Table Sort Results In 1 Column Sorting
Jan 30, 2008
In my example file are 4 columns. I placed auto filter to columns B and C. If column B sorted to ascending then this changes formulas in column D. I attached workbook also to understand my problem. If you try to sort column B to ascending you will see the problem in column D
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Jan 2, 2008
I have a simple one-column section (column A) of values in Sheet1:
I would like to sort this, but have the sorted results displayed in Column-A of Sheet2.
How can I do this?
Note: I need to be able build flexibility into this such that I can add names to the bottom of the list in Sheet1, knowing that the results in Sheet2 will be able to accomodate the additions.
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Jun 28, 2013
I want to sort columns A,C:P and use column C as the column that I sort and the other rows will move with column C. I want column B to stay and not move with the sort. How can I do this.
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Jun 1, 2007
In the attached workbook, sorting the dates in column M results in absolutely nothing happening. The dates are formatted as dates (dd/mm/yyyy). The dates in column M are arrived at by adding a number of days (formatted as Number) to another date, the value of which was determined by an array formula. When I retype the actual date into another column and sort that, I get it sorted. Why does the other sort not work? BTW - I actually need to sort column M with column N.
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Mar 19, 2014
I have a list of parts in a table. I am manually copy/pasting this list to another sheet in my workbook and then using DATA→Remove Duplicates to get a shortened list. Is there a way to automate this process?
In the attached workbook I want the yellow cells to auto-fill for me.
I get a lot of lists in the format on the left hand side so I want excel to automatically format them for me so that I can use the output on the right.
List Sorting Help.xlsx
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Mar 10, 2014
Basically i have 2 tables like the ones below:
Name Rd1Rd2Rd3Rd4Rd5
Zac 8
James 6
John 8
Frank 4
Name Total
Now i want the total column in the second table to update and add the numbers as i update the rounds in the first one Which i can do through SUM or SUBTOTAL. However i want to sort the total column so the highest number is at the top and everytime i do it changes the name column not the total column.
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Jun 17, 2014
I have a table of 5 columns (each of 50 length) that is automatically refreshed (i am getting the data from web)after an interval of 5 minutes. I want the first column to be sorted alphabetically after every 'refresh' command, that has been executed by the excel. i have tried recording the macro and then running it on keystroke of 'ctrl + m'...the table surely gets sorted out but i can't be pressing ctrl+m every 5 minutes. auto-sort that is required to be executed after the auto refresh command..
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Jun 30, 2014
I have a pivot table with multiple row fields and multiple column fields. One of the column fields is a Date and I need some VBA that will auto-sort the columns into ascending order by the Date column field.
E.g., if the first four column labels are "2-Jun-2010, 13-May-2009, 16-May-2013, 17-May-2012" then i want the sort to arrange them as "13-May-2009, 2-Jun-2010, 17-May-2012, 16-May-2013".
Note: This is the left to right order of the columns i'm talking about, not the top to bottom order of the rows, or the data in the rows but specifically the column labels.
I've tried googling a solution and I can find a variety of code that deals with sorting the data in the rows in all sorts of ways, but nothing on how to order the columns.
i'm using excel 07, and the source data for the pivot table has the Date field formatted as custom "dd-mmm-yyyy". This can be changed if necessary.
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Dec 28, 2007
Here is a sample of my data in the column starting at I2:
1600 (I2)
57000 (I3)
256000 (I4)
5700000 (I5)
I want to sort results so that the adjacent column gives a ranking code of "A" , "B" , "C" or "F"
my requiremetns are:
iF I2 = less than 65,500 then "A"
IF I2 = 65001 - 250000 then "B"
If I2 = 250001 - 1,000,000 then "C"
If I2 > 1,000,000 then F
The folks at "A" are above average, "B" are average, "C" below aveage with significant concerns and "F" are Critical nonformance, immediate action required.
Of course I plan to copy the formula down the range.
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Jan 4, 2009
how to sort the results of a sheet that I have subtotaled twice by sum?
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Jun 3, 2009
I have a work sheet with about 35,000 lines of data. Every day I have to sort the list by product category (I use auto filter to separate) and then copy the results into a new worksheet, there are about 300 product catagories. I'm new to macros but I'm wondering if there is a macro that can automate this process.
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Jul 16, 2012
how to return the top 5 results in a set of data.
In a nutshell, I have data that needs to be sorted but some intermediate to advanced (to me) excel formula needs to be used to sort the ranking properly. I've already used index, match and large but it does not suffice.
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May 18, 2009
I have data being fed from an application where it's difficult to sort the rows into ascending order. So is there a way that VBA can sort them and produce a value according to the order?
For example, Column A contains 5 rows.
Row 1's value is 4
Row 2's value is 1
Row 3's value is 2
Row 4's value is 3
Row 5's value is 5
If I were to sort these into ascending order, I'd get 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in Column A. But I can't sort the rows so I need code to tell me which is the lowest number (1), which is the second lowest number (2), etc.
The purpose of the code will be to put values in Column B according to what's found in Column A. For the the lowest number, 1, the value in the cell next to it in Column B would be "a". For number 2, it would be "b", etc.
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Aug 29, 2006
Is it possible to keep the sort icon available on a worksheet which is protected? I have issued a spreadsheet to colleagues which contains formulas so I have protected it, but I have now been informed that they need to be able to sort the data according to a ref number.
I thought of using code (which I'm not very good at) and used some from another excel document, but couldn't get it to work...the code was ....
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Jul 24, 2008
I have made a pivot table and I dlike to identify with a macro the documents with net value over 1000. Then extract these values next to the respective sales documents in an are near the pivot table somewhere. The fields are called Document and Sum of Net value. Of course the pivot is very variable one time it has 3000 records and another 5000.
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May 23, 2007
I would like a formula to do a lookup multiple results but in a sorted matter.
Example: ....
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Apr 11, 2007
I'm using the excel built in function to sort columns with my macro. However since my columns have 64,000 entries it takes a while for the computer to sort it.
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Dec 2, 2009
I have this module that is supposed to look in column A and if it sees duplicates it looks in column B (with the date) and erases the entire row where the date is older in column B. I am attaching a sample to better illustrate it.
The highlighted in yellow rows are were I have duplicates and I want the row where the date is in red border to remain.
The module I have so far erases the newer records instead of the older.
This is the file:
Sample sorting.xls
Here is the
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Sep 11, 2006
I have a column containing 365 entries, one for each day of the year. This I intend to send out to Army bands, to have them fill in their forecast of engagements. I do not want them to be able to amend the original diary, but to scroll to the bottom of the list, add a new entry with the applicable date and then be able to 'sort' back to chronological order. This would then allow a separate entry for every engagement to allow me to interrogate the spreadsheet. As I have protected the sheet, the 'sort' facility does not function even though when protecting I ticked the box to allow users to 'sort'.
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May 23, 2013
I have a workbook with two worksheets,
sheet 1 contains student data, name dob, actual age, raw score and an empty column standardized score
sheet 2 contains a conversion table, using the actual age from sheet one you locate the age in the top row of table in sheet 2, and using the raw score from sheet 1 you locate the matching raw score from the first column of the table in sheet 2, going down and acrosss until you meet this gives you a standardised score
i want the standardized column in sheet one to fill by using a formula which looks at the table in sheet two locates the two values and returns the result.
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Feb 22, 2007
I did a data table yesterday and it worked. I tried again today and the results are incorrect. They are coming out as a constant (the same result as the original formula). Has anyone had this happen before and figured out how to fix? My spreadsheet is fairly complex. Does the data table formula need to refer to the "base" cells? For example, if the formula refers to cell F15, but in F15 the formula is +C15, does my data table formula need to use C15?
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Feb 4, 2013
How can I sort two columns of function results using the result value? Excel is trying to sort on the function in the cells rather than the results themselves.
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Nov 25, 2013
I have two slicers that are in a hierarchy. These are attached to a Pivot table whose data source is an OLAP cube. Every Partner Parent is part of a Partner Group:
Partner Parents Slicers.png
My problem is that when I click SI Alliance in Partner Group, the Partner Parent slicer does not re-sort in any way. The corresponding selected Partner Parents are scattered throughout the alphabetical list. However, in a different document, I have slicers in a similar situation, except their Pivot table’s data source is a SQL Server database. When I click on a member of the higher up group (Accenture Global Client) the lower level group (Microsoft Account Name) sorts to show only the selected values at the top of the list:
This is with all selected - Accenture Slicers All.png
This is with just one Accenture Global Client selected. Note how the selected Microsoft Account Names have moved to the top of the list - Accenture Slicers Selected.png
How I can configure my Partner Parent/Partner Group slicers to behave like these Accenture/Microsoft slicers? Is there something that I can change in Excel or in the OLAP cube to make this happen? I have already tried right-clicking the slicer and going to Slicer Settings. The settings on the Parent/Partner Group slicers mimic those of the Accenture/Microsoft slicers exactly.
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Jul 12, 2009
I am putting together multiple worksheets with dumped data that should sort themselves by the press of a button. Each entry has a 'code' and a value and they are sorted by the 'code'.
At the moment i have the first worksheet sorting correctly and i am trying to program the second worksheet to sort data into the existing worksheets if they exist or create a new worksheet if the data doesn't have it's own worksheet.
Here is the code i am working with.
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Oct 5, 2007
I have a list in rows where I have a ranking formula =COUNT($G$5:$G$81)-(RANK(G5,$G$5:$G$81)+ COUNTIF($G$5:G5,G5)-1)+1 When I sort the rank, ascending. All of the unique numbers sort ascending, but the non-unique numbers sort descending
ex) 1.751
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Jan 13, 2014
Using DataEntry sheet for data.
Trying to rearrange the data to DataFormatedProperly sheet.
So far all I can accomplish is DataFormatedWrong sheet.
Edit: Not sure what happened but file was NOT understandable before. It should be correct now.
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Aug 14, 2012
I am trying to create a macro where users can rearange data in a table. I used the macro recorder to sort the data in colmn C in descending order and this is the code that I got:
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("By Client").Sort.SortFields.Clear
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("By Client").Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range( _
"C3:C176"), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlDescending, DataOption:= _
With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("By Client").Sort
This works for the table as it is but the range may change as more rows are added to the table. I want it to start at row three as the first two rows are headers but in future tables the bottom row may not be 176. I dont want to include all rows as row 177 contains totals that I dont want to be included in the sort. what I should put as the range so that this macro will work regardless of how many rows are in the table?
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May 23, 2014
I am trying to sort by date in a table (It is named Linked_file_table), C173:I188. I would like the table to be sorted by I173 AZ.
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Oct 15, 2008
I have managed to produce a table which uses formulas to calculate the amount of 'points' someone/a team has accumulated over a period of time however it seems that for some reason or another I cannot sort the table into order of 'who has the most points'
above is the final standings but as you can see the 'sort' function isnt working, and if i do any other sort the name of the person and the points no longer correspond... i.e. it ends up putting the names in alphabetical order and leaving all other columns as they currently are, or it changes the points column, leaving the names in the same place...
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Jun 9, 2009
I've just come across Excel doing seemingly doing something really rather daft - though it equally could be me. I've grouped dates in a pivot table to 7 days at a time to group weeks, but when I then sort by date order it sorts by all those ranges starting with a 1st of the month, followed by all the 2nd's, etc.
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