Trace & Go To Dependents On Another Worksheet

Aug 17, 2007

When tracing precedents (or dependents) and the worksheet icon is pointed to, I understand that it is referring to another worksheet. Is there a way to discover which worksheet and/or cell?

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Macro Code To Trace Dependents/Precedents

Jun 17, 2008

I would like to trace dependents of all cells <> "" in column A of a sheet "Tickmarks". If there is a cell in column A which has a value, but does not have a dependent I would like that value to be stored. When the trace dependents check is done for all the cells with values in column A, I would like to display a msgbox with all the cell values collected above.

Eventually, I will be trying to locate the cells with no dependents but with values in Column A and replace them with cells with dependents and change the dependent links to the updated cells.

I have attached an example.

Sub Trace_Dependents_Tickmark_Sheet()

Dim RowCounter As Integer
RowCounter = 3

'Select firsct cell with t/m & show dependents
Range("A" & RowCounter).ShowDependents

' Loop until RowCounter = 200
If Range("A" & RowCounter).Value = 0 Then
RowCounter = RowCounter + 1

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Highlight Cells Which Have No Dependents Or Duplicate Dependents

Jul 13, 2009

I have a two worksheets of workbook named LC worksheet and second one Account work sheet.

Data from LC worksheet likned into the Account worksheet at Column K and Column V.

I want to highlight cells in LC worksheet which have no dependents or have duplicate dependents at Column K and Column V into the Account worksheet. Built in trace dependents is time consuming and useless.

File attached for your further understanding

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Deleted Data Leaves A Trace

Dec 8, 2009

I have a worksheet where I've deleted data in cells and rows. I am left with alternating rows of data and blank rows however a macro that I've been running to delete blank rows does not work on some of the rows.

To delete the data I used the Find and Replace feature and it seems that afterward the cells where this data was is now somehow marked as not completely empty. It appears empty but if I use the Control-Right Arrow combination from Column A, it skips over some cells but stops on a cell that used to contain data. If I press the Delete key it clears the cell completely and if I do that on all the cells the Ctrl-Right Arrow stops on until the end of the row, the macro works on that row...but not the next row of seemingly empty cells.

It's not spaces and there's no apostrophes and the cells are all formatted as General (Number Style) and Normal (Styles). I've even copied the format of a row of all deleted cells but that still does not completely clean out the "empty" cells. I've also run the Inspect Document command to remove what may be there but same results.

Is there something I can do to locate and remove this mysterious data?

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Unique Trace Code (multiple Column Criteria)

Aug 20, 2013

I have a challenge I haven't quite been able to figure out:

I need a 6 digit trace code to be automatically generated for each job based on the date, the product type and the job number.

The first 2 digits on the trace-code are alphanumeric and the sequence for each job is AA, AB, AC etc.

The last 4 digits are a date code (YYWW.... two digits for the year and two digits for the week number).

The criteria is that multiple jobs of the same product type within the same work week must not have identical trace codes. So Job 1 gets "AA" plus the date code... Job 2 gets "AB" plus the date code, etc. If Job 3 is done in the next work week, it cycles back to "AA" and gets the new date-code.

Generating the date-code was simple enough, but coming up with a function or rule to assign the two-digit alpha has been a challenge that I have not been able to beat.

Below is an example of how the Trace-code column should work....note that Trace code on one product type might be identical to the trace code on another product type.


Product type
Lot number
Trace code

[Code] .........

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Excel 2010 :: Macro To Trace Empty Cell

Jul 24, 2014

I need to write an excel macro to trace the valid PO# in my daily report.

Below is the condition:

If the PO# is an empty cell, the result return at column B as Not Valid

If the PO# starts with any character (example: FISHNH123), the result return at column B as Not Valid

If PO# is not starts with 3000 or 490 or 450(example: 3000823041,3000823037), the result return at column B as Not Valid


empty cell
Not Valid

PO# starts with any character (example: FISHNH123)
Not Valid

PO# is not start with 3000 or 490 or 450
Not Valid

I'm using excel 2010..

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Code Find Cells Without Dependents

Jul 18, 2007

I am trying to write some code to run through a workbook and identify dead ends i.e. cells with no dependents. I can isolate the cells I need to check and tried to count dependent cells to see which had none. My code to do this is:

If Cell.Dependents.Count < 1 Then

This creates "runtime error 1004: no cells found" when a cell with no dependents is found. I have tried using ISERROR and ISNUMBER and a few other things to either trap this error or turn it into something useful. It seems that whatever is returned from my expression is not an error code or a null or a number.

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List Formula Dependents From Another Sheet

Mar 13, 2008

I'm disecting someone's spreadsheet to automate it.

I'm looking for some code that will make a list or table of cells with dependents (not on the active sheet) and show what the dependent is. I'm assuming the code would list all values or formulas on the active sheet that get used somewhere 'NOT' on the active sheet.

My results would be basically 2 columns. Column 1 would be a list of tab name & cell refrences from the active sheet when the macro was run and column 2 would be the tab name & cell reference of where the data goes within this book.

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Cutting And Pasting Without Changing Precedents Or Dependents

Jan 25, 2014

I am baffled because one worksheet I can cut/paste and none of the reference cells whether they are dependents or precedents change--in other words, all formulas remain exactly the same. I switch over to another tab in my back-end and the formulas change when cutting/pasting cells.

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Highlight Cells If Cell Has Dependents Or Precedents

Feb 17, 2009

I am working on a tool to highlight cells that have dependents but no precedents. This would be useful for me as I build a number of models and handle models built by others.

I want to be able to easily see where model inputs are and inputs will always be cells that do not have precedents and do have at least one dependent.

I have played with a number of methods with very little success. Is there an easy way to test whether or not a cell has a precedent or dependent within the workbook?

for cell in range

if cell.does.not.have.precedent and cell.has.dependent then
cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 35
end iff

next cell

I found this in an older post but I cant get it to work at all.

Sub atest()

Dim rngA As Range
Dim sngA As Single

For Each rngA In Selection.Cells
If Len(rngA.Formula) > 0 Then
On Error Resume Next
sngA = rngA.DirectDependents.Count
If sngA = 0 Then
rngA.Style = "NoDeps"
End If
End If
End Sub

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Relationship Between Formula References. Dependents & Precedents

May 30, 2008

I'm an experienced Excel user working with very large Excel files that contain many sheets with thousands of formulas referencing various cells on different worksheets. I've been searching for an advanced solution for Excel and I am actually having doubts as to whether it actually exists on the market. (If it doesn't take this idea for free!)

I need a program that could generate a visual map that displays different cells and the links among them. For example, such maps are used in social networking to show connections among people - an example here.

In the end I would have a similar map and it would show me which worksheets are more or less isolated (i.e. don't reference directly any other cells).

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Locate Dependents & Precedence Of Formulas In Named Ranges

Nov 17, 2007

I need to select in a sheet the cells which have name reference to see if the whole sheet is dependent , i have tried to trace the dependents and precedents but that didnt work,

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Excel 2010 :: Code To Extract Unique List Of Dependents?

May 31, 2012

Excel 2010ABCDEFGH1EMPLeaderSamAsbertNoellaJackson2RosalineSam3LionelAsbert4KerryNoella5JohnnyNoella

Here's my problem... Column A contains employee name & column B contains Team Leader name of the respective employee. Range D1:G1 should contain names of team leaders from column B. After that, depending on the name populated in D1, cells going downwards from cell D2 should contain name of employees of that team leader. Similar thing should be repeated for columns E, F, & G. If an employee shows up under two team leaders then it should be displayed under both lists.

Is there any formula/VBA code which can do this? Been after this for last 3-4 hours and now just lost in a maze of various Index Match combinations and array formulas..

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Copy Worksheet In Workbook With All Formulas On New Worksheet Referencing Previous Worksheet

Apr 21, 2012

I have a workbook that contains 50 worksheets named 1-50. I need to add more worksheets. all the formulas in the worksheets always refers to the previous worksheet.

How can i make a copy of the worksheet named 50, name it 51 and have all the formulas in worksheet 51 refer back to worksheet 50?

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Search Worksheet For Data In Multiple Textboxes On Userform - Display In Temp Worksheet

Dec 23, 2013

I have a workbook with 4 worksheet that store different type of data. It also has a userform that load at start of the application which is to search the data in the workbook. The userform has a combobox where the names of the sheets are stored. when the user selects say Sheet2 in the combobox, it enables the relevant textboxes on the userform and activates the worksheet at the change event. The userform has a search button that searches all the worksheets based on the text entered in a textbox.

The problem: how to search based on 1 textbox. What I want is: say for e.g the end-user selects sheet2 from the combobox, this intern enables 4 textboxes (Name, DOB, Nationality, ID #) on the userform. The end-user should have the liberty to enter data in 1 and/or any of the textboxes. The search should be performed, that if data is only in 1 of any of textboxes then give all rows that fit that criteria and display in a temp worksheet. if say the name and dob is filled by the user than what matches both should be displayed in a temp worksheet. if say dob, name and ID# given so the search button should narrow down to fit all 3 criteria and then display result in temp worksheet. As if mentioned data can be entered in either just 1 or any or all textboxes.

E.g. the worksheet is (Columns are Name, Nationality, DOB, ID#)

row 1 = name: Steven Martin, DOB: 27-may-1993, Nationality: Trinidad & Tobago, ID #: 1234567
row 2 = name: Gary Richards, DOB: 2-FEB-1993, Nationality: British, ID #: 456789
row 3 = name: David Cohen, DOB: 27-May 1993, Nationality: American, ID #: 98765
row 4 = name: Roberto McDonalds, DOB 21-Jul-1962, Nationality: British, ID # 654321
row 5= name: Gary Richards, DOB: 01-Dec-1978, Nationality: Australian, ID # 1234567

Now if the user enters only name as "Gary Richards" and search then row 2 and 5 should be displayed in a temp worksheet. if user enters name Roberto McDonald and ID# 1234567 then it should not display anything. if user enters DOB 27-may-1993 and nationality British and ID # 1234567 then as well shouldn't display anything and should a msgbox "no data found".

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Excel 2007 :: Automatically Change The Worksheet Tab Names With Cell Value In Each Worksheet?

Feb 14, 2012

I am fairly new to macros and have trouble with VBA. I have a file with multiple worksheets. Each worksheet contains the name of a specific location in cell A8. I want this name in cell A8 to be the name on the worksheet tab for each worksheet in my file but do not know how to accomplish this. Is that even possible?

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Create A Separate Worksheet That Has The Data In And Reference Cells On Budget Worksheet?

Feb 7, 2014

I need to reference the projected and actual expenses from the total on worksheet 'expenses' So i did so, however, if I change the drop down on the expenses worksheet to only display housing data, then the projected and actual expenses on my budget worksheet changes as well to the new data portrayed on the expenses worksheet.

I need to reference the cell, without it changing when I change the category display, but I need the cell to change accordingly if I enter new data in the overall tablet on the expenses worksheet.

Or do I need to create a seperate worksheet that has the data in and reference my cells on my budget worksheet to that new worksheet?

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Search Keyword In Worksheet / Copy And Paste Adjacent Cells To New Worksheet

Sep 24, 2012

I've been tackling this data capture/paste issue for a week or so. I found the string below which does provide a good foundation for my challenge. But, my basic level of understanding macros limits my modifications to meet my needs.

[URL] ......

I have 20 worksheets in my master file corresponding to Excel files individual associates will update weekly. After the associates have updated their individual files for the week, I want to capture the data entered and paste values into a master file containing a worksheet for each associate (sharing the same name as the individual associate file). All of these files are housed on team SharePoint sites.

I need a macro to perform several steps after clicking a "Run Update" macro button in the master file:
Open individual associate fileIn master file, search for each Initiative listed in column B (starting cell B3) in the individual associate file (in column B starting at cell B11)If Initiative is found in individual associate file, copy adjacent data in columns D:J for the respective rowIn master file, paste values to the corresponding Initiative row for the corresponding week's worth of dataIf Initiative is not found in the individual associate file, move to the next Initiative listed in the master fileRepeat these steps for each individual associate file

Linking would be the easiest way to accomplish this if I wanted to have a multitude of weekly individual files for the associates. However, I'd rather each associate have one file for them to update (basically overwriting their previous week's entries).

I need to ensure the paste values corresponds to the appropriate day of the week. In simpler terms, if the date in the individual associate file in cell D9 reads Oct 1, 2012, the data captured from that row needs to be pasted to the corresponding row/column in the master file that reads the same date.

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Conditionally Hiding / Unhiding Rows In One Worksheet By Referencing Cell In Different Worksheet

May 3, 2013

coding a VBA macro for one of my workbooks, in which I need to be able to hide/unhide various rows in one worksheet depending on the value of a cell in a worksheet elsewhere in the workbook. The rows start off hidden by default.

As a simplified example:

Worksheet1 has a cell that has option "Set 1," and "Set 2." Worksheet2 has two sets of rows (say, 20:30 and 40:50) that need to be hidden/unhidden depending on the cell in Worksheet 1. These are hidden to start with!

So if Worksheet1's target cell says "Set 1", then on Worksheet2, rows 20:30 would stay hidden and rows 40:50 would be revealed, and then if the target cell says "Set 2," then on Worksheet 2, rows 40:50 would then be hidden, but rows 20:30 would then be revealed.

I was thinking of using something like this:

Rows("20:30,40:50").EntireRow.Hidden = True
If Target.Address="'Worksheet1'!A1" Then
If Target.Value = "Set 1" Then
Rows("40:50").EntireRow.Hidden = False
Rows("20:30").EntireRow.Hidden = False
End If
End If

I think this might work, but every time I try to run this I get various errors, like not referencing my target cell correctly.

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Worksheet_change: Macro In One Worksheet To Run When Any Cell (in A Given Range)on A Different Worksheet (dataentry) Is Updated

Mar 27, 2007

I want a macro in one worksheet to run when any cell (in a given range)on a different worksheet (dataentry) is updated. I have spent along time trying to make it work with no avail. The code I use to start my macro is as follows.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Cells.Count <> 1 Then Exit Sub

If Target(1, 1).Address = "dataentry!H5:IV72" Then
If Not Intersect(Target(1, 1), Range("dataentry!H5:IV72")) Is Nothing Then

On Error Resume Next
Application.EnableEvents = False

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Update Pivot Table On One Worksheet When Change Occurs On Another Worksheet

Jul 24, 2012

Workbook contains the following sheets : PIR TrackerChartsSAMPLEFINALValidations

When a change occurs on PIR Tracker, the following occurs:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim Rng As Range
Set Rng = Intersect(Target, Range("A1:A500"))

[Code] .....

I also want the pivot tables on SAMPLE and FINAL to be updated. What do I need to do?

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Comparing 2 Lists And Counting Data From The First Worksheet To Fill Up A Second Worksheet

Aug 22, 2014

I've got a spreadsheet with 2 worksheets in it.

On the first one we've got:

Name of the agent | petition REf num | Task

Each petition can generate several tasks, one line per task.

John Doe | XXXX-YYYY | NCO
John Doe | | RIL
John Doe | XERT-WWWW | RMT
Jane Doe | QSZE-AQWC | RIL

On the second worksheet:

Complete list of agents | number of petitions | Status

John Doe | 2 | OK
Jane Doe | 1 | [BLANK]

I want to be able to fill in the second worksheet automatically. For each agent in my worksheet 2, I want to check if they appear in worksheet 1 and if so count the number of petitions related.

I don't know where to start

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Auto Copy Part Of Row In A Worksheet To Another Worksheet Based On Criteria

Dec 15, 2009

I'm a novice Excel 2007 user and appreciate all the help I can get. I have a workbook with monthly worksheets in it. When a certain data Type is selected from a drop down menu in that monthly worksheet than I would like to have it automatically enter specific data (Name, Date, Eval, Type) copied to another worksheet (CC) in the same workbook. I have been manually entering the data so far. Another thing, some of the data will be entered into the Monthly worksheets and some will only be manually entered into the CC worksheet so it would need to accomodate both methods of data entry. Please let me know if I need to clarify. I have attached the workbood, too.

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Combining/merging Multiple Rows From One Worksheet Into One Cell In Another Worksheet

Jan 28, 2010

I'm trying to create a macro to merge multiple rows into one cell and display in a new worksheet.

This seems really simple but I've tried to re-work some other examples I've found online but none seem to do exactly what I need. I'm also pretty new to VBA , so it's highly possible i've missed something.

I need to display each set of Notes for each DonorNo in one row - with each note separated by a space.

I've attached a sample of the data and what I need for the output. In the actually file I have around 70,000 records so the prospect manually merging the rows is horrifying.

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Transferring Columns To Another Worksheet Based On Entry In Main Worksheet?

Oct 17, 2012

I have an order form created in excel with a list of about 1600 products. I have a column set up for the customer to place the ordered amount of each product. What I need now is a way to transfer only the rows that have a value in the "ordered" column to a new sheet. I have seen it before , but don't know how it was accomplished.

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Macro Which Saves Data From Temp Worksheet To Customers Worksheet?

Mar 17, 2013

Dropbox - Final.xlsm

Here is the above link. Am looking at a button which saves whatever is the temp worksheet row in the customers worksheet. The temp worksheet basically takes the data from the Quotations worksheet and places it in a row.

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Pivot Table - New Worksheet Auto Create To Right Of Existing Worksheet

Sep 2, 2013

The new worksheet is created to the left of the existing source worksheet.

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Code To Auto Input Worksheet Name From Data Copied From That Worksheet

Feb 23, 2014

I am copying data from worksheet "Microsoft" to another workbook and paste in sheet1, i want the cell G1 to auto input the worksheet name "Microsoft" where i copy the data from,

How to have G1 show the worksheet name after i copy and paste the data from worksheet name "Microsoft".

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Set Textbox Control Source To Hidden Worksheet NOT Active Worksheet?

May 6, 2014

I have created an excel worksheet that will provide budgeting and estimating tools for my project managers. All data used to be manual entry and took a good while to complete. I am trying to automate the process with VBA.

I created a UserForm called InfoVerify1. On that form I have TextBox 1 - 10. When the UF opens, the boxes display project information from my worksheet called "Basis of Estimate", also known as Sheet26.

The TextBox1 ControlSource is set to "E4". When I run the macro with Sheet26 active, the proper information fills in. However, when I am on the Start page or any other worksheet and I run the macro, it tries to fill in the text boxes with E4, etc, from the active sheet. I tried changing the ControlSource to "Sheet26,E4" or any combo thereof with only error messages.

how to get it to refer to a cell on a particular worksheet and hold to that worksheet no matter which sheet I am on at the time I run the Userform?

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Copying And Pasting Cells From A Worksheet Into A List Format In Another Worksheet

May 18, 2006

I need help with a macro for copying and pasting of cells. I believe this should not be a problem for the Excel VBA experts, but for someone who can only record macro, I'm really at a loss.

Attached is a sample file, where sheet 'Source' is an example of the sheet from which data are to be copied. The other sheet, sheet 'Final' is an example of the final format that I need. The reason I'm doing this is I'm planning to upload my data into Access and so I need to convert them into a list format.

List of target columns in sheet 'Final' and source cells in sheet 'Source':

Column A: Biz ID - not sure if I really need this, by right it should be listed automatically once I paste the data
Column B: B2 of 'Source'
Column C: B2 of 'Source'
Column D: B1 of 'Source'
Column E: row 6, relevant column
column F: column K
column G: row 5, relevant column
column H: the specific amount

So basically I'm creating an entry for every amount in the table.

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