Transferring Columns To Another Worksheet Based On Entry In Main Worksheet?
Oct 17, 2012
I have an order form created in excel with a list of about 1600 products. I have a column set up for the customer to place the ordered amount of each product. What I need now is a way to transfer only the rows that have a value in the "ordered" column to a new sheet. I have seen it before , but don't know how it was accomplished.
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Oct 8, 2007
How to Update the Worksheets field value based on updates done in Main Worksheet.
As i have two different worksheets (Which can be even more then 5) and i want to update the Column Field value of "State" in work sheet "B" & "C" based on the updates done in "State" Column Field value in Worksheet A.
I just want to update the "State" Column Field value in Worksheet "A" and it should update the "State" Column Field value in Worksheet "B" & "C". Only the criteria to match is Number. Based on number i want to search the values in Worksheet "B" & "C" and want that these values also get updated.
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Apr 11, 2012
I have a main spreadsheet that lists all the members and profile URLs for members in a forum. In Sheet 1, Column A is the username and Column B is their profile URL.
In sheet 2 I have a list of the members who are in listed in a particular category in the forum. However, I don't have the profile URL data. What I want to do is create a macro that look in Sheet 1 for the username and if profile URL is thier, copies that into sheet 2 next to the appropriate username.
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Aug 7, 2006
I went through your board and found the code below posted My Mr. Tom Urtis.
I tired it and it worked fine except that it needs another workbook.
Can it be changed to work in the same workbook to copy to a sheet named as Main from all other worksheets that I can chose?
Sub ImportDistricts()
'Instructional Message Box
MsgBox "Click OK to access the Open dialog." & vbCrLf & _
"Navigate to the folder path that contains" & vbCrLf & _
"the District workbooks you want to import." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"When you get inside that folder path," & vbCrLf & _
"use your mouse to select one workbook," & vbCrLf & _
"or use the Ctrl button with your mouse" & vbCrLf & _
"to select as many District workbooks" & vbCrLf & _
"as you want from that same folder path." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ ....................
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Jul 22, 2008
I have somewhat of a complex issue (at least i view it as one).
I have included a sample Excel Doc.
I want to be able to enter data into the spreadsheet titles LIST as i receive it. i receive invoices and checks and i keep a running tally. but i am trying to avoid re-entering the same data into the BREAKDOWN tab. but i need the data to go to the proper place in BREAKDOWN. The problem is that i have no idea how big the list will be and how many invoices i will be receiving. so i think new lines will needed to be inserted in BREAKDOWN when i add to the running total in LIST.
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Jan 6, 2010
I am in need of an Excel Macro to help me create an address list by market. For simplicity sake I’ll set up a mini-example: I have an Excel document with a MASTER tab that lists the Market (Column A), a person’s name (Column B) and their Phone number (Column C). What I need to macro to do is read column A and make a new tab for each market in that column, then populate the name and phone fields accordingly.
A found one macro that was close, but it does not automatically make a new tab (I have to do that manually) and it does not refresh the sheet each time I open it, so when I run the macro again I get duplicate entries.
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Nov 29, 2011
Any way to transfer the sheet protection from one worksheet to another worksheet via VBA.
Currently, the user selects a name from a drop down list, it unhides a workbook of the same name, copies from that workbook, and places the copied information in an area of the sheet with the drop down list. I would like the protection settings (in this case, selectivly unlocked cells to allow users to easily tab through and not make changes to data that should not be changed) to be copied with this information. Is this possible?
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Mar 14, 2014
Is there a formula that will allow me to look for the existence of any number value in a row of one worksheet and then return a specific number value in a cell on another worksheet? For example, if the formula finds any number value it will always return the number 15 to a cell on another worksheet.
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Feb 26, 2013
I am building a workbook for small group of people in my office to use. I have 7 tabs, the first one is called Main Sheet and the other tabs are the names of each person using the excel workbook. Every tab looks the same, I have the columns labeled: date - job number - job name - contact # - comments
My desire is that each person will be able to input their data on their tab as they receive new jobs, and the main sheet will be a compilation of everyone's sheet. So to clarify, as new information is added to one tab this entire row of information will automatically be added to the next available spot on the main sheet. We are all on the same server so we can all work off the same file. Is this possible to accomplish?
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Jan 26, 2012
Dim c_data As Worksheet
Dim usrfrm1 As UserForm
Set c_data = Workbooks(txtdbname2).Worksheets("CONTROL_1")
I have a userform in a workbook (part2.xls). Data from a second open workbook (defined as c_data) is tallied (countifs) and then dropped in the respective textboxes on the userform (cnthpdia, cnthfld, cnhpcrt). These textboxes have their visibility properties set to FALSE.
I need to turn them on to have the data displayed.
I am receiving a "Variable not defined." error in the line highlighted above.
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Oct 24, 2013
I am having issues with transferring values of textboxes of a userform to the cells of a worksheet ...
Sub dtron1()
Dim wshgroup As Worksheet
Dim Firstrow As Long
Dim Lastrow As Long
Dim mrow As Long
Dim Lrow As Long
Set wshgroup = Worksheets("Group_Data")
[Code] .........
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Oct 21, 2009
I'm looking for a solution for my worksheet. I've got a main tab in which contains deposit data, I need to take the raw data format it and break it down into 7 different tabs. Each week a report is exported and then one for the actual month containing all the data. I’m currently manually recording some formatting macros because I haven’t learned to write my own yet. The number of columns in this report is always constant but the rows vary depending on the number of deposits. I have 7 tabs where the data from the main sheet will be broken down in. In my spread sheet I have the following headings. (A1)Date, (A2)Batch, (A3)Source (A4)Control (A5)Total Batch (A6)Total Variance
The information I would use to copy the rows to other sheets is going to be based on (A2).
Anything that starts with U65 would go into the U-65 tab.
1,7 or 8 would go to the lockbox tab.
2 or 5 = IN-HOUSE
Eh, WH, or WE = ACH
Finally the variance tab will contain any rows which have a number other than 0 Positive or Negative. My biggest problem is that I never know how many rows the data will have so when I recorded my macro I Started dragging my formats to about row 200. It could one day surpass this number so If I had a choice id set it to row 1,000.
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Mar 26, 2014
I was given a task to build a userform and all the info collected from the userform will then transfer to a worksheet named 'Promotion'. I was copying the code from last year's UserForm and with my 0 VBA background.
With the below code (I just extract part of it), the ideal case would be to transfer data to Cell A4 (which is the first blank cell on the worksheet), and when a second form is recored, it will start from A5, so on and so forth. But somehow, the code transfer the data to Cell A1001, and the columns don't match with the info either.
Private Sub cmdAddPromo_Click()
Dim RowCount As Long
Dim r As Long
Const LastRow = 2000
The other thing is I don't really know why there is 'Me.' before each common buttons...
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Jun 20, 2014
I have a workbook that is doing something I don't understand. In several places I am using arrays to transfer/modify information, then placing the array back onto the worksheet, and this works perfectly. The following code... doesn't.
(I've cut out unnecessary code like variable declarations - all my integer items are declared as Long)
Dim varA As Variant, varB(10000, 1) As Variant
Set wkDest = Sheets("a")
erB = 0
For lpTerm = 1 To 4
and several other ways. What happens is just null output, a full column of nothing. However, when I expand my worksheet range to two columns, all the data from varB appears - it is shifted down one column and row. So my data starts at .cells(2,2) instead of .cells(1,1). The data is all perfect, I've verified it left and right.... I just can't figure out why it's getting shifted like this.
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Jan 26, 2014
I have a userform with numerous text boxes. One textbox is used to input a date with the following code
[Code] .....
When I have completed my userform I want to export this date as a date into range(a2) so I can then use the filter function to filter by month or year. THe problem I am having at the mo is that in the userform it is formatted as dd mm yy, but when I export it from userform it changes to mm,dd,yy. So if I entered 12th January 2014 it changes it to 1st December 2014.
A workaround is to export as text but then I use the filter by month year function so would prefer to avoid this.
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Jun 12, 2007
In cell A1, I have the month number (eg, 1, 2, 3,). The month number reflects current month and will automatically change with every month. For example, right now it’s 6, next month it will automatically change to 7. Each two columns in Range A10:X20 represents the data from January to December. I want to use a worksheet event to change the background of the current month two columns in the range to yellow color and the two columns in the range will be visible when I activate this sheet.
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Oct 20, 2006
I have a worksheet that has >10 rows of data and over 150 columns. The values in the cells for individual row include NA, NE, D, A and S. Each row will have one or all of these values in one of the cells. Here is the question:
How do I hide columns containing 'NA' in the cell for a particular row, when only that row is selected by clicking on any cell in row 'A'? For example: If my row 3 cell values for column A, J, R, and X are 'NA' I want to hide the column containing 'NA' only and display everything else? And only when I click on row 3 column 'A'
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Dec 11, 2008
I would like to copy and paste two columns from a worksheet to another worksheet simultaneously. I would like to have a macro to do this function.
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May 12, 2008
What I am trying to do is to write a macro that will automatically copy six columns from worksheet (Sheet 1) to another worksheet (Sheet 2). i.e. ‘Description of Project’, ‘WBS Code’, ‘Rate’, ‘Employee Name’, ‘Premium’, ‘Invoice’, ‘Status’, ‘Total Cumulative Hours’, ‘Total Cumulative Amount’ from Worksheet (from Sheet 1 to Sheet 2)
The problem arises as I know the names of the columns to be copied in Sheet 1 (as details above) but they can be in any order in sheet 1.
In additional the columns ‘Total Cumulative Hours’, ‘Total Cumulative Amount’ are total columns so when they are copied from ‘Sheet 1’ to ‘Sheet 2’ their values should be copied as opposed to the formulas
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Sep 27, 2011
Rep Name is Column J Row 5. I need to find multiple columns based by the header which is row 5, if column range (j5:az5) is "Video - Actual" then copy column to sheet "Data", this needs to be repeated for about 8 more times for different criteria
Rep NameBundle - TargetBundle - ActualVideo - TargetVideo - ActualJoe, Jane, John, Chris, Adam, Gabriel, Will, Austin
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Dec 15, 2009
I'm a novice Excel 2007 user and appreciate all the help I can get. I have a workbook with monthly worksheets in it. When a certain data Type is selected from a drop down menu in that monthly worksheet than I would like to have it automatically enter specific data (Name, Date, Eval, Type) copied to another worksheet (CC) in the same workbook. I have been manually entering the data so far. Another thing, some of the data will be entered into the Monthly worksheets and some will only be manually entered into the CC worksheet so it would need to accomodate both methods of data entry. Please let me know if I need to clarify. I have attached the workbood, too.
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Oct 14, 2008
I have a worksheet with 30,000 rows. But sometimes even if I have fewer records in this worksheet(lets say 1000) worksheet shows the same 30,000 rows.And its annoying when you try to navigate using vertical scroll bar. Is there any option to re-adjust the worksheet to make it more user friendly based on number of rows in current sheet.
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May 23, 2014
Hide Columns based on Date value in cell (Worksheet Change event)Looking for a worksheet_change event macro that will automatically hide columns based on a value in cell S3. S3 is a data validation pick list of months based on the 1st day of each (e.g. 1/1/2014, 2/1/2014, 3/1/2014, etc.). I have date columns in row 6 from columns T through AQ. These values are 1/1/2014 (T6), 2/1/2104 (U6), 3/1/2014 (V6)....12/1/2015 (AQ6). I would like to hide columns that have a date in row 6 (T6:AQ6) that is LESS THAN (<) the date in S3 after the cell is value is changed.
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Aug 13, 2014
I have a 'Summary' worksheet which is shown as:
Example 1
The table, which works correctly, looks in another worksheet 'Report' for 'Example 1' within the date range of August. This uses COUNTIFS.
Ideally, what I'm wanting to do is have an auto-filter on each of the cells - 'Example 1', 'Example 2', so if a user wants to see what rows on the 'Report' sheet, falls into this criteria, it auto filters the other worksheet, and takes them too it.
The action would be - Click on the cell of 'Example 1', the macro auto-filters based on the cells value in column F of the 'Report' sheet, and takes the user there. The macro would have to take into account the date filter as well, which uses cells A1,B1 for August, and C1,D1, for September.
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Mar 10, 2009
OK, two files attached in the zipfile, pricelist-half.xls and pricelist-full.xls
The background is that i exported a file from our warehouse system so we could update prices and re-import it. That is the pricelist-half.xls
After our staff had spent a few days working on it, it came to light that (as the name suggests!) its only about half the products that should have been exported that are on the list.
Hence the second file, pricelist-full.xls which as its name suggests is the full
product list.
What I need to happen, to make this as painless as possible, is somehow for the items/rows that are on the full list, but not on the half list to be inserted to the half list but also have a yellow background for their rows so they stand out clearly.
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May 22, 2013
I have two sheets in one workbook; one has a list of names in column A (136 of them) and another is a master list with all the names of people who work for the company (over 2000). Sheet 1 and Sheet 2 respectively. I need to populate columns B-E in Sheet 1 with the data in columns B-E in Sheet 2, but only for the names that match in column A. I've tried applying filters but can't get to the data I need for some reason. The names are formatted the same way in both sheets (Last, First). In Sheet 2 the names are links but in Sheet 1 they aren't; not sure if that's important.
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Feb 3, 2014
I have a worksheet with data in columns AW to columns QZ. I want to be able to copy a range of columns into another worksheet. The Columns AW to QZ have the same headings repeated every 10 columns. e.g. English, Maths, Science, Art & Design, Humanities, PSHE, History, ICT, RE and Attendance. Each block represents a different time period.
I want to be able to copy all the columns headed one subject (e.g. English) into another workbook. I used the following code to open the worksheet and paste the data into it, but there are so many columns for the 10 subjects that the code is too big to run so I need to shorten it and i don't know how to.
Sheets("On Roll Data & Levels").Select
Range("AF2:AF99").Select 'KS2 English column
Application.CutCopyMode = False
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Jun 9, 2008
I have one worksheet from which i need to copy only few columns (Ex column A,B, D,G...need not be in sequence.....) to a new sheet.can you please help me to write a macro for this.In addition: Do we need to specify the number of rows in column or is there any way to get data till the end of column automatically.
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Aug 18, 2008
Basically i have a list of 24 invoice #'s with cost/pounds/etc.
I need a macro that would look at a list from a sheet ( Temp Sheet ).
count the number of invoice
create a tab named the invoice numbers.
So basically, if there are 24 invoice #'s. I would have 24 tabs created that are named the invoice numbers.
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Nov 25, 2011
I have a worksheet with two dropdown menus. The first contains months from January to December, the second contains years from 2011 to 2025. Upon opening the worksheet, I would like the entries selected to match to the month and year of the current system date. I know this is relatively easy to implement but, unfortunately, the macro recorder is of no support here. How to refer to dropdown menus in an Excel worksheet and how to select a specific entry from the dropdown menu?
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