Find Field Values In One Worksheet But Not In Second Worksheet

Feb 14, 2009

Starting with one worksheet with end date as one of the columns. I filtered the worksheet with end date > (certain date) and copied the results to a second work sheet.

The original worksheet has all courses with end dates from 1998 to 2009. The second worksheet has all courses with end dates > 2004.

How do I find out which courses have end < 2004. But do not also have an end date > 2004.

What I am trying to do is determine which courses are not longer being used since 2004.

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Find Two Values In Worksheet To Return One Value

May 4, 2006

Attempting to find identical values in cells B3 & B4 located in another
worksheet titled "Density Chart" and to return the value in cell/column D.

The Density Chart values are located in column A & B and the value I want
returned, depending on the criteria entered would be found on the same row
but in column D.


Changeable Value in B3 = A123 (can also be completely alpha value and will
be different values each time the formula is used.
Changeable Value in B4 = 2.00 (always numeric value)

Density Chart information
ColumnA ColumnB ColumnC ColumnD
A123 2.00 55.555 65.555
A123 2.40 55.555 75.555
A123 2.70 55.555 70.555
B123 2.00 45.000 85.000

I have tried =if, I have tried =sum product ... at a loss

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Associate 2 Column Values In 1 Worksheet Then Export Values To Similarly In Next Worksheet?

Sep 9, 2013

The Room ID values in Column A are associated with the Room values in Column B. I'm trying to move the values in Column A Room ID to Column G Room ID by having excel look up value in Column C Room or Area #, compare it to Room, associate that with Room ID and automatically fill in Column G Room ID. There are 1000s of these so it's not possible to do it by hand.

I attached a picture where i had 2 different workbooks. In reality, I'm working off of 2 worksheets within a workbook.Excel Question.jpg

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IF Or LOOKUP: Search For Values From One Worksheet And Identify Whether Or Not Those Values Exist In Another Worksheet

Mar 23, 2009

I tried both IF and LOOKUP and failed. I'm trying to search for values from one worksheet and identify whether or not those values exist in another worksheet. I attempted the following lookup in field A2:


B2 (thru B5000 or so) contains values I want to search for; sheet3!A$2:A914 is where I want to look and column C of that same sheet, entered the text "Yes" in an attempt to have the results list "Yes" for hits and N/A for misses. (All fields are text.) I copied the formula all the way down the sheet in column A. The result it is returning is N/A in A2 and Yes in A2 -to the bottom, which is incorrect.

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Find Values & Copy All Occurences To Relative Worksheet

Dec 3, 2007

how to write a vb code to do the following actions with an excel sheet, which contains a dump from SAP. This dump usually consists of anywhere between 25 to 30 columns and about 20000 to 30000 rows…

1. Find all rows which contain “VN” and place it into the sheet Vendor Charges (which already exists). Which could be in any column

2.Find all rows which contain “MT” and place it into the sheet Material Charges (which already exists).

I have attached the excel sheet to better explain what I had in mind. ‘sheet1’ contains the raw data from SAP but, the number of columns varies every time so it cannot be directly sorted by selecting the column. I tried recording a macro but, as I don’t have a constant sheet to work with each time the macro obviously doesn’t work.

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Search/Find Multiple Cell Values On Another Worksheet

May 20, 2008

I have three parameters that users on my spreadsheet will be using. They will be searching using the 'Brand', 'MPAN' and 'Tariff' fields.I would like to have drop down menu's for then to select the correct search option. I then have another sheet within the same workbook with all the data in it with columns headed of Brand', 'MPAN' and 'Tariff'. It has to be an excat match using those three parameters though. I would like the parameters the user selects on the first sheet to be searched and found on the second sheet, with the figures in the cells next to the search result getting fed back into a set cells back on the first page.

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Find Keyword In Worksheet - Copy Entire Row To Another Worksheet?

Feb 26, 2010

I have an Excel WorkBook with 100 WorkSheets.

Each Worksheet has a unique identifying label - "Requirement Number"

Within each worksheet is free form text data of the following categories:

Requirement: 10358
Title: Customer requirement 1
Text: This describes the requirements for a product for the customer[code].....

The text of the categories may begin in column A or B

What I need is a macro that will search each worksheet for a category, e.g., "Configuration:", copy the row where the keyword "Configuration" is found, and then have that row transposed and pasted to another WorkSheet (e.g., "Extracted Data") cell.

Data extracted from the next Worksheet would begin a new row in "Extracted Data"

Requirement1 Title Text Verification Method-Level ...
Requirement2 Title Text Verification Method-Level ...
Requirement3 Title Text Verification Method-Level ...

The Requirement# is best extracted from the WorkSheet tab since some of the worksheets are missing this information.
I can provide an example spreadsheet, however, I was not able to figure out how do that in this post.

I found a thread similar to this problem:

find and copy row

However, it only finds, copies and pastes for one keyword.

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Find Keyword In Worksheet- Copy Entire Row To Another Worksheet

Feb 26, 2010

I am looking for a solution to an otherwise very tedious problem.

I have an Excel WorkBook with 100 WorkSheets.

Each Worksheet has a unique identifying label - "Requirement Number"

Within each worksheet is free form text data of the following categories: ...

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How To Insert Text Field Into Appropriate Worksheet Based On Alphabetical Value

Oct 10, 2011

Im trying to make a simple macro for cataloging some equipment and where its located.

I've created a user form where there is a free text field for Equipment. Instead of just inserting this entry into the first available cell, i would like for it to place it in the first available cell under the corresponding first letter of the equipment to the named worksheets A-Z.

I have named the worksheets A through to Z, and upon entering the free text 'Equipment' name, say for instance Trolley, for it to recognise the T, open the worksheet named T and insert the equipment name and location etc across the first free column.

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Copy Pivot Table Data To Worksheet & Name Them As Per Their Field Name

Oct 23, 2007

I've tried my best to describe my dilema. I import data in an SQL query from a mainframe. This data shows a job number, site address, job number and a length. Multiple lengths on the same site appear as separate entries. I use a pivot table to calculate a total length and also formulas to determine whether a site is in an East or West area. I then need to then be able to copy the 'East' jobs to an 'East' worksheet and the 'West' jobs to the 'West' worksheet. But, I only want a site to appear once with the total length.

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Update The Worksheets Field Value Based On Updates Done In Main Worksheet.

Oct 8, 2007

How to Update the Worksheets field value based on updates done in Main Worksheet.
As i have two different worksheets (Which can be even more then 5) and i want to update the Column Field value of "State" in work sheet "B" & "C" based on the updates done in "State" Column Field value in Worksheet A.
I just want to update the "State" Column Field value in Worksheet "A" and it should update the "State" Column Field value in Worksheet "B" & "C". Only the criteria to match is Number. Based on number i want to search the values in Worksheet "B" & "C" and want that these values also get updated.

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Create New Worksheet And Copy Data Based On Date Field?

Apr 8, 2012

copy the excel sheet data from one sheet to another sheet?

-> I have one excel sheet (name: Test.xls, sheet name: SHEET1)

Sn Code Type next calib
5BPR CORR7-Apr-12
4BPR CORR7-Apr-12
73BPR CORR7-Apr-12
9BRG CORR8-Apr-12
10BRG CORR8-Apr-12
11BRG CORR8-Apr-12
17BRG CORR9-Apr-12
311DP CORR9-Apr-12
227DP CORR9-Apr-12
227DP CORI R9-Apr-12

Want to create a new work sheet and copy the today's date(next calib - filed name) records to new sheet.

Example: Today's Date is 8-Apr-12

So, I want to copy following record to new work sheet (when I click the button / run the macro).

Sn Code Type next calib
9BRG CORR8-Apr-12
10BRG CORR8-Apr-12
11BRG CORR8-Apr-12

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Copy Worksheet In Workbook With All Formulas On New Worksheet Referencing Previous Worksheet

Apr 21, 2012

I have a workbook that contains 50 worksheets named 1-50. I need to add more worksheets. all the formulas in the worksheets always refers to the previous worksheet.

How can i make a copy of the worksheet named 50, name it 51 and have all the formulas in worksheet 51 refer back to worksheet 50?

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Find Value In Another Worksheet Using VBA?

Dec 13, 2013

With reference to the attached workbook, I need to write a VBA code which will look up the value in cell T4 from worksheet "tdploader" on the "cashbalance" sheet and return the date in row 1 based on which column the value is found e.g. H1 in the attached workbook example. The date should be returned back to cell P4 on the "tdploader" sheet. I have tried to use the Find VBA formula to no avail.

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Cannot Use Find On Another Worksheet?

Feb 14, 2014

I have a workbook with two sheets. I have one macro that saves the text of the active cell in sheet 1 for later use, the macro then switches to sheet 2 and using the find function I want it to search for the variable I just setup but I keep getting run-time error 91.

Here is what I have:

[Code] ......

I get the run-time error 91 with the Find lines of code yellow and the arrow pointing at the last row. I've tried all kinds of variations (with and without Activate) of the find function and as long as it is searching in sheet2 for the variable that was made in sheet1 it will NOT work. If I do this same search on Sheet1 I get no error. Also if I change the string name in Find to the same exact text just with quotes on it it will find that text without problem in Sheet2. But if I use a string I get an error.

Once I get this to work I want to save the address where the string is found in Sheet2 and use that address later as well so how to get an address from a Find result.

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Find The Score In Worksheet

Feb 5, 2009

Should be an easy fix for experts, but I'm not one of those...

I'm trying to create a "scoresheet" in Excel where a racer has a name and an ID number on the main tally worksheet, with columns relating to their scores for each race. Subsequent worksheets have results from each race (one race per sheet), with the individual referenced by their ID number.

How do I have the main tally sheet "find" that person's score for each event in separate columns so that it can add up their totals? I tried an IF formula to find each score in the subsequent sheets, but that didn't work.

Is there a simple formula to do this? I've been achieving the results by importing the worksheets into a Filemaker database (where the ID number "matches" and updates each score), but that's a pain, and I'd rather do it all in Excel.

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Find Value In Range On Second Worksheet

Jan 18, 2010

I have two worksheets to track students registering for one day workshops, which are offered monthly. In my first worksheet called 'CourseCapacity' I track the number of students that can register for each workshop. It looks something like this:

Col A - "Title"

Col B - "Capacity"

My second worksheet tracks the current number of students registered for each workshop for each month. What I want to do is read the course capacity from the first worksheet and display it for the monthly offering of each workshop.

Col A - "Title"
Workshop101 - 1/23/2010
Workshop101 - 2/20/2010......................

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Find And Replace On Every Worksheet

Nov 19, 2008

I need to do a find and replace on cell E13 on every worksheet in the workbook - a several hundred pages. The sheets are individually named not Sheet1, Sheet2......

First of all I need to find say "oldchippy" (without quotes) in cell E13 and if its there replace it with "oldchippy2", if its not there leave the contents as it is.

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Set Find Value From A Worksheet Cell

Jan 30, 2010

I’m having trouble trying to get a form, once activated;

- to use a specified cell value (offset from the target cell),
- to search another sheet for that value,
- then return values, (offset from the find value),
- to a series of textboxes.

Later, if the user if edits any of the textboxes, to perform the same procedure, pasting those values in the appropriate cells.

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Go To Next Worksheet To Find Corresponding Numbers

May 12, 2008

I have a file with 2 worksheets: Worksheet "Data" contains Store Locations, Store Numbers, Categories, Brands, Sales, Clusters, % Demand, etc.

Under % Demand on Worksheet "Data", I need a formula to look for % Demand from Worksheet "Stores" that related to the same categories, brands and stores numbers.

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How To Find First And Last Row Number For A Particular Value In Worksheet

Jan 14, 2014

Let's say I have a value (N) in Cell A1 of Sheet 2 in Workbook A.

What I want to do is to Find the row number of the first cell and last cell that contains the value (N) in Sheet 1 of WorkBook B.

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Look Up To Find A Specified Date On Another Worksheet

Jan 15, 2008

I need a formula that will look up to find a specified date on another worksheet, and input the data in the cell that is 4 columns to the left of it. Can this be done?

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Find Text In A Worksheet

Dec 9, 2009

I want to find a text "Style#" in a worksheet and return the value next to "Style#". The value is supposed to be returned in, say, column H, for each row I found the text "Style#".

Below is the sample:....

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Find Value From Cell On Another Worksheet

Feb 19, 2008

I have a 4 tab worksheet containing Control, RawData, F, Dan. I need to know how to copy calculated values for one specific customer from the RawData tab to certian locations on the Dan tab matching the customer number on RawData tab.

RawData Tab colum (V) cells (2-99) will always contain one customer value at a time, and the calculated values will always be in cells E100, H100, and H101, but I need to copy the data in specific cells to the row/cells that matches the customer number on the Dan tab that contains all my assigned customers.

for instance if i'm pulling a report for customer 1-222-222 I need to know how to place the calculated values from the RawData tab to the row designated for customer 1-222-222 on the Dan tab in the required cells.

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Find Number Of Columns In A Worksheet

Mar 18, 2009

I believe this rightmost column number information is available. I just could not find it!

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Find A Record In Worksheet Through Form?

Feb 7, 2014

I've taken some time to learn about building an excel data entry form. I'm looking to add a find button.

1) users would type in something in the ID text box, then click on "find". The code will then try to find that record in the worksheet(just sheet1).

when it is found, i want the forms to auto-populate values from that row.

right now, the search works except when you are trying to search a value that that is NOT in the worksheet. I'm getting an error message that i've never seen before.

[Code] .....

form based input.xlsm‎

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Find And Copy Rows To New Worksheet

Sep 2, 2008

1. Find a text "State" in column 5 of a active sheet and copy that particular row to a new worksheet "Summary" including the header row.

2. Loop through other worksheets and add results to "Summary worksheet" without the header row.

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Find Data In Separate Worksheet

Jun 26, 2009

I would like to put together a macro that would compare a list of part numbers against a database, and recommend alternative vendors for the part. The actual VBA I think I can handle, my problem is with the formula, array or whatever is needed to return the results I am looking for.

I have attached a sample workbook to this message that contains two worksheets. The "Sample Database" is an example of the format of the database (in Excel format) that I will be looking against. This data may be a hundred columns wide, and thousands of rows long.

The "Vendor Reference" worksheet shows an example of the data that would be returned if the "perfect" formula were entered into the cells. (I'll explain what I mean by "perfect" in a moment.) It also has an area designated for testing formulas to see what is returned. It's blank, because none of my tests returned anything but errors.

You will notice the column headings on the "Sample Database" worksheet. Columns A and B will always contain the part number and product description. The remaining columns will contain vendor specific data, with perhaps 25 different vendors, and 3 columns per vendor. These columns would be "PV", (for Primary Vendor), the vendor number, (010299, for example), and the Vend Part#.

If there is an asterisk, "*", under the "PV" column for that vendor, that means they are the "Primary" vendor. The cost from that vendor is listed under each vendor number. There may be instances where 2 different vendors are listed as primary. If that's the case, the formula can simply return the FIRST one found.

Here's what the "perfect" formula would return: .....

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Find All Identical Dates On Worksheet

Dec 1, 2009

I need to find ALL occurrences of a date on a worksheet, but could not find a macro on our forum.
I found this macro on the web.

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Find Hidden Data In Worksheet

Jul 6, 2006

Excel 2003. Windows XP Professional. Bank reconciliations. How is it possible in an unprotected worksheet to hide additional data input in formulas so that visible invalid numbers produce accurate results? Displaying hidden formulas in formula bar reveals nothing. Blank cells have been included in formula, but searches for hidden numbers and links in these cells produced nothing. I'm at my wit's end to correct this misuse of Excel in my office.

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