Macros For Extracting Data From Multiple Worksheets For A Mastersheet

Sep 22, 2009

I'm trying to synthesize a fair amount of averages response time data from about 300 separate worksheets into one master sheet and I'm wondering what the best way is to do it using Excel's macros.

In each subject condition-worksheet there are 24 cell items that need to be pulled and put into the master worksheet; there are 2 conditions, for a total of 48 line items.

In each subject file, the subject number is in cell A1, my first desired average is in M7, then M15, M23, M31, M39, M47, M55, M63, then it repeats back to M9, M17, M25, etc..

How can I create a macro that creates a new line for each subject (starting with row 2) first with their subject number (A1 in all subject files), then M7, M15, M23, M31, M39, etc. moving across the row?

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Retrieving Textbox Data From Multiple Worksheets Into List On Mastersheet?

Sep 20, 2013

I am trying to pull data from multiple textboxes on multiple worksheets and compile it into a list on a mastersheet. I have searched multiple forums and I have been unable to piece together anything. I have attached an example workbook of the data that I am trying to compile. I am trying to pull the data for the textbox next to NAME, SS#, and SCHED. I have tried recording a macro for 1 sheet and then modifying the macro to work for on all worksheets but failed miserably.

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Extracting And Summing Data From Multiple Worksheets

Jul 4, 2008

I have circa 500 sheets (all with identical layout) in the same workbook. All the data is displayed in Columns "A" and "B". The entries in Column A are variable (5-6 digit numbers) B contains numbers between 1 and 200.

I would like to be able to add together the sum of the numbers in B against an entry in A- I have a list of all the entries in column A.

The data in column A is in ascending order but may not always be in the same cell reference.

E.g. "123456" and appears in 3 sheets

(sheet2) A9 ="123456", B9= 5
(sheet 234) A111="123456", B111= 7
(sheet 456) A87 ="123456", B87=3

"123456", total 15

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Update Mastersheet From 5 Worksheets

Mar 27, 2007

I am trying to write a Macro so that my Mastersheet has a command button, that when clicked, will update itself with information from 5 other worksheets. I only need it to update new data and not data that is already there and i need it to copy it into the mastersheet in the next available blank row.

I am working with a mastersheet created by someone else and I have created the 5 worksheets. All the columns are exactly the same in both the worksheets and mastersheet. The mastersheet has 2 sheets, the front sheet ("Front Page") has the command button and the second sheet ("Activity Log") is where i want the new data to appear. I have very little knowledge of VBA, I have recorded a few macros and have used that to create the code i need to open a closed worksheet but I dont know where to go from there.

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Gather Information From A Mastersheet To Individual Worksheets

Aug 12, 2008

I have a Master list of kids names and age groups, that will be used by Coaches to update, from this i would like to have each of the different age groups details extracted into different worksheets within the same workbook.

I used an IF statement to but found it was leaving blank lines between finds.

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Extracting Info From Multiple Worksheets To Summarize

Oct 9, 2007

I have a workbook that we use for our internal customers to use to place orders for equipment. There are five worksheets within that file that outline the different products. The requestor will indicate what items they want by putting a number in the quantity cell that is appropriate for the product. This could be using a combination of all five worksheets for the one request.

What I want to do is to create a summary page that only extracts the information from the other worksheets that has a value marked in the quantity spot only.

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1 Macro To Execute Multiple Macros On Different Worksheets

Nov 17, 2006

Is it possible to create 1 macro which will execute multiple macros on different sheets?

I have approx. 12 macros that I can run in order, and I would like to create 1 button on the first sheet of the workbook to execute all 12 macros, which are contained on various other sheets. Is this possible?

When I attempted to do this, the master macro ran an odd function on my first sheet.

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Extracting Selected Data Into New Worksheets

Jul 15, 2009

I have a workbook, see attached example, which has multiple columns. I want to extract the data for a certain criteria, in this example column E "product".

I then want to take all of the data in columns A to L for the chosen criteria e.g. product 1696 and place it in a new worksheet. I want to do this for every unique product. The example I have given only shows 2 products and limited rows, in reality I could have 50-60 products with hundreds of rows per product.

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Extracting Similar Data From Different Worksheets And Displaying On One Sheet?

Apr 13, 2012

I have two work sheets as-



Sheet 2

nameschooldate of admission
abcpublic school2/9/2011
efgpublic school3/4/2010
hijprivate school5/9/2011
klmprivate school8/9/2011
mnoprivate school9/10/2011

now what i want is - on sheet 3 compiled data as-

idnameclassscoresschooldate of formation

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Copying Data From Multiple Worksheets To Multiple Worksheets In Another Workbook VBA

May 14, 2012

I have 2 nearly identical workbooks and I need to update historical data from the old workbook into the newer one.

My current Coding Snippets that I want to use look like the following:

Sub UpdateWorkbook()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim r1 As String
Dim r2 As String
Dim r3 As String
Dim r4 As String
Dim r5 As String
Dim r6 As String


Now, this code isn't working I suspect because the Copy and PasteSpecial Functions don't work the way I wish to.

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Extracting Data From Multiple Spreadsheet?

Aug 8, 2012

I there a macro out there that will extract data from the same range oif cell in of the sheets in the workbook

For Example
Range A3:B7

From every sheet and put in a new sheet

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Extracting Data From Inside Multiple Brackets

Mar 31, 2014

I'm trying to create an online order form using google forms. In my response spreadsheet I have an cell containing:

22" - Size 0 (£52.50),
24" - Size 2 (£60.00)

I desperately need to be able to extract the amounts within the brackets across to the next cell and in an ideal world add the amounts together. There could also be more than two sets of brackets, depending on the order being placed.

Is there a formula that can achieve this? All the ones I have tried will only extract from one set of brackets or will do both but then also include the string between the brackets too.

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Extracting Multiple Data From Mixed Cell?

Feb 15, 2013

I have data stored in mixed cell that i need to extract to different cells.

Q/K code: AZVR Name: "AzVR" Ltd Nominal: 0.1 USD
R. Number: AZ3570011 Category: ABC

So i need each of AZVR, "AZVR" Ltd, 0.1, AZ3570011 and ABC in different cells. The characters could be in different lengths. Is there any formula that can find Q/K code in text then write characters after it until space or Name starts?

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Extracting Multiple Data From Mixed Cell?

Feb 15, 2013

I have data stored in mixed cell that i need to extract to different cells.

Q/K code: AZVR Name: "AzVR" Ltd Nominal: 0.1 USD
R. Number: AZ3570011 Category: ABC

So i need each of AZVR, "AZVR" Ltd, 0.1, AZ3570011 and ABC in different cells. The characters could be in different lengths. Is there any formula that can find Q/K code in text then write characters after it until space or Name starts?

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Extracting Data From Multiple Excel Sheets

May 31, 2014

how to extract data in the following case: I have the following columns:

Employment Name


how can I do this using formula ? For one sheet and for extracting this data from multiple sheets into a new one in the same workbook?

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Extracting Data From A Table - Multiple Criteria

Jul 31, 2008

I have a data table that has the following structure

Team manager Warrington 10 12 14 16
Team manager Liverpool 8 10 11 12
Commercial Manager Warrington 25 28 32 33

I need to extract the data out into a flexbible summary table where i can choose the job title, location and year.

I can use the following index / match formula to extract the salary that matches the job title and location.

(INDEX('Emp In'!$c$5:$c$130,MATCH(1,('Emp In'!$A$5:$A$130=$B3)*('Emp In'!$b$5:$b$130=$C3),0) - Where b3 = job title, C3 = location, Column C = Salaries year 1

However I cannot add the flexibility to choose a year as this formula fixes the index on a chosen column (yr 1 column C is this instance)

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Extracting Data From One Worksheet To Another With Multiple Fields To Populate

May 1, 2013

I have a table of data from which I would like to extract the information which is listed horizontally.

Column A Column B Column C Column D
Code Name Address Locality
SMITJOHN John Smith 123 Bell Rd Perth

On the 2nd worksheet I have a form which I have designed to which I would like to extract the information from the 1st worksheet.

I am hoping that it is possible to start entering a code based on some reference on the Name. Eg SMITJOHN

Once the code is true or correct it will populate certain cells on the 2nd worksheet automatically.

I work in transport and am looking to streamline some of the paperwork and am trying to do it within the means I have available to me.

The format of the 2nd worksheet is;

NAME: John Smith
ADDRESS: 123 Bell Rd

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Extracting Unique Data Based On Multiple Criteria With Formulas

Sep 27, 2013

I have data and after doing some data manipulation it looks like this

Job #
Part #
Lot #
Grand Total


What I'm trying to do is making a summary sheet that has only the first record with unique values using the Job number, part number, and lot number as the criteria. The grand total in the first record is the total for all of that job,part,lot so i need to bring that value over to the sheet as well. I have been able to do this easily with the duplicate finder, but need a formula to automatically do this.

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Excel 2003 :: Extracting And Collating Data From Multiple Columns

Apr 27, 2014

The link to my file is: [URL] ........

I am using excel 2003.

My query goes like this:

I need to find out "total lifted quantity"(i.e. the sum of 'first state lifted quantity'+'second state lifted quantity'+'third state lifted quantity') for each "state" for each "size" and each "grade".

However when I am applying a pivot table (as seen in Sheet1) it is not giving data in lucid form. I don't want to split the data for three states in three different tables (as seen in Sheet 4).

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Extracting Data Based On Multiple Criteria - Index Match Array?

Jan 2, 2013

I have sheet full of data containing results of multiple tests on various equipment.The sheet contains many columns of data but below are the specifc criteria i want to use to extract the data. As maintenance is carried out regularly the list is always growing. I want to create a dashboard summary of the "Machines" which i will colour using condition formatting. I will list the machines in the columns and would like the rows below each machine to be populated with the results.

Column 1 Lists the various factories
Column 2 Lists the Machine
Column 3 Lists the Part
Column 4 Lists the result.

Results can either be "ok", "warning", "Alert" only

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Extracting Data From File In Directory And Extracting Filename

Mar 20, 2014

I have a directory folder with an active workbook and another workbook id like to copy data from. The Following macro opens up a file in the same directory, copies some data and pastes it in the active workbook. However with this code I have to specify the filename, 'Data.xlsm' in the example code. I would like it to copy data from the only other workbook in the current directory WITHOUT having to specify the name in the code, so just opening it up no matter what filename it has.

In addition I would like to extract the filename from the workbook im copying data from and paste it into the activewoorkbook in sheet 1 Cell A1. I had a look at getopenfilename function but cant seem to make it work for my purpose.

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Copy Data Into Multiple Rows Using Macros And Insert Zero

Apr 21, 2014

I'm new to Macros and below is my requirement.I need to split my data into multiple rows based on count and the first row should have the value but the other rows should have a value as zero.


Count Value
1 400
2 101
3 300
4 450


Count Value
1 400
2 101
3 300
3 0
3 0
4 450
4 0
4 0
4 0

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Consolidate All Data In Multiple Worksheets Of Multiple Workbooks In One Master File?

Jul 12, 2014

I need a macro that would consolidate all data in multiple worksheets of multiple workbooks in one Master file.

All the workbooks will be in one particular folder. The macro should search for data in all the workbooks and consolidate it in one master excel workbook.

I am currently using both excel 2007 and excel 2010. This macro would really reduce manual work as currently consolidating data from 45 to 50 sheets takes an ample amount of time...

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To Open Worksheets Without Macros From VBA

Dec 23, 2009

Does anyone know if it is possible to open an excel worksheet from excel VBA, without importing the macros from the worksheet being opened?

I have tried the following approach:

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Consolidate Data From Multiple Worksheets

Jan 7, 2009

I have a workbook with 7 different worksheets (site_worksheets) containing data about various sites. I need to copy all this data into a single worksheet (worksheet_a). I want worksheet_a to update itself when another row of data is added to any of the site_worksheets.

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Summary Of Data From Multiple Worksheets

Jan 11, 2010

I have 9 sheets of sales data, some with over 50,000 records. I need a way to present this information in another worksheet so I can bring up just the data based on individual brands. I understand a pivot table is needed however I cannot see how to gather data from multiple worksheets.

For example:

I need to look at all the different sales for Product A, which appears in multiple worksheets. Product A is broken down to store-level, with records for number of sales in each store, one record for units and one for value (for the same store and product). Is there a way I can get the data for all of Product A in one worksheet so I can then easily add the totals across all stores by both units and value?

Store 1 - Product A - 10 units
Store 1 - Product A - £20
Store 2 - Product A - 7 units
Store 2 - Product A - £14

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Reconciliation Data Of Multiple Worksheets

Oct 31, 2009

The macro able to extract the value of each 'Summary' sheet A1 and B1
But it couldn't identify the value of 'total day(s)' of work/leave/unpaid leave.

This is because the location (rownumber) of 'total day(s)' rows is not same for each worksheet.
(depending the number of staff)

Actual Result:

Expected Result:
department:security 2875

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Consolidating Data From Multiple Worksheets

Apr 11, 2008

I'm trying to consolidate inventory for my department. I have Part#s in (column E) of all the worksheets and the amount of the product in (column C). I need a formula that finds the specific part# (in column E) and adds up the total amounts (in column C) in another worksheet has the part#s and amounts in same column.

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Importing Data From Multiple Worksheets

Feb 23, 2012

Im trying to import data from multiple worksheets. The data from these worksheets are scattered throughout the different work sheets.

I would like to extract the specific data from each worksheet into a master template that ive created. 80% of the worksheets templates match my master template.

Is there any way to do this without taking 1 week to complete?

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Consolidation Of Data From Multiple Worksheets

Dec 20, 2013

Consolidation of data from multiple worksheets of a workbook in a different workbook.

The, to be copied ranges are static at column B, E & AB. However, the data is required to be copied below each other for each sheet. Also the name of sheet is required to be assigned to every copied data in consolidated file...

Suppose i have 5 sheets with data... then in the consolidated sheet i need name of "sheet1" to be assigned to all the copied records and so on for all the sheets...

Sub trial()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim Wb As Workbook
Dim path As String

[Code] ........

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