parent sheet with both OCR text and copied text from the manual input sheet.
Both sheets are protected anyway and only allow for user input in certain areas, so is it even possible to apply further protection once the sheet is locked already?
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Jun 5, 2009
Can somebody have a look at the workbook that I've attached.
I have set up a timeshhet calculator for work but the thing is, the hourly rates of pay are dependent upon the day of the week the Operative is working, and the time of the day.
We split the shifts AM & PM and the rates are decided as per the worksheet contained within the workbook "Rates".
The problem I am having is how to get the timesheet to understand the days.
For example, if an Op works the Sat night or Sun night, then the rate should reflect x1.5. If it's Sat/Sun daytime, then it's x1.25.
Again, and as per the "Rates" sheet (see top for the rate multiplier) Mon - Fri 09:00 - 17:00 is flat rate/standard hrs. If the work Mon - Fri evenings, then the rate is x1.25.
How can this be done?
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Apr 20, 2009
Is there a way a string can be evaluated as a formula?
I'm building a formula by concatening several strings but can't find a way to evaluate the formula.
Do I need a macro or is there a simple way to eval it?
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Sep 5, 2013
My purpose is to compare date fields in two worksheets and have the formula tell me if the dates match. I took care to make sure the dates were true date using =datevalue()
=IF(B2=VLOOKUP(B2,'Raw Data'!$J$2:$K$9748,1,FALSE),"Match","NoMatch")
First, it returns #N/A
Second, I used the formula one column over to evaluate invoice numbers and it worked though in the few that did not match it returned #N/A and not NoMatch.
=IF(C2=VLOOKUP(C2,'Raw Data'!$J$2:$K$9787,1,FALSE),"Match","NoMatch")
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Mar 7, 2008
I have a formula which works (to the extent that it returns a value), but if I try to use the Evaluate Formula function, it fails at the first step, returning the "=name?" error. The formula does contain a number of named ranges, but these do not appear to affect it's function.
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Aug 6, 2008
I am trying to loop through some rows within a worksheet in an effort to make sure the values match a list of values that are defined in an array. However, when I get to the IF statement, I always get a 'Type Mismatch' error.
Dim varRetailers
varRetailers = Array("Depot", "Lowes", "Sears", "TSC", "Walmart", "Z-Other")
For c = rowDataStart To rowDataEnd
If Cells(c, colRetailCat) varRetailers Then '
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Oct 30, 2007
If Not IsEmpty(ActiveCell.Value) And ActiveCell.Value >= 4050 Then
The code in the above if statement is running when I hit a cell with no contents. When there is no such cell, it works fine. I've tried using "" as well but the same thing happens.
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Dec 12, 2007
I am trying to make the cells Iam am copying paste hidden cells with all formats - seems to work fine other than the security part of them, Iam makeing a sheet for work and just trying to make it were it will not get destroyed by other users-
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Sep 17, 2013
I am working on a customer report template that generates our customers reports and will send them out automatically.
This issue I have now is that the system that generates the raw data for these reports only lists the Customers name in a column with an entry for each line of data, the thing is though that the system has lots of variations of the customers name, even more so if that customers has different departments.
What I need to do is from this list of customer names, I need to automatically figure out what the "common" name is or main name so to speak, and then make a variable using the correct full name, which will be used later on in the code to import correct logos, and direct the reports to the correct people.
Here is a quick example of what data we get raw from the system:
Customer Name:
John Build
Johns Buildings
Johns Ltd Building
Johns Plumbing Department
Glass Doors Ltd A Department of Johns Buildings
Johns Building Corporation
Hole In One Golf Range
This is just an example, we have thousands of clients, so the length, number of words etc can change alot. Ideally I from a list similar to that I would get a full proper result of "Johns Buildings Ltd" for example, this would then be in a variable to be used in code from then on to reference doing certain things with the reports of Johns Buildings Ltd.
You'll notice there is one name "Hole In One Golf Range" that seems to have no relation at all, this is correct, ideally I would also like to build in some error checking into the code, so that rows like that that have nothing to do with the others would get deleted.
So how would you amazing VBA gurus go about working with data like this? I'd prefer a more general answer with explainations that just straight code, as I'm sure I will have to adapt the hell out of it for it to be useful in context.
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May 29, 2014
I wish to copy a merged cell (3 cells) based on if only 1 of 3 cells to the right contain "X". if the top cell does not contain "X" than the merged cell is not copied. Also, is therea more elegant to copy 3 columns at a time rather than do one at a time as my code shows:
' CopyICUCAPU Macro
Dim i As Integer
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Jan 20, 2010
I have a spreadsheet set up that keeps a running total of the money in my checking account. I've set up the "balance" column to only display the balance if the "debit" or "credit" columns have data. For example:
credit debit balance
3.00 12.00
2.00 10.00
5.00 15.00
This way I have space to add more entries, without having to copy the formula in the "balance" column every time I add an entry (or have my balance copied all the way down the column when there are no entries that alter it). However, the problem I'm encountering is displaying the balance at the very bottom (underneath the line). I would imagine I need to somehow look up the last value in a range in the "balance" column, but am unsure of how to proceed.
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Aug 29, 2008
I would like to work with a range of cells.
I have a headerCel (A2)and a footerCel (A20).
If I use the line
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Apr 16, 2006
how to make such code by VBA. but i'm desperate to have it.
I need a code to copy a two different ranges from two sheets and paste them below the original ranges in each sheet "a range a sheet". And then if a clicked again the same ranges should be pasted after and so on so forth.
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Apr 25, 2014
What I need to do is put data that I get on a variery of excel speadsheets into a standard template. I can do this by the process of copying over column by column the appropriate detail from one workbook to the other.
what I'd like to do is replicate the column headings of the template onto the workbook with the original data so I'm looking at just one workbook all the while until I'm ready to transfer all the data in one go.
I realise I can just copy from the template to the active workbook, but what I had in mind was having the ability to hit a button to replicate it associated with a macro.
So the macro I'd want would involve starting from a cell in the active workbook, obtaining a named range from my personal workbook (which would be the template headings) and then pasting this back into the active cell of the active workbook.
And if it is would I get it to work (taking into consideration the Personal workbook may be hidden).
the only code i have at the moment is
But how would I get this to paste onto the cell I start with?
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Apr 28, 2014
I have a workbook with large number of sheets (150+). All sheets have the same column structure (same number of columns with same heading in Row 1), but the sheets vary in the number of rows.
I am looking for a VBA (Macro) that copy (combine) the same range (d2:g6 from each sheet) into a new sheet stacked.
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Sep 2, 2009
I am having some 100 excel files in a folder. I need to copy specific values in those files to another new excel file. The file names are like file_0.xls,file_1.xls.....etc and the range to paste those values are like B1, B51,B101...etc...
I got the code for one file. Now i need to increment the final name and pasting range.
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Nov 1, 2012
I have a workbook named Br2012. I would like a macro to copy the range names to BR12013.
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Aug 16, 2007
I have a question that I am not able to answer.
Basically I have a worksheet with the following:
C4 -a cell where a user can input a number
the rest of the worksheet is data in a normal fashion.
I am seeking a macro that will select & copy cell G6 through whatever the value of C4 is. This selection would be a variable range with the offset being whatever is typed into C4.
If the value of C4 is 5 then I would like G6:G11 to be selected and copied.
I am aware of offset, but don't know how to implement it in such a dynamic way.
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Jun 7, 2009
i have this code at minute to copy information from all my sheets to a summary sheet , is there a way i can modify this code to copy from row 6 to 35 if there is a value in col b on sheet then copy a:bq of that row to summary sheet carry on to end of data , then on next ws copy row 6 as this is machine heading and then same again and loop through all worksheets i have in my array ....
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Jun 21, 2006
I am using code that will copy several formulas in adjacent cells to the end of range; however, when I try to use it to select and copy formulas in non-adjacent cells, I get an error. Tried to modify, but I'm new to VBA...still learning. Here is the code that I currently have.
Dim LastRow As Long
LastRow = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
Range("D3").Formula = "=RC[4]/RC[3]"
Range("F3").Formula = "=RC[-1]*RC[1]"
Range("J3").Formula = "=RC[-1]/RC[-3]"
Range("D3,F3,J3").Copy Range("D3,J" & LastRow)
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