Lookup In Another Sheet And Get Top Cell Data Of Matching Column
May 9, 2014
Private Sub GetColData()
Dim SrchRng As Range
Dim SrchVal As Range
And it is also possible by using Column Number to retrieve the data SrchTxt, which is in a cell in the Row, in which "Roy" is found. This Row in this example is Row 5. Column Number may be anything within the search Range. Column Number is 3 in this example.
In Sheet1 "Poet" is in C1. (SrchTxt)
How to retrieve data of the cell in Row 1 in the column where "Roy" is found?
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Jun 12, 2007
I have a very large spreadsheet of customer information(I call it the master spreadsheet). Each row contains only 3 things: Account number, product bought, Price
Later I receive the money from the customer for that product(the pay sheet) that contains the exact same thing in the same order: Account number, Product bought, Price paid.
What I'm trying to do is compare the two spreadsheets so that when i receive the pay sheet of cusomters who have paid with the amount it will deduct it from the master sheet.
So it should compare account numbers when it finds a match then it should subtract the amount paid (column C) from the master spreadheet price column(column C also).
sometimes customers don't pay the right price so it has to be a subtraction so I can see if it was over paied, underpaid etc.
Right now I'm still doing it manually combining the two documents sorting it by account number and checking for matches in column A (account number).
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Sep 21, 2013
I want to find the corresponding Disc Codes from a list and copy them in the DiscName column in the summary sheet. some lab names will have more than one Disc codes so when I run the macro it should bring up all the relevant Disc Codes matching with the Lab name to DiscName column.
Col 1 col 2 col 3 Lab name Disc Name(say abcd) xxxx yyyy zzzz ppppand
The list looks something like this.
Col 1 Col 2 Lab name Disc nameabcd xxxxxabcd yyyyyabcd zzzzzabcd pppppbcda
qqqqqbcda rrrrrbcda iiiiibcda jjjjjbcda kkkkk
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Apr 28, 2014
I am working with a spreadsheet that has our user data; User(First) Name, User(Last) name, Computer Name, MAC address, Phone Number, Seating Position and Network Port Number.
I have let this get horribly out of sync, moved computers around, and moved them while the MAC address column was hidden, As a result, I have a bunch of users listed as being at the wrong computer. I have a second spreadsheet I generated that gives me the logged in user for about 2/3 of my computers, with the computer name(Just 2 columns, 'A' and 'B'. I would like to have Excel match the computer name and then overwrite the user name. For example, if the first computer in my correct user list is DELL-99945ty2, and the user name is "Jimbo Jones", I would like it to search the first Excel doc(The one with all of the user data), and replace the user name with "Jimbo Jones". Is this simple and straightforward?
In my main spreadsheet, the user name is in column B and the computer name is in column G, So I want to use the values from Column B in my second document to find its match in Column G of the first spreadsheet, and then replace the data in Column B with Column A in the first spreadsheet.
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May 16, 2013
I'd like a formula that'll return the column header by matching a lookup value with a table in the second sheet.
eg: sheet 1
[Code] .......
The formula should match the name in A2, John, with value from the table in sheet 2 and return the correct region, this case North.
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Dec 13, 2013
I have two work sheets I'm using. Sheet1!A column contains a list of customer names like "Smith, John".
Sheet2!A contains the same list of name with additional information found in the row. For example, you will find "Smith, John" in Sheet2!A3 and John's phone number in Sheet2!B3
In Sheet1!B it to find the associated telephone number based on matching criteria from Sheet1!A and Sheet2!A
For example, Sheet2 has the following data.
[Code] ....
On Sheet1 I have the following names. You'll notice some of the names repeat.
[Code] ......
In column Sheet1!B I would like it to scan column A from sheet2 and display the data show in column B. So it would look like this-
[Code] ....
You'll notice some names repeat but it always displays the correct number from Sheet2.
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Apr 22, 2014
I have a sheet with Customer name in the first column and next 7 columns have unique serial numbers(alphanumeric) of the systems which that customer has purchased. In another sheet, i have the unique serial number in first column and I want to search this number in the 7 columns of other sheet and return the "Customer name" to this sheet. How do I do that ?
Vlookup searches only in 1 columns, so does match index. lookup didn't work as well.
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Feb 5, 2014
(File is attached here)
I am trying to work on Sheet 2(Details per person). I want to be able to display all items in a row that matches the 2 criteria (Skype ID and Date) and the items are based from Master Raw file which is in another sheet. I would like to just use index and match.
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Aug 19, 2006
see teh attached file, you can see on the file. Worksheet B of B62, I typed 15254", it col name "yarn count" and the product code you can see is Q921 at cell A62. Worksheet A, you can see F2 is Q921, col name is "product code". Now I just plugin a vlaue B62 ='15254' and I want it shows on worksheet A - G2 but remember it must match the product code of worksheetB - cellA62 'Q921' and worksheet A cell F2 'Q92' because next time user will plugin a number ie.1111 on B164; where product code of worksheet B - cell A164 must be match to worksheet A - cell F3, but it should show the value 1111 on cell G3.
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Oct 24, 2006
I am looking for a way to add cells to a master workbook from matching cells in various other workbooks. The master will have the complete list of store numbers. The other files will just show the store number that had returns. I need to add a new column to the master workbook for each of the other files. If that makes sense?? So the master report header row will have: storeno,storename,3-1-06,3-15-06,4-1-06,4-15-06, etc..... Then column a will be a listing of the store number 1 -200.
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May 2, 2014
how to figure it out this lookup problem (lookup using partial string of match)...
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Sep 14, 2006
I'm trying to compare 3 different worksheet in the same workbook and copying the unmatched values into a new worksheet. find the attached file. In the sample file, am comparing sheet1, sheet2 and sheet 3 with sheet1 as the base. the columns mite differ in their location but the column headers are same.. The difference, bolded cell, should be copied along with the header and the code, into a new file and has to be saved...
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Jan 21, 2008
i have 2 sheets in my excel workbook. in my second workbook i have the values as follows
ss 10
yy 20
zz 30
so in my first sheet values:
in my first sheet X range i have list which consists ss,yy,zz
so i f choose ss from the list it has to check the valu for ss in sheet2 and has to fetch 10 and display in Y range
my excepcted output:
ss 10
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May 15, 2009
I have a need to match a reference cell to a list of cells. How do I get it to match the exact contents of the reference cell, not just whichever is closest?
I'm attaching the sheet, it's important that the contents of A13 match a string in the AG column exactly or return a null or "none" or whatever.
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May 26, 2009
I have an items list on page 2. On page 1 I want to create a drop down menu in C2 that references the list on page 2. Then when I choose an item, I want the additional information in cells D2 and E2 to come in automatically. The list on page 2 will be expanding daily, and when I expand it I can simply insert a new row so I correctly alphabatize it instead of constantly having to resort it.
With that said....
1. How do you put in the drop down box that references information on a different sheet?
2. What is the best way to reference the information in my ever expanding situation: Index/Match, Vlookup, Lookup, or something I havent mentioned?
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Mar 28, 2012
I m trying to match the values based on the Coulumn B
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Jun 13, 2013
I am trying to move info from an unformatted sheet to a sheet ready to import into a program. I need to look at the source sheet and if a column heading matches the heading on the destination sheet I need it to move the entire column to the destination sheet.
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Jul 23, 2012
I have 2 workbooks in Excel 2010, each contain just 1 sheet. (see attached) I need to compare on sheet 1, cell D1 and column A:A (this column will be much longer), with the data in columns C:C & A:A on sheet 2, if a corresponding match is found, the data contained in column D on the same row on sheet 2 is written to the cell with the matching data in sheet 1.
My attempt is in cell D2 on sheet1.
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Jul 5, 2007
i have is that i want to use data from specific work sheets in another generic sheet, i have a list of names in the generic sheet and a lot of sheets titled by peoples names, i want excel to search for a sheet whose name corrisponds to the name in a cell on the generic sheet and copy from that individuals sheet a specific cell and put it in the generic sheet.
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Jun 1, 2008
i'm trying to create a macro to find any value <> "" from COLUMN B then copy Bx;Cx;Dx and paste into another worksheet with the name of COLUMN A.
And when the cells Cx or Dx is empty should appear 0 into the other worksheet
for example.
sheet1 ..... cell("dx") is empty
a b c d
w 5 3
the macro would copy 5,3,0 and paste into sheet named "w".
i found this code on internet but it's not quite good for me because it copies the hole row. i tried everything to change that but i couldn't.
Sub SearchForString()
Dim LSearchRow As Integer
Dim LCopyToRow As Integer
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May 5, 2009
Now that the calculations are working, with the press of a button, I need to be able to select a range of dates and copy all lines within the range to a seperate sheet with the desired name under the same headings they currently reside under. I have included some modified code that is being used in another spreadsheet that was created for me, but I do not pretent to understand all of it and I no longer work with the creator of the spreadsheet. How do I use a button to open the form for date selections and entering the name of the new sheet, and then use the start button on the form to begin the matching and copying to a new sheet? If there is an easier way I am all for that too.
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Dec 20, 2013
I have created two sheets: "Roles to Courses" and "Datasheet". I have attached the zip db for review - its only 314k. I need to search the Datasheet in columns N, P for values from the Roles to Courses sheet (Business Role - SAP ECC) column A and find a match in the Datasheet. When a match is found, I need the B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K columns that contains the values of the classes from the Roles to Courses sht, to be added to the field called "Training Courses" in the Datasheet.
I started a macro but wasn't sure enough to complete the commands.
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Sep 28, 2012
When you run the below macro from my orders.xls file it opens my template.xls file and writes data to specific locations and saves the file as the order number from my original file orders.xls. Now for single item orders which are located on the 2nd row there is no problem, but for multiple item orders which each item is on its own row it overwrites the first order because the order number is the same.
Here is the macro and in comments is an example of what I'm trying to accomplish.
Sub PackingLists4Protocol()
' Protocol flatfile ProtocolOrders.xls translated and creates files named by order number
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+P
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Oct 3, 2007
Creating a formula to match two columns (D & H) and if there's a match, I wnat it to produce the value that's in column E, in column J (where the fomula will go).
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Jan 17, 2014
I'm not sure if this is best handled in the Formulas & Functions section or elsewhere, but this is my best guess. I have a spreadsheet used for tracking hardware issues with data in two worksheets:
1. PageCount
Column 1: Date
Column 2: Serial#
Column 3: PageCount
2. Tickets
Column 1: Date
Column 2: Serial#
Column 3: TicketNumber
What I'm trying to do is find a way to extract from those two sheets the date, serial number, page count, and ticket number where the date / serial # are the same and dump this to a new sheet. I've thought that I may need to concatenate the date / serial number together into a single cell or something, but I'm really at a loss as to how to pull this data. Part of me thinks this should be done in SQL, not a spreadsheet, but that's how our reports are produced.
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Feb 7, 2014
I have a DATA sheet that is all of the information reported on a monthly basis. This format will never change, but the data will. I have a second sheet called MMUSAGE.
On the MMUSAGE tab, I have identified which headers (in red) from the DATA tab that correspond with the headers in the MMUSAGE tab. Question is: how do I move the data from the DATA tab over to the MMUSAGE tab under the appropriate headers?
Example: IF Product Number on Worksheet(DATA) = Product Code on Worksheet(MMUSAGE) then move all data to Column L.
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Aug 27, 2012
I am trying to paste data from one sheet to another using their string but not getting the logic.
below is the example for the same.
Sheet1 - data source
Sheet2 - Data needs to be pasted
Value contains in Column B and C for ABC & DEF should replaced by the values in Sheet1
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May 23, 2014
I am trying to build a staff roster. The staff rotate over a 4 week cycle. the name of the staff member, and their shift needs to be looked up from the key then matched with the particular week. the name and shift then need to populate specific cells.
I have attached the worksheet so you can see what i am trying to achieve.
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Jul 22, 2014
I want to be able to paste the large amount of data I get each day into the first sheet in my workbook ("data dump" sheet), the data will be formatted in the way i have used in the example workbook.
I then would like to be able to just have to enter 2 values into columns A and B of "1st output" sheet (Label in A, and Item in B), then have it look up the data that corresponds to those 2 values that are both in the same row in the "data dump" sheet, and have it copy and paste all of the relevant data in that row into the row in the "1st output" sheet.
The data I would want excel to find and place for me in the first sheet is highlighted in yellow
As a way of keeping track of this every day, I then need the data from the "1st output" sheet, to be fed into the "2nd output" sheet. This sheet would have all of the peoples' names already in it, but would just need to look in the "1st output" sheet for references to these names. If one of the names pops up, I'd need the date shown in the row of that instance to be placed after their name. This will allow me to keep a log of how many times their name gets flagged up, as well as the dates on which it happens. Again, the data I'd need excel to look up in the "2nd output" sheet is highlighted in yellow.
If there was a way of having the 2nd sheet add new names it finds on the 1st output sheet, that aren't already referenced on the 2nd output sheet in column A, that would be amazingly handy if it could then enter that name into column A and start a new row for them
Example file :
Attachment 334122
Alternative link [URL]
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Jan 28, 2009
In my workbook I have multiple sheets but I'm attaching a very simple workbook to demonstrate what I'm trying to accomplish. In my "Lookup" tab/sheet. I want to have known Latitude and Longitude data that will exist in columns A&B. Columns C & D will have address numbers and Street Name. I would like my lookup formula to find the longitude and latitude data from my "lookup" sheet, when the matching address information is typed in, in my 2009 sheet. I have to keep the street numerics and street name separate on this worksheet as well. I believe I'll need two separate lookup formulas as I need these formulas to start in cell G4 & H4 in my "GeoCoding1" sheet. Is it possible to have four columns of data to be viewed in a lookup formula? I tried this formula in cell G4 (GeoCoding1 sheet)
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