I have the following sumproduct formula which looks in one column to search for a series of dates (greater than one date and less than another date). It then looks in column O to see if there are certain criteria if the date criteria is met. The problem is I have a lot of blank cells in column O which need to be captured.
how to make the data look like a table with three columns. Other than the date, it is space delimited. I have a tracking spreadsheet where Column A is populated with dates for the year. Column C contains daily values.
I don't always start entering daily values on the first day of the year, e.g., this year the first value in Column C corresponds to March 9. All values in Column C are contiguous - there are no blank cells until the value in Column A is greater than today's date code. I would like to use a formula (rather than VBA) to look down Column C and find the first non-blank entry where the value in Column A is less than or equal to today(). In this case, the formula should return the value for March 9, 2008.
March 1, 2008Saturday March 2, 2008Sunday March 3, 2008Monday March 4, 2008Tuesday March 5, 2008Wednesday ...................
This formula doesnt work but =SUM((DATA!$F$2:$F$25=A3)* DATA!$N$2:$N$25="N")*DATA!$J$2:$J$25) works. Thats because all the other cells higher than 25 have a reference to another cell. How to solve it? Maybe with SUMPRODUCT / ISBLANK? See attached file.
I have set up a formula to count the occurrences of multiple conditions in a table of data (see below..) the formula reads from 4 cells of criteria but I will not always use the 4 criteria and maybe only need to use say 2 criteria - when I do this my formula doesn't work - my example below shows this... How do I make the formula continue to work when some criteria cells don't have any entries?
This table is a simple example but my main work will have a much larger table (poss. several thousand rows) and probably about 10 criteria cells, so running a big formula with 10 nested IF statements will be too cumbersome... any smart workround for this within the SUMPRODUCT formula?
I've written a sumproduct formula, which does what I want it to do; but it returns a zero in false condition, instead of a blank. I've tried several things, but don't seem to be progressing very far. Here's the formula that I ended up with.
I have what I thought was going to be a simple function to create and, after a week of getting more error messages than I've had in a year, I'm ready to throw in the towel. Situation: There are two worksheets in the same workbook [Excel 2003]. One is for "Posting" details about technicians and their work orders. The other is a "Report" that summarizes the number of workorders open, closed, etc.
In the "Posting" sheet, I have created dynamic name ranges for two columns: Technician (4-digit text field) and InDate (date field that, if blank, means that the technician has not closed this work order. My ranges are set up like this:
So all I need to do is to total all the blank InDates for each Technician by employee number. I've tried COUNT to SUMPRODUCT. A co-worker got it to work with using...=SUMPRODUCT((ISBLANK(Posting!$D$2:$D$65307))*(Posting!$B$2:$B$65307=4288)) His solution was to list almost every available cell in each column. I just can't help but think that the dynamic name range should be able to work but I can't get it right. I think I'll choke if I get one more "N/A" or "VALUE! error.
I am using Excel 2010 and I am trying to average the amount of days in a month to a daily average per person in my worksheet.
Total sales per person A5 = 10 - This is the Grand total per person for column A A6 =4 A7=6
Daily average per person C5=2.6 - Average for all persons here C6=2.0 C7=3.0
The formula I am using is:
Which gives me an answer of 2.6 in cell C5 as shown above which is what I am wanting.
Please note that my cell range for my staff goes from 6-15 for both Column A and C where the other cells are blank in both columns.
My question is, If I was to clear all the data in both Columns A6:A15 and C:6:C15, cell C5 would return to a #VALUE. How to I change the formula so that if the cells were Blank, cell C5 would also be blank until I enter data for each person again?
I have a simple formula which subtracts one cell from another. I then have an if and statement which checks if that cell is equal to zero. If so, continue processing.
The problem is that the formula always reads the cell as not equal to zero although the result of the formula contained in the cell does result in zero.
I am new to using SUMIF. I successfully wrote a formula telling it to sum one column for each row in another column where it equal "Forecast*". Now, I want to write a formula that says to sum a column for everything in the other column that does not equal "Forecast*". I tried using , but either it did not work, or I did not use the right syntax.
I need a formula that looks at the total in H40 and if the number is between 32 and 40 I need it to return the number then if the number exceds forty I need to multiply the overage by 1.5 and add it to the 8 for a total of 11.
I can't modify my formula to leave blank cells blank when dragging it down, Also, I've got two formulas that i need to combine. Please view the comments I've put in cells E4, F2,F3,H2 and I2 to understand clearly what am seeking. See the attached worksheet.
I have three workers for which I am counting the data from using a countas formula. The cells are A1,B1,C1 and I want to highlight in another formula to the right if these three values do not equal each other, I have tried and if formula referencing each of the combinations of the compares however it does not work in the desired fashion.
I have one column that contains an If statement formula and would like the next column to then work off of the first column (i.e. if that 1st column returns a value then then adjacent column uses that result).
What is happening now is that it is returning #value (because I guess technically the cell isn't blank?)
how to set up an equation for an unknown variable in a formula equal to 0 (an Even-Money Probability Formula for Risk Arbitrage assessments).
The formula is as follows, where I am attempting to solve for Pe:
Pe=even money probability (placed in column B1 in Excel) EP=expected profit if deal closes (placed in column B2 in Excel) P2=probability of deal breaking up (=1-Pe) (placed in column B3 in Excel) EL=expected loss if deal breaks up (placed in column B4 in Excel)
So, once again, I am attempting to solve for Pe, or column B1
I would like to use IF function, to get the answer, if the mark is less than or equal to 20, the answer is AVERAGE, if the mark is between 21 and 25 the asnwer is GOOD, if the mark is between 26 and 30 the asnswe is VERY GOOD, if the mark is above 30 then the asnwer must be EXCELLENT.
I have two date columns, a start date and end date. Another columns tells me the number of days between these two columns. It may return 45 days which actually straddle 3 different months.
My aim is to identify between this date range how many days in Apr 14. Then in the next column howmany days in May 14 etc
So on the spreadsheet Id have 12 columns for each month of the year. in Apr 14 for each row between the given date range I want it to tell me how many days are actually in April. Id then copy that formula into the May 14 column.
Report I generate once a month that checks to see if tasks are done on or before their due date. Sometimes it works, and others it doesn't...
The basic formula is: [Code] .....
If they closed their task by or before the due date, the condition should be true and it should output "Compliant" beside their task. Otherwise their "Over Due".
The forumla works except when they close their task ON the due date. No matter how I tweak the forumla, it thinks the condition is false as if it cannot tell when the two dates match.
I'm trying to set a cell on one sheet to be equal to the product of two cells on another sheet. The problem is that one of the cells on the other page is dependent on the variable T. This is what I've got and it's giving me errors