2007 Copy HTMLTextArea Value Fields Into A Range

Dec 31, 2008

Using Excel 2007, how can I copy several HTMLTextArea value fields into a range?

Cross posted:

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Copy HTMLTextArea Value Fields Into A Range

Dec 31, 2008

Using Excel 2007, how can I copy several HTMLTextArea value fields into a range?

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Excel 2007 :: Find Text In A Range Of Fields - Case Insensitive

Mar 2, 2012

I am trying to find a way to see if a range of cells contain (not exactly, just contains) the text in another cell.

For example:

A1 Fred Flintsonte 2012 B1 Barney Rubble C1 Barney Rubble
A2 Barney Rubble 2012

If a cell in range A1:A2 contains text in B1 (CASE INSENSITIVE), then C1 equals B1

I've tried entering this formula in C1, but it does not work:


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Copy AutoFilter Range In 2007

Feb 15, 2008

I am experiencing a problem with the autofilter function, but ONLY in Excel 2007. The "visual" filter works fine, but using the filtered range is a no go i.e selecting, copying and deleting an autofiltered range. The trouble is that the autofiltered range also includes all the (in this case) rows in between the target rows, which then means that the filter is more or less useless as a range selection tool.

Example code which was originally developed by Dave H.:

'Filter rows with autofilter

With ActiveSheet
.AutoFilterMode = False
With .Range("B5:N5")
.AutoFilter Field:=13, Criteria1:="Criteria"
End With

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Excel 2007 :: Remove Or Add Subtotal For Different Fields

Jan 27, 2014

I know that there is a way to remove or add subtotal for different fields, how to add subtotal only for the fields that have more than 1 value? I don't want to to subtotal for anything that has only 1 value.

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Excel 2007 :: Copy And Paste A Range Using Do Loop?

Jul 27, 2012

Here is my situation:

- Excel VBA 2007
- I have a macro that inserts a set of vlookups in range D3:D8.
- When D3:D8 has been filled, I need the macro to COPY the Vlookups in D3:D8, skip down one cell, and paste in the next set of open spaces.
- I have a Do statement that isn't working, and and IF...THEN that quits the loop when a blank cell is found (This means the range of vlookups is no longer needed).

- Fix Do...Loop so it copies D3 throuh D8, skips a cell below D8, and Pastes in the next section? - There will sometimes be only one section to paste in, and sometimes 20. It is dynamic.


Sub InsertVLookup2()
' This macro inserts the VLookup into cell B2
Dim lastcolumn As Long
Range("D3").Formula = "=VLOOKUP($A2,INDIRECT(""'"" & B$1 & ""'!A:I""),9,FALSE)"

[Code] .......

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Excel 2007 :: Find Range Of A Table And Copy / Paste Into Body Of Outlook Email

Apr 12, 2011

Am working in Excel 07, but this would need to work in 2000 as well.

Need a macro that will...

1. Select a range of cells from B4 to RX. X is defined as the last row where Column A has a value.
2. Copy the visible cells
3. Open an email in Outlook (not via the email workbook function of excel), enter "Submission" into the title, enter "Dear X," insert 2 returns.
4. Paste the copied table (not the workbook, just what is on the clipboard) into the body the email.

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Copy Fields Number Of Times

Dec 18, 2013

I have created a userform with 4 textboxes and "ok" button. whenever I press OK I want it to copy TB1(text),TB2(number) and TB3(number) in the first empty row a number of times based on what is in TB4(number). however, each time it has to add 1 to TB2 and whenever (TB2+1) exceeds 5 then 1 is added to TB3 and TB2 start over from 1 again.

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Find And Copy Fields From Worksheets

Nov 15, 2006

I've attached an example of the .xls file.

There are four data worksheet. Each share a common column data set; ITEM NUMBER. Is there a way to create a macro so that when you enter an ITEM NUMBER into a textbox on the "Output sheet" page, it will automatically gather all rows from all worksheets that is associated with that ITEM NUMBER?

Also, on worksheet 3, the ITEM NUMBERS have an extension that defines the type. Can a wildcard be setup so that it will only match the first six characters of the cell?

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Copy Matching Fields Of 2 Sheets

Jan 8, 2008

I want to filter data using two sheets. i want only the names in a field that are listed on BOTH sheets. i have a two lists of names and i want only the names that are included in both sheets while still including the rest of their information.

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Copy Excel Data To MS Project Fields

Apr 28, 2014

Writing a macro in excel where you can use the data in your excel file to copy data to microsoft project.

I have an excel file of task name, deadline, time remaining, and assigned to and I want to copy those 4 columns to a correlating column in project. So basically I would loop through these fields on each line til I reach a blank which could be entering a varied amount of tasks.

The full macro would change ms project start date to today's date then copy the 4 columns from excel to project to add a new task for each line in my file and then save the project file.

I've seen some links on macro with project but most are more advanced then this or are exporting data from project to excel.

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Copy Conditionally Highlighted Cells And Their Fields To Another Worksheet?

Jan 26, 2013

I'm currently working on a maintenance task sheet for a couple of generators. I have successfully created button macros to input dates. I would like a macro to copy all the cells that are RED (due to a condition rule) plus their associated fields to the left from worksheet "Schedule" to worksheet "Tasks Due". [URL]

Here's the pre-programming flow, I just don't know the code to do it:

Scan worksheet "Schedule" for red cells in following Range


If cell = red Then Copy Row A:I

Insert Row into sheet ("Tasks Due")
If red cell is in worksheet "Schedule" H8:I16 then insert copied cells in worksheet "Tasks Due" one below cell = Fuel System
If red cell is in worksheet "Schedule" H18:I22 then insert copied cells in worksheet "Tasks Due" one below cell = Lubrication System

[Code] .....

If my uploaded workbook doesn't work I've linked screenshots of my document.

Top of "Schedule" worksheet: [URL] .....
Middle of "Schedule" worksheet: [URL] .....
Bottom of "Schedule" worksheet: [URL] .....
"Tasks Due" worksheet: [URL] .....

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Select And Copy Multiple Columns Based On 2 Data Fields

Feb 20, 2014

I have a spreadsheet with a heap of raw data in it. I need to perform a search based on a customer name, then return certain columns from the raw data IF the customer name is matched in one column, AND a special flag name is matched in a second column. The customer name is always a single entry for the purpose of the query, however the special flag must be checked against a possible list of values in a table. I know this is hard to explain, and I can't add attachments to my posts, so I have created a sample document and placed in in dropbox:

[URL] ........

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Compare Multiple Fields For Data Range

Jan 25, 2014

I'm doing a study of wind turbines, which are spread over a test field. There are 6 turbines, each checked once a day and produces a value. I look up what the weather man says it should be, "Reported" field.


2872 6918243519

The "Compare" field values must match all values for each turbine. The speeds identify the location with the best match speed against output of power generated. As each value in "Compared" is the best speed for that type of turbine.

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Convert Range Fields To Array Elements

May 2, 2013

I have a variable that gets set to an address range:

TAG_RANGE = Sheets(BAL_SHT_TAB_NAME).Range("A1", Sheets(BAL_SHT_TAB_NAME).Cells(Rows.Count, Range("A1").Column).End(xlUp)).Address

In the first loop that executes this command TAG_RANGE gets set to $A$1:$A$39

I want to loop through the values in that range and run tests against them. Is there a function that will take the values in the address range an convert them into an array so that I can use something like this:


[run tests]


Or is there someother direct way to do this other than creating a loop that fills the array element by element

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SUMIFS Function In 2007 (range To Sum, Range To Evaluate, Evaluation Criterion)

Sep 8, 2009

I’m trying to use the SUMIFS function in Excel 2007 to evaluate the following formula:

{=SUMIFS(range to sum, range to evaluate, evaluation criterion)}

The range to sum is A1:A10, the range (dates) to evaluate are in B1:B10, and the evaluation criterion is that the date is before 31/10/1999.

So my formula looks like this:


This works fine, but how do I refer the 3rd argument in the function to a date in a particular cell rather than typing in the date specifically?

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Convert Column Data Fields To Row Data Fields In Pivot Table

Feb 8, 2014

Austria - A10Sum of SeiA51CountryHourSum of SeiASum of SeiT
Sum of SeiT4.88Austria - A10514.88
1Sum of SeiA561562.83


left side pivot created in vb 6.0 & right side pivot table created manually in excel.

i want to generated pivot table using vb 6.0 same as right side pivot.

Set PRange = ws1.Range("R1:Y" & finalrow)
Set PTCache = wb.PivotCaches.Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:=PRange)
Set PT = PTCache.CreatePivotTable(TableDestination:=ws2.Cells(1, 1),


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Copy And Paste In 2007

Sep 7, 2009

I have along list of data in column B.

I want to be able to copy and paste cell C3 in cell C4 to C44. The actual list is very long.

What is the fastest way to accomplish this in Excel 2007 ?

Sheet1 *BC2Date Item39/7/2009iitttppp12344649/7/2009*59/7/2009*69/7/2009*79/7/2009*89/7/2009*99/7/2009*109/7/2009*119/7/2009*129/7/2009*139/7/2009*149/7/2009*159/7/2009*169/7/2009*179/7/2009*189/7/2009*199/7/2009*209/7/2009*219/7/2009*229/7/2009*239/7/2009*249/7/2009*259/7/2009*269/7/2009*279/7/2009*289/7/2009*299/7/2009*309/7/2009*319/7/2009*329/7/2009*339/7/2009*349/7/2009*359/7/2009*369/7/2009*379/7/2009*389/7/2009*399/7/2009*409/7/2009*419/7/2009*429/7/2009*439/7/2009*449/7/2009* Excel tables to the web >> Excel Jeanie HTML 4

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Fill In The 3 Criteria Fields, Calculate The Result, Copy The Result, And Place It Into The Correct Place On The Table

Oct 19, 2006

I have a macro that imputs data from an external database and puts it into a temporary worksheet. This data has 3 columns (ID, Date, Amount). I am then making another sheet which has X number of tables (one for each ID), with the years being the column headings, and months being the row headings. ie.

| ID X
| +------+------+------+--->
| | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 |
| Jan | $100 | $250 | $300 |
| Feb | $200 | $300 | $200 |
| Mar | $300 | $250 | $100 |
| Sum | $600 | $800 | $600 |
| +------+------+------+--->

| ID Y
| +------+------+------+--->
| | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 |
| Jan | $100 | $250 | $300 |
| Feb | $200 | $300 | $200 |
| Mar | $300 | $250 | $100 |
| Sum | $600 | $800 | $600 |
| +------+------+------+--->

Currently I have a few hidden fields for the DSUM Criteria. I start making the tables. And then filling in table based off of the month and year. Doing so I need 3 criteria:
>= First Day of the Month
<= Last Day of the Month
= ID #

The problem is it takes Excel too long to fill in the 3 criteria fields, calculate the result, copy the result, and place it into the correct place on the table. Is there another way to get this data into the correct tables faster? Instead of using DSUM?

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Excel 2007 :: Won't Copy Formula

Apr 5, 2012

I have made no changes to Excel 2007, but suddenly when I attempt to copy a formula (e4=c4+d4) to a new cell, the result in the new cell is the value from the copied cell (and not a relative copy of the formula). I have checked the Calculation Options and it is set to Automatic. This is an existing spreadsheet that I have used for years. I also tried to copy a formula in a newly created spreadsheet and get the same result.

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Excel 2007 :: Copy And Add To New Workbook In VBA?

Oct 2, 2013

I want to copy the header from a previous months report and paste it to a new workbook in Excel 2007. How can I write a macro to copy from a1 to g2, keep the same column width and all formatting, then open a new workbook (trouble now in that I previously selected book1 for the new one but this could chnage), and then paste this to the new workbook, and then save this to a location on my computer? So that's, copy, open new workbook, paste keeping all formatting and values, and then save.

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Excel 2007 :: Copy And Paste From Last Row With VBA

Oct 23, 2013

With a macro to copy from the last entire row with data and immediately insert and paste to the row below in the active worksheet. I am using Office 2007.

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Copy AutoFilter Data 2007

Apr 25, 2008

In 2003 when you use autofilter and then tried to copy the resultant information, you would only get the visible items that remain as a result of the filter. For example if you have a list of employees in alpabetical order in Column A and then in Column B you have the State in which they are employeed. Now if I use auto filter and filter on Column B to get all employees in the state of Ohio, that is all that will be visible on the screen. Perfect that is what I want. Now I want to copy all of these employees and paste them into another document or spreadsheet. (don't forget that because the list is sorted by employee all employees in Ohio are not next to eachother in the list so there are a bunch of rows that have been filtered out. and for the sake of explaining the dilema here we will not resort the list as this is a very basic example of the problem that I am having and resorting the list may not work in every case.)

In 2003 I would simply select the top left cell in the list and hit Control+Shift+End to select the all of the results and then simply copy this over to another spread sheet and I will get exactly what I was looking for. In 2007 if I go through this same process, and paste the data to another location, all of the data, even the rows that were filtered out, will come through. The whole purpose of the autofilter is to weed out what you don't want. However in 2007 this does not work in 2007.

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Excel 2007 :: Copy Everything After Comma To New Cell

Dec 27, 2009

I have a sheet with columns A to D

In Column B I have data like this:

Car, brake
Car, wheels
Car, exhaust
Boat, fender
Boat, sail

I need to copy everything after the comma (not the space) in a cell to the next cell in Column C and then delete everything in the original cell (column B).

how to do this like a macro, where I stand in the column I would like to copy and then run the macro.

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Excel 2007 :: Copy Fill Without Stepping Value?

Dec 30, 2012

I have excel 2007. I have a workbook with 2 tabs set up as follows:

Tab ATab B

Tab A contains a column with the source data, which will be constantly overwritten

Tab B has a row which references the data in tab A

I would like to copy the reference formula in Tab B down for say 100 rows, but when I use the fill tool, it automatically moves the reference cell up one. I want it to remain the same as the original.

Tab B, Row 1
ColA = Tab A, Row 1
ColB = Tab A, Row 2
ColC = Tab A, Row 3

When I fill copy the above; on Tab B, Row 2, the formula changes to ColA = Tab A, Row 2, ColB = Tab A, Row 3 etc. I would like them to remain as ColA = Row 1, ColB = Row 2 etc.

I will then use Tab A to input each rows data in Tab B, having converted the previous row into just text so it doesn't change with each update.

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Excel 2007 :: VBA With If Search OR Criteria Copy

Apr 7, 2014

VBA to copy entire row in all worksheets in file based on criteria.

step1 Copy tab has criteria in cell c1

step2 search if this c1 value in each tab in column e or g or h

step3 check if column i is yes

then if criteria meet, copy entire row to copy sheet

I came across some similar posts in other forums which can do partial work but not entirely .

Note ; number of rows, columns and tabs varies in file

I am using excel 2007.

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Excel 2007 :: Vlookup And Copy Value From Another Workbook?

Apr 15, 2014

Excel 2007

I have a workbook (book1) that is modifying multiple other workbooks (book2). I need to do a vlookup of a sheet in book1 from a value in book2. I then need to insert the value found by the lookup into G7:H7 (merged cells) of book2.

value is in column B of page "Routes" of book1. Found by value B3:C3 of book2. The vlookup looks in column A of book1. The found value is put into G7:H7 of book2.

In a step by step, to possibly make this more clear:

1) check value of B3:C3 in book2
2) find value in Routes sheet of book1, column A
3) upon match, grab the value of column B
4) insert that value into G7:H7 of book2


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Excel 2007 :: Copy Rows To New File

Jan 24, 2012

I have files that have thousands of rows in them with company names. The rows contain the company name plus lots of other info. I'd like to be able to create files or sheets with the company name as the file or sheet name with the respective rows contained within it. Make sense?

For example:

Original file or sheet
Date Company Info1 Info2
Jul Sams Expense Desk
Jan Freds Expense Doughnuts
Jun Sams Deposit Return
Feb Sams Expense Food
Dec Freds Expense TV

Would become:

Sheet or File Sams
Date Company Info1 Info2
Jul Sams Expense Desk
Jun Sams Deposit Return
Feb Sams Expense Food

Sheet or File Freds
Date Company Info1 Info2
Jan Freds Expense Doughnuts
Dec Freds Expense TV

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Excel 2007 :: Can't Copy / Paste Formulas

Jul 8, 2012

Suddenly realized that I can't paste formulas. When I copy/paste, it only pastes as values. When I copy and Paste Special, the only option is "Unicode Text". No option for formulas, formatting, or anything else. Excel 2007.

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Excel 2007 :: Copy Data From Another Workbook?

Dec 14, 2013

I have two Workbooks

1. Main (where I have a button and I intent to write code and paste the data)

2. Data (where I have data to be copied)

My code so far

Sub copy()
Dim wbData As Workbook
Dim wbMain As Workbook
Set wbData = Workbooks.Open("path")
Set wbMain = Workbooks.Open("path")
End Sub

In the above code the problem is that the file wbMain is already open and when I try to re-open it gives an error and program crashes and if I do not open the file then it gives me the error and says sub or function not defined as wbMain variable is not set.

Second problem:When an error is thrown or I close my files, I lose all the VBA code and module? strange ! how to save modules permanently? using Excel 2007

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