See attached spreadsheet for reference : MacroHelp.xlsx‎
I would like the macro to look in column I, and when it finds "TRUE", I'd like it to copy and paste values in all the cells to the left of it.
Reason being is that I want to rid the row of its formula, so the next time someone changes the info (the date the vlookup is searching for) in the tabs those cells are referring to, I will not lose the data it returned previously.
Really all I want is to copy and paste the values in the lowermost row of new information for each plant, but this is the best way I can currently think of.
I've removed the tabs the cells in columns B-G are referring to for sensitivity's sake.
I have a workbook with many sheets in it. Within each sheet there is a cell with the Text "March 09" there are then 3 cells to the right of this cell with relevant information. Is there a Macro that can search for this text March 09, then copy this and the 3 cells to the right of it and paste special this information 1 cell below for all 4 cells.
I am in the process of writing a VBA code(I should I am fairly new to this code writing!!!).What I need to be able to do is below.(enclosed please find a output in an xls file) What I should be able to do is below:
1.Find the text "Cash(No Listing)(Monthly)"
2. Offset to the 13th Column after that
3.Select the value in this column ,copy the value
4.Go to a row above and move one column to the left i.e.offset (-1,-1) and move 12 column backwards i.e.offset(0,-12)
5.Copy the value in 3 above to this entire range
6.Repeat this process for the entire file
My code is as below.Let me know where am I making a mistake. Just to let you know that this code performs the job well for the first entry i.e in the yellow makde area and doesn't do the job for any further entries .Llooks like I have some problem with the loop but not sure as to whats happening!
I would like to create macro, where it would on macro run copy text from active cell and find that value in another sheet (in column H) and select that cell.
Let's say sheet - "delivery" - has a row1 that includes all possible delivery days. So A1 is 1.9.2013, B1 is 15.9.2013, C1 is 1.10.2013 and so on.
I want to make a macro, that will gradually go through whole row 3 in sheet "delivery" and look for "A1" date in sheet "Orders". Sheet "orders" have for example in column B the date of delivery, and in column C product of the delivery.
I want the macro to find all deliveries with "A1" date, and paste all products that will be delivered on this day under cell A1 (sheet delivery). then move on to the cell B1 (sheet delivery) - find all orders in sheet orders, that will be delivered on B1 date, and list all products with this delivery date under cell B1 (sheet delivery).
Sheet order A B C
Date of delivery Product
1.9.2013 orange
[Code] ........
Unfortunately simple Pivot table is not able to do this simple list.
I have a workbook with multiple sheets named by month and year that I use to keep track of loans I work with at a bank. In these sheets I have info such as:
Column B = due date Column D = loan# A Column E = loan# B Column F = status Column H = followup needed (Columns A,C, and G aren't important for the current need)
What I am trying to do is create a main sheet (TRACKER) that all I will have to do is press a macro button and it will pull info for each loan that is in a pending status.
I need a macro that will search column F (Status) on all sheets and find each instance of "Pending" and once that is done, copy rows B,D,E, and H in each "Pending" instance and copy them to their designated area on my TRACKER sheet. After that is done I need it to continue to the next "pending" instance and do the same on the next available line on my TRACKER sheet.
The overall goal would be that everyday I can press the macro and it will repopulate the sheet with the current pending items (as each day I will change pending status' to complete and no longer need to track it the next day).
I already have the tracker sheet set up and ready to go with the spaces as follows: Column G&H = Merged cells where due date will need to go Column I&J = Merged cells where loan# A will need to go Column K&L = Merged cells where loan# B will need to go Column M thru S = Merged cells where followup needed will need to go
I have a base document that i can import another data document with a button (this is working).
I then have another WS ("search") in the base document with lots of identifiers which I want to use as my search range to look through the document that I just imported (column A).
I need a msg to ask the user what month they would like to find the $ value on (Ie, January) in the imported WS... this way it doesnt copy the entire line only cell in the selected month column.
Then I want to the user to be able to click a button that will check through the identifiers on the "search" WS and if the same identifier appears in the imported WS in column A, then for the $ value in the column selected to be copied to the search Range work sheet.
If the idenfifier is not matched then in place of the $ value copied can be the string "no in XXX WS" .
I have attached the document with dummy data in each work sheet with details more cleary what I have meantion above.
The following macro does what it is designed to do and needs to be run from a control sheet called "Guide". When I run it from this Guide sheet it stops at around row 53 (out of 1400 rows) on each of the specified sheets in the macro. I have struggled with this problem and have now discovered that the macro will run correctly when run from one of the worksheets specified in the array, e.g. sheet "200 and 100".
Sub Calculateclosingtrades1() Dim r As Long, c As Integer, LastRow As Long, rcheck As Long LastRow = Range("J65536").End(xlUp).Row Dim shtTemp As Worksheet Dim vntName As Variant
For Each vntName In Array("200 and 100", "100 and 50", "50 and 25", "40 and 20", "20 and 10", "15 and 10", "18 and 9", "200 only", "100 only", "50 only", "40 only", "25 only", "20 only", "15 only").............
How do you write an excel macro that looks at the number in the first column (day #) and finds all the duplicate id#s in the second column that are in day 1and adds the amounts together in the 3rd column then writes the first column number (day#), second column number(id#) and the third column (sum of the amounts of duplicate Id#) to an new worksheet. Then the macro would loop through day #2 and do the same thing. Notice that the values in the id column are unique in this data set below this is how I would like the data to look. I have accomplished this in a pivot table but my problem is I need a cvs file to export the final data into an external database which is why I need a macro.....
I am trying to locate specific values in column a of a spreadsheet and I want to be able to move (cut and paste, offset, ???) only those values to column c of the same row. The values I am looking for are text and they all begin <@29>, <@33>, etc. (pagemaker codes). I want to move the cells with the pagemaker codes to column c. and leave the other ones in column a. Does anybody know how to do this using vba? Below is a sample of my column a.
Here's what I need to do. I need to search 3 huge columns from multiple workbooks and copy all values > 0 onto 1 Worksheet in a completely new workbook.
I've done a search and this was the closest I've found to what I need: Find, copy, paste to diffrent sheet
But I couldn't get it to work.
Here's where I am:
For iteration = 1 To numFiles 'blah blah blah get filenames 'filename of new workbook = outputFileName 'worksheet name in new workbook = Cumulative Record Data 'filename of data workbook = dataFileName 'worksheet name in data workbook = Record
The error code I get is Run-time error '1004' - Application defined or object-defined error on line
I am building a Macro which can be found underneath. The red code is not working right now and I am looking for alternatives to solve this error but until now I haven't found none.
Basically, I am looking for a correct code to copy files from a sheet to another sheet with a find macro.
Sub vinden() Dim FindString As String Dim Rng As Range FindString = Range("A21") If Trim(FindString) <> "" Then With Sheets("Voorraadverloop").Range("A1:IV65536")
I have created (pieced) together a macro to search through a list and paste the results in another worksheet it works fine but i can't get it to loop through the list.
Sub Findall() Dim y As Long Dim starta As String Dim tr As Long, tc As Long Dim sr As Long, sc As Long Dim s As Worksheet, t As Worksheet Dim SourceCell As Range 'Setup Application. ScreenUpdating = False Set t = Sheets("Target Sheet") Set s = Sheets("Search sheet") Set SourceCell = ActiveCell Do While IsEmpty(ActiveCell) = False Counter = 1 'Get last used row in Target Sheet t.Select..........................
I want create a macro which will find a text "9:55:00" in the cell of column A and if found copy that entire row in a new workbook which i have opened. the text "9:55:00" will be there every workbook i will open. Once the row is copied in the new workbook, when i again do the second find the row must be copied below the first find in the new workbook.
I have some xls files. I need to find the sum of a specific column. the column heading is always TOTAL but the column it resides in changes column to column. so one file may have the text total in column H and others will have the text total in column X. how can i make a macro so it finds the text 'total' and then sums up all the values in that column underneath it and displays it at the very bottom of that column?
I need to to highlight keywords within a block of text (string). I don't need to necessarily return a value with the VLOOKUP. I just need to compare keyword list in Column B to the Text in Cell A1. If the word from the list appears in the text, I need it to be highlighted for every instance.
EXAMPLE Text String (A1)
Welcome to Jake's Car Accessories website. We have all of your car accessory needs including car covers, truck covers, custom car grills and other car accessories.
Keyword List (Column B) car accessory car covers truck covers car accessories
Hi all, first post here. I've been asked to do something in excel i can't seem to get my head around.
My client provides me with data in the form
1c, 1b, 1a, 2c, 2b, 2a, 3c etc... where 1a is the lowest.
I need to find a way of working out the difference between these, e.g. edit: 2a - 1c = 5
I've been working on it and have made some headway by splitting these with MID function and then using CODE to try and work out a unique ID for each, but i can't help feeling there's an easier way!
I have a column of values the values can be "T", 0.00 ->any number to the nearest hundredth. I thought I had this problems solved a while back but after having time to do some quality control I found that anytime there is a value of "T" the macro does not work. I have had some great help with this in the past to get as far as I have but I still cannot seems to get it 100%. I have attached a sample file. The result that I would like to see is in the cell BH145 is "16,17,23" without the quotes of course.
When you open the worksheet you will see that the values of concern are precipitation values. These values are rounded to nearest hundredth. When there is a trace of precip however it is recorded as "T" therein lies the problem that I cannot seem to solve.
I tried to make something to find a certain value (from a userform) in a range, and then copy the line partially to another sheet. Then go forth to the next found item and do the same. But... I cannot seem to make this loop.
With Sheets("Data input").Range("N5:N1100") Dim FoundRange As Range Worksheets("Data input").Activate
Purpose: Build a roster from: Sheets(Settings).Range("A21").Value (this value is variable)
Problem: Find that A21 value in Range T2:T100 (each value in the range is unique) Copy that value to Sheets("Roster") E8 and the next 9 values to E14 E20 E26 E32 G2 G14 G20 G26 G32
Reason for posting: I've been trying to do this with vba but sheet formula will probably work, I can always Copy/Paste Special/Values to clear the formula. Keyword searching has resulted in no progress.
I am writing a program which would look for look for the word " TOTAL" in sheet1 and then assign several values in sheet 2 based on cells offset of address of "TOTAL". This is repeated and down rows of sheet 2. Everything works except that it is giving repeating the first "TOTAL" address; i.e. it doesn't seem to go to the next met criterion.
how to write a vb code to do the following actions with an excel sheet, which contains a dump from SAP. This dump usually consists of anywhere between 25 to 30 columns and about 20000 to 30000 rows…
1. Find all rows which contain “VN” and place it into the sheet Vendor Charges (which already exists). Which could be in any column
2.Find all rows which contain “MT” and place it into the sheet Material Charges (which already exists).
I have attached the excel sheet to better explain what I had in mind. ‘sheet1’ contains the raw data from SAP but, the number of columns varies every time so it cannot be directly sorted by selecting the column. I tried recording a macro but, as I don’t have a constant sheet to work with each time the macro obviously doesn’t work.
1. For a file moving from one cell to the next, down the column, get the values and seach for the values in file number two.
2. If that value is found, copy a cell from file 1 to a cell of a column on the same row where the value was found on.
3. Do what was done on number two, but with a different column.
this is what i have so far...
Sub replace() ' ' Macro2 created by david '
' for the entire sheet, moving from one cell to the next down the column, changing rows ' search for the contents in another sheet, and then if that is found, ' copy the row number to a variable, and then ' copy column K from sheet 1 to column N of sheet 2, using the same variable above ' after that same, but L goes to P. ' ' Windows("file1.xls").Activate Rng = Selection.Rows.Count Dim toFind As String ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0).Select Application. ScreenUpdating = False Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To Rng Windows("file1.xls").Activate toFind = Range("A + i") Windows("file2.xls").Activate
I need to find a specific text in column D of sheet2 of my worksheet and copy that row to sheet1 to the last blank cell in column B. The macro should continue to search for the next text and copy rows only if there is active cells in the range column A : C of sheet2. I need a VBA code to do this.
Finding any specified Text like "Cube" down a specified Column in this case "D" when Text has been found Copy the 24 cells directly below and Then Paste to G1.
I tried to writer my code myself but I have a long way to go. Here is what I must do for my case:
I want a macro to find the row that include a specific text (For example "SMSC") in a range (A1:A100) then copy this entire row below the cell which has the value "OTHERS". That is, if there are 10 pieces of "SMSC" so these rows including "SMSC" should be listed below the cell "OTHERS"
I have some EXCEL files, titled as "AAA", "BBB", "CCC", so on... Calculated values are placed in Column Z for each file. In order for me to export the files to another software, I would need to create another new EXCEL file (I call it MASS) and place all the calculated values in that new file. In that new file, the titles have to be on Column A and the calculated values on Column B.
For example, File "AAA" has 120 calculated values. In MASS, the word "AAA" has to appear on Column A a number of 120 times and the 120 calculated values are then placed on Column B. Each value must correspond to the word "AAA". The same procedure goes for "BBB", in which the word "BBB" is placed on Column A after the end of "AAA". What I want to achieve is by using a macro that will look up the title of the Active Worksheet and then scan Column A in MASS. If the title matches whatever is in Column A, then the macro will paste the corresponding calculated values onto Column B automatically.
For example, for file "GGG", the macro will look up the word "GGG", scan through Column A in MASS for the start of the word "GGG" and paste the calculated values at the start of Column B. Could I have an idea of how might the macro looks like?