Find / Search Data And Show All Worksheet Locations

Mar 29, 2012

I have two worksheets that Data might be present,

Holdtickets and "another sheet"

Here is my code:

Dim i As Long
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim wsEachSheet As Worksheet
Const strDestSheetName As String = "Hold Tickets"
Const strDestSheetName2 As String = "Enter Order"

[Code] ........

I don't want to show the location as being the worksheet "Hold Tickets" so i had to remove it from the search, But the data is still important

I need a macro code that will locate the data in "another sheet" and return the values from there, but if it is also present in the worksheet "Hold tickets" then

This part of the code will need to look like this:

Sheet1.Range("B7").Value = wsEachSheet.Name & "Hold Tickets"

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Show The Find Screen For Search Input

Mar 23, 2007

I am trying to do is create a button that when pressed, will bring up the Find screen (which can be brought up by pushing ctrl + f)...I tried to record it as a macro but nothing came up.

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Search For Value In Table Return Separate X And Y Coordinates Of All Its Locations?

Aug 22, 2013

i have a large table and i need separate x and y coordinates(to plot on a graph) of a particular repeated value that is known to me in a large table of numbers. how can i do this?

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Search Or Find A Specific Worksheet Tab With Workbook

Apr 28, 2009

I have over 200 worksheets within 1 workbook, is there a way to search or find a specific worksheet by its name? I've tried the find option, clicked search in workbook but it only searched cells within the different worksheets of the workbook and not the title (tabs) of the worksheets.

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Find/Search String & Copy Row To Another Worksheet

Jun 18, 2008

I would simply like a Macro to 'find' or search keyword data in a spreadsheet and copy the chosen rows and past them into a new excel sheet. I want to be able to do that as many time as I need, currently I have the following code, it does not seem to work well for me, I can only use it to search one time, cause an error after that

Sub FindIt()
Dim rngWB As Range, c As Range
Dim strFind As String, firstAddress As String
Dim wsCount As Integer, ws As Integer
Dim rw As Long
strFind = Application.InputBox("Type in the name you wish to find.", "FindIt", Type:=2)
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Worksheets.Add(After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)).Name = "Blank"

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How To Use Find Function In Order To Search Through A Protected Worksheet

Aug 9, 2013

I'm looking to use the Find function in order to search through a protected worksheet. Currently I can use it to search, however, I am unable to click on the results to bring me to each instant.

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Search/Find Multiple Cell Values On Another Worksheet

May 20, 2008

I have three parameters that users on my spreadsheet will be using. They will be searching using the 'Brand', 'MPAN' and 'Tariff' fields.I would like to have drop down menu's for then to select the correct search option. I then have another sheet within the same workbook with all the data in it with columns headed of Brand', 'MPAN' and 'Tariff'. It has to be an excat match using those three parameters though. I would like the parameters the user selects on the first sheet to be searched and found on the second sheet, with the figures in the cells next to the search result getting fed back into a set cells back on the first page.

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ListView Search And Show Cell Data In Textbox

Jul 25, 2014

I have a user form with a ListView box , I am trying to get 2 things done;

1- When I type a text or a number by using "Search Box" I like to search the things in the ListView box items and highlight whole row

2- When whole row highlighted I like it to show the "Ref" item (Colum 5) in the text box which is called "Invoice No". Also when clicking the row I like the "Ref" item to show in the "Invoice No" (Column 5) text box.

See attached : Aged sample.xlsm‎

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Search Worksheet For Data In Multiple Textboxes On Userform - Display In Temp Worksheet

Dec 23, 2013

I have a workbook with 4 worksheet that store different type of data. It also has a userform that load at start of the application which is to search the data in the workbook. The userform has a combobox where the names of the sheets are stored. when the user selects say Sheet2 in the combobox, it enables the relevant textboxes on the userform and activates the worksheet at the change event. The userform has a search button that searches all the worksheets based on the text entered in a textbox.

The problem: how to search based on 1 textbox. What I want is: say for e.g the end-user selects sheet2 from the combobox, this intern enables 4 textboxes (Name, DOB, Nationality, ID #) on the userform. The end-user should have the liberty to enter data in 1 and/or any of the textboxes. The search should be performed, that if data is only in 1 of any of textboxes then give all rows that fit that criteria and display in a temp worksheet. if say the name and dob is filled by the user than what matches both should be displayed in a temp worksheet. if say dob, name and ID# given so the search button should narrow down to fit all 3 criteria and then display result in temp worksheet. As if mentioned data can be entered in either just 1 or any or all textboxes.

E.g. the worksheet is (Columns are Name, Nationality, DOB, ID#)

row 1 = name: Steven Martin, DOB: 27-may-1993, Nationality: Trinidad & Tobago, ID #: 1234567
row 2 = name: Gary Richards, DOB: 2-FEB-1993, Nationality: British, ID #: 456789
row 3 = name: David Cohen, DOB: 27-May 1993, Nationality: American, ID #: 98765
row 4 = name: Roberto McDonalds, DOB 21-Jul-1962, Nationality: British, ID # 654321
row 5= name: Gary Richards, DOB: 01-Dec-1978, Nationality: Australian, ID # 1234567

Now if the user enters only name as "Gary Richards" and search then row 2 and 5 should be displayed in a temp worksheet. if user enters name Roberto McDonald and ID# 1234567 then it should not display anything. if user enters DOB 27-may-1993 and nationality British and ID # 1234567 then as well shouldn't display anything and should a msgbox "no data found".

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Find Amount In Variable Call Locations That Change On Each Spreadsheet

Feb 15, 2012

I am acquiring multiple spreadsheets that do not always match row number, due to additional information on some sheets. By this I mean that the information may be in row 31 on on sheet and row 39 on another, the column location is the same each time. I have been trying Vlookups, indexing and matching plus combination formulas - with no luck. How to get the information I need with a moving cell reference?

I can provide a small copy of a workbook, if needed.

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VBA Cell Select Button To Jump Around To Standard Locations In Each Worksheet

Sep 25, 2009

I'm using a button in my sheet to jump around to standard locations in each worksheet. Generally in the active worksheet I have these three buttons working perfectly.

However I have one button that takes you from the worksheet into the dashboard. The problem is if you had scrolled the dashboard around you may be put at your last place. I want the screen to jump to and center on R1C1

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Data Search/Find

Jan 10, 2008

i have is that at current i have a load of data (6000 cells worth)

What i need to do is to go through the data and highlight anywhere where it may have the word "in/outsourcing" (The data is based in cell AA which is just a description of text)

Other than doing Ctrl F through each cell is there a faster way in which excel can search through the cells and even highlighting the cell where the word occurs.

I thought if the word "sourc" is searched this would then pick up both

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Show All Cells In A Worksheet That Contain Data

May 4, 2014

Is there still a way to show all cells in a worksheet that contain data..

Seems like each cell with data was a certain color...and a worksheet with only 1 or two characters per cell was created ...

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Show Report Of Data On New Worksheet

Aug 21, 2007

I'm trying to make an excel spreadsheet for a Kareoke business - what I want to do is have a database of CDs that they have in 1 sheet - this will include Song Name, Artist, CD Title, Track Number and CD Number - then I want the user to be able to go into the next sheet and type in the CD Number into a specified cell and thus will import all the information for that CD number into the required fields. I have attached a copy of what I sort of want it to look like. I don't really know the functions of Excel, but I'm quite computer savvy and should be able to work it out with instruction - please note, I've never used a "macro" and don't know what they are - so if I need to use a "macro" would you be able to give me a link to somewhere that explains what they are...and how to use them?

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How To Show Data In UserForm ListBox From WorkSheet

Jan 30, 2014

I have a UserForm with two ComboBox's (name ComboBox1 and ComboBox2) and a ListBox (name ListBox1).

In UserFrom "ComboBox1" shows two options of months "January" and "February".
And ComboBox2 shows options "Advertising", "Bills", "Daily Expenses"

I have some Data on my Excel Sheet. I want to pull that Data and show it in UserForm according to their Month in which they are incurred. For Example If from Userform "January" month is selected and "Advertising" is selected then it should show data in the ListBox1 as follow.

1-Jan-14JanuaryAdvertising TV 100

5-Jan-14JanuaryAdvertising Newspaper 30

5-Feb-14JanuaryAdvertising Internet 30

I have attached UserForm and Excel Sheet.

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Formula To Search, Find & Extract Data

Sep 16, 2009

I have one workbook (workbook A) with data in it (the data is never in the same place i.e. same cells) and one I want to send data to (workbook B)

In workbook A the data is displayed as follows:.....

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Show Data From Another Worksheet Based On Matching Properties

May 10, 2009

I'm building a spreadsheet for a sporting franchise using a pull-down validation menu. Once the opposing team name is selected from the drop down menu, I would like it to display the opposing teams players and their statistics.

On the database worksheet, I have a web query pulling names and statistics from the web. Each player name has his team name in his corresponding row. What function can I use that will search for that team name and report it back to the display sheet? Once I have the player name there, I think I can figure the statistic portion... But I can't seem to figure out how to pull all of the players with the matching team name into my display sheet.


A1 on worksheet "A" contains a pull down menu with team names "Lightning", "Storm", "Magic", and "Thunder".

A16-A20 on worksheet "B" contains players from team "Lightning"
A21-A25 on worksheet "B" contains players from team "Storm"
A26-A30 on worksheet "B" contains players from team "Magic"
A31-A35 on worksheet "B" contains players from team "Thunder"

B16-B20 on worksheet "B" contains team name "Lightning"
B21-B25 on worksheet "B" contains team name "Storm"
B26-B30 on worksheet "B" contains team name "Magic"
B31-B35 on worksheet "B" contains team name "Thunder"

If I pull down "Lightning" on A1 (worksheet "A"), I want the following to display:..........................

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VBA To Search Headers And Transfer Data To Another Worksheet

Jan 23, 2014

I have uploaded a worksheet that has a macro attached to button 4,

I want the macro to search the header in "All Data" worksheet and transfer the data under them to under the same headers in "Quote" worksheet.

The data in "All Data" could be upto 60 rows of data.

quote test 1.xlsx‎

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Macro To Find And Fill Data With Multiple Search Option?

Jan 18, 2014

I am using the following code to find a NAME in my work sheet and to enter their status. But this macro is not compatible if a duplicate or Similar name exist.What I need is I need this macro to activate the search NAME Cell and then a VB box with OK & NEXT button has to appear. if the activated NAME is exactly the one I am searching, then I will click the OK button then it should display the "Enter Employee Status" box and as continue in my code, But If I press NEXT, the macro should search the next similar NAME and activate it, This process should continue until I click the OK button. (Same like CTRL+F function with an additional Status entry button)

Sub Button1848_Click()
Application.ScreenUpdating =False
Dim BeginCol AsLong


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Userform To Enter Data In Different Locations Depending On Selected Options

Jan 22, 2009

xxxxxxxxxxxxxTeam1 | Team2 | Team3 | Team4 etc.
Hours State1
Hours State2
Hours State3

xxxxxxxxxxxxxTeam1 | Team2 | Team3 | Team4 etc.
Hours State1
Hours State2
Hours State3
xxxxxxxxxxxxxTeam1 | Team2 | Team3 | Team4 etc.
Hours State1
Hours State2
Hours State3

Each team leader would then input hours in each state each day on their column. Make sense? Easy Peasy...

My question........... is it posible to have a userform where a TL would select their name (Column) and Day (Monday=Row 3, Tuesday=Row23 etc) from a dropdown and then input figures in txt boxes to submit them in the correct location?

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Worksheet 'Change' Event: Show Which Rows Of Data Have Been Changed By Incrementing A Revision Attribute

May 13, 2009

I want to show which rows of data have been changed by incrementing a revision attribute. For example, if a user changes the contents of a cell anywhere between rows 2 and 13 and col 1 and 9 then the revision attribute in col 10 would increment from 1 to 2 (for the affected row). If another change affects the same row then the rev attribute would increment to 3, and so forth. I don't care which cell was changed only that something on that row was touched.

I thought the CHANGE event was a dead ringer for triggering some VBA code to control this but, since part of the change event code writes the revision value, this triggers another CHANGE event causing an endless loop until something (??) kicks in and stops it after 220 iterations. Is there a way to inhibit the change event just prior to updating the cell containing the version attribute?

Rather than post the code here I have submitted the workbook that includes the whole setup and code. I should also mention I looked at all the other worksheet events and I do not see any "triggers" that would fire each time a cell content is changed. As a side note, is there a way to step into the code of a change event? F8 does nothing.

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Search To Find Matching Cells And Copy/transpose Adjacent Data To Original Sheet?

Nov 12, 2009

I'm trying to find a way to search a second sheet in a workbook for specific criteria outlined in a first sheet (in my attached example, from A3 downwards within the 'list of search criteria' sheet), and then to copy any secondary data found against a successful search match to the original sheet, transposed against its corresponding matched search term.

As you can see in the example, the search term 'bindi' (A4 in the 'list of search criteria' sheet) appears in the 'data' sheet 3 times - the secondary data for these occurences ('feathery', 'Fibonacci', 'glassy') is copied to the 'bindi' row on the first sheet and is offset with each copy to produce a transposed-esque effect of copy and paste.

If it's any help, there are a maximum of 9 matches for a single search term in the real document.

Thanks in advance for your help... I tried to adapt a previous solution given to me for a similar question but failed miserably. I bow humbly to your expertise!

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Find Data In Separate Worksheet

Jun 26, 2009

I would like to put together a macro that would compare a list of part numbers against a database, and recommend alternative vendors for the part. The actual VBA I think I can handle, my problem is with the formula, array or whatever is needed to return the results I am looking for.

I have attached a sample workbook to this message that contains two worksheets. The "Sample Database" is an example of the format of the database (in Excel format) that I will be looking against. This data may be a hundred columns wide, and thousands of rows long.

The "Vendor Reference" worksheet shows an example of the data that would be returned if the "perfect" formula were entered into the cells. (I'll explain what I mean by "perfect" in a moment.) It also has an area designated for testing formulas to see what is returned. It's blank, because none of my tests returned anything but errors.

You will notice the column headings on the "Sample Database" worksheet. Columns A and B will always contain the part number and product description. The remaining columns will contain vendor specific data, with perhaps 25 different vendors, and 3 columns per vendor. These columns would be "PV", (for Primary Vendor), the vendor number, (010299, for example), and the Vend Part#.

If there is an asterisk, "*", under the "PV" column for that vendor, that means they are the "Primary" vendor. The cost from that vendor is listed under each vendor number. There may be instances where 2 different vendors are listed as primary. If that's the case, the formula can simply return the FIRST one found.

Here's what the "perfect" formula would return: .....

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Find Hidden Data In Worksheet

Jul 6, 2006

Excel 2003. Windows XP Professional. Bank reconciliations. How is it possible in an unprotected worksheet to hide additional data input in formulas so that visible invalid numbers produce accurate results? Displaying hidden formulas in formula bar reveals nothing. Blank cells have been included in formula, but searches for hidden numbers and links in these cells produced nothing. I'm at my wit's end to correct this misuse of Excel in my office.

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SQL Use To Find Data In Another Worksheet In My Workbook

Dec 6, 2008

I've heard that you can use SQL to query another worksheet in your workbook, but can not find anything on syntax or how to get started.

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IF.. Contains...then: Search Through The Text String In That Cell And Find A Certain Word, Find And Retrn A Value

May 23, 2006

I am having trouble getting my IF statement to test if the cell contains the text "sale" return "X" if not "Y". I need it to search through the text string in that cell and find a certain word, and if it finds that word, retrn a value. I am really having difficulty with is what symbol or function do I use for the logical test? (i.e. =, <>, MATCH, INDEX?)

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Find Worksheet Based On Data In A Cell

Jan 13, 2010

In Sheet1 I've got a list of names in column A, then I've got a worksheet for each name in the list. I'd like to fill in column B with information from the worksheet of the same name as in column A.

Quick in column A is Davis, want to fill in column B with a value from cell C3 on worksheet named Davis and do it for the entire list. Data being looked for is in same cell on each worksheet. Tried using a formula and dragging it down the list, problem with that is it doesn't change the sheetname just the cell.

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Show Only Count Of Where Search Criteria Met

Mar 4, 2012

I have data on one sheet which has many columns, but i need a formula that will show in a different sheet all cases where column C matches my search criteria but only those cases where column D has the value YES, and should return only the data from Columns A, B and E. I also need a formula that will show only the count of where my search criteria is met.

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Search Keyword In Worksheet / Copy And Paste Adjacent Cells To New Worksheet

Sep 24, 2012

I've been tackling this data capture/paste issue for a week or so. I found the string below which does provide a good foundation for my challenge. But, my basic level of understanding macros limits my modifications to meet my needs.

[URL] ......

I have 20 worksheets in my master file corresponding to Excel files individual associates will update weekly. After the associates have updated their individual files for the week, I want to capture the data entered and paste values into a master file containing a worksheet for each associate (sharing the same name as the individual associate file). All of these files are housed on team SharePoint sites.

I need a macro to perform several steps after clicking a "Run Update" macro button in the master file:
Open individual associate fileIn master file, search for each Initiative listed in column B (starting cell B3) in the individual associate file (in column B starting at cell B11)If Initiative is found in individual associate file, copy adjacent data in columns D:J for the respective rowIn master file, paste values to the corresponding Initiative row for the corresponding week's worth of dataIf Initiative is not found in the individual associate file, move to the next Initiative listed in the master fileRepeat these steps for each individual associate file

Linking would be the easiest way to accomplish this if I wanted to have a multitude of weekly individual files for the associates. However, I'd rather each associate have one file for them to update (basically overwriting their previous week's entries).

I need to ensure the paste values corresponds to the appropriate day of the week. In simpler terms, if the date in the individual associate file in cell D9 reads Oct 1, 2012, the data captured from that row needs to be pasted to the corresponding row/column in the master file that reads the same date.

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Create A GUI For Search Engine To Show Titles

Mar 3, 2010

I have a worksheet with simple titles of books in a single colum, but want to create a user interface that is like a search engine to show titles.

Just a simple search window and search button. If I have a book named Mother Goose, and the user types in Mother, the search will show every title with that word in it. I have tried to do the advanced lookup I found here but I think I am not excel oriented enough to understand how to use it nor do I think it would do what I am looking for.

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