Finding Data From A Four Column Table

Dec 29, 2008

I have a table (Sheet 1) with four columns data, A,B,C and D. There are about 60,000 entries in them. In Sheet 2, I wish to enter a value in A1 which will be from A OR C columns of Sheet1 and get its corresponding value from B or D (Sheet1) in B1 (Sheet2) with the help of a formula. i.e. IF(A1, Sheet1!A60000:C60000, then B1 = B or D of Sheet1).

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Finding Last Cell With Data In A Column

Oct 20, 2009

I have the following code. Is there any way to select a range once the last cell with data is found. I would like to be able to select whatever cell in column A is selected with the code below through E2.

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Finding Data By Specific Values In A Row And Column

Jun 6, 2013

Any way to search for a value down column A, another value across roW 1, and tells what value lies in the cell at their meeting point. 4 example, I'm looking For "47" somewhere in column a, and also the number 53 somewhere in row 1, and I need to know what value is in the cell where those to meet.

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Finding Data Based On Row & Column Criteria

Jun 15, 2006

I have a main soure data which consist of row & column information. What i want to do is search the data from the source data into my result data as per the attachment file. Example: I want to information of Jan & banana from the main source file to appear in the XXXX

Result data(criteria base on Month & type)

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Transfer Data Table 1 To Table 2 Change Rows To Column?

Mar 13, 2013

Table 1

Table 2

Sr. No


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Reconstruct Data Table So That Column Headers Become Values In Table

Jul 15, 2014

I have a large table that I want to reconstruct. For simplicity sake, let's just says it's 3 rows (excluding headers) by 3 columns.

Item Description

Cheese Burgers

Hot Dogs


I want to reconstruct it so that the column headers become values in the table. The table headers are dates, in this case, if that gives clearer picture. So the new table would have 9 rows, (3 rows of data, excluding the header times four columns).

Item Description

Cheese Burgers

Hot Dogs

[Code] ....

The above example is sorted by date but I would be indifferent if it's sorted by the Item Description.

Is there an easy way to do this? Pivot possibly? Again, my data table is large: 36 rows x 181 columns. Using the copy/paste/transpose feature is pretty impractical.

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Finding Data In Column That Meets Multiple Criteria

Jun 16, 2014

Any quick way to extract data from a table. I need to extract a value from a column that meets criteria from two different columns. I thought I could get this to work with vlookup, but have had no success. Sample data below in table 1 and I would like to get my data into table 2.






[Code] ..........

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Finding Intersecting Row And Column On Chart Based On Data Input

Feb 22, 2014

In my table I want to create a user form where the individual would enter a number which would correspond for the Header Row.
The user would also enter a Number that would correspond for the first main column (Column B).

Based on the numbers entered, I want to find the next highest number.

For example if 61 is entered 66 would be chosen.

-Same would be for the numbers entered to find the column.

Based on the numbers entered I would like to find the intersecting cell.

Basic code I can embed in a user form?

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Finding Values In Table A And Transfering Them To Table B

Oct 25, 2013

I have this list of companies (about 50) in one work sheet. If a certain company has sales or costs it will appear under the company name, as either Products, Installation or Freight. It looks something like this:



What formula should I use the find the installation that belongs to that certain company? And not all companies has a line that say installation.

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Creating Validation List From Table Column Based On Data In Another Column

Dec 11, 2013

If I have a table as noted below with the following assumptions:

- this table will likely grow
- the 'Include' column data will change based on external criteria/formulas, so the 'Include' column will not be sorted.
- Macros aren't an option as this sheet needs to be macro free.



How do I build a formula that I can place in a data validation drop down to only include 'Item's that have Yes indicated in the 'Include' column?

I've been researching this and found answers if the 'Include' column was sorted via offset, but I haven't found any to sift through when unsorted. I feel like there is a simple answer to this that I am missing. Here is the sheet --> ExampleSheet.xlsx

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Finding Last Row Within Table?

Sep 30, 2011

I have a spreadsheet which contains a Table. I would like to find the bottom last cell in Column B that has a value...however,

LR = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlup).Row
only tells me the bottom of the Table, but there are empty cells above that.

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Finding The First Non-zero Entry In Table

Jul 20, 2006

I have a table (which has 100s of rows) and I want to find out for each row entry, which column the first non-zero number appears. I have attached an example. Items 7, 12 and 16 first appear within this time period and I would like the First Appeared column to say Week 12 (for Item 6), Week 8 (for Item 12) and Week 18 (for Item 16).

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Merge Column Of Data Into Row Of Another Table?

Jan 29, 2013

Basically, I need to merge the values in row A into specific rows in column D (as indicated by A1, A2, A3 etc).

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Finding Max Value From Pivot Table Range

Jun 17, 2014

I was using the following code for finding the max value in a range from a Pivot Table but cannot manage to make it work...

[Code] ..........

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Finding Results Not In A Table Lookup

Jul 31, 2007

It highlights (with an x) all data that appears in both sheets a and sheet b. However I want it to highlight all the ones that are no on sheetA.

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Finding Value Using Date In Range Table

Dec 1, 2011

I'm trying to find a formula for the following problem: users have to enter a start and end date in 2 cells.

I need a formula to return a certain value within a table, where the dates are sorted into ranges:

For example: start date 02/01/1971 - end date: 05/05/1984

would return 576,448


[Code] .........

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Column Chart Using Dynamic Data Table

Aug 4, 2014

I'm using a table with dynamic data to populate a column/line chart.

The data is based on monthly targets achieved and forecasted. With each month, the information will update. The graph needs to have only the current month and future months to be displayed and I don't want to include the previous months information in the chart. The information in the chart automatically updates and loses the previous month's data. Unfortunately, the graph plots the blank data and has a blank entry on the graph. This means that the information I need starts in the middle of the chart and has a line that shoots up from 0 to the current month's value.

Is there any way that I can omit the month altogether?

The data source I am using is below:

MonthTarget for month* (examples)

October 100,123,669
November 125,154,586
December 150,185,503
January 175,216,420
February 200,247,337
March 225,278,254
April 250,309,171
May 275,340,089
June 300,371,006

As you can see, July August and September are not included. I want to be able to start the graph from October in the above example. In the following month, I want to use the same data but October Figures will not be required. How can I achieve this?

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Dynamic Row & Column Highlights In A Data Table

Jan 15, 2014

I have a two way data table for which the two variables are changed frequently. In the data table, for ease of reference, i usually highlight the corresponding row and column of the two most current variables the intersection of which gives you the current output. But these highlights need to eb changed each time the variables are changed 9the table is copied onto another document for presentation hence the need to keep changing the highlights).

I was thinking of configuring the highlighting process to happen dynamically, i.e. the row and column highlights change dynamically when the variables are changed.

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Pivot Table - Data To Be Concatenated On Next Column

Apr 29, 2009

I have some data a pivot table I would like them to be concatenated on next column. The X signifies the Blank cell on the pivot table. Now I can concatenate (in 1 cell) using VBA but I don't know how loop thru the Blank cells. I have about 1000 rows of data. I would like Data like this:

Investment Price Source
009451AP0 FTID FTID 009451AP0 Total x
967673Z RWP RWP 967673Z Total x
AA.CDS23 MarkIt Markit AA.CDS23 Total x
AACE.BD10BA Total x

[Code] .........

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Pivot Table Not Showing New Data In Column

Sep 6, 2012

I have added some new data into an exisitng column

WHen I try to create a new pivot table those new data names do not appear but the total of records is correct and the reange is accurate

IT is just not showing in distributed between the new names in that field

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Loop Through Data In Second Column Of Pivot Table

Sep 27, 2012

I have a pivot table with two columns: Code and Quantity. I want to loop through the Quantity column and hide all values = 0. I can do this easily by incorporating this into my code:

pt.PivotFields("Code").PivotFilters.Add _
Type:=xlValueDoesNotEqual, DataField:=pt.PivotFields("Sum of Quantity"), Value1:=0

However, I have a "(blank)" code in all pivot tables. I do this because occasionally there is no data to organize in a pivot table. Having a "(blank)" option will allow my code to work even when there's no data. Therefore, I want to keep blank visible at all times. The above code hides "(blank)", however.

The below code is what I've tried with no success.

Set pf = pt.PivotFields("code")
For Each pi In pf.PivotItems
If pi.PivotFields("Sum of Quantity").Value = 0 Then

[Code] ........

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Color Cell Based Upon Finding Corresponding Value From A Table

Nov 17, 2011

I want to color a cell based upon finding a corresponding value from a table.

Ex: In Cell B3: If B4 Value is in the Scorecard Table Then B3 will be a certain color.

This is for highlighting critical fields.

The Table name is Scorecard and I also have a named range of Scorcard_Fields within the Scorecard Table that holds the Lookup Values.

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Finding Cumulative Percentage In Pivot Table?

May 21, 2014

I have data of supplier spend and need to find percent of suppliers having top 80% spend.

How to get the cumulative spend within the pivot table itself. I can do it outside the table by calculations, but how to get the results directly using pivot table, because i am using that data in a KPI metric and a dashboard.

if not possible in pivot table, can i get it in a single step process using percentrank or percentile formula or anything else?

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Pivot Table - How To Use Same Data For Filter And Column Header

May 13, 2014

I have a list of S/N with Pass/Fail result next to it. A specific S/N can appear several times in the list:


When creating a pivot table of SN vs. Result (count) I get:


I want to get the FAIL count of SN in which PASS > 0 (First two rows)

BUT I can not figure out how I can filter based on the values of the pivot table itself (rather than the values of the original list). When I try to use 'Result' field as report filter, I can not get it as a Column label (and vice-versa). In this case I get:

I get:
111 | ...1
222 | ...1


111 |...3...1
222 |........1

Desired (alternative):

111 |...3
222 |...0

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Can Add Spare Row Between Column Headings And Data In Filtered Table

May 2, 2014

I have a table of data with column headings. I'd like to be able to filter the table based on the column headings, however I have a 'spare row' between the column headings and the data which I use to add new entries to the table using a macro (the macro copies the row and pastes it in one of the empty rows at the bottom of the table, then sorts the data which places it with the rest of the data).

The problem is, Excel won't let me apply a filter to the table if the column headings are separated from the data that I would like filtered.

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Copy Table Column To Another Table Column If Cells Are Identical

May 2, 2013

I have two Tables, Table1 and Table2, in a single Excel spreadsheet. Table1 is our master log, and Table2 contains only Provider Names, Contact Names, Phone Numbers, and Email Addresses. I need to compare column K from Table1 with column AT from Table2. Whenever Excel finds a perfect match, I need Excel to copy AW:AY to AB:AD. For each value in column AT, there will be several identical matches in column K.

I have tried to implement vlookup() and index(match()), but cannot figure either one of them.

Table1 is almost 1500 rows long, while Table2 is not quite 80.

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Finding Corresponding Values In Table And Division With Cells Containing Text?

Sep 6, 2013

1) I am trying to find a matching value in a table. I have a 5*252 table that starts in B2. So the table goes from B2 to F253. I am trying to match a value in column D (column 3 in the table and column 4 in the spreadsheet) with a value in Column F (column 5 in the table and column 6 in the spreadsheet). The original value is in cell 222 in the table and cell 224 in the spreadsheet.

I tried the LOOKUP, VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP functions, but they return nothing but N/A. I use a reference cell or just the value for the lookup value but it does not work. I do not know if I am using the wrong formulas or what, but I have tried various permutations. (question 3 in excel workbook )

2) I am trying to calculate the standard deviation of a column D (contains both numbers and text) divided by column B (first in table). Excel does not appear to have a custom division formula. It has a remainder and a quotient formula which does not apply here. The problem is that the STDEV function does not allow for a division sign (/) in the formula. the STDEV function does ignore texts.

Is there a way for me to divide a cell ( containing both letters and numbers) by another cell just containing numbers and then taking the standard deviation of those values all in one formula?

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Finding And Returning Unique Text From Incomplete Table?

May 11, 2014

I am building a table that assigns three roles to chores: Accountable, Helper1, and Helper2. I have a "user interface" tab, where there is a dropdown list where particular chores can be selected. I am looking to have the people in each role for the selected chore returned into the cells. I have attached an example file to clarification. For example, I am looking to have the name (Mike, Shannon, Tom, Blake, Kelsey, Sam) from tab #2 populated into the related cells C3, D3, and E3 on tab#1. I think it's possible with a long imbedded IF function, but I am looking for a more simple solution if possible.


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Continue Searching A Table With Vlookup Despite Finding One Match

Jul 1, 2008

Im using vlookup to search a table and fill out a calendar with dates that various employees are gone. They can have multiple trips in one month and thus will be in the table multiple times. I have the calendar set up so days go across the top and names go along hte left side. so each cell is identified by name and day. I then have each cell using the vlookup command to search the table. now if one person has multiple trips a month is there a way to compare multiple entries in the table?

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Pivot Table - Displaying Count Of Data In A Column With Y/N Answers

Dec 16, 2013

I am new to Pivot Tables and I am having difficulty displaying a count of data in a column with Y/N answers.

Previously I would have undertaken this using the SumProduct function in a standard table.

I attach an example workbook with my data, what I want it to look like and the pivot I have created.


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