Average Values If Equal To A Value In Another Column
Jun 3, 2014
I have a table full of phone numbers and call durations.
In A2:A6160, I have 162 different phone numbers and in U2:U6160, I have the call durations for calls made to those numbers.
In a separate spreadsheet, I have each number listed in Column A and in Column D, I want to display the average call duration for each of the numbers.
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Apr 25, 2014
For column "B" count all the 1's if column header is equal to name in column A.
For Column "C" needs to be checked if a value was filled in column "I" if yes then check if in column "L" has a value, count all these values.
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Dec 24, 2008
I need to group all records where the values in column A are equal. BUT I needed them sorted by another column (the whole sheet, not just within each group). Currently, all of the values in column A are listed in random order. Is there any way to do this manually?
to elaborate a bit further, consider the following:
Columns: A-B-C-etc.
Basically, I need to group all of the "1"'s and all of the "4"'s so that the extra values will show underneath the other. HOWEVER, I need them to be sorted such that the order in which they appear are XYZ. So the goal would be:
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Jun 11, 2014
Need a Macro to delete all rows containing values less than or equal 300 in column A
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Mar 11, 2013
I'm currently using this formula to calculate the average values in column B where the value in column A ='s E1 eg:
Instead of doing this however, I need the formula to calulate the average from column B where the "Date" in column A ='s the year and month I specify in other cells.
Year value specified in: F1
Month value specified in: G1
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Jan 15, 2010
Columns L, M and N are always fully populated.
Columns D, E and F may have some missing values, along with H, I and J.
Lets just concentrate on D.
I need to create a formula where I get the anser in C1 This is an average of L only where D has a value.
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May 22, 2014
I have a column with values from P2 to P3077. I need a formula that would average values from P2:P6, P7:P11, P12:P16 and so on till the end (that is 5 data points each time till the end).
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Jul 5, 2007
I'm having trouble with a small vba macro. At the end of the macro I test to see if two variables are equal and then print out true or false. However, for some reason even though the variables are equal vba is not treating them that way. I have put the values that represent the variables on a spreadsheet and used the if(x1=x2) formula and it says it is true, also, when I debug the macro and watch the values when it comes to test the logical expression the numbers are the same. I don't understand why vba does not say that the two variables are equal. I have attached a screenshot of the breakpoint where I double check the values are equal.
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May 17, 2009
I have tried a few other examples in previous threads that use COUNTIF and ISERROR but I just can't get it right.
Basically I want to average the cells in column J (J2:J6,J8:J12,J14:J18, etc).
My aim here is to determine the average value for each day (Averaging 0 values in this instance is OK).
Now, the date in column A (A2:A6,A8:A12,A14:A18, etc) sometimes returns a blank value, depending on the day of the week (see attached example). This is because, in the full version of the workbook, I have Column A date linked to a perpetual calendar and therefore the dates can change cells depending on the year.
For the Date Cells that return a blank value, I do not want the AVERAGE equation to include the 0 value on these days.
For an example I have attached a month of February where there are blank date cells at either end of the column.
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Dec 7, 2007
I have done is created an Officer Evaluation Form in Word for my Police Chief and the Scores for the different observations are: N/A, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. If for example there are 4 observations and one of the observations is "N/A" for not applicable or not observed and the rest are all 5's I want the formula to ignore the field(s) with the N/A and still come up with an average of 5. The way I have it set up now which is: =AVERAGE(KOW1,KOW2,KOW3,KOW4) it comes up with an average of 3 when I put a N/A in field KOW1 and all 5's in KOW2-KOW4.
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May 19, 2009
I would like to use IF function, to get the answer, if the mark is less than or equal to 20, the answer is AVERAGE, if the mark is between 21 and 25 the asnwer is GOOD, if the mark is between 26 and 30 the asnswe is VERY GOOD, if the mark is above 30 then the asnwer must be EXCELLENT.
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Jun 29, 2008
I'm trying to count if there are situations where column a is equal to a specific number and column b is equal to another number.
both columns are numbers. Does anybody have a good idea how to do this, maybe countif, but i am not sure how to do more than one item with that.
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Sep 24, 2006
I need a cell formula that will (a) identify the highest N values in an above specified column range, (b) color the interior of those N cells (I suspect that this is not possible), and most importantly (c) return the average value of N corresponding cells, where the corresponding cells are located on the same rows as the identified N high value cells but in a specified column to the left (not necessarily adjacent)
Does anybody know what this formula would look like?
...| A | B | C | D | E | F |
1 |....| * |.........| 7 |...
2 |....................| 2 |...
3 |....| * |.........| 6 |...
4 |....................| 1 |...
5 |....| * |.........| 5 |...
6 |....................| ? |...
? = average of B1,B3,B5 where (N = 3) and (specified column to the left = B)
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Jan 19, 2013
I'm stuck on the final piece of my macro project. I've attached a workbook with two sheets: sheet 1 is what I currently have, and sheet 2 is what I'd like my report to look like when complete.
On Sheet 1:
- column B is called Supervisor Name
- Columns D-O are months of the year, with either a Yes or No in each cell.
I'd like to write a macro that will:
- Take all unique values in Supervisor Name column, and paste these Above the current table.
- For each Supervisor, and each month, I'd like it to calculate, as a %, the number of Yes mentions in each month divided by the total cells (Yes/(Yes+No)).
Sheet 2 contains the output, in the format I'd like to see it.
Sheet 2:
Supervisor Name
Supervisor 1
[Code] .......
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Jun 19, 2014
One aspect of my Excel-based project involves comparing the operator-entered part number (in Excel) to a predetermined list of part numbers in one column of an Access database table. Right now, my program is telling me that every part number entered in the spreadsheet (50+) does not match any part number in the database, which I've verified to be incorrect. I've checked that both the spreadsheet part number and the database part number are of the string datatype.
To the best of my knowledge, my looping logic seems valid and robust. To the best of my knowledge, there are no hidden characters in either the database cells or in the spreadsheet cells causing this apparent mismatch. I'm completely stumped at this point as to why my program doesn't detect any matches between the spreadsheet and the database table. Below is the Sub containing the code for checking that the part numbers match:
[Code] ....
This issue seems to be a hybrid issue between Excel and Access with (to me) more of the issue on the Access end.
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Aug 21, 2008
Trying to find the sum of all cells in the array described in the formula that are equal to the values inside the quotations. I used this exact (as far as I can tell) formula to find the sum of values that were NOT equal to my quoted values and it worked just fine. Any ideas why formula 'A' will not work but formula 'B' does work? I have a feeling I'm missing something simple here!
Formula A - Does not work:
=SUMPRODUCT(--('Master Lead Sheet'!$J$2:$J$10000=$B2),--('Master Lead Sheet'!$N$2:$N$10000="REJECTED"),--('Master Lead Sheet'!$N$2:$N$10000="CONDITIONED"),--('Master Lead Sheet'!$N$2:$N$10000="APPROVED"))
Formla B - Works:
=SUMPRODUCT(--('Master Lead Sheet'!$J$2:$J$10000=$B2),--('Master Lead Sheet'!$N$2:$N$10000"No Answer"),--('Master Lead Sheet'!$N$2:$N$10000"Disconnected"),--('Master Lead Sheet'!$N$2:$N$10000"Wrong Number"),--('Master Lead Sheet'!$N$2:$N$10000"EMAILED"),--('Master Lead Sheet'!$N$2:$N$10000"needs to be emailed"),--('Master Lead Sheet'!$N$2:$N$10000"Refund"),--('Master Lead Sheet'!$N$2:$N$10000"REFUNDED"))
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Jun 14, 2013
E11 through E24 contains numbers and a few errors (#N/A) that need to persist (the errors need to show).
E10 needs to show the average of the numbers that are in E11 through E24, and just ignore the errors.
I have many columns like that - where the errors need to show and I need to show an average of the number/values that do appear, ignoring the errors.
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Dec 6, 2013
I need to look up the name in E2 in the list in column A and if it matches then lookup name in F2 in list column b, if it matches then the corresponding number in column C is displayed in column G. If neither names are in the 2 columns the words"Not on lists" is displayed in cell in column G.
The other problem is one name is spelled two different ways I want it to look for both spelling before moving on to looking up the second name.
I started with this formula but I'm getting #N/A or "not on list" when they are on the list. I'm using ranges prod_sum is columns AthruC, Last_name is range BthruC. =IF(AND(VLOOKUP(F4,prod_sum,3,0),VLOOKUP(I4,last_name,2,0)),"not on list")
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Dec 8, 2009
I have a sheet where i want to delete duplicate rows where column A and column B combined are equal, i.e. range(Ax:Bx) where x is the current row. I am using the macro below but cant seem to get it working as I keep getting a type mismatch error and Im not sure why.
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Oct 19, 2008
I've created the following function that chooses the maximum value from a set of cells then inserts theappropriate row number (within a table) into a new cell.
=IF(J27=0,"?",IF(J27=J19,1,IF(J27=J20,2,IF(J27=J21,3,IF(J27=J22,4,IF(J27=J23,5,IF(J27=J24,6,IF(J27=J 25,7,IF(J27=J26,8)))))))))
It's working fine until I have 2 cells with the highest value. The above statement is entering the first cell that meets the criteria in the new cell but ignores the fact there maybe 2 (or more) of the same value.
How can I get both (or all) to be entered in the same cell? Is there a better way, maybe highlighting all the rows in the table that equal the max figure?
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Dec 5, 2012
I have a spreadsheet that has a number of values and a separate sheet that has a paid total. What would be the easiest way to find the values in sheet 1 that total the sum in sheet 2? There may be more than one possible solution as to the items that total the sum.
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Jul 3, 2014
I'm trying to sum all values greater than 5,000,00 and less than or equal to 10,000,000. I have this formula:
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Aug 23, 2008
how to set all values in an array to be the same value. Currently I am using code in a For/Next loop like the following to do this:
Sub testing()
Dim ArrayToAllHaveSameValues(1 To 30) As String, i As Integer
For i = 1 To 30
ArrayToAllHaveSameValues(i) = "Value"
Next i
End Sub
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Aug 26, 2006
am currently setting up a fantasy football league.
i have set up the league, with team name overall points and position, my problem is that when 2 teams have the same points one team is omitted and the other team has its name on both entries
the formula's i am using are
vlookup = to find the name of team for the points
large = to find out points of each team
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Dec 2, 2009
How can I count the number of cells in a range that contain values that are greater than or equal to zero?
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Jan 14, 2014
I have a workbook with 2 sheets - [Names] has with a list of Staff Ids column B, [Access] has a list of their system acces - with their staff ids in column A and access in F (There could be more than 1 type of access),
I am looking to create a code that :
For each ID in [Names] B lookup in [Access] A
if found create a string with value in F ( so I have a list of all access )
And paste into F in [Names]
I have tried all sorts of things and just can't get it working.
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Feb 27, 2014
Is it possible to separate a range of cells with numerical values into "n" groups that have equal (or as close to equal as possible) total sums?
Ex. The range A1:A30 includes 30 random numbers between 1 and 12 (obviously there are duplicates). I need excel to auto-generate 6 groups of 5 cells each with each group having the same (again, as close as possible) total sum. Preferably, I'd like the numbers in each group to be similar from top to bottom, but I'm not overly concerned about that.
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May 2, 2014
I have cells that they're values should be equal B6=B11, B7=B12, B8=B13, E6=B14, E7=B15, E8=B16, I want a macro that if the values are not equal then the background should be RED and a pop up message "The values should be equal".
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Feb 21, 2009
how to apply this code to include specifically these ranges in pairs: H50 & H51, H102 & H103, H154 & H155, and H206 & H207.
'tried to cut and paste the code from Private Sub to End Sub changing only
the Ranges (see above), but it didn't work.
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Sep 10, 2012
Say I have Column A populated with Employee Names, and Column B populated with "Pass" or "Fail" (which indicates a passed or failed customer service call monitoring).
For each employee, I want to be able to look at all of their overall scores (usually between 3 and 10 evaluations per month) and easily highlight people who have failed 2 out of 3 consecutive evaluations.
I want to integrate this feature in to a weekly quality report.
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