Excel 2011 :: Copy Cells From Consecutive Worksheets And Paste Sequentially Underneath Each Other On Output Page With Loop Function?
Feb 18, 2014
I have data from (row 1, column 1) to (row 53, column 5) on 283 consecutive worksheets in a singular excel file that I would like to be presented on a singular worksheet starting from the data on worksheet 1 and descending to the data on worksheet 283.
I am looking for a copy and paste loop solution that will copy the data from each page and sequentially paste the results on a singular output page in descending order (worksheet 1 data, worksheet 2 data... etc) so that I can sort the data.
I'm trying to make a script that will copy and paste a row in a table underneath the last row in that table when a button is clicked. I've simply recorded a macro to get things rolling, however whenever the macro does an insert to paste the data it goes above the last new entry which doesn't work for my purposes,
My code (with help from this forum) loops through all workbooks, all sheets and all columns OK as I have tested it with message boxes
I need to take the value of Range("C5") from each column of all sheets of all workbooks and paste it to Range("A4") downwards in Workbook("Loop Folder.xls") . That is, each new value is inserted in the next row of column A.
Sub test4() ' populate analysis sheet ' copies cell("C5") from each column in each sheet in each workbook in a directory
Dim Mypath As Variant Dim excelfile As Variant
Mypath = "U:September 2006" ' folder where all excel files reside excelfile = Dir(Mypath & "*.xls")
I need to copy all sheets from a workbook to a another workbook (create a copy of the one I am using) and this is the cod I have:
Sub NewReport() Dim Workbook1 As Workbook Dim Workbook2 As Workbook With Application .ScreenUpdating = False .DisplayAlerts = False .EnableEvents = False End With
The problem I have is that the output only have the sheet1!
I want to open all csv files in a folder and just copy and paste some columns into another file. I am having a bit of trouble with the following code which can be found at ozgrid and I have modified slightly so it looks in the current directory instead of a fixed path...
Code: Sub RunCodeOnAllFiles() Dim lCount As Long Dim MyDir as string
For starters, if I don't use on error resume next I get a runtime error 445: object doesn't support this action. So when I use the on error resume next, then by the time it gets to the foundfiles line, there are no variables set, so on the next line (workbooks.open) nothing happens.
Is there an easier (more up to date?) method to open all csv files (or excel files) in a folder?
I am trying write code withVBA to save separate file in a different folder with Loop.
Write a code with "loop" till it finds empty cell in the column and for every change in number a separate file needs to be saved in specified folder with file name as "10010, 10011,10012... and so on with data copied in the file saved.
I'm trying to use a VBA Macro to copy and paste a row of cells from 14 worksheets into in another worksheet in a Colum. The worksheets are entitled Data 1, Data 2, Data 3 and so on until Data 14 and the worksheet that I want to paste the data to is entitled sheet 1. The row of data that I want to copy and paste is in the same place on each worksheet C4 - IR4. I can do this using the Macro recorder but there is a lot of code and ultimately I want this to be part of a much bigger Macro once I get better at figuring this stuff out.
I have read that this can be done by using a Do Until and then using a loop. By the way I am using Excel 2003 with XP.
I have a workbook, in which from sheet1, I have to copy first row and paste it in another workbook in sheet1 This I have to do for all the rows present in first workbook. I have written code for one single row, but for all rows,
below is the code :
Option Explicit Dim wbIP As Workbook Dim wbJT As Workbook Dim wbET As Workbook Dim mypathET As String Dim mypathJT As String Dim mypathIP As String Dim vals As Variant
Background: - Excel VBA 2007 - I have a macro that inserts a set of vlookups in range D3:D8. - When D3:D8 has been filled, I need the macro to COPY the Vlookups in D3:D8, skip down one cell, and paste in the next set of open spaces. - I have a Do statement that isn't working, and and IF...THEN that quits the loop when a blank cell is found (This means the range of vlookups is no longer needed).
Objectives: - Fix Do...Loop so it copies D3 throuh D8, skips a cell below D8, and Pastes in the next section? - There will sometimes be only one section to paste in, and sometimes 20. It is dynamic.
Sub InsertVLookup2() ' This macro inserts the VLookup into cell B2 Dim lastcolumn As Long Range("D3").Formula = "=VLOOKUP($A2,INDIRECT(""'"" & B$1 & ""'!A:I""),9,FALSE)" Range("D3").Select
I want to write a macro that will copy data from all worksheets of a specified workbook and copy them into a new workbook.
To give some detail, I receive a report each morning containing failed deliveries. I also export a list of failed deliveries from a system (SAP). These reports rarely match so I must compare the two daily. I do this using INDEX and MATCH functions but now my boss wants all the data in a single report so I would like to harness the might of vba to consolodate all the data in one workbook.
The lists of failed deliveries are contained in worksheets marked mon, tue, wed... so I need to search all worksheets for all delivery numbers and copy all of the data into a new book. This becomes complicated because on Monday there is only one tab marked mon, on tuesday there are two (mon & tue), one wednesday there are three and so on.
I have started on some code but I am getting nowhere fast. I have managed to muster an input box which asks for a date (this will be used to search the file path for a file named "failed deliveries & "mm/mm/yyy")
Recently, when trying to copy and paste portions of excel worksheets, I've been getting the message: The picture is too large and will be truncated.
I have copied and pasted this same way for years and the problem has just arisen over the past month. An excel issue or possibly something else and just getting the message with Excel since it's the software I'm using 90% of every day?
My files are stored on a network drive, not my hard drive.
I am creating a spreadsheet for results of a survey. I am trying to give numeric values to text fields so that I can place the cell values later into a SUM function. The text fields are entered into the spreadsheet via a drop down list in each cell I created by utilizing the validate button. The text field contains choices like The text field contains choices like “1 Very poor,” or “4 Very much.” The source for the list is on a separate sheet.
EX: If cell C5 equals the choice “1 Very poor,” and cell C8 equals “4 Very much” I want the cells to have numeric values of 1 and 4 respectively so that I can utilize an equation like =SUM(6-C5+6-C8) later in the spreadsheet to calculate aggregate scores.
The code below pulls information based on what i specify in a userform from another sheet.
I am trying to total the last 3 columns but for some reason the code sticks the sum formula right in middle of all my information. However, when i run the code (the exact same way) again then the code puts the sum underneath the last row as indicated in the code. How can i get the code to run right the first time around?
The problem is that whenever I have any browser open, IE, Chrome, Firefox, etc... the Cut & Paste, Copy & Paste function does not work correctly in Excel 2010.
When I Cut or Copy the blinking marquee around my selection briefly appears and then disappears. When I try to paste, I only have two options under the paste special function: Unicode Text and Text, same with cut and paste, however, the text doesn't actually cut, it only copies.
As soon as I close down any of the mentioned browsers, the full functionality of the cut/copy & paste functions are restored, no need to restart excel.
I need to have open a browser most of the time for work as our system is web based, so closing and re-opening is more than just an annoyance.
So I've made a large spread sheet in Excel that calculates many values and constraints for the optimization of a structural beam; from there, the minimum value that satisfies all constraints is output in an individual cell. I want to see how this output value changes when I change one value, the length of the beam. For instance, I input a length of the beam (10 ft.) and I get an output value of 643.50; I copy and special paste this value manually into a cell. I then change the length to 15 ft. and get an output value of 1322.83 and copy and special paste this value into the next cell. This process is very tedious, because I have to do this for hundreds of values. Is there a way to automate this so that I don't have to do everything by hand. The tricky part is that every time I change the length, the entire worksheet must recalculate before I get a new output value.
I have a worksheet ("Issues Report"). Based on the value in column A, I'm trying to cut the entire row and paste it on another worksheet ("Closed Issues").
Here's what I've written so far:
Dim C As Range Dim xlSheet As Worksheet Set xlSheet = Worksheets("Issues Report") Set C = xlSheet.Range("A:A")
With xlSheet For Each cell In C If cell.Value = "Ready to Close" Then ActiveCell.EntireRow.Select Selection.Cut Worksheets("Closed Issues").Range("A65536").Select Selection.End(xlUp).Paste End If Next cell
This seems logical to me, but it's not working as planned. The code gets hung up on the 11th line of code.
I am trying to sort a list of business development leads. When a lead is dead I enter the date in the column entitled "Closed". Therefore, the Closed cell for active leads is blank. Whilst I still wish to retain the information of dead leads, when sorting I would like them listed at the bottom of the list. However, whenever I sort on the Closed column, whether using newest to oldest or oldest to newest, the blank cells are always at the bottom, instead of the top.
I am trying to copy one worksheet using the "move/copy" function that is available when you right click a tab name and want to copy the worksheet in the same workbook
The steps I'm using are:
1. Right click the tab name 2. Select Move or Copy, 3. Select Create a Copy 4. Click OK
Doing all of the above does not work. When the new worksheet opens, all columns are the same width. It seems to be stuck on "autofit column width" setting of 8.5. The original worksheet is several columns wide all with different width settings.
I've also used Copy, Paste Special and selected column widths and that does not work either.
I have a workbook with a series of worksheets with stock lists and pricing that I would like a user to be able to select items on (say, with a checkbox) that would then automatically populate a separate master Order Form sheet. The Order Form sheet is currently blank, with headers, and I would like only those items selected on the various stock sheets to be displayed on the Order Form.
I have a simple excel sheet with columns A (name1) B (name2) C (name3) D (name4) E (name5) F (text). A given name can only appear once in any given row.
I am looking for a vba code (Excel 2003) that would loop through cells in A1:E?? (number of rows varies, loop needs to find last non-empty row in column A) and look for a particular name (e.g. "Stefan Thomas"): 1) create new unnamed word doc 2) Put "New Annex" as a header (top right) in the new word doc 3) Insert text "List for Stefan Thomas" centered and underlined as the first line of the new word doc. The document will have two sections: 4) Insert text "Items in Column A" bolded and aligned to the left 5) Insert text "Items in Column B to E" bolded and aligned to the left below the section in 4 6) if "Stefan Thomas" is in column A, copy text in column F and paste in word doc as first bullet (below title "Items in Column A") 7) repeat step 6 for all other instances of "Stefan Thomas" in column A (append text as next bullet in section "Items in Column A") 8) If "Stefan Thomas" is in column B or C or D or E (can only appear once per row), copy text in column F and paste in word doc as first bullet (below title "Items in Column B to E") 9) repeat step 8 for all other instances of "Stefan Thomas" in column B or C or D or E (append text as next bullet in section "Items in Column B to E")
if you could indicate in the code how I can choose the type of bullet as well as space between bullets and font type
I have on sheet "Charts" in cell "B20" a "date from" and in cell "C20" a "date to" (these will be input manually).
What I need is to check Column "F" on sheet "Report" for any cells within those dates, I then want to copy the entire row(s) that contain these dates and paste them into sheet "Weekly" starting at cell "A2".
I have an Excel worksheet (ver.2003) containing data more than 5000 rows. I need to run a macro everyday to do copy a value for that cell each day from another cell in different respective rows :
Using # as a marker in a specific col (say col X2, X14, X27, X43 and so on ) I want to copy value from another cell (AE2, AE14, AE27, AE43 and so on) containing a forumla and paste as a value to a cell say B4 in a row of fixed range (say B4:V4, B16:V16 and so on), which is two rows below the marker. The value to be copied is located in the 7th cell (say AE2) to the right of the marker cell (X2). If first cell is blank (say B4) then I copy data into the first cell. Every time I run the macro the value should be copied to next blank cell in that row (C4, D4 and so on).
I need to run the macro everyday for a specified no. of days say 21 working days in a month, which is the length of the range) copy the value for each in different rows as explained above. What is the VB Excel macro for this? ...