Updated List From Multiple Sheets?

Apr 17, 2013

a workbook containing 4 sheets, all sheets have the same format, only the number of rows and the content of the cells changes.

What I would like is a new worksheet with a macro, so that when i push the button update (or whatever) that all 4 existing worksheets are copied to the new one, without leaving blanks etc. and this even if you have previously added items to one of the 4 sheets. Is that possible.

The final goal is to have 1 huge list which is composed of the 4 sheets

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List Of Names That Needs To Be Identical And Updated In Different Tables Across Sheets

May 2, 2013

I have several sheets with tables that need to contain one identical common column called "product name" while all the other columns are different on each table. The issue is that this list in the "product name" column changes by adding, removing and even name edits and currently I need to edit each every table for each change. How can I only have one uniform list to modify that is represented on all these tables that updates.

I have tried a master list with links but causes issues when a product name row is deleted in the master it does not delete the row in the others as well as adding a new name to the master list requires me to recreate a link in every table which defeats the purpose of it trying to save me time having to modify something different on every table. Also each of these lists are sorted or filtered often which I want to avoid being reflected across all of the other tables and lists.

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VLookup In Several Sheets Last Updated Value

Jan 13, 2014

I have several sheets named by months like 1213, 1113, 1013, 913, 813, 713, etc (month-year) and I'm doing one sheet as an index that needs to find a value across all the sheets.

All the months sheets have a list of names in column A and status in column B. When the business with the name is done, it doesn't appear in the next sheet.

For example "Client A" could appear in 713, 813, 913 (business done) and won't appear in 1013, 1113 and 1213,
In the index sheet I want to lookup what is the status for a name from the latest sheet (last updated status).

So I have all the sheets names in a range called months and I want to make a small formula if possible.

I want to start looking in the latest month (sheet) and if that doesn't have any value it goes to the lower one and so on.
If I use =VLOOKUP($A$5,INDIRECT("'"&MAX(months)&"'!A:D"),4,0) it shows N/A since the name only appeared until 913 and its looking on 1213.

Right now this is working, but it's too big to understand.


[Code] ......

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Link Sheets So That Values Are Automatically Updated

Dec 19, 2012

I am very new to using excel and I need connecting the information between two sheets. I have a weekly schedule that I want to use for my employees. I want that information to automatically be moved to a daily schedule. I need to be able to see how many openers closers and mid-shifts I have and how many hours I am consuming from my budget. I want the shifts from the schedule to be moved to the daily schedules in order in chronological order (morning shifts first, then mid-day/closers). If at all possible how I would like to have the span of their shift to be highlighted in the cells on the daily schedule.I will attach what I have so far to provide as much info as possible.


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Move Latest Updated Cell In Sheets In A Workbook Based On Time And Date

Mar 1, 2014

I am having rows of data, that i will be updating from time to time. I want excel to move the latest updated rows, in any column if updated, to move to the top, to easiy know that i updated those records. It should be that when i updated more rows than one, then the first updated cell would be in lower, in order, than the latest updated cells. I do not want any cumbersome vba. I want in formula or in conditional formatting. The row no may be total not limited to some rows.

Because, you naturally would have updated the 200 th record and would have saved. It saved as it is, so when you next opens it it is there, but how can i know that that is the last row of data i edited.

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Convert List To Table And Stay Updated Dynamically?

Aug 21, 2014

I have a list or log that is updated by a number of people on a sharepoint file. The list consists essentially of 2 columns - lets call them Location and Date.

The Locations are populated from a pulldown list but can be repeated a number of times throughout the list. I have the list set up using Table Formatting so the range updates dynamically

Location Date
Site1 8/1
Site2 8/2
Site3 8/3
Site4 8/5
Site2 8/6
Site2 8/7
Site3 8/8

As this list gets items added to it I want to populate a summary table on another sheet showing the dates each site was visited like this...

____8/1 8/2 8/3 8/4 8/5 8/6 8/7 8/8 8/9
Site1 X
Site2 -----X-------------X---X
Site3 -------X
Site4 --------------X

(Had to add dashes above to get the X's spaced out properly)

I'm competent with lookups and such but I imagine this needs an array formula or some index/match combination which I'm a little weak on.

The solution should also not require any updating as the source list is updated periodically.

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Create One List From Multiple Sheets

Mar 5, 2014

I got an employee list from couple of Site in different sheets it contains Employee name & Department but not a continued list, i.e.

on the attached file, i am looking to populate Summary Sheet, no of Sites, deparments & agents varies.

I want the Site, Department & Agent Name to Populate into one continues list without empty cells .

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List Generation Across Multiple Sheets

Aug 10, 2014

I am currently working on a price configurator which has more than one sheet with parts and prices on it.

what i want to do is have a sheet where i can populate a parts list from the parts that i have values for.

i want it to only pull the lines out of the previous sheets with values next to them.

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List Values Of Multiple Sheets

Sep 29, 2009

Is there a way to make the macro only list the selected cell values of Sheet6 and higher (not list the selected cell values of sheets 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

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Select Multiple Sheets Based On List

Oct 24, 2008

File attached to show problem

How do I select all the sheets that are Marked Y in column B when the button is clicked?

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Create List From Data On Multiple Sheets

Aug 19, 2009

I have data contained in matching cells from several sheets. I need a worksheet that reflect the summary of the data from the worksheets. No formula is required. I just want my summary worksheet to list the all the data from my other worksheets. I might end up having about a hundred worksheets that I need included in the summary. Attached is a sample. It would be better if the summary automaticaaly updates as new worksheets are added.

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Populating Master List From Multiple Sheets

Aug 19, 2011

i have generated a list of "Companies on the ASX" (Australian Stock Exchange)

There are several work sheets (all populated from data queries) of companies within different sectors e.g all companies within the "energy" sector and so on (one sheet for each sector)

i am trying to populate a master list of all the companies from all of the sectors however there are some conditions i am having trouble meeting...

1. it has to reflect the exact data on the "sector page" after the Query has been refreshed.

2. i have left some formated rows to allow for new listings as the Query updates so i need it to copy each company from each page, something like..

"Energy" Copy A2:K2 - A5000:K5000 (stopping at row 2500 if that is where the last company is on that list, then the same for the next sheet.)

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Dependent Dropdown List With Multiple Sheets

Aug 1, 2007

There are other dependent drop-down list posts on this forum, but none of them are talking about working with multiple worksheets. I have three worksheets, one called "Main", one called "Universities", one called "Schools".

One the "Main" worksheet, I have two Combo Boxes (the one from the "Form" toolbar). I would like to first pick a university from the combo box and then based on the selection, the second combo box would give me just the schools in that specific univeristy. My guess on how to link the two drop-down list is by the ID column. If I select "University of Washington" which has an ID of "WAS" it would narrow down the second list to ID with "WAS" in it (Which would be "WAS1", "WAS2, etc). The reason I am using Combo Box is because of the "Link Cell" property which give me an output of the number of the selection into a cell. I will use that to get the corresponding ID. I have attached an example to this post.

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Updated Links To Multiple Spreadsheets

Oct 16, 2008

I have a master spreadsheet that links to various other spreadsheet for budget figures. I have now created and updated the budgets for the 2008/09 budget year.

It is painstaking to update the links and browse to the new files one at a time and point them to their new folder. Is there a way I can update all of the link workbooks to the new directory in one fell swoop?

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Populate Cells On Multiple Sheets Based On List

Jun 26, 2013

I am having a hard time searching for this formula.

Sheet1 has the following data in A1:A5


I then have 5 additional sheets.

I want to populate cell D2 on each additional sheet with the values from Sheet1

Sheet2 - Value1 in "D2"
Sheet3 - Value2 in "d2"

and so on...

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Populate Master List From Data On Multiple Sheets

May 22, 2013

So lets say I have 3 different sheets each with information on them like this:

Sheet 1 Sheet2 Sheet 3
item1|2 item2|7 item1|4
item3|5 item3|6 item6|2
item9|7 item8|4 item7|8

The first part (code#) is a code for an item. The second number is the quantity of that item. What I need to do, is to be able to populate a master list which will pull the quantity of each item and sum them up. In the above case, the master list would look like this:


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List All Sheets Names From Multiple Workbooks & Copy Transpose Certain Columns

Oct 7, 2009

this may or may not be easy for some of you but its driving me nuts. Here's what I need to do.

1.Create a new workbook

2.Cycle through multiple workbooks and all worksheets within each workbook (all in the same folder). All workbooks will have the same structure.

3.Take the worksheet names and put them in rows

4.Take the data from the first column (column A) from the first worksheet of the first workbook and put them across the top (i.e. transpose the data). The first column will be the same in all workbooks so it doesn't matter where I get it from.

5.Copy the data from column E from each worksheet and paste them in rows in the new workbook (again transpose) corresponding to each worksheet.

6. Perform simple mathematical calculations at the end of each row.

I expect to have approximately 26 workbooks with a total of 7000 worksheets. In the target workbook (i.e. the new one), I expect there to be 7000 rows (corresponding to the 7000 worksheets) and about 260 columns.

The only reason I need to transpose stuff is because Excel 2007 doesn't have 7000 columns.

Here's an example of what it would look like.
Example worksheet (Input)-
Worksheet ABC
Col A Col E
1/1/2004 $25
1/8/2004 $30
1/15/2004 $15

Imagine another worksheet called LMN with the same ColA but different values in Col E.

Output workbook
ColA Columns B Column C Column D
Sheet 1/1/2004 1/8/ 2004 1/15/2004
ABC $25 $30 $15
LMN $xxx $yyy $zzz

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Creating Unique List Of Values From Column Of Data Across Multiple Sheets No Blanks

Jul 8, 2014

I have 6 worksheets in my file. In sheets 1-5, column A2:A26 list people's names. Some people's names appears on more than one sheet. Not all cells are populated with a value.



My attempt was... =INDEX('Week1:Week5-!$A$2:$A$26,MATCH(0,COUNTIF($A$1:A1,"Week1:Week5"!$A$2:$A$26),0))

where the sheets were Week1-Week5 and the values on each sheet was A2:A26. But I think there's an issue with Excel being able to 3D reference for these types of functions.

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Select Multiple Sheets And If Value In Cell Is True Then Copy Values In All Sheets And Hardcode Data

Feb 26, 2012

I have a workbook that updates from external source and creates sheets depending on a cell range.

I have put tab 1 and tab 0 on either end of where the new sheets will be inputted, will never know how many sheets

What i need to happen is if someone fills in "complete" in A7 in my "summary" sheet then the values in row 6 in all the other sheets get hardcoded. This needs to happen from A7 down to A26, so A8 = complete then copy row 7 etc
This is what i have so far

I get compile error here ........Sheets(ArrSh(1)).Activate

Also need it to work for all the other rows.

Sub hardcode()
'Sheets("Summary"). Select
If Range("a7") = "complete" Then
Sheets(Array("1", "0")).Select

[Code] ......

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Run-time Error '1004' Method 'Add' Of Object ' Sheets' Failed Adding Multiple Sheets

Aug 9, 2007

I have been running a simulation for about 18 hours now and just received:

Run-time error '1004':
Method 'Add' of object ' Sheets' failed

I have been creating new sheets, importing data, pulling some values from the data then deleting the respective sheet. I am using:

ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Add after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)

The sheet is actually being added to the workbook, seemingly before the error. I resume the code, and a new sheet is placed in the workbook and it errors again. The Debugger stops and highlights on the code above.The sheet count number was 10895 at the error, just as an indicator of how many times the simulation has performed successfully. I am hoping this is something I can fix without having to start over...

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Printing Multiple Sheets In Workbook With Hundreds Of Sheets

Feb 18, 2014

I have a work sheet named "Main_List"...In column D starting with "D2" I would like to list worksheets that I would like to have printed via VBA.

The workbook has several hundred worksheets and I would like to list in column D only worksheets that I would like to print with VBA code.

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Copy From Multiple Sheets (26), PASTE To 1 Sheet From 26 Sheets

Dec 26, 2009

I have a workbook with 26 sheets, labelled A to Z. Column A in all the sheets have names from rows A6:A35.

I need a macro or a code to extract all the names from each of the 26 sheets and paste it to a new sheet 'Names' under column A, such that names starting with 'B' paste under all the names 'A' and so forth till 'Z'.

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Running Multiple Modules Across Multiple Workbooks With Multiple Sheets

Feb 19, 2012

I've got data being scraped from a site, putting 1 new workbook in a folder each day

each workbook has 40 sheets in it.

i need to run 5 modules in sequence on a sheet then loop to the next sheet and run the same 5 modules.

ive writen all the modules, and can loop them through the sheets in sequence but i cant work out how to loop them through the each workbook in the folder..

is there an easy way to do this or can it not be done because it would need access to the folder that holds all the wordbooks which lives outside of excel on the desktop ?

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Excel 2010 :: Macro To Save Multiple Sheets To Multiple PDF With Cell Value As Filename

May 6, 2014

I would like a macro to be able to save 26 tabs within the one document to individual PDFs.Preferably I would like to be able to specify each time exactly which tabs get printed, because often I don't need to print all 26, just the first 10 or so.I would like each PDF to automatically be named with the value in cell E10 of each tab.E10 already has a formula to create its final value. It references cells from other tabs within the same document. Hopefully the fact that this cell has a formula in it won't affect my ability to use the resulting value as a 'save as' reference?I would like it if the PDFs save to the same location as the Excel sheet from which they're generated is located. The location of the excel sheet will change every three months, so I'd prefer not to specify a location with a specific filepath, as it will have changed by the time I run the macro again.

I am using Excel 2010.

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Excel 2010 :: Counting Cells With Multiple Criteria On Multiple Sheets In Workbook

Aug 5, 2012

I am using MS Office 2010. I want to count---on multiple sheets---the number of times that a given cell is greater than another cell if and only if a third cell is equal to a given value. I want to do this for 4 sets of data on each sheet. I thought I had it figured out with this formula---


but it returns a value of zero each time. Clearly there is an error in the formula.

Here is some background:
-- $H$1:$H$43 is a block of cells that has the names of the sheets in the workbook
-- E1 and F1, G1 and H1, I1 and J1, K1 and L1 are the four groups of cells that I am comparing.
In the entire workbook, I want to add 1 (counting function) only when:
R1=2 AND E1>F1 or
S1=2 AND G1>H1 or
T1=2 AND I1>J1
U1=2 and K1>L1
on each appropriate sheet in the workbook.

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Excel 2003 :: Formula For Counting Values Across A Range Using Multiple Criteria Across Multiple Sheets

Feb 9, 2014

I have saved this on a 2010 workbook as I am at home but this will be used on a 2003 workbook.

I have several projects on one spreadsheet which multiple users will be working and I am trying to create a summary sheet of the work carried out.

Each user is expected to carry out a task on each row of the data held in each worksheet (research, call, update etc) and each task (Option 1-5) is assigned a value. Each user is expected to meet a certain level of points per day to calculate productivity.

I am looking for a sumproduct along the lines of the summary sheet attached but mine just takes one sheet into consideration and I need one for all sheets.

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Excel 2010 :: Lookup Multiple Criteria Across Multiple Sheets?

May 28, 2014

I have a Excel 2010 workbook used to rota in a large amount of staff for a call centre, which is split into four teams. Each sheet corresponds to a month of the calendar year eg Jan201, Feb 2014 etc..

What im trying to do is put in a sheet at the front of the workbook that I can select the team, which populates the list of staff in that team and then checking across a specified date range gives the shifts that those respective staff will be working for the set time period (probably be looking at a seven day period and a 1 month period). (This in turn will be printed out to give to the staff members.)

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Adding Multiple Cells From Multiple Sheets With Sumif Function

Jan 20, 2009

I'm trying to put together a spreadsheet that tracks disc capacity increases, affected by any incoming projects. I've managed to do so for one project, but would like to for up to 10. The way i've designed the solution (i'm sure there are far more elegant ways, but hey) is thus:

A forecast worksheet keeps track of a grand total, taking information from sheets P1 -> P10 (being projects 1 to 10). I am unable to figure a way to add up all the increases from all 10 project worksheets with one succinct formula. What I use so far is: ='P1'!C83+SUMIF('P1'!E82,"=2009 - Q1",'P1'!D82) ..................

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Count Unique Logs With Multiple Conditions Of Multiple Sheets

Oct 8, 2007

I've got no clue about all this, but I've had to get specific formula examples and fill in the blanks in order for my timesheet to work. There's just one final problem if somebody could please help.

This is a timesheet for a 5 day work week. I need to count the number of unique log numbers for a specific activity. The log numbers counted must be unique across the entire week, not just for each day, which means I want the formula to count the unique log numbers across multiple sheets.

The formula also has multiple conditions. I got 2 columns. The first part of the formula needs to verify a word, say, "split" and if it does it checks the adjacent cell for a unique log number. If both arguments are true, it counts the log as 1 unit.

Here is a working formula for only one page.

Here's 2 problems with this formula:
1. I will count if it encounters a blank cell in the Log numbers the first time (which will happen as not every activity we do has a log#), but it will stop counting if it encounters a second blank cell.

2. I don't know how to make it work across several sheets.

This is an alternate formula which works and skips the blank cells, but I don't know how to add the multiple condition of "split" and to have it work across multiple sheets. I just copied it Microsoft. As I said, I don't understand it, I just fill in the blanks.

SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(IF(LEN(C4:C29)>0,MATCH(C4:C29,C4:C29,0),""), IF(LEN(C4:C29)>0,MATCH(C4:C29,C4:C29,0),""))>0,1))

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Copy Multiple Ranges From Multiple Sheets And Paste In Order Via VBA

Apr 21, 2013

I've got several worksheets that all have the exact same layout that a user will enter unique information in to each worksheet. Then I've got a final worksheet that I want to have a button that the user can click and when they do, it will look to each worksheet and do the exact same process for each worksheet as follows:

It first looks to see if the worksheet is visible. If it is, I want it to copy the range A5 to K5 down until it gets to the last non-blank cell in column C. The first non blank cell that will be referenced will be C7. Then I want it to paste this information into the range A5:K5 on the final sheet named Sheet8 with the same values and keep cell formatting such as width and height, font. If the worksheet is not visible, it skips the sheet.

I want it to do this for each visible worksheet, placing the next visible worksheet info under the previous visible worksheet info. My current code as shown doesn't do that. It requires that something be inSheet8 A6 before it will even paste, then it pastes the info from A5:K5 but it doesn't do just the values nor does it keep the formatting. What I mean about not doing just the values is some of the info that needs to be copied comes from a drop down they can choose from and it copies the actual drop down menu. Also, it seems to copy all of the ranges from each sheet and paste it into just A5:K5 on Sheet8 and overwrites each other instead of pasting Sheet2 just below the information from Sheet1. So the only information shown after the entire process is completed is the information from the last visible sheet.

If Worksheets("Sheet1").Visible = True Then
End If


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