Select Which Column And Row To Paste Value According To Date?

Jun 25, 2014

I need to create a data base from figures extract everyday. I would like according the date to copy the figures in the sheet "Extractor" to paste in the column corresponding to the day of today in the sheet "Database". If possible as well, the figures of the dates before today must be delete (in the color tab)

I join a sample of what I have. I tried with the indirect function, but didn't find how to keep the figures of the previous dates.

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Macro - Select Last Non Empty Column And Paste Information In Another Column?

Mar 25, 2013

I am trying to find a macro that look for last non empty cell in column A and them paste a formula/comment in all cells of column B.

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Find Value, Select Value In Another Column, Then Paste That Value

Apr 12, 2007

how does one go about finding a specific valuein a worksheet, then selecting the value in the next column, then pasting the value in a different worksheet?
For example, I want to find a particular person's name in a worksheet, upon finding the name, I want to select the number associated with the person which is in the column to the left of the name. I then want to copy and paste the number in a different worksheet.

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Finding Last Cell In A Column, Select, Copy/paste

Nov 15, 2008

I am making a worksheet that I intend to use to track my money. When I first open the worksheet, it opens on a tab where I can click a button to report a type of transaction. For example, if I make a withdrawl from the bank for $50, I click the button, it takes me to the sheet that tracks my bank-related stuff, selects a cell and opens up a form, at which point I type in what the transaction consisted of. However, the sheet also tracks what is in my wallet, so I'd like to finish reporting the bank transaction in the form, and have a button to click that reports the wallet part automatically.

So, essentially what I need to do is select several non-contiguous cells that are in the last row of the bank sheet, copy them, switch to the wallet-tracking sheet, and paste them in a row that is one past the last row of that sheet. The paste should keep the cells next to each other, even if they were non-contiguous when they were being copied.

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Editting Macro To Select Last Empty Column To Paste Data

Nov 30, 2008

I have a macro that automatically takes data from one sheet, copies it and pastes it on another sheet, but I want it to select the empty column that is to the right of the last column to contain data (so basically the next empty column). What code would I enter into editting my macro to be able to do this please?

Also, one thing I've tried to do with my macro is that when I select the data, it's suppose to select from the first name to the last. When doing the actions for the macro, I use "Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow Key" to make the selection select the bottom of the list. However, when running the macro, if the list is longer (or shorter), the macro selects that number of cells instead of the action of just going to the bottom of the list. For example, if during the actions of the macro, I recorded using the Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow Key that 50 cells were time if I have 60 cells, only 50 are selected, even though I used an action command which should select all the cells in that group (in this case being 60). Is there some code I can add to that so this would work correctly?

In case its required, here is the code from the macro:

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Vba Select Rows Based On Info In A Column, Then Paste Into New Workbook

Jul 7, 2009

I'm using excel 2003. I would like to select and copy rows of data within a worksheet of a workbook and then paste those rows into a newly created excel workbook. That is the easy part. The complication is that I would like the macro to select the rows based on a particular string value that will be impossible to specify in a fixed way (i.e., it will change from project to project). Let's say the variable that distinguishes the rows is location, so some are from Tokyo, some New York, and some from Paris. Using vba, how can one 'splice' the data into (in this case, three) seperate workbooks based on the string/values of another variable?

I am familiar with auto-filter, but in this case, I really do need to create seperate workbooks, rather than apply calculations to a selection of the data.

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How To Select Date Column

Aug 15, 2014

I am using EXCEL VBA and SQL statement to try to select some data in worksheet

Below is my worksheet sample

datee name product_name product_code
2014/6/1 Eric Toy_A C0001
2014/6/3 Stephen Toy_B C0003
2014/6/16 Calvin Toy_C C0003
2014/6/19 Perry Toy_D C0001
2014/6/23 Calvin Toy_E C0002

Here is my code segment for select data

strQuery = "SELECT * FROM[List$] where promoter_name = 'Calvin' and promoter_code = 'C0003'"
Set rs = cn.Execute(strQuery)

This is success to select data with no error

But when I changed the condition to use datee column

strQuery = "SELECT * FROM[List$] where promoter_name = 'Calvin' and datee = '2014/6/23'"

It cannot work The error message said data type incorrect

Do I need to set any thing before run the sql?

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Select All Rows With Same Date In Column H

Nov 23, 2006

I have a history worksheet which itemises all stock movements and enters all the movements on the next empty row as they are processed.

The transaction date for each movement is recorded in column H.

How can I select all rows with the same date in column H bearing in mind that there will be different numbers of rows each day?

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Select Column Data By Date

Apr 18, 2007

I am looking for a macro that will put data from another worksheet by the date. So if A1 is 01/01/2007 I want to bring the information in from A2,A3,A4 and so on in A1 on the other worksheet. But if B1 is 01/01/2007 I want to bring the information in for B2,B3,B4 and so on in A1 on the other worksheet.

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Find Date String And Paste Into Different Column But Same Row

Feb 5, 2014

I have a report where I would like to have a macro search for a date string in columns N-S and copy the date to Column C, same row. The number of rows will vary from day to day. I would then like to format all of Column C to 'mm/dd/yyyy'.

Attached is a file where the date string is included in Column N on row 2 and Column O on the row 3. The dates for both these lines would need to be copied and pasted to their respective rows in Column C.

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Excel 2010 :: Userform Date Picker Textbox Will Not Select Current Date

Feb 10, 2012

I have userform with date pickers and have text boxes overlaid on these, when I select todays date from the date picker it does not display the current date in the text box (I have 8 date pickers on the userform). If I select another date then reselect the current date it works. It has occasionally worked but why.

Below is the code for populating the text box from the Date Picker.

Private Sub DTPicker1_Change()
TextBox1.Value = DTPicker1.Value
End Sub

The initialize userform code uses the following to format and set the textbox


TextBox1.Value = Format(Date, "dd-mmm-yy")
TextBox1.Value = ""

Windows 7 with Excel 2010

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Vbcodes To Select Start Date Then Begins Highlight Until End Date

Oct 28, 2006

i need VB to select the start date of booking and autohighlights the "blank booking slot cells" until the end date that is input in Excel. You can visualise this as a room booking system. The left most column is the dates and the first row represents the different rooms type. E.g. if one guest books the Twin Deluxe No. 123 room on 23 Oct 2006 until 25 Oct 2006. We wish the VB can essentially help us identify the start date then begins highlighting the three slots for 23, 24 and 25 Oct on the column for the Twin Deluxe Room 123.

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Select Data And Paste Into Different Workbook

Feb 4, 2014

I am looking for some code that would copy lines of data if the following to criteria are meet into anouther workbook caller YTD at the bottom of the data to provide a YTD summary.

If column h if marked "y" and todays date ( currently have a =Now() ) is 7 days or more thaen copy and paste to new workbook removing it from the current sheet.

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Select Range Paste Special

Dec 29, 2007

I'm not to familiar with macros or VBA so I hope someone can help me out with this.

I have 2 worksheets in this workbook. I want to select the range A2:K3 (or better yet, the first 2 data rows); the first row 1 contains column headers.

Then copy those two rows.

Next, select everything else in the worksheet and then Paste Special>Formats
Then select cell A1 (just to give the active cell a place to rest) and then do the same to the second worksheet.

Then save the workbook.

My code below is pretty much a recorded macro. I'm basically wanting to change this macro to be expandable as the worksheet grows.

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Copy / Paste Every Sheet Single (P Column) And Paste To Notepad

Sep 6, 2012

copy/paste Every Sheet Single ( P Column ) and Paste to Notepad and take P1 As file name for note pad.

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Select File, Specific Tab, Then Copy/paste

Feb 13, 2010

Feedback.xls is the file I want to have my macro run in. By pushing a button to run the macro, it will prompt the user to select where their file is on their computer. This file will have different file names based on the end user. For example sake, I've included CAP.xls.

After the user selects their file, it will prompt them to choose which tab to copy and paste data from. Typically, there will be 30+ tabs on their worksheet. For example sake, I've created 5 tabs on CAP.xls. The tabs in their workbook will be labeled as I have labeled mine, M1 CAP, M2 CAP & M3 CAP. Therefore, it should prompt the user to select which tab to choose from.

After the user selects their tab (M1 CAP, M2 CAP, M3 CAP), the macro should prompt the user to choose which row of information to copy. In CAP.xls, I have a few rows of information to choose from. They all start with FY10A1, FY10A2, FY10A3, but this information could change. Once they select the row, it will copy each of those fields onto the respectively labeled fields on Feedback.xls.

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Select Multiple Items And Paste In Cell

Nov 9, 2011

I have a list box, that I have set MultiSelect to "1 - frMultiSelectMulti"

What I would like to be able to do is select multiple items and have those items appear in a single cell on my spreadsheet.

Maybe something like: WA, CA, OR Forms.ListBox.1 is the name of my object. Or do I need to use a different object type?

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VBA - Find Select Offset Copy And Paste

Aug 23, 2012

I am trying to achieve something like this :

Find a specific text in my column B (example : "Proposal ID"), when "Proposal ID" is found, select this cell and offset to the column C (Offset(0, 1)). Then copy this cell value in another sheet.

This will be repeated with different texts (always in the column B), so if the text is not found, I need the macro to continue running.

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Select Conditional Cells And Copy Paste Them?

Mar 4, 2014

Sheet1 Cells A1:J18 contain my data and fill down according requirement Where column I find always with end data filled.

ABCDEFGHIJ1DATENumPartyQtyStockQty PendingWhole Sealer-RetailerRemark215-02-141ab1250101000A-M12316-02-142ac1001270B-N125417-02-143ad32017100C-O312518-02-144ae70024D-P720619-02-145af2005E-Q9720-02-146ag1061F-R15821-02-147ah17710G-S23922-02-148ai277H-T271023-02-149aj10I-U321124-02-1410ak120J-V371225-02-1411al140K-W1221326-02-1412am142L-X1121427-02-1413an150a15rr16bb17cc18ddSheet1

Considering reference last data cell of column I I want to copy 15 last row and paste them in the same sheet with cells M1:T16 as shown

MNOPQRST1PartyQtyStockQty PendingWhole Sealer-RetailerRemark2ad32017100C-O3123ae70024D-P7204af2005E-Q95ag1061F-R156ah17710G-S237ai277H-T278aj10I-U329ak120J-V3710al140K-W12211am142L-X11212an150a13rr14bb15cc16ddSheet1

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Highlight-Select Start Date To End Date

Oct 28, 2006

We are doing a project on a booking system and wish to use VB codes to autohighlight the slots from the start date until the end date.

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Autofilter First Row - Select Data / Copy And Paste In Other Workbook

Aug 7, 2013

I need a vb code which would open different workbook automatically, autofilter the first row and select data and copy and paste in the other workbook.

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Macro To Select Copy And Paste From Selected Cells

Feb 12, 2014

write a macro - Condition: When i select "Audit Round" = "Round 1" in B2 and press a button it will automatically copy data from B5:B8 and paste special value in C5:C8. Likewise if I select "Audit Round" = "Round 2" in B2 then it should lookup "Round 2" in "Row 4" and paste special values from B5:B8.

Here an example:



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Is It Possible For A User To Select A File And Cell To Paste In During A Macro

Sep 3, 2008

I was planning to do was have a macro where the document opened and the cell that information was pasted in was decided depending on which cell was selected when the macro was run.

This worked fine, but it does mean that it needs someone who can edit the VBscript every time there is a new starter or someone leaves so isn't really viable.

What I was wondering, is if it is possible for me to start a macro, which then drags in the information I need from a text file, does all the calculations and rearranging, and then brings up a prompt for the user to open the document they want to paste it in, click on the cell where the pasting will start, and then the macro continues from there?

To try to explain it in as clear a way as I can. Say we have three managers, Alan, Brenda and Charlie. In Alan's team there are 10 staff members. Aaron, Bill etc.etc. If we have just run the report for Aaron, the macro will run, automatically drag all the information in and rearrange it, then it will pause while the user opens up the "Alan" spreadsheet, they select the "Aaron" first cell, click OK or something, and then the macro continues on its happy way?

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Select Single Cell After Paste Large Range

Jan 20, 2007

I would like to select cell A6 after pasting a large range so that when send to user the entire range is not selected. I tried




I receive

Select method of range class failed

How can I select a single cell after pasting the large range?

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Copy Variable Sized Row And Paste Select Columns Into Different Worksheet

Sep 29, 2012

I'm in the middle of building a code that will look at the value in Sheet: "DATA" column "J", for each row that matches a criteria that I pull from a cell - Sheet: "Test" Cell: "C1".

The number of rows varies. I want to paste columns: "I2, K2:P2, U2:AJ2" when the value in Sheet: "DATA" column "J" matches the cell "C1".
I'm using a Command button to click every time I want to generate the filtered data. And I would prefer the code to always copy data starting at Sheet: "Test" Cell: "K2".

I've copied, below, my test code that I have so far which only copies row 2 from the Sheet: "Data", and copies it into Sheet: "Test", starting at K2.


Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
If Sheets("DATA").Range("J2").Value = Sheets("Test").Cells(1, 3) Then
Sheets("Test").Cells(2, 11).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues, Operation:=xlNone
End If
End Sub

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Button To Select Range Remove Duplicates Then Paste Result

Jul 1, 2014

I have the following code........

Which I have attached to button in Module 1.

The button is being used to remove duplicate names from a list of names and then copying the result before pasting it into another sheet.

The removal of duplicates works OK but when I try to paste I get a ........

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Find The End Value In A Row (right Side) And Select The Empty Cell To Its Right To Paste Data In

Nov 27, 2007

i need a method to find the end value in a row (right side) and select the empty cell to its right to paste data in.

problem is the row where this data is may change so using

limit = (row, col).end(XlRight).Col

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Selection On Multi-Select Listbox - Copy And Paste That Field From Any Folder

Aug 14, 2014

I am working on a macro, which asks the required field from multi select list box.

User can select required field, for example some user may be interested in
Region ID, Circle, BSC ID, Cell ID, Sector ID, City/Town.

Some user may be interested in Circle, BSC ID, Cell ID, Sector ID, City/Town.

Some user may be interested in BSC ID, Cell ID, Sector ID.

In sort, Selection on a multi select list box copy and paste that field from any folder.

That folder may have any location, and contains file which have.


Region ID


[Code] .....

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Count Records In Table Based On Criteria - Select And Paste To New Spreadsheet

Jul 17, 2014

I have a ListObject table called Table1, and the column name is Table1[Company]. The records have been sorted A-Z for the Company.

The records look something like this

Date Employee Company
1/1/11 Jane A Company
1/1/11 Jane B Company
3/1/11 Bob B Company
2/1/11 Bob B Company
4/1/11 Bob B Company
5/1/11 Bob C Company

What I need is a sub() to look in the column of Table1[Company] and determine:

The # of records that match the criteria given the Company name, and where they start and end. Ultimately, I'd like to copy and paste this portion of the table to another spreadsheet.

So for instance, if the Company = "B Company", then I could find out there are 4 records and there locations to copy and paste them.

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Automatically Paste Data After User Manualy Select A Destination Cell

May 27, 2009

I have two workbooks. I am copying cells data from one workbook A to workbook B with macro - pretty easy. Now, after selecting and copying cell data in workbook A and switching to workbook B I want to be able to pause the macro and wait for the user to chose a correct cell where he/she wants to paste the data. After the selection the macro would automatically paste the data in selected cell. Since I am completely newbie any help would be appreciated. Here is the macro I have so far :

Sub CopyVIN()
' CopyVIN Macro
' Macro recorded 5/26/2009 by Pacific Coachworks
Sheets("For copying VIN").Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Windows("Cami's Production Schedule.xls").Activate
' Here I'd like to have a code for waiting for a user selection and pasting the data automaticlly.

End Sub

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