Filtering Table And Showing Results In Combobox
Jun 16, 2014
How to filter a table according to a value and show a particular column in the combobox?
For example i have a table like this:
[Code] .....
And i want to filter "A" and insert the column 3 values into the combobox list.
Combobox must show Smone2 and Smone4
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Feb 19, 2009
I have a very large spreadsheet (almost 9000 rows). I have filters on all columns, however when I click to see all the results for the column under the filter, just to view the contents of the row, some are not there. Does a filter have a limitted amount of rows it can hold.
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Oct 2, 2009
I have two worksheets in worksheet 1 I have a bunch of data and I want to be able to filter out to only include relevant results.
Eg. If I search for 'Dog' I want search column A in another sheet and find all full and partial matches then display the entire row of each of these matches.
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Jun 16, 2014
I have a spreadsheet (attached) that has a formula, which calculates the number of days between two dates if another field contains data. My problem is that when I chart the data, it isn't showing up in the chart. Cell G1 (Tab 1) contains a 1 because the document was returned 1 day late. This isn't showing up on the Chart (Tab 2).
Read & Sign Tracking-061614.xlsx‎
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Sep 19, 2007
I'm creating a spreadsheet to track orders as part of a project, the spreadsheet currently lists all the different options that can be ordered, it then lists all parts of the order, installation & setup etc.
However it is likely that not all of the options will be used.
What I would like to do is create a few drop down boxes for each option, if 'yes' is selected then the order tracking for that option shows below.
Example, the wants 'internet' so 'yes' is selected for internet using the drop down at the top of the page. Further down the page all the order tracking info is shown for internet. If 'no' is selected nothing is shown for interent.
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Sep 30, 2012
I am trying to set up a simple sports picking list using Excel 2010. I would like to be able to carry out several filers and then extract results to a new sheet to allow printing.
For example, there are four available terms and I would like to be able to filter by term/sport and student. Ideally I would like to be able to add a command button once this is working.
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Jul 5, 2014
I want the following script to:
1) Find and define a range ("DateRng") based on cell values. This is controlled by the first block and the script does this job correctly.
2) Find cells
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Jun 20, 2006
Here you can see 4 columns (C, D, E, F)
I would like to compare Column C, D, E, F and If column C = Column E., i would like to show the result from column F to Column d.,
For example:
For column E >> The result in column F is: Port Blair.,
I would like that to be in Column D after a match.
Is there any forumula which will do this.,
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Nov 24, 2013
Is it possible to create a data base with the given sample below?
[Code] ...
The Userform has 2 ComboBoxes and 1 ListBox
ComboBox1 will be the one of the Column A Value
ComboBox2 will be the one of the Column B Value
I did handle that ComboBoxes already....What I need only, when those ComboBoxes been selected the related datas will fill into the ListBox accordingly...
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Nov 21, 2008
I am trying to hide/show a static set of rows based on the value chosen within a combobox.
The combobox has a list of names and one blank. The blank is selected by default, which renders the rows hidden. When a user selects a name in the combobox the rows will be shown.
I got some help on this, which allowed me to hide the rows when the workbook was activated and when the worksheet was activated, but the code to show/hide the rows based on the combobox value is not working.
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Aug 19, 2009
I have two Spreadsheets, lets call it Spreadsheet 1 and Spreadsheet 2.
Spreadsheet 1 has a list of partial employee names in column A.
Spreadsheet 2 has a list of 500,0000 full employee names in column A and their phone number in column B and address in column C through E.
Basically what I want to do is do a wildcard search for the partial employee name, so like lookup Spreadsheet 1' Column A's *name* in column A of Spreadsheet 2. Based on the number of matches. I want to insert that many blank rows underneath the partial employee name, and paste those matched rows there, then continue to the second partial employee name lookup and repeat the process.
This loop has to repeat 1000 times.
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Nov 10, 2009
I have a wordlist (65000 words in Column B*) in a worksheet “w1” and poems (about 21000 rows) in another worksheet “w2” where first verse is always in B and second one in C. The column D of w2 contains of information such poems name, author’s name, book’s name and so on.
I want to search for those verses through a macro which contain words from my wordlist B* w1 and add references to my words that way. It’s about making a dictionary in which each word has a reference to a poem and verses in which it is used.
Column A of w2 has number in it which shows how many times these rows have been already used as reference. Column A of w1 contains of a value “1” or “0” in which “1” means this entry has already been processed or already has a reference and “0” means it has yet to be done.
If my word B* from “w1” exists in verses B or C of “w2” the results should be shown in an userform containing 5 text boxes with 5 results. In each text box a result should be shown “(verse B; verse C); (value of Col.A)” and a checkbox (or a button). That would mean 5 result, 5 textboxes and 5 checkboxes (or 5 buttons). I would like then to choose one of the results by checking the checkbox (or pressing the button) in front of the text box. After I have chosen the result the whole row from w2 should be pasted in following columns of B*. That means the cells from w2 column B,C,D would be pasted to column C,D,E of w1.
The criteria for the search in B and C should be the lowest value in A of “w2”. I mean the w2 rows with lowest A value should be preferred if there are more results. The result showing user form with 5 text boxes and 5 checkboxes(or 5 buttons) which gives me the choice to choose one of the results should also contain a button “search for further results“. For the case none of the results is useful.
As far there are many poems (verses) I would like to prevent using the same verses many times. The more different verses I use as reference for the words in w1 the better it is. Therefore every time a result is picked by me “1” should be added to the value in Column A in w2. And every time search is started the lowest A values should be searched first.
As soon a word has successfully got it’s reference the value in A w1 should be changed from “0” to “1”. And by next search all words with A value “1” should be ignored and only “0” words should be searched for.
Each time a row from w2 is used as reference, the B* word w1 should be added to col. E of w2. If used for many ";" should be the seperator.
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Feb 14, 2013
I am using the combo box that lists the loan officers number from the selection the loan officers name and branch is loaded. I want to be able also base on the officer selected add get the total new loans opened by that officer. I added an if statement that checks if the loan officers number from the "Oct_2012" is equal to the loan officers' selection from the combo box then add all the loans than match that criteria. I am not sure if what I am doing will work but when it reach to the For block it only reads the For statement and then go to the endif and don't execute the statement within the block.
Sub cmbLnOffNum_Change()
Dim idx As Long
Dim LnOffRow As Long
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May 12, 2014
how can i sum pivot table filtering some values in other table. if i change filter, sum is changed
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Apr 9, 2013
I have a problem very similar to this thread: [URL] .... Therefore I have tried to adapt but so far failed.
My requirement is that a userform pops up with multiple comboboxes (in this scenario 3) and once the results have been selected and the user clicks the button "OK" then the autofilter changes to the same as what the selected ComboBoxes were.
So, there are 3 comboboxes so I have tried the following:
[PrivateSub CommandButton1_Click()
If Sheets("Data").AutoFilterMode = True Then Range("B3", Range("B600").End(xlUp)).AutoFilter
Range("B3", Range("B600").End(xlUp)).AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=ComboBox1.Value, visibledropdown:=False
[Code] .....
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Feb 9, 2014
I want to filter my results using a combo box on my spreadsheet. I don't mind how this is done, even if it just hides all of the information which isn't relevant. I've done it with a VLookup but I want to be able to edit it easily without the formula popping up. So if you click Barlcays, only barclays appears. I'd also like a button to reset if possible. I've attached an example of how I sort of want it to work.
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Jun 12, 2007
i have this userform which has a combobox for a selection of months. beside it, i have this textbox which asks for the year. scenario: if i choose January in my combobox and i will type 2007 in my textbox, the combined entry will be January 2007 that will be saved in cell A1 of Sheet 2.
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Apr 19, 2013
My data resides in a workbook in sheet2 and sheet3. I have 4 comboboxs refering to different columns in sheet2 and sheet3. Basically when the user selects all the four comboboxs, the criteria should be satisfied and the results in terms of rows matching those values should be shown in the textboxs below.
Each three of the textboxs refers to individual columns in sheet2 and sheet3. All I want to do is simple search criteria on both sheet 2 and sheet3 and put the results in textboxs.
I have populated my comboboxs but dont know the macro to do the search results .
my userform,which has 4 comboboxs
combobox1 = sheet2 column C
combobox2 = sheet2 column BL
combobox3 = sheet3 column K
combobox1 = sheet3 column F
The results which satisfy the above 4 criteria should come from ,when user presses POP UP DETAILS BUTTON,
textbox1= sheet3 column C
textbox2= sheet3 column N
textbox3= sheet2 column T
Actually I have many records which satisfy the above 4 criteria, dont know how to display them whether in textbox or any another method.
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Jul 24, 2008
I have made a pivot table and I dlike to identify with a macro the documents with net value over 1000. Then extract these values next to the respective sales documents in an are near the pivot table somewhere. The fields are called Document and Sum of Net value. Of course the pivot is very variable one time it has 3000 records and another 5000.
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Jan 3, 2013
using a command button to input data back into the spreadsheet at a specific location.
Background: I am building a time clock spreadsheet, of sorts. I have a user form that provides a list of volunteer names in a combobox and then a list of activities they can perform in another combobox. Some activities have Details. (So, VolunteerName Todd can choose Activity Maintenance, which has no details; Volunteer Joe can choose Activity Teaching and then can select Details Intermediate 2.) The volunteer then clicks a SignInCommandButton.
The SignInCommendButton populates a worksheet (VolunteerLog) with the following information:
Column A: Volunteer Name
Column B: Today's Date
Column H: Exact Time In
Column E: Activity
Column F: Details, if populated
The SignInCommandButton also copies a formula from cell L2 into the appropriate row of column C (Time In) that rounds the Exact Time In to the nearest 15 minutes. The SignInCommandButton then does a Copy/Paste Special Values to remove the formula from column C and then resets the Userform.
What I need to do:
1) When the person first selects their name from VolunteerNameComboBox, I want to check 3 things:
a) whether the person's name exists in Column A of the VolunteerLog worksheet;
b) if it does, if the Date associated with that entry = Today; and
c) if it does, if the Time Out column is Blank.
If all three conditions are met, I want the ActivityComboBox to populate with the values in Column E and F, if necessary. The user will then click the SignOutCommandButton. (details in a moment)
I already have the code for if the conditions aren't met (Activity box populates and, depending on the selection in the Activity box, the Details box may appear for a selection to be made, or may remain hidden.)
2) The SignOut Button needs to enter the Time into Column I of the appropriate row found in (1) above. It will also need to copy the rounding formula I mentioned earlier, and do the Paste Special, but I have that already.
For (1), I think I have a start. My thinking is to first check if the Name selected in VolunteerNameComboBox is in the VolunteerLog. Each time it shows up, I'd like to add it to a list (range?) called rngSignedInDate. Then I'd loop through all the entries in that range checking if the Date = Today. If it does, then I'd add it to a list called rngSignedOut and loop through those results to see if Column C (Time Out) is blank.
I think I have the first loop, but am stuck on how to populate the results into rngSignedInDate. Here is the code:
Private Sub VolunteerNameComboBox_Change()
'Check if the Volunteer has signed in already
Dim strVol As String
Dim rngSignedInVol As Range
Dim rngSignedInDate As Range
Dim rngSignedOut As Range
Dim rngSignedInActivity As Range
Dim rngSignedInMatch As Range
(2) I haven't started working on the SignOutCommandButton. The challenge for me with that is directly tied to the challenge in (1). If someone does pass all 3 tests, I need to have that specific instance defined in a way that I can have the SignOutCommandButton put the time in the appropriate row.
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Jun 2, 2014
I have a Pivot Table (pivottable1) starting from cell A1 (lets asume that this cell is "Pick up date"). What I want to do is to filter by each "Pick up date" one by one - for example by first date 2014-05-30 than do some stuff (I have this part of code so no worries) and after that pass to next Pick up date do the same stuff pass to the third pick up date and etc. The problem is that the number of Pick up dates can be different - sometimes it could be 10 pick up dates and another time it could be 150 of pick up dates. I suppose it should be some kind of loop but I have no idea how to start this.
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May 23, 2013
I have a workbook with two worksheets,
sheet 1 contains student data, name dob, actual age, raw score and an empty column standardized score
sheet 2 contains a conversion table, using the actual age from sheet one you locate the age in the top row of table in sheet 2, and using the raw score from sheet 1 you locate the matching raw score from the first column of the table in sheet 2, going down and acrosss until you meet this gives you a standardised score
i want the standardized column in sheet one to fill by using a formula which looks at the table in sheet two locates the two values and returns the result.
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Feb 22, 2007
I did a data table yesterday and it worked. I tried again today and the results are incorrect. They are coming out as a constant (the same result as the original formula). Has anyone had this happen before and figured out how to fix? My spreadsheet is fairly complex. Does the data table formula need to refer to the "base" cells? For example, if the formula refers to cell F15, but in F15 the formula is +C15, does my data table formula need to use C15?
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Jan 9, 2014
I would like to be able to enter the data into the grey cells and then have the yellow cells auto generate a result. The only problem is that the required value in cell B5 is from when the entered value in B4 is looked up in the table, rounded UP to the next highest value and then the answer from the next cell.
So, if I enter in B4 a value of 500, a lookup is made in the table and the next highest value would be 553 with the correct answer shown in B5 being 13.
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Nov 27, 2011
I have a pivot table with a group # on the left, and team members on the right. There are multiple team members in each group, and each are on a separate line in the pivot table, like this:
Group #Team1chrisdawnsally2cassiechrisdawnkathysally3jimjoejohntomGrand Total
I need to find where "sally" is on the team (easy to do"), BUT I need to display the rest of the team members in the group with her, like this:
Group #Team1Sally, Chris, Dawn2Cassie, Kathy, Sally, Dawn, ChrisGrand Total
Using the concatanate function to put them all into one cell and then filtering for "contains" was all I could come up with, but there are 14,000 groups
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Jun 20, 2014
Please see attached workbook
At the moment when the workbook is opened the first time in the day emails are auto sent for any overdue items (all good)
1) there is a column with lead times in each sheet that should send a warning email when the lead time number of days
is reached( this sends the email but does not populate the table)?
Question how can i amend the code to either make the lead time populate the summary sheet or remove the lead time option
2) Also i have copied the template sheet over to add more shhets but the email table dont populate.
How should i be copying new sheets over?
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Apr 8, 2008
I wonder could anyone help me with a problem i'm having, I have a table showing a basic RSA algorithm in excel, for example,
M 13 2197 19 8893887173 13 M
N 14 2744 5 788125 14 N
etc etc,
How the numbers are derived isn't important, what i want to do is create a visual basic form, to allow a user to input a letter, for example M in a text box, click a button, and then the 5 related digits are shown.
So the user inputs M into a text box clicks a button, then 13, 2197, 19, 8893887173 and 13 is output to 5 other text boxes.
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Oct 2, 2012
I am currently using the following code below in the macros for filtering out a certain set of activities in fields LVL to be "0"
Dim PI As PivotItem
With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("Lvl")
.PivotItems("0").Visible = True
I now wish to filter lvl activities with pivot items " 0" and "1" as well.
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Aug 16, 2014
I need to set up a scroll table with filtering capability.
In the attached (see Dashboard tab) you will see two tables, the lower one titled "List of Punch Items" needs to be able to look in the "Punch" tab and return the respective column values based on the value selected in cell (Dashboard!B3).
For example, if module M103 in chosen in B3, the punch table should only pull data relevant to this module.
Secondly, I need to add a filtering option from the drop down list in cell B24 that will filter for the different categories (Column H in punch tab). The attached has an example of what it should look like.
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Jan 18, 2012
I'm working on pivot tables using excel macro. Basically , I need to filter out the year submitted according to the current year . I did this to filter out my pivot :
For Each PivItem In _
PT.PivotFields("Year Submitted").PivotItems
PivItem.Visible = True
Next PivItem
For Each PivItem In _
PT.PivotFields("Year Submitted").PivotItems
Select Case PivItem.Name
Case "2012"
But this can only filter out year 2012 . I need to use this workbook for the next couple of years and I dont want to keep modifying the codes .
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