I have a column of numbers in A1:A200 that I need to concatenate with a ";" in between each into one cell. Is there a way to do this without clicking in each cell individually? =concatenate(A1:A200) just returns the value in cell a1.
I need to be able to query a large date range by a small beginning and end date range and return a count when the value is = each search criteria. i.e. - Search one year of dates from a table by Beg: 7/23/2012 to End: 10/21/2012 and return a count. The beginning and end dates are dynamic and I will need to reference the cells, i.e. B102 "Beg" B102 "End" and not a static date.
I'm looking for a formula that would tell me if a value in colume E can be found in column M while the values in column M may have characters before and after the value I'm looking for. The values are alpha and numberic in many cases.
Find E2 in M:M where E2 = 0123 and is in M:M as a15012388. The "yes/no" result is marked in red where I would like to have the answer.
i have a large set of data and the sumproduct formula i have is extremeley slow ( half the time excel crashes)..plus i will need to be updating this most days!
I have a problem with a worksheet that my company accounting system exports every month.
Attached : sample of the worksheet.
In column ( F ) , I need a macro to do the following calculations: 1- Check for the Title - if it begins with "Cost Center" 2- Check for the Title - if it begins with "Account Code" 3- Detect the Range Start just below "Account Code" , and End with the row above "Total" 4- Concatenate the string written in each row of the range with the string in "Cost Center"
The Story is: Each Month I've this worksheet with hundreds of Cost Centers and subsidiary Account Codes, And to be able to analyze the accounts efficiently I need to concatenate both Cost Centers & Account Codes manually ( as you see coloring sample in the attached file ). Which led to wasting many hours , and high risk of error while copying and pasting formulas.
I know how to do the "normal" type of concatenation (concatenating?), but I was wondering if there was a way to concatenate a range of cells.
If my first three cells look like this: A1 = Adam A2 = Bob A3 = Chris
I'd like cell A4 to say "AdamBobChris". I'm not worried about punctuation at this point. I thought I could just do =concatenante(A1:A3), but that's not working.
Following advice from this forum I have developed the following code to save a workbook with a filename made up from Ranges within a worksheet. What I had also hoped to do was include the first 2 letters of a Range.
The following code takes a large range of data (currently 20K+ rows) and breaks it out into separate worksheets. This takes a while, and I have been trying to insert a progress bar into this macro, but the progress bar goes in reverse (from 100 to 0) but the userform will not unload at the end.
Sub MoveCells() Dim objBook As Workbook Dim objSheet As Worksheet Dim lngRowSpace As Long Dim strName As String Dim lngTimeRow As Long Dim lngStartRow As Long Dim lngInteration As Long Dim strDataSheet As String Dim boolError As Boolean Dim counter As Integer Dim PctDone As Single
I have copied the following codes to create a Function of "Concatenate a Range Skip Blanks". However, I humbly seek help to add "," in between every word and also take away the empty space when there is only 2 words are concatenated. Pls refer to my attachement for easy understanding.
I have a calendar sheet where the dates go down the rows, and there is one column per member of staff. The staff is split in to three streams (different apps to cover, etc).
In the calendar, we mark a "C" for when someone will be on-call, R for when they will be doing a release, and so on.
In a separate sheet in the workbook, rather than having people look at the whole calendar of 30+ people to see who is on what shift for a given stream, I have an On-Call Rota where the rows are again the dates, and the columns are the streams. In each cell of this sheet, there should be the names of all the people of that stream who will be on-call for that date, so a concatenation of the actual staff members from the calendar, separated by CHAR(10).
I have been unable to find a combination of INDEX, MATCH, LOOKUP, VLOOKUP, etc, etc that gets me past the main problem: they only ever match the first C (or the first R for the On-Release Rota). I can't get a formula for a single cell in the rota that will return all the names where there is a C in the calendar in such a way that I can concatenate them.
I get the correct results in K1 when I have a list of email addresses in column D, but when it tries to email it states, "Unknown recipient name found in the list of recipient list. Use a valid name and try again."
Code: Dim x As String, rng As Range, cel As Range Dim myString As String With ActiveSheet Set rng = .Range("D2:D" & Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row)
Return a list of each " case" that includes "item X" (both cases and items are stored as text). Each "case" has a list of associated items, which are stored in another worksheet. "Item X" may be associated with many cases (e.g. not unique to a single case).
The results should look something like this (item in one column, concatenated list of cases in another column): ....
I have a range of purchase order rows, with the formulas stored in the first row (TemplateRow) which is hidden. The users may add any number of rows to this range, depending upon the number of different products being purchased.
Code: 'Copy the template row into the first newly inserted row Rows(TemplateRow).Copy Destination:=Rows(insertionPoint) 'fill down from the inserted row down to the last new row With Rows(InsertionPoint & ":" & NumberOfInsertedRows.Rows.Hidden = False .FillDownEnd With
The problem is copying the formulas down to the new rows can take terribly long (minutes) in scenarios of thousands of products. Is there a faster method of copying down my formulas?
I have four named ranges (Segment, Keyword, Impressions and Dropdown) and I would like to create a formula-based ranking of keywords by impressions and clicks. Using the following array formula, I am able to return the correct values for impressions or clicks:
{=LARGE(IF(Segment=DropDown,Impressions),$H7)} where $H7 is the number ranking 1, 2, 3 etc.
My question is what array formula could be used to find which row in the array returned that number and then pulls the data from the same row in the other named ranges?
Essentially find row of {=LARGE(IF(Segment=DropDown,Impressions),$H7)} but return Keyword and Clicks on that row.
Other Notes: I cannot use pivot tables and some values might be the same which would make Vlookups not accurate for duplicate values.
Link to an example document to clarify this. [URL] .......
I Want to be able to put in Col A the concatenate results of all equal P/N's from any given list. Or at least select the few cells that i know are duplicates and from that copy the Location to a single Column.
ColA ColB__ColC ______Loc__PN 1,2____1___A _______2___A _______3___B 4,5____4___C _______5___C
Desired results obtained via IF =IF(B2>0,A2&" , ",A2)&IF(C2>0,B2&" , ",B2)&IF(D2>0,C2&" , ",C2)&IF(D2>0,D2,"")
one , two , three , four one , two , three one , two one
Is there any smarter, shorter formula via Concatenate and Substitute or other formulas ?
My closest match, but not good enaugh is =SUBSTITUTE(CONCATENATE(A2&", "&B2&", "&C2&", "&D2), ", , ", " ") [ returna 2 commad ] one, two, three, four one, two, three, one, two one ,
Writing a UDF for VBA as I'm getting frustrated by the concatenate function.
I basically want to create my own function that will concatenate values in column B, if the value in column A is correct.
I've been looking at this link [URL] ......
With a very simple data set as an example, I want the following output in column C:
pet food conc
cat chicken chicken,fish,catnip
[Code] ........
I think I need to create a cell based function which takes a conditional range (col A) and concatenate range (col B) as inputs, stores this as a 5 by 3 array and then returns the concatenated output I wish (by referencing the stored array) based on what value is in column A. A "concatenate if", if you like.
I have 5 sheets all with different data within the H column. I want to find the top 10 highest results across all 5 sheets and then pull the worksheet name where those results come from. It would be two separate formulas, one for the LARGE value and the second for the name.
This is all I have.
O2:O11 =LARGE(Sheet1:Sheet5!$H$3:$H$102,1) to =LARGE(Sheet1:Sheet5!$H$3:$H$102,10)
I then have this which was the best I could find after about 30 different formulas. =MATCH(TRUE,COUNTIF(INDIRECT("'"&{"Sheet1","Sheet2","Sheet3","Sheet4","Sheet5"}&"'!$H$3:$H$102"),O2)>0,0) It gives me the right worksheet but it only gives me a number. I'm assuming it's because of COUNTIF but I'm not sure what else to use.
Most examples I see have the names they want right beside the values. So in my case H3 is 22 (and the largest value within H across all sheets) and if I followed their examples G3 would be Sheet1. So because it's side by side it'd be easily pulled. But the only name references I have are the worksheet name itself or A1 of Sheet1:Sheet5 so I'm not sure how to rework their formulas to suit mine.
I need to create a "Top 5" list based on two columns. The example is as attached (the real list is approx 22 000 lines):
I need to find the top 5 largest quantites (column A) for each flag catagory (column D) and include the part number and description. I have tried a pivot table and had some issues. Also tried a LARGE(IF...) type formula and still no luck. Does anyone have any ideas of what is the best way to do this?
I'm trying to create a mini-table that will give me the 3 highest and lowest values in a range (I know how to do this using LARGE and SMALL functions), but I also want to get the corresponding name (in column A) for each number. This last part I don't know how to do.
I've attached an example sheet that I hope gives a basic idea of what I'm trying to do. I'm looking for a method to fill in the data for cells A13:A15 and C13:C15 in the attached sheet.
I could modify my worksheet a bit and probably get the result I'm looking for, but I'm hoping to come up with a nicer solution, and hopefully learn Excel a bit better in the process.
I don't know if this is possible but thought i'd check. Could I put together a look up that pulls through the 5 best performing categories' so say i have 200 categories, just to pull on to a report page the top 5 and their result, and produce a report weekly so if the top 5 change it updates this?
I am having a problem with a workbook, I have copied all cells and pasted Special (Values only). But for some reason the workbook is 38 Meg's. The workbook only contains 6 worksheets with about 60 rows and 32 columns with figures and no formulas. I have tried to find formulas by Goto/Special/Formulas and Excel has found nothing. What shoud I do?
I was doing this task using sorting then adding column today morning one of my friend told i can do it with formula only, no need to using sort and adding new column
I have a set of 5,800+ data points between 0 and 1 that I would like to multiply together. When I use PRODUCT for the whole set, the formula returns 0. However, I can use a smaller subset of the data to return a very small number. I'm curious if Excel has a closest-number-to-0 or number-of-cells-for-PRODUCT limitation. Is there another way to perform this calculation?