Getting Formula Count Data With Criteria?

Jan 29, 2014

i have some formula but not really work,

for example :

expected result (count)





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Formula - To Retreive The The Count Against Each Criteria

Feb 13, 2010

i have my data layed out as per below, is there a dynamic formula which can be used for each bank to retreive the the count against each criteria, so if there are more rec breaks for any of the banks the formula will adjust accordingly ....

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Count Using Date And Other Criteria - Formula Amendment

Jul 2, 2014

The "TRAINING" sheet has a formula in column "R" which checks and counts clients in the "DATA" sheet.

Inside the formula it looks for a date in Column "O" of the "DATA" sheet equal to or greater than 01/01/2014.

I would like use the date (Month) as the criteria shown in Column E of the "Training" sheet, still using Column "O" of the "DATA" sheet so that the result returns the count of only those within that month's date.

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Formula To Count Based On Multiple Criteria

Dec 7, 2013

What I require : Column F to be blank as long as the following is true:

1) Column A (Order) cannot be blank.
2) Column E (Status) has to be equal to either "Completed" or "Successful".
3) Column D (Sales) has to have the same date as Column C (Contact), but due to bad data quality each order number can have several rows and as long as the Sale date from one of the other "Duplicate" rows equals the contact date it needs to be counted. This is as long as there is not already a row for the Order that already has Sales / Contact day matching.

In the attached spreadsheet, I have highlighted the rows that should be blank in column F in green. My attempts at formulas to count this are in the columns highlighted in red.


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Formula To Count Number Of Cells That Meet Criteria?

Dec 18, 2011

I need to formula to count the number of cells that meet the criteria below,

Find the letters 'AT' in some part of the cell and a blank cell next to it...

Doing a different formula for each, doesn't bring out the correct figure.

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Formula To Count Based On Text / Multiple Criteria?

Jun 27, 2012

I can't seem to get a formula to work. I am trying to count the number of times "EE" shows up in a range only if "CR" is listed in that row within another range. For simplicity Column A has a list with the following values scattered from A2 through A100: CR, LT, ST, DI. Column B has a list with the following values scattered from B2 through B100: EE, EF, EG.

I need to know how many EE's are listed in column B if CR is on the same line in column A.

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Count Visible Cells In A Formula That Contain Text Criteria

Nov 13, 2013

I currently have the formula =Countif(E5:E158,"YES"). This formula works great if when I dont filter, however, I need to filter through the data and I only want it to count the cells that have "Yes" when it is filtered, not just all the cells. I searched to forums and people keep referencing Subtotal() however that is counting all the cells and not pulling out the "Yes" inputs only.

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Count Unique Records With Multiple Criteria With Formula

Sep 18, 2006

Count unique records in Column B where.

... Column H >=A1 and <=A2

... Column H <>"" and Column I <>"expired" and <>"" and Column I >=A1 and <=A2

... Column H <>"" and Column I ="expired" and Column H+120 >=A1 and <=A2

... Column H <>"" and Column I >=A1 and <=A2 and Column J =""

A1 - user defined (start) Date 1
A2 - user defined (end) Date 2
Column B - 6 digit number (or blank)
Column H - Date 3 (or blank)
Column I - Date 4 (or "expired" or blank)
Column J - Date 5 (or blank)

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Formula - Count Of Items That Meet Specific Range Criteria

Dec 4, 2012

Attached excel sheet below. Suggest a formula to get the count of items that fall in a specific data range ?

Count of items that specify a range criteria.xls‎

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COUNTIF Formula (to Count How Many Item In A Column That Meet Certain Criteria)

Dec 8, 2008

I am trying to use COUNTIF formula to count how many item in a column that meet certain criteria, say between 10 and 20...


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Add To Existing Countif Formula To Count Cells If Criteria Is Greater Than Another

Sep 3, 2013

Currently, I am using countifs to count data within a specific range if it meets a criteria. Now I want to add to the formula. I need to count the cells within the specific range meeting the existing criteria I already have but only if one cell is greater than another cell.

This is what I currently have: =COUNTIFS(Report!$F$4:$F$1048576,">=8/1/2013",Report!$F$4:$F$1048576,"=8/1/2013",Report!$F$4:$F$1048576,"

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Count Data With Criteria

Jul 28, 2007

Check out the attached worksheet, I would like to count the x's entered in a row and which column the x was entered in.

I need to know how many times an x occurs in each row under each column heading throughout the year.

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Function / Formula In Excel To Count Unique Values Matching Criteria

Jun 4, 2013

I have a worksheet. I would like to count unique number of "Trans" in column A only if value of cells in column B "Type" equals "Return". In example below, I would want to see the value "3" as total.

Trans Type
1 Return
2 Return
2 Return
3 Exch
4 Exch
5 Return
5 Return

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Dcount Function/Formula: Count Based On Two Different Criteria In Adjacent Columns

Jun 1, 2007

I am trying to use the DCOUNT function to count based on two different criteria in adjacent columns is this applicable.

I have column B that contains initials and I have column C that contains a type (of store) so it'd look like this

jp RET
jp RTO
jb RET
ma RTO
ma Fur
tc CI
ma RET
jp RET

and I want to have a count of how many RET's there are for Initials JP ect

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Count One Piece Of Data But Only If A Second Criteria Is Met?

Feb 1, 2014

I'm looking for a formula that shows one piece of data but only if another criteria is met. Eg Column A1:A:100 show a piece of paperwork has been issued and column E1:E100 show the area that it's been issued to (North, South, East, Central)

I have a blank work sheet showing various % of things being late as a whole but also want to break this down into the four areas.

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Count Data Based On 2 Criteria

Aug 27, 2006

I've looked at the various examples in a search of topics simillar to my topic but I still can not get thsi to work.

I have a work book that contains 2 sheets

Sheet1 is called RawData of Multiple columns
Sheet2 is a quick report basded on Sheet1 data.

I need to find a way to do counts where 2 criteria are met.


Count the number of Times the phrase Major Victory appears in column M
( Range M1 to M50 ) of Sheet1 IF the value in Column L ( Range L1 to L50 ) of Sheet1 = USA

I tried this:

=COUNTIF(RawData!M1:M50,B1( AND(RawData!L1:L50=$A1)))

I am using B1 and A1 ( from Sheet2 ) as search criteria

but it gave me 0 ( and I know this is wrong ).

Based on the reading I did on simillar topics it appears that I cannot use CountIF in this case.

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Count Data 2 Criteria (visible And Not 0 Number)

Jan 9, 2014

i need some formula, how to count data with 2 criteria: 1. data is visible cell only and; 2. data is ignore zero number/blank...

i have using subtotal but not fully work....

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Count Data That Matches Criteria In 2 Columns

Feb 20, 2007

I am trying to use a "=COUNT(IF(..." formula to count the number of hourly employees that have start dates older than 3 years. Column A has the start dates and column B has the salary status (S/H). =COUNT(IF(AND(A2:A1000<DATE(2004,1,1),B2:B1000="H"),A2:A1000)) This formula returns 1 no matter what I change the data to.

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Macro: Count Data In Range Based On Criteria

Nov 10, 2006

I have a list of several ranges defined in vba, and i am trying to find which range a cell containing word is in excel. Im am looking for help for a good way of doing this.
For an example: Say I have 2 ranges defined, the first range corresponds to column A, the second to column B (just an example). The word "Dog" is written in cell B15. I want to find out in vba what range "Dog" is in. I would like some vba code to check and find either if it in a given range (boolean) or a way of checking a list of ranges and returning which it is in. The word will only appear once on the spreadsheet. I have played around with the find command (A=range.find(Pl), then check if A exists) but i havent had any luck (I get an 'Object variable or With block variable not set) I tried searching for a while, but was having trouble finding something related to what i am trying to do.

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Formula To Count Two Criteria In One Column If There Is Third Criteria In Another Column

Aug 21, 2013

formula to count two criteria in the one column if there is a third criteria in another column. i.e. if column B = either "A" or "B" and column C="D". I have tried the countifs function without success.

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Count Of Rows In Array That Meet Criteria In Column2 And Different Criteria In Column3

Dec 6, 2013

I have a table with 3 columns with an unkown number of rows (text, date, date) that is being imported daily.

I want to create a 4th column with dates starting from today and each subsequent row be one day earlier. I want to look at 30 previous days.

I then want to count the number of rows (looking at column 1-3) with the following criteria:

Countif column2<= "date in colum4" AND column3< "date in column4"

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Compare Two Cells In A Row With Criteria. Count Rows That Match Criteria

Sep 22, 2009

Here is what I have. 4 Worksheets. The first worksheet is a summary page. I have 350 personnel that are broken down into three different groups. So each group has it's own sheet. Here is what I need to accomplish. Results need to be posted on the summary sheet.

I need to compare cells B2 & D3 for each row on a worksheet and display the number of times they match on a worksheet. For example how many times does EP & EP match on a certain row. I need to compare cells B2 & D3 for each row on a worksheeet and display the number of times they don't match on a worksheet. For example how many times does EP & MP occur. I've attached an example for reference

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Loop To Count Cells Until Criteria Met Then Restart Count

Mar 7, 2012

ABCDE1DATEEMP1Days Between SalesEMP2Days Between Sales
23/6/2012 YES0NO 33/5/2012NO NO 43/4/2012NO NO 53/3/2012 YES2NO 63/2/2012NO NO 7 3/1/2012 YES1YES682/29/2012 YES0NO 92/28/2012NO NO 102/27/2012 YES1NO 112/26/2012 YES0NO 122/25/2012NO YES4

I believe I need a loop code to do what I need, because none of the functions I've tried have worked. I want to start at B2 and go down the column until I come to a YES. When I find a YES, I want to know the number of NOs that preceded it. Then I want to go from that YES(#1) to the next YES(#2) and count the number of NOs between YES(#1) and YES(#2) and so forth, until I run out of rows. For example, in C5, the answer is 2, because there are 2 NOs between YES#1 and YES#2 in coulmn B, and a 1 in C7, because there is 1 NO between YES(#2) and YES(#3) in column B.

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Multiple Criteria Count Between 2 Dates & Other Criteria

Jul 30, 2008

I have a spreadsheet which lists letters issued, the date issued and the potcode. I need a formula that counts, on a weekly basis, the number of letters issued to postcodes in Sutton and Bexley.

I have a count sheet set up on one worksheet and the list of postcodes applicable to each area are listed on another worksheet. I have been playing around with sumif, sumproduct etc, but these don't seem to work as I am pointing the formula to a list of postcodes and not an individual postcode. For example, the formula for one week needs to tell me, the number of letters issed to Sutton between 26/07/08 - 01/08/08. This is what I tried -

=SUMPRODUCT(('MU63 NC'!$F$2:$F$10>=COUNT!B$2)*('MU63 NC'!$F$2:$F$10<=COUNT!B$3)*('MU63 NC'!$D$2:$D$10=Sutton!$A$2:$A$50))

But I get #N/A - if I change the last refernce to a specific cell instead of a range it works, but this will make the process very lengthy as there are lots of postcodes!

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Count Formula For A Negative Type Of Data

May 7, 2014

I can't seem to find the right formula that can tell me how many times i have a negative number in a series of cells.

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Formula Needed To Count Cells With Data

Jul 12, 2007

formula to calculate how many cells in a column contain data of any kind. The data might be a number, a word, or even a symbol, such as "):>:)" for example. The range will change from time to time. For example, one day it might be a2:a4956. A few days from now I might delete a few rows from the top, such as rows 2 through 26, so then the range would be a2:a4931. Then I might add rows at the bottom with data that I need to be counted. I dont want to have to change the formula evertime I add or delete rows with data. I do not want the formula to count a blank space created by the space bar as "data." One formula I used sorta worked, but if the cell appeared empty, but had been cleard out by pressing the space bar instead of the delete key, the formula counted it as a cell with data.

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Formula For Retrieving Data Using Criteria?

Mar 4, 2014

I am trying to work out a forumla that will bring through data onto a worksheet for teacher analysis. The data is being extracted from our MIS and put into the attached template. When I change the class on the analysis sheet I want to be able to the pull through the relevant learners attached to the class along with their data.

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Using Dcount Formula - Count Number Of Weekdays With Data In It

Jan 24, 2012

I'm not sure if using the Dcount formula is the right one in my example below, but I can't get it to work. Here is my data:


ThrFriSatSunMon TueWedThr2

I'm looking for a formula that would count the number of Weekdays with data in it. So the answer would be 3. As I enter data into column F, G, H, etc. the count would go up and would always skip "Sat" and "Sun".

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Automatically Count And Amend A Formula As New Data Is Added

Jun 7, 2006

[please refer to attached sample data]

The formula in K3 is


This formula calculates the average mailing return rate of all the mailings added together. J15 is currently white text to hide it from the end user.

Everytime I add a new row of data I need the formula to update itself automatically. So for example, the next time I add a row of data the above formula has to change to


Or if I were to add three rows of data the formula would have been


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Formula To Copy Data From Other Worksheet With Criteria

Mar 9, 2014

I have problem to copy data from other worksheet. yes, i can do Vlookup or IF function, but it will copy only when key in the formula, and it is not practical to do that if the columns are more that 10.

Situation is like this:
Worksheet 1 - > A1 Customer Name, B1 Amount, C1 Details.
Worksheet 2 -> A1 Customer Name, B1 Completion, C1 Total Cost, D1 Amount, E1 Date, F1 Details

I want to create a formula which will copy automatically all the data 100% completed in Worksheet 2 into Worksheet 1. What i have in mind is using something like this for Worksheet 1:


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