Multiple Sheets Data To Table
Aug 4, 2012
I have the following (same fields) data in multiple sheets (named P1, P2 etc).
Would like to get the result as a table, based on the sheet name and the cell reference in that sheet.
P1 (Sheet Name)
row A B C
4 Data1 x
5 Data2 y
6 Data3 z
P2 (Sheet Name)
row A B C
4 Data1 a
5 Data2 b
6 Data3 c
New Sheet (Intended format of the result, based on the A3, A4 and B1, B2, B3 values)
row A B C D
1 Field Position B4 B5 B6
2 Sheet Name Data1 Data2 Data3
3 P1 x y z
4 P2 a b c
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Jan 12, 2014
I have a workbook that contains something like 50 worksheets and they all contain data with the same columns, for example column A is Project, column B is Project Name, etc. I need to convert data in each worksheet into an Excel Table. There has to be an easier way than manually converting each worksheet into a Table. However, when I group all of the sheets, the option to Insert a Table is not available even though the data starts in the same row and contains the same number of active columns in each worksheet. Is there an easier waty to insert a table in all of the worksheet simultaneously?
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Jan 24, 2010
i have a workbook with 30+ sheets and i want to create a new sheet containing a table from aprox 6 values from the others.
i have done this in the past by typing =(then select the cell from the sheet i want)
while this works it is very time consuming and filling down after i have done 1 row gives the wrong results
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Feb 26, 2012
I have a workbook that updates from external source and creates sheets depending on a cell range.
I have put tab 1 and tab 0 on either end of where the new sheets will be inputted, will never know how many sheets
What i need to happen is if someone fills in "complete" in A7 in my "summary" sheet then the values in row 6 in all the other sheets get hardcoded. This needs to happen from A7 down to A26, so A8 = complete then copy row 7 etc
This is what i have so far
I get compile error here ........Sheets(ArrSh(1)).Activate
Also need it to work for all the other rows.
Sub hardcode()
'Sheets("Summary"). Select
If Range("a7") = "complete" Then
Sheets(Array("1", "0")).Select
[Code] ......
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Jan 15, 2014
I am trying to create a single pivot table using data from multiple sheets (one per month). I am trying to summarise the headcounts (count of assignment number) by month in a single table and then be able to select single months/areas or combination of months/areas in the same way as a single sheet pivot table. I have managed to get the table part way there but it’s not counting the assignment number and my Jan data is not appearing (see attached). How do I fix this? (I have only used 5 months of year in example due to the large file size) Alternatively is there a different or better way to this other than pivot table?
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Aug 25, 2014
I have a workbook (workbook1) with multiple sheets (sheet a, sheet b, sheet c), all with the same column headings. One of the columns in each sheet of this workbook contains an invoice number.
In a different workbook(workbook2) I need to find the invoice details based on sheets a-c from workbook1.
So, in workbook2 I can input the invoice number in column a and the rest of the details will be pulled through based on whichever sheet (a-c) from workbook1 that the details are in.
Workbook1 is normally closed (from reading others posts, the INDIRECT function might do what I need but would not work with workbook1 closed)
Working with just 1 sheet in workbook 1, the following formula works perfectly:
=INDEX('[workbook1.xlsx]sheet a'!$V:$V,MATCH(A2,'[workbook1.xlsx]sheet a'!$W:$W,0))
How to do the same, but looking in sheet a, b and c at the same time for the answer?
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Dec 16, 2009
I need to combine the category sheets back into one main table, knowing that there may well be an increase in the number of categories, as well as the number of rows in each category sheet.
I have attached a sample workbook - if anyone can help me with the code so that when the macro is run, the data in sheets A, B and C are combined into Main Table.
the macro would also then update the Pivot table, that would be the icing on the cake (I have shown the pivot table configuration I need, in this case using only the data from sheet 'C', for reference)
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Apr 23, 2008
I am trying to create a pivot table using multiple sheets. I looking for some code that will replace the "consolidated ranges" in the Pivot Table Wizard. I am looking for code because I am writing a macro that will create a different number of worksheets in the Workfile, depending on which dataset I use. i.e File 1 may have 75 worksheets, whereas File 2 may have 120 worksheets. '
The ranges on each of the worksheets will be the same. Range("A2:Av48")
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May 9, 2009
I got a brilliant bit of code (which works perfectly) from Bill Jelens "Excel Gurus gone Wild" which loops through all worksheets in the activeworkbook and consolidates these worksheets into one pivot table, this example creates the pivot in a new workbook, what I would really like to do is add a new sheet and create the pivot in the active workbook where I am pulling the data from can anybody help me to modify the code?
I have not added the code yet to generate the pivot
Code below:
Option Explicit
Sub bob()
Dim i As Long
Dim arSQL() As String
Dim objPivotCache As PivotCache
Dim objRS As Object
Dim wbkNew As Workbook
Dim wks As Worksheet
With ActiveWorkbook
ReDim arSQL(1 To .Worksheets.Count)
For Each wks In .Worksheets
Do Until wks.Name = ""..............
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Sep 8, 2009
I am trying to do is to combine multiple sheets from multiple workbooks if in the created parameters table it has a 'y' next to it. (So you can specify which workbooks to copy from and which worksheets to copy from) - please see example file to get a better understanding.
Example file:
What I have is a parameters table which defines which workbook/worksheet to look in (please see attachment) on the 'parameters' worksheet.
I also have a 'raw data' worksheet within the same workbook where I want the combined data to go.
File a.xls/b.xls/c.xls etc
Theses are the workbooks where all the data is held which I want to combine, each workbook is the same, just different 'data'. - they are all in the same path too.
In the first column in the parameters table I have the available workbooks:
and next to it a 'y' or 'n' - 'y' if I want to copy data from that workbook or a 'n' if I don’t.
In the second column in the parameters table I have the available worksheets:
and next to it a 'y' or 'n' - 'y' if I want to copy data from that worksheet or a 'n' if I don’t.
In the attached example I have code which loops through each file a,b,c dependent whether it has a y/n next to it but I need some code to get it to copy data from the specified sheets in the second column (if it has a Y next to it) in the parameters table to the raw data worksheet in the master workbook with the filename of where the data came from in column A (eg A.xls).
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Aug 28, 2008
I have pivot tables in diff pages
im trying to make a button to reset all the fields in all the pivot tables..
i tried recording a macro to do this but it only works for page fields..
it wont work for the column fields.. act, adopt and check are page fields at the top... region is a column field ... goto_AQcheck is a macro to switch to that sheet which is assigned to another button....
this isthe code it gave:
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Aug 14, 2009
I have a need to add or delete rows from a number of known sheet names using a table of variables on another sheet that tell me the start row of the sheet I need to go to and the number of rows I need to either add (ie copy rows and paste / insert these) or delete (delete rows).
There are multiple blocks of data I mey need to amend on each sheet and the values in my table of variables will change on each iteration (ie if I delete rows from the first block on a sheet, the start row for the 2nd block I need to amend will need to be updated in the table of variables before I can edit the 2nd block on that sheet).
I have been able to get the process to work for a single instance (ie one sheet and amendments to the first block of that sheet) but I can't figure out how to create the loop to elegantly move to the next set of variables and repeat the process for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th block etc on the first sheet and then move to the 2nd sheet to repeat the process etc.
Public Sub EditCurrentBlock()
Dim rowcount As Integer
Dim startrow As Integer
Dim endrow As Integer
Dim rowcountBal As Integer
'Dim selSheet As Worksheet (tried to use this to nominate the sheet variable but
' had problems so scrapped it)
'Reconfigure the GP Revenue block.................
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Dec 14, 2013
for my school project, I am right now doing time tracking for all of my activities throughout the day with excel. Here is basically what I am doing: For everything I do, I record and put in start time and end time for the activity.(I use simple formula to subtract these twos) If my day goes on like study, break, study, meal, study, break and each activity takes one hour for each, I have total of 3 hours studying, 2 hours taking break and one hour for meal. I am using pivot table to show all totals for each activity.
Pivot table is working best as far as my knowledge goes as I can choose and look up total of multiple activity combined. The problem here is I am making one sheet per a day and I need to continue this for three months. (So that seems like 90 worksheet). What I was thinking is I make Sheet 1 as master sheet. Then, copy and paste the entire sheet for 90 sheets assuming all formulas including pivot table go along with them. then, when I put in new data to other sheet,magic happens and values in pivot tables will change relatively after refresh. You might be probably laughing hard at me right now. I know..I tried it for like 3 sheets. Simple formula to subtract endtime and start time still work accordingly with new data. But, Pivotal table is playing dead at all.
I researched and found that that might be problem with reference and absolute cell reference thingy. ( to make pivotal table work for different worksheet). All the cells used ( including column and row ) will be entirely the same for all worksheets. The only difference aka problem is different sheet. I want to use sheet 1 as a template and copy it down to next 90 sheets taking all contents except data. Is there anyway I can copy and paste the whole template to another 90 sheets while making pivot table work and calculate and update itself according to relative data from each own worksheet? I use excel 2007 btw
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Jun 24, 2014
I've attached a sample sheet to this message.
What I'm trying to do is grab data from the raw data sheet and paste it into the master sheet based off of certain criteria. I want to list any accounts that are not correct.
For example, I want to look through the Raw Data sheet, find the account that contains campaigns which are not correct, and then list the name of the account on the Master sheet. I only need the account name listed once on the Master sheet.
Sample Data.xlsx‎
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Jan 14, 2014
I have a workbook that we are using to track some training, the spreadsheet has the date of the course at the top and the trainee's name in column A
Additional sheets will be added each time a class is scheduled labeled with the date of the class and in the same format as the ones included titled: "1.13.14" & "1.20.14".
I need to add a table to the workbook that will collect ever new hire from column A and the Date of their class from cell "B1" in each sheet.
Copy of SLC-BD Peer Training 1.xlsx
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Dec 17, 2013
- I have total of 13 sheets in a workbook - 12 sheets represent 12 months with data; 13th sheet is single sheet in which i would like to get complete overview of 12 months
- each of 12 sheets has actually sales results for multiple products with following data: internal code, manufacturer part number, name, and qty sold in that month
- situation is that some products have been phased out during the year and some were introduced so each sheet is slightly different in terms of in which row certain product is located
What i would like to achive is to make 13th sheet (whole year overview) do the following:
- there is a list of all the products in it, each product has unique internal code - this code (from each line) should be used to find that code in each monthly sheet, then find its monthly sales value (copy it) and paste it in sheet 13 in cell that represents this product and particular month.
In other words i would like to see for each product what was monthly sales throughout this year, but avoid manually filling in qty for each product per month.
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May 12, 2008
I need to copy all the work sheets into one single work sheet (mastersheet). The source work sheets are having same column structure. The condition which i need to take care of is that after column 3 if at all there is any data till column 10 then in the destination mastersheet these should be copied in different rows with first two columns repeated. I need to do this using VBA macro.
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Aug 9, 2012
I have 29 excel files with some number of worksheets from 1 to 4. The name of the worksheets are the same in all the spreadsheets. Then I've a got a pivot table. I have to compare some data (3 columns) from the pivot table to the numbers from all these sheets from 29 excel files.
How to do it in a most efficient way?
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Feb 12, 2010
I have workbook with 12 worksheets (sample show only Jan and Feb sheets) from which I want to summary data onto a single Summary (see tab on worksheet) sheet. Each worksheet has three sections: Income, Expense, and Spending. From each of these sections I want to summarize data from columns: Description, Amount and Date.
For example, from Income section of all worksheets, I want Excel to look at the Descriptions column and total the Amounts for all items with the same description, that fall between two dates. Then Excel look at Expense section Description column and total the Amounts for all items with the same description, that fall between two dates. Then do the same for the Spending section.
The descriptions who's Amounts to be totaled cannot pre-exist on the summary sheet, so I need Excel to fine each unique description, list it once on summary sheet, then calculate the total. I’ve attached a sample file. The SUMMAY EXAMPLE sheet is what I would like the result to look like on SUMMARY sheet, but I’m open to a different layout.
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Jul 16, 2014
I have an excel sheet with multiple tabs (Master, Sheet2, Sheet3, etc.). The Master sheet has a list of all current employee names in Column A and I want to add a Button to the sheet that will produce a message box to add a new name to the end of this list and after the last row of data on each subsequent tab (Sheet2, Sheet3, etc.). The problem I'm encountering is that the code I have requires me to select a cell and is just inserting a new row with the data on each sheet at the same point, so if I have row 14 selected the new entry is created at row 14 on each tab...
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Jun 4, 2014
I'm working on a sheet trying to keep track on which client is working with which employee. The first sheet shows tracking for the year and each additional sheet is the month. Basically the Yearly sheet is there so I can quickly control+f "client name" and see which employee he or she is working with.
I attached a simple version of the workbook but basically it basically looks like this: Yearly sheet - Row 1 is the employees name, Row 2 is the month, and the rows after that are the clients name until it gets to the next month. January sheet - cell A1 says client, Cell B1 says employee. I'm inputing the clients in column A and the employee in column B and using this formula for the Yearly sheet (starting in row 3) =IF(January!$B2=Yearly!A$1,January!$A2,"")
This is working for what it's supposed to do, but it's not pretty and leaves a lot of of blank cells. Is there a simpler way of doing this?
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Apr 21, 2009
I have a to do list on excel which spans 5 separate sheets (all within one file). I have given each item a priorty number e.g. 1, 2 or 3. I wanted to summarise on the first sheet how many priority 1s, 2s, 3s I have.
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Mar 21, 2014
I want to consolidate the various employees' salaries of all months in a sheet. I enter salaries in different sheets month-wise and in each sheet, department-wise. Some employees get commission in various departments. Now, I need to see the details of an employee by giving his name. I should get month-wise his salary, commission and department in which he get commission, across all the sheets.
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Aug 26, 2009
I am using the following code to copy data from multiple tabs to a summary tab - it is only supposed to copy the data in the rows if the cells in Column A have data in them, its working, but for some reason it is copying the data in columns Y and Z for four extra rows even though there is no data in column A for those rows.
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Nov 17, 2009
I have created this with text, command & list boxes with a view to creating an asset register.
So the options i have are premises, hardware, software & fixtures. I have tested so that these go onto 1 sheet ( at the moment all additions go to premises) but i require for it to go to there respective sheets i.e. a sheet for each asset.
But, due to inexperience with userforms and VB i don't know how to do this.
Also, how can i get a sequential number coming up for each asset on their respective sheets
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Dec 1, 2012
Im looking for a way to copy all rows with data in them from row 3 to the last row with data to another worksheet. I would like to copy the data from ALL worksheets in the workbook apart from one called Grade Boundaries.
All the sheets have the same layout. I simply want to produce a sheet with the data from all sheets in one place.
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Jan 5, 2014
I have a excel doc we use at work to create a schedule for our technicians.
Each sheet is a week, so the sheet names are Week 2, Week 3, Week 4.
Each technician number is listed in column B (3,4,5,36,53,91, etc)
Row 5 has Mon-Sun
The techs work schedule is in the appropriate cell. (8 to 5, 10 to 7, Vacation, etc)
I want to count the number of shifts for each tech each week, with a running total for the year. It was easy to do it on each sheet with a simple countif formula. But The problem comes when I want to count them for the whole year.
I tried creating a "stats" sheet and make vlookup formulas to call the data from each weekly sheet. But with all the techs and shift types I want to count, it was like 40,000 cells. Excel wasn't able to calculate it, it had the "processing 0%" in the taskbar.
I thought I could use =sum(Week1:Week52!AZ6:BN50), which is where I have the counts from each weekly sheet. But my data is not always in the same spot on the sheet. Because of techs coming and going (new hires, people quit).
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Feb 22, 2008
there's a way to pivot data from two sheets (both the sheets and the pivot table are in the same workbook)?
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Mar 11, 2008
I have multiple sheets within a workbook, where the sheetnames will always be changing.
Inside of these worksheets there is data that will be different, the starting cell of the range is allways the same and the number of columns is constant. The number of rows changes. I need a code that will go to each worksheet, define and copy the range on that sheet and paste it onto a summary sheet, in order.
I would like to collect all the data and put it onto one sheet.
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Jan 16, 2007
I am trying to populate a TreeView control from multiple sheets. I have managed to populate it from one sheet but can't do it for multiple sheets.
see my code below:
Dim arrName As Variant
Dim arrParent As Variant
With Sheets("Sheet1"). Range(Sheets("Sheet1").[A2], Sheets("Sheet1").[A65536].End(xlUp))
arrName = .Value
arrParent = .Offset(, 1).Value
End With
I want to be able to make it look up from Sheet2 aswell.
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