Countifs Function
Aug 24, 2008
I am using the COUNTIFS function. I can us it with simple criterias but unsure to go about this criteria.
I would only like to count the cells if the range in question is equal or greater than S3 but is equal or less than T3.
I don't know how to use the => signs.
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May 27, 2014
I am trying to use a countifs function that counts all the instances where the year of the date is 2014. The dates are in date format like 3/13/2013, and contained in cells a2:a12
Here is my current formula which is not working out for me.
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Aug 11, 2014
I'm trying to develop a formula that can incorporate the search function in amongst a countifs formula. I have a column that contans the string "2.3 Manage Project Delivery" in a single cell. However, a single cell could also contain this text string in amongst other text and be in there multiple times - E.G; "2.1 Manage Customer Support, 2.3 Manage Project Delivery, 2.4 Close Program, 2.3 Manage Project Delivery" etc
My formula currently looks like this: =COUNTIFS('RDC Register'!$AW:$AW,"Not Overdue",'RDC Register'!$C:$C,"2.3 Manage Project Delivery") but it's not counting the cells that have 2.3 Manage Project Delivery in it more than once.
So basically I need to modify my formula to search for this text string in the cell and add all occurrences to the final count.
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Feb 25, 2014
convert this equation into sumproduct function..??
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Nov 11, 2008
I have a question regarding COUNTIFS. I have data arrayed vertically and horizontally on a worksheet. Date - Column 1 Column 2 etc. Criteria data (flight information) is listed under these columns. I'm trying to get the COUNTIFS formula to count the number of times a particular flight occurs within a date column.
My formula is
=COUNTIFS(C27:G24 (this is the field that contains the flight info), C6 (this contains the particular flight I'm looking for), C16:G16 (this contains the date range, C5 (this contains the date I'm looking for)
When I use this formula I get the result #VALUE! back. I also wanted to ask if there is any way to use the paste special function but not lose the original formatting/formulas from the cells one is pasting from.
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Dec 2, 2008
I have the following formula in a sheet to record basketball stats that I am putting together.
=COUNTIFS('Running Game Log'!A:A,"=Jarod",'Running Game Log'!C:C,"=2 pt miss")
This formula counts from a list that is generated during in-game recording of stats & obviously counts the number of times "Jarod" misses a "2 pt shot".
My question is can the criteria "Jarod" refer to a value in a cell, rather than the specific name "Jarod" as I want to be able to change player names easily, rather than have to edit this formula every time.
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Jul 13, 2012
I have yet run into another road block, which is stated below.
=SUM(COUNTIFS(AF20:AF111,{"*CoSale**","*Reo**"},AL20:AL111,{"Seller - Core","Seller - Non Core"}))
I can not get that formula to sum correctly. I can get them to sum if I seperate, but not with the countifs formula above. I am stuck at this point. So, any insight would be great. It is supposed to add up to 13, but I am getting a sum of 7.
Seller - Core
Seller - Core
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Oct 23, 2013
This is the function I have now: =COUNTIFS(Sheet1!A:A,Sheet2!A2,(Sheet1!E:E),"*") and it works great, counting every cell with a value in column E.
When I make criteria range 3 another column (criteria also being"*") my numbers actually start going down. I think it might be averaging the two columns out or something but I just want it to count all the cells with values in it from multiple columns and give me a total count.
I have 4 columns total that I want to be able to get a total count from.
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Jul 14, 2014
I am trying to develop a For Loop that will do countifs functions based on the criteria in the For Loop. Part of the countifs criteria is determining which values in a range are within certain dates. I have isolated the month and year data and am looping with for loops through the years (outer loop) and months (inner loop). The issue that I am running in to is how to place the month and year into the countifs in VBA: month/year. When I do these calculations in the spreadsheet it is easy to write for one of the criterias: ">=1/2013", but trying to do that same formula with variables is become much more challenging.
How could I write a countifs that uses variables to do the same as ">=1/2013"? In essence: ">=monthCount/yearCount".
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Feb 3, 2009
I have a column titled "Start Date", "Month/Year", &"Total". I want to count the number of dates that appeared in the "start date" column that have the same month and year of the "month/year" column. That count should be in the total count. For ex, I want the first total (april 2008) to be 1, the second (may 2008) to be 1, and so on. I tried using countifs month and year of the start date is the month and year of the month/year column. Not working.
Here's my data: ....
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Apr 14, 2014
I have multiple rows of data per each column. I'm trying to count rows that match a value that ISN'T any of the expected values in column A as well as a certain value in column G. This is in case future data is introduced that doesn't match the existing codes.
I'm trying to count all rows that DON'T have a value in column A beginning with PUA or P9V, so far I am trying this:
But it only seems to work on the "<>P9V" part. When I put P's in the column G of which the column A matches PUA*, it still counts the cell. I've tried a couple of AND variations but none are working.
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Feb 26, 2014
Need to use CountIFs formula to evaluate multiple conditions in the same column. Here is the formula I tried. It works for Resolved but returns 0 when i try to add Duplicate.
=COUNTIFS('P12 Source'!H:H,A18,'P12 Source'!F:F,"Resolved,duplicate")
Also used this formula with success by referencing a cell that had "Resolved" in it but when I tried to add another cell with "Duplicate" it again returned 0.
=COUNTIFS('P12 Source'!$H:$H,A19,'P12 Source'!$F:$F,'P12 Source'!$F$75)
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Aug 13, 2013
I have a file with 3 sheets with Sales data. First sheet is for capturing Sales data, second sheet, with some Weekly Analysis and Monthly Analysis using COUNTIFS, third is charts based on second sheet's formulas.
When I use COUNTIFS function to capture the monthly sales nos, the working days in different months vary from each, obviously. Some months have 20 days, some with 21 days, some with 22/23 days. How to write a correct code for varying working days, because I have to capture only the working days in a month, and in THAT MONTH only, leaving all Sat days and Sun days?
My formula goes like this in cell E3 and I have attached my sample file as well.
eg: If I want to measure Monthly Sales performance for a salesman, Date of Sales Performance measure will be done on the last WorkingDay/WeekDay of that month, in the month Sep-2013, Performance will be taken on 30-Sep-2013, till the 21 weekdays backwards. i.e. 02-Sep-2013. In the month of Aug or Feb the no of weekdays differs.
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Aug 7, 2013
I have a problem where there are 4 arguments passed to my COUNTIFS function to give me a total count i.e. "KP","James Report","Completed","Month"
Here is the Formula I used;
=COUNTIFS(Master!$B$2:$B$29,Picklist!$C$8,Master!$D$2:$D$29,B3,Master!$H$2:$H$29,Picklist!$C$2,Master!K2:K57,Picklist!E9 )
The last part of my formula is throwing an error "K2:K57"
What I should get in plain English.... "The number of 'James Report' 'Completed by 'KP' in 'August'. (Any specified month based on what comes from my "dates field" on my Master sheet.
I have got a field in my Master sheet with dates which I have transposed into the right month of the year using Month().
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May 27, 2014
How to use COUNTIFS Function only for the visible Data after applying filter.
Ex:=COUNTIFS(A:A,"Ret",P:P,"M")-COUNTIFS(A:A,"Ret",P:P,"M",B:B,"") it gives d result including hidden data, but i want it only for visible data after applying filter.
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Apr 25, 2014
Because countif cannot be used across multiple tabs, I'm using the following workaround where "MySheets" is the range of tabs and E8 is the cell I want "counted".
=SUMPRODUCT(COUNTIF(INDIRECT("'"&MySheets&"'!E8"),"Fully implemented"))
This works perfectly, except that I really need COUNTIFS... I want Excel to count either "Fully implemented" or "Partially implemented" when in E8. I cannot get the formula to work and keep getting an error message.
=SUMPRODUCT(COUNTIFS(INDIRECT("'"&MySheets&"'!E8"),"Fully implemented",(INDIRECT("'"&MySheets&"'!E8"),"Partially implemented")))
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Oct 31, 2013
I am using the formula to count if c- is in the cells: =COUNTIF($B2:$U2,"C-")
However, I need to change the formula so rather than just count if C- is in the cells, I need it to count if A*, A+,A, A-, or B+ are in the cell instead.
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May 12, 2014
I'm currently working with the formula
However I need the formula to count only one for the n possible duplicates in the Data[Name] column.
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Apr 21, 2009
Say I have a list of part numbers, and each part number has an X or a 0 next to it, depending on my own set parameter.
How do I then report that data on another tab so that it counts how many there are in a set area AND if its an X.
At the moment I have this:
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Jun 4, 2009
I am looking for a replacement to the function COUNTIFS that will work with Excel 97-03. I have attached a sample of the document which will hopefully demonstrate what I am trying to achieve. On the sheet labelled 'Data' there is four headings (MerRefs, JCPRefs, Self Refs and Other) for the results beneath these headings I have used the Countifs function. I have attempted to use the SUMIF as an array formula but couldn't get this to work.
Also in the hope of killing two birds with one stone, I created this in Excel 2007 and in the past when I have saved documents as 97-03 documents it used to warn me of any incompatible functions included within the doc and now it doesent. Where can I switch that setting on?
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May 1, 2014
I'm trying to do a COUNTIFS for a set of data. What I want it to do is pull everything that is assigned to a certain person that has no date in one column, and information in another. For example:
So based on this dataset, I would get the number 2 for Michelle (row 2 and 5 have no date in column B and a comment in column C). I've tried a few variations and can't seem to make it work right.
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Nov 11, 2009
I have a list of information regarding jobs that need to be carried out by a number of companies by a number of dates. What I want to count is the number of jobs that company A need to caary out by a specific date and then the number that company B need to carry out by the same date. The formula basically needs to say countif column a equals company A and column C equals 11/11/09. I have tried numerous combinations of IF, Countif, SUMif, And etc but can't get the formula to work,
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Nov 26, 2009
I'm looking to count the following:
a 1
a 1
b 0
b 1
c 0
a 1
If column A=a AND column B=1, add column B on the same axis. I can only get a function that adds all B column if A=a. The function should equal 3. Cells B1, B2 and B6 should be the only ones counted.
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Mar 27, 2014
I have the following formula: =IF((COUNTIFS(data_sheet!U:U,Monthly_Report!H10))>166,0,COUNTIFS(data_sheet!U:U,Monthly_Report!H10,data_sheet!BN:BN,"Premier"))
This formula counts values on my data sheet based on the specified criteria. I have this broken ito 3 section, each section that needs to be summed.
Section 1 can not be greater than 165, if it is all the values in the range needs to be reset to 0
Section 2 can not be greater than 190, but at the same time can not be less than 166, else is need to be reset to 0. How would I adjust the above mentioned formula to check these criteria?
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May 12, 2014
I'm currently using the following function: =COUNTIFS(Data[Quarter],"Q1",Data[Country],A3,Data[Sales],">2000") which works perfectly. However I'd like to add another condition "between 1000 and 2000".
I've tried this but I'm not getting any luck: =COUNTIFS(Data[Quarter],"Q1",Data[Country],A3,Data[Sales],AND("<1000",">2000")).
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May 27, 2014
=COUNTIFS('Gone Out'!L:L,"=27/05/2014",'Gone Out'!A:A,"=John Smith")
Where I have the date why will this not work?
=COUNTIFS('Gone Out'!M:M,"=E12",'Gone Out'!B:B,"=John Smith")
I have 27/05/2014 that in E12 but it keeps giving 0 instead of the actual number
Also, How would I make it so that instead of adding 1 to the value, i could add John Smith's Age?
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Jul 9, 2014
So I have a formula which contains a countifs that looks like this:
However, I want the formula to count values when ABS($AM:$AM)=ABS($AM15) but I get an error if I try to put ABS($AM:$AM) as my range. Is there anyway to set my range as the absolute value of Column?
I have also tried ABS($AM15:$AM1000).
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Dec 23, 2013
I am writing a formula to accomplish the goal of counting only unique text values in a column, based upon two different factors:
*Need to Count unique text values in column named 'CASE_NAME'
*Column 'FISCAL' must match cell A5
*Column 'ZONE' must match cell A3
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Dec 26, 2013
I have a COUNTIFS function that, among other criteria, only counts cells in which the value is "P". I now want to modify this function to count cells in which the value is "LA" in addition to cells in which the value is "P". I'm not sure how to work this into the argument. I tried using OR("P","LA"), but that's not working.
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Jan 24, 2014
I am having a problem getting my formula to return a result. The basics are that I would like a count of a specific set of data in a section of a workbook. So in column 'A' I am searching for 'TextA' but this also has to have 'TextB' in column C. The problem is I have 12 consecutive monthly worksheets I would like to pull this data from and I only really want to write one formula. I can (and started to) use the countifs function plus countifs function etc referencing each worksheet individually but this seems long winded.
I have read on this forum that I can use sumproduct combined with countifs but I can't seem to get it right. I have listed my formula for a single sheet countifs function below, but I don't know how or if to include the sumproduct function to reference the rest of the monthly worksheets. The other thing I should mention is that there are other worksheets too, so it would need to be specific to this range, but they are consecutive within the workbook.
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