Using Dcount Formula - Count Number Of Weekdays With Data In It
Jan 24, 2012
I'm not sure if using the Dcount formula is the right one in my example below, but I can't get it to work. Here is my data:
ThrFriSatSunMon TueWedThr2
I'm looking for a formula that would count the number of Weekdays with data in it. So the answer would be 3. As I enter data into column F, G, H, etc. the count would go up and would always skip "Sat" and "Sun".
OK, I have a list of sales that my semester long company has sold. In the midst of these sales we are sellling a versoin of the bumble watches. people can either buy a watch, (which includes a face and a band) a face, or a band.
So I have this giant list and only like 10 watches on there. I need a formula that will count how many watches and faces we sell.
I was initially thinking something along the lines of: =COUNT(OR('Sales Journal'!D:D="Watch",'Sales Journal'!D:D="Face")) =COUNT(OR('Sales Journal'!D:D="Watch",'Sales Journal'!D:D="Band"))
Which worked great until I had more than one watch in there.
I can't figure out dcount, and don't know if it's even the right thing to use in this instance. If you want I can post the sales journal..
I am using office 2003 and I need to create the conditional (just like in the attached image), but I need that the days -1 (day) -2(days) or -3 (days) that are in the end of each formula, I need them to be weekdays (i don't want the to count weekends.
I know there have been posts regarding this before, but I can't quite get any of them to work. I'm trying to create a function which counts the number of working days between two dates. I've come up with the following code, but it doesn't work.
Function dayscount(Firstdate As Date, Lastdate As Date) Dim x As Long x = 0 For i = Firstdate To Lastdate If WorksheetFunction.Weekday(i, 1) > 1 And WorksheetFunction.Weekday(i, 1) < 7 Then x = x + 1 End If Next i daycount = x End Function
I then use the formula "dayscount(A1,B1)", where A1 is my first date, and B1 is my last date.
I have a range of 30 cells in a row. From that row there are groups of cells that have data that might be 1-7 cells populated in a row and in between these groups are blank cells in the row. I need to see what is the highest number of cells in a continuous row that contain data, what the mode is for continuous cell counts, and what is the average value for the data from the continuous cells. The average is a nice to have but not entirely necessary as most cell data will be fairly similar and I can get a close enough average just by knowing the average number of cells that contain data in a row. I have to do this calculation for about 1000 rows of individual data so its important a formula fit in one row.
Almost need a count function to count starting with each cell and then stopping at the first no no value it finds. Then it would show those counts and I could run a formula to pick the highest count and also show the mode of counts.
I will let the experts at it!, my weak mind could not think this one through. I thought something to do with MATCH for a while but no go from what I could do.
going down are stores a, b, c, d.... what i'm filing in across is the square feet of each store and what quartr or year each store came into place. so there will either be a 0 or a number Now, I want to be able to count the number of nhew stores each quarter. how do i create a formula that just recognizes it the first time there is a number and not a zero... because i will put the square feet in subsequent quarters after it opens so i can see yearly how many square feet the store had. then also, how can create a button on the page that will say quarterly numbers and a button that is annual. so that i can hide the quarterly columns and just see an annual spreadsheet... and for the quarterly button so i can hide the annuals and just see the quarters....
I think I have this wrong. I am using the below listed formula to count the number od dates in a column that are older than 30 days. It comes up "0" even if I enter an old date in the cells in the column.
I need a formula to count the number of times the same thing occurs in a particular column. i.e. tree 1, tree 2, tree 3. I just tried the countif function and it is returning "0". Not sure if that's because the data I am looking for is part number/part text. Does this make a difference? There are also spaces between the number and the text. Also, the range I am asking excel to look in is based on a concatenate formula.
the problem is that when both if statements are true i want it to get the row number, this is because table1 has blank rows (can not be avoided as the data is linked from a closed workbook)
i can see this works up until it meets the first blank row and i get #value error.
on table1 data exists on row 1,2,5 and 8 so my problem is getting the small function k to report these numbers?
I have been using a formula to count the number of days between 2 dates and if the date was older than 12 months it would work fine.
The data that i was using has been changed and they have decided to change the format of the dates and dropped the year reference no all i have to work with is dates like 27-07 this represents 27th July i can format this date to work fine unless the date falls before 1 jan this year all i get is lots of numbers and it stuffs up the whole calculation.
I have been trying to work out a formula for capturing the number of patients in the hospital at half hour time intervals. There are a lot of formulas for capturing this information within a 24 hour period however not a lot of information when the Length of Stay or episode time is +24 hours.
As you can see in my example spreadsheet below, some of the patients stay for 244 hours (row 9).
The outcome that I am looking for is that a 1 is placed in all of the time slots when the patient is there. For example if they arrive on Jan 1st at 2.15 and leave on Jan 3rd at 10.30 all of the time slots in between would have a 1 placed in them.
I have been playing around a lot and think it is probably only possible if you set it up as I have in the example i.e. by having the date running down and the time running across.
How this could work? I have tried SUMIFs and SUMPRODUCT formulas which generally work for Jan 1st but then go wrong for any date after that.
I am attempting to create a formula that will count the number of times, lets say letter A, occurs in column E. However, the tricky part that I have been confused on is that I only want to count how many times A occurs between each hour of the day. I need to count number of times "A" occurs between each hour of the day for the entire month.
My Worksheet looks as such: Column A contains the dates for the month of November, Column B contains times that random instances occur, Column C is not important, Column E contains a Letter A-N that pertains to what occurred at a time in column B. SO, Column B and column E coordinate with each other.
Here is an example. Column A - Cell A1 - 11/01/2013 , A2 - 11/02/2013, A3 - 11/03/2013. Column B - Cell B1 - 12:01 AM , Cell B2 - 14:03 , Cell B3 - 15:23 Column C - Cell E1 - A , Cell E2 - A, Cell E3 - B
So I would like Column F to display that between 12:00 - 12:59 Am there was X number of times the letter A occurred throughout the entire month.
I have tried applying the same logic to another formula where I wanted to Also count the number of times “Not Stated” and “In Progress” are shown. However when I do I am receiving a ‘0’ number in return. The formula I wrote was:
We have one excel file for monitoring of action items generated by the management after the study. As since there were around 3000+ rows has been generated since in the beginning of 1990's till to-date. So I was thinking of instead of getting the result through filter manually, I want to create a formula that will count of how many has been closed this year and this month out of the total numbers of action items.
Is it possible to use the COUNTIF function formula to count the number of items in column A, and date of column B, and closed in column C.
In below, we can see that there were 4 items under Revalidation has been closed this month and the total number of closed this year is 6.
I have a large spreadsheet which holds lots of data with date ranges that i need to performs different actions to. Any way to identify the number of days, per calender month, that falls in a date range.
sample data...
Start Date End Date Old Value New Value
08/03/2010 18/06/2010 16758.2 16758.1
[Code] .......
I need to break down the total number of days per month
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
24 30 31 18
[Code] ......
As you can see this also laps into a new year, which poses my next problem, ill probably just add more columns on to the end of the table for that though...
I will later apply different calculations to these cells but in short need to get a calculation for the number of days per month first.
(in short spreading the new value out accross the year then multiplying it by the days... i also need to apply a further daily volume cal to it).
Basically, I have a list of data in columns B,C,D, and an ascending number in column A. Three cells in G10,H10 and I10 can now be copied over to B,C,D no matter long the list (see post underneath) however I need it to simultaneous add an ascending number to column A once the macro is run.
Attached workbook shows two example situations in sheet 1 and 2, and a completed form in sheet 3(based on sheet 2 example).
I'm trying to do a Dcount (=DCOUNT($A$1:$M$229,Q$2,P14:V15))is there a way to do it without have to repeat the Criteria over and over? Data Sample:StatePkg MeatCustomer #CT1MAMENHNJNYRIVT Criteria Sample:StatePkg MeatCTHaveStatePkg MeatMAHave
For reference, Ive attached a sample spreadsheet. Im trying to find a way to calculate the max number of blank cells between a range of cells. As an example, in row two of my data, the result would be 3 using the range of F2:N2. Can this be done without the use of VB?
I am trying to count unique records only in a column, if another criteria in another column is met. I got the Dcount to work by iteself, but I need to drive down the results more.
I'm trying to return a count of specific text values in a named array using DCOUNT, and for some reason it's not working when it seems like it should. It's probably something simple that I'm overlooking.
DCOUNT works fine for numbers, but when I search for a text string as a criteria, even though it is entered as ="=textstringhere" DCOUNT does not return the correct count. COUNTIF returns the total count of all matching text strings in the array, but that's not what I'm after.