Formula For Checking Multiple Values?

Mar 17, 2014

The project I'm working on is for checking the measured Valve clearances on 4 cylinder motorbikes

They have 16 valves in all and I had made a spread sheet which has cells to enter the Min and Max Valve clearances for 8 exhaust and 8 Inlet valves they have different tolerances.

I have been able to do this part so I am at the point where once the valve gap min and max are entered for the exhaust and inlet valves on Cylinder 1 this changes all the min max gaps for all the other inlet and exhaust valves.

And once I have measured the gaps and entered the actual valve gap the sheet then tells me if the measured value is in or outside the valve clearance tolerance. And this is all working very well!

To save money on buying new shims which is what is used to adjust the valve clearance I swap as many shims that are out of spec on the inlet side to the Exhaust side and vice verse that will bring the valve back into spec.

Once a shim is found out of spec it must be removed, it's measured and that measurement is entered into the sheet and the sheet then tells me what size shim to replace it with to bring the valve gap back to as close to the centre of the tolerance as possible.

What I won't the sheet to do that I can't work out how is once all the out of spec shims have been entered I want it to check and tell me which shims can be moved to which valves to bring them back in spec! All valves are numbered from 1 to 16 and cylinder number exhaust and inlet valves.

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Checking Single Cell For Multiple Values

Nov 12, 2013

I'm trying to validate the data entered into a series of cells each cell can contain a different set of data but the value N/A is also permitted. For example:

Cell A1 could contain a date from 2013-01-01 thru 2013-12-01 but the value N/A is also valid
Cell A2 could contain a decimal from 0.01 thru 302502.23 but the value N/A is also valid
Cell A3 could contain an integer from 3 thru to 9000 but the value N/A is also valid

When the acceptable values are entered then I want to be able to carry on otherwise I want to pop up with an error.

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Conditonal Formula Checking Two Values

May 7, 2009

Basically what I have is a spreadsheet that checks peoples average case count at the warehouse I work at, problem is that the source of information I use doesn't factor out breaks so I need to do this with if statements. see below.

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Checking For Values

Mar 2, 2007

I am just having trouble getting vba to recognize cell values. All I want it to do is if cell g2 = 5, then end sub, Else, continue. But I am so clueless that I cant even get it to recognize that what is in cell g2 is the number 5. I would think that I could just put,

If range(g & 2) = 5 Then
End Sub
End If

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Checking Cell Values

Oct 9, 2008

I have a spreadsheet with 2 columns of values. I need to check that the two columns have the same values, however the last digit of the values will differ every time, in the first column the value will always be a 3 and in the 2nd column it will always be a 0. Unfortunately the amount of digits before the last, differs from 6 to 9 so its not as easy to do a trim. Example

Column 1 Column 2
11111113 11111110
222222223 222222220
4444444443 4444444440

I need to check that the first digits (no mater how many) are all the same except the last digit.

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Checking The Values Of The Autofilter

Jun 13, 2007

I am using the autofilter in my code.

Selection.AutoFilter field:=11, Criteria1:="reena"

Count = Sheets("ABC").AutoFilter.Range.Columns(1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Count - 1

In the field for of the worksheet 'ABC' there are some values. I want to sort the value 'reena' and save the count in the variable Count. But sometimes the value 'reena' is not available in the field 11. Then it gives error for the above Count variable.

How to check this? How to check that the autofilter value is 'null'.

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Checking For Similar Values In A Row

May 4, 2009

I'm trying to create a formula that would check if there are similar values in a row. How should I do this? There are 20 values in a row, and they should all be different (true). If similar values are found, it should give a warning or highlight the two or more cells.

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Checking That A Value Is A Multiple Of Another Value

Feb 9, 2007

Is there a way to check a value, that is a multiple of another value.


say the user specifies a height of 225 and then specify laminations of 45

is there a way to check the value of 225 to ensure 45 divids into it perfectly??

and if it doesnt then gives an error message of some kind.

So if someone specifies height of 200 and lamination of 45 an error would show because 45 cant be divided into 200 perfectly.

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Checking If Values In One Spreadsheet Exist In Another

Feb 4, 2007

I have a 'master' spreadsheet containing over a thousand filenames. I have been given another spreadsheet with just a couple of hundred filenames on it and have been asked to find out if the filenames on this 'small' spreadsheet appear on the larger/master one.

Is there any way (by formula or by macro code) that I can do this easily? What would be great is some way of Excel colouring in the filenames on the 'small' spreadsheet that also exist on the master one.

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NEXT Without FOR When Checking Multiple Ranges

Jan 27, 2010

I am getting a NEXT without FOR error message when i try to run this code. This is the portion of sub im having trouble with.. been trying to work it out but to no avail. I thought that i might have to do Next Ccell, though I got the same error.

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Excel 2003 :: Formula For Counting Values Across A Range Using Multiple Criteria Across Multiple Sheets

Feb 9, 2014

I have saved this on a 2010 workbook as I am at home but this will be used on a 2003 workbook.

I have several projects on one spreadsheet which multiple users will be working and I am trying to create a summary sheet of the work carried out.

Each user is expected to carry out a task on each row of the data held in each worksheet (research, call, update etc) and each task (Option 1-5) is assigned a value. Each user is expected to meet a certain level of points per day to calculate productivity.

I am looking for a sumproduct along the lines of the summary sheet attached but mine just takes one sheet into consideration and I need one for all sheets.

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Checking / Unchecking Existing Values In A ListBox

Nov 5, 2012

I have a Multi Select ListBox with values from a range of cells.

I wish to automate the selection of one or more existing value(s) via VBA code so when User views the List, The check mark is visible. This will alert them to Active values.

i.e ListBox:


If the active region is West, The check box beside West is Active, i.e contains an "X"

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Checking For Multiple Instances In An Array

Nov 5, 2008

This is a good deal harder than my last issue. I have a few pieces of data:

A62:A80 - Array of Integers named X (2 through 20, to be exact)
D62:D80 - Array of Strings named Y (on a Drop Down)
AD45, AG45, AJ45 - Formula Holders

Now the tough part of explaining what I want... assume the string in question is "Pie":
If Y contains "Pie" once, I want AD45 to take the value of the corresponding X.
If Y contains "Pie" twice, I want AD45 to take the value of the first X, and AG45 to take the value of the second.

If Y contains "Pie" three times, I want AD45 to take the value of the first X, and AG45 to take the value of the second, and AJ45 to take the value of the third.

So, in the end, the formula holders will either have a number between 2 and 20, or be blank. Note that it is possible for users to put more than 3 occurrences in Y even if it's user error.

I'm not really asking for the full formulas, but I simply don't know where to start on this, on what functions would be useful in pulling out the values I want.

One idea I had is that:

AD45 searches the array for "Pie" and takes the first value of "X" that matches the find. Blank if it doesn't.

AG45 checks if AD45 is not blank, and searches the array for "Pie" starting at the next index.

AJ45 checks if AG45 is not blank, and searches the array for "Pie" starting at the next index.

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Checking Multiple Files For Criteria, Via VBA

Mar 26, 2008

I have 52 weekly folders which are contained in the following directory

G:RawProduct ManagementJen DelaneyVendor ReportsLexmarkWeekly Stock And Sales2007


Etc. etc.

Each (EG) Wk4 folder contains 6 files (all .xls format)

What I need to do (quickly) is create a macro which will cycle through each file & tell me which file (filename) contains the following part numbers (if at all)


So basically its checking to see if any of the above part numbers are contained in the file?

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Checking Multiple Range Of Dates

Feb 17, 2010

i need to check a date within a multiple range of dates using certain key.
i've tried vlookup, but failed to get correct answer.

here is Table1
product (cell=A1)
date (cell=B1)

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Checking Formula's With F2

May 1, 2007

I regularly check formula's in quotations to ensure they are working on the correct cells by cycling through each cell and pressing F2. Pressing F2 on a cell with a formula (in office 2003) draws boxes around each cell that is being referenced in the cell. This is very handy, but for large worksheets is time consuming to "F2" each cell. . . . can the F2 behaviour of highlighting cells be automated ? See attached screenshot.

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Excel 2012 :: Checking To See What Values Are Missing From One List

Jul 15, 2014

If seen a couple of examples but for whatever reason it doesn't work on my sheet. (Excel 2010 32 bit) I don't understand how to highlight the entire column to see this particular value is not in this list. I have two lists, I want to see what data am I missing In list 2 that I have in list one. Basically all I am trying to do is see what values are not in the second list but are in the first list so I can later add them to the second list. (Also the 2nd list is longer than the first if that makes a difference.)

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How To Create Array Set For Checking Multiple Workbook

Jun 5, 2014

Create array set for checking multiple workbook?

[Code] .....

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Checking Formula's In Cells

Jun 10, 2009

how to check that the formula in the cell1,cell2,cell3 in first row is same in next rows.For example how to check that formula's in c2,d2,e2 is same as c1,d1,e1 and c3,d3,e3 is also same as c1,d1,e1.

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Edit Checking Before Inserting A New Diagram For Multiple Components

Jan 22, 2010

- I have some buttons set-up to insert pre-set diagrams from sheet “FISH PARTS” onto sheet “THE JUMPER FISHBONE”

- However, before inserting a new diagram onto sheet “THE JUMPER FISHBONE” I need to make sure the default diagram components are all gone.

- There are seven components all with structure Like “BONE_*”

- If one or more of these components are present I want to display a message to confirm the user wishes to delete the default diagram and insert new chart (or abort is they do not wish to delete the default)

- some explaination of structure below
- spreadsheet also attached

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Checking Multiple Column Data Across Two Worksheets And Combining Them Into One

Dec 2, 2008

what i want to do is 1 have a workbook with 3 worksheets. Sheet1 contains the columns:

Reference No. Line Item No. Amount Date
1 3 500 12/01
2 4 900 01/01

Reference No. Line Item No. Quantity PersonInCharge
1 3 10 Kim
5 6 60 Noel

For sheet 3, what i want to happen is that when i run the VBA macro, it searches through both worksheets (Sheet1 and Sheet2), finding rows that have matching Reference No. AND Line Item No. and combine all of the columns (and values) for that particular row into another row in Sheet 3. So for the above data set, the resulting data in Sheet 3 would be:

Reference No. Line Item No. Amount Date Quanity PersonInCharge
1 3 500 12/01 10 Kim

As this is the only entry in both sheet1 and sheet2 where there is a matching reference and line item no.

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Sumifs Formula For Checking Dates

Jun 1, 2014

I have a SUMIFS formula that I am having trouble with. I am trying to check the following:


The range NFCU!$A$5:$A$300 is a column of dates. The evaluation of "<e1" does not seem to evaluate. However, when I change "<e1" to a date value of 41760 it works. How can I reference a field rather than the raw value?

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Formula Checking Match String / Text?

Apr 29, 2014

how to checking data in 2 column each row, if partial/altogether string is match, shown "ok" otherwise show "check" with data in column a as parameter..

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Formula For Multiple If Values

Mar 8, 2007

I need to create a formula where if (example) letter A was placed in cell A1, cell A2 would assign (example) value of 1, but if letter B was placed in cell A1, A2 would assign different value.

Ideally the formula would be able to handle multiple values from a range on seperate sheet.

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Create Formula With Multiple Values

Feb 26, 2010

I need to create a formula that will allow me to use two sheets within the same workbook. I set up a dropdown box in my B2 cell in my first worksheet. My A4 cell is where I am trying to create my formula. I am not even sure how to say what I need. My drop down is filled with numbers from 1-211. I started my formula with =IF(B2=1,Sheet2!B3) this much I can get to work. It fills in the correct information. I do not know how to get it to continue. I need B2=2,Sheet2!B4.

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Formula Validating Multiple Values

Mar 7, 2013

I'm trying to write a formula that passes or fails a value.

Example: The user types into a cell "ABC 123"

The ABC is a constant therefore it is just a matter of IF=(D10="ABC","pass","fail")

However the 123 must be equal to another cell (d4)

So the formula I'm trying to write looks something like IF=(D10="ABC" + D7, "pass","fail").

This does not work, any better methods?

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Using IF To Return Multiple Values WITHIN A Formula

Nov 25, 2009

I've got a complicated logic formula which looks at multiple values on a large spreadsheet to return a singular figure based on whether all these conditions are met. It works well but I wan't to add an extra stipulation to it. I won't paste the full formula as it probably wont mean much without all the data so heres a mini version with simplifed conditions - but that DOESNT work:


Its the last bit that I'm having problems with - I want to say if H10 equals "ALL" then in my table of values to add up not just "DOG" values or "CAT" values but "DOG" and "CAT" values

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Vlookup Formula To Return Multiple Values?

Jun 23, 2014

I'm trying to use vlookup to return multiple values for the same unique identifier. I've read a couple of examples within the forums, but I haven't been able to find anything I understand. I have employee ID's and these ID's have specific access associated with their ID's and each access is listed within a different row. Within a new spreadsheet I removed all duplicates of the employee ID so now I no longer have a one to one match between spreadsheets, so I would like to create a vlookup that will list all access associated with each employee ID. I have attached a sample of the data sheet I am working with.

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Formula To Consolidate Multiple Values From Different Sheets?

Feb 9, 2014

I have attached an example of a Trail Balance workbook that shows monthly tabs and a summary tab. Column A&B is just a small sample of the Account #'s and Account description for each month. Obviously i can just Sum the different sheets on the summary page. However, the issue i have is that on the complete detailed sheet (over 200 rows/accounts down) that i have to complete columns A&B don't match up exactly and have added accounts in them or removed. So i need a way to consolidate all sheets in to a summary page making sure all accounts are listed on the summary page along with values summed into the various columns.

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Formula To Find Multiple Values And Return Value

Mar 24, 2014

Column A:

pants A green
Pants B red
Jacket C green
Jacket D blue
Polo C white

I need a formula to find some value( in our case "colors" = "green, red, blue, white" ... = 20-30 values), and to return in column B, the values, like:

Column A: Column B:

pants A green | green
Pants B red | red
Modern green Jacket | green
blue winter jacket | blue
Polo white D | white

I have different product feeds (csv) and i will like to search for colors in the product names.

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