Feb 18, 2004
I need to do an hour calculation on two cells which have dates and times in both. the first cell is a call that we get from a customer and the second is the date and time in which that call is closed by us...meaning that call is complete.
I need to calculate how much time in hours did it take us to complete that call for the customer. I need this calculation to respect our business hours of Monday to Friday 8am-5pm and closed on Saturdays and Sundays.
here are some examples.
from - 2/12/2004 13:00 (thursday)
to - 2/13/2004 9:00 (friday)
answer should be 5 hours
from - 2/13/2004 14:00 (friday)
to - 2/16/2004 10:00 (monday)
answer should be 5 hours
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Mar 31, 2009
I am using the following formula to calculate business hours.
The business hours considered here is 8AM - 5PM, Start time in R9 and End time in T9. Now the problem is its calculating the correct value when the days are same, for e.g.,
Condition 1
When I am giving "31 March 2009 15:00:00" as start time (R9) and "31 March 2009 23:00:00" in end time (T9), I am getting the correct value. i.e, "2:00:00"
Condition 2
While giving "31 March 2009 16:00:00" as start time and "01 April 2009 09:00:00" as end time I am getting a value of "1:00:00", actually the value should be "3:00:00".
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Jan 29, 2014
I want to calculate the time in hours between to dates excluding non-working hours and sundays and holidays.
My office timings: 10:00am to 05:30pm Saturday is working day. Only sundays and holidays to be excluded.
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Jul 23, 2007
What calculation would I enter in a results cell if I wanted to find the delta between 2 times in date format that repersent just the business hours of 8am-5pm, therefore excluding after hours and weekends.
Date 1 Date 2 Result Time
23/07/07 8:00 24/07/07 14:55 15:55
So far I can't get the caluclation that will compensate for the after hours and week ends.
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Apr 4, 2013
find a formula that will calculate the hours between the two below values but only take in to consideration the business hours (from 9 to 17) and exclude any weekends?
08/03/2013 13:32:00
02/04/2013 09:32:50
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Apr 23, 2008
I use this formula at work to calculate business hours from Mon-Fri:
where Q3= business start time 8.30am
where Q2= business end time 5.30pm
thus the difference between 18-Apr-08 16:30 and 21-Apr-08 13:30 is 6 hours.
I now need to adapt this formula for another Department that also works on Saturday from 8.30am to 5.30pm.
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Dec 4, 2008
I am not able to calculate TAT(Turn around Time) between two dates without taking Off days. Plz help me on this.. File is attatched as per example..
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Aug 18, 2013
I have the following formula in a cell
its works off of cells A2 for the start date and cell B2 for the end date and works perfect
I want to use this in code to automatically count business days for all rows. I have tried the following
Dim ressfp,a4,a5
a4 = Worksheets("Master").Range("O" & b).Value 'target comp date
a5 = Worksheets("Master").Range("P" & b).Value 'actual comp date
ressfp =NETWORKDAYS(a4,a5)-(MOD(a4,1)>=MOD(a5,1))
I get an error on the word MOD saying compile error syntax error but cant work out why
i have tried replacing the networkdays formula with the following
but this gives the error that the curly brackets are invalid characters.
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Dec 18, 2009
I want to write a macro to add business hours to a datetime value, excluding weekends, non-working hours and holidays.
e.g., I have a value (datetime) of "18/12/2009 11:30:00 AM", I want to add 10 hours to this, so as to get the result as "19/12/2009 12:30:00 PM".
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Jan 9, 2014
computing the number of business hours between 2 dates.
Given the following information:
- Business Hours: 8am -5pm (8:00-17:00)
- Business Days: Mon-Fri
- if entry queued falls on a weekend or beyond the business hours, it should count the first hour on the next business hour.
Example: scenario 1 = Starts Sunday, 10am and Ends Monday 9am; count of hours should be 1
scenario 2 = starts on Monday 6pm and ends on Tuesday 10am; count of hours should be 2
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Mar 19, 2007
i work dispatch at a company and we're trying to track how long it takes for a technician to arrive on-site. my worksheet currently includes the date of call-in (E1) , time of call-in (F1), Service Date (G1), Service Time (H1), among many other field. the easy solution is to use the formula (G1+H1)-(E1+F1), and use the answer as the total amount of time, but the problem is if a customer call in at 3:00 PM and we service them at 9:00 AM the following day, it looks like it took 18 hours to arrive on-site, when in reality, since we close at 5:00 PM and open at 9:00 AM, we only took 2 hours to arrive on-site. is there any formula i can write to account for non-business hours and weekends, or is this a bit above what i should expect from excel?
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Apr 12, 2012
I'm trying to find a formula for calculating the number of business hours a service request may be open; this request may have been opened and even closed outside of business hours. I found a formula that appears to be working:
=(NETWORKDAYS(StartDate&TimeCell,StopDate&TimeCell,holidays)-1)*(CloseTimeColumnLetter$CloseTimeRowNumber-OpenTimeColumnLetter$OpenTimeRowNumber)+IF(NETWORKDAYS(StopDate&TimeCell,StopDate&TimeCell,holidays),MEDIAN(MOD(StopDate&TimeCell,1),CloseTimeColumnLetter$CloseTimeRowNumber, OpenTimeColumnLetter$OpenTimeRowNumber),CloseTimeColumnLetter$CloseTimeRowNumber)-MEDIAN(NETWORKDAYS(StartDate&TimeCell,StartDate&TimeCell,holidays)*MOD(StartDate&TimeCell,1),
CloseTimeColumnLetter$CloseTimeRowNumber, OpenTimeColumnLetter$OpenTimeRowNumber)
What I don't know is HOW it works, I don't know what any of those formula's mean (with the exception of NETWORKDAYS). I'm trying to "show my work".
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Dec 24, 2012
Where i want add Business Hours/Days to get the Target Date.
Working hours: 8:00 AM to 19:00 PM
Urgency Type:
ND (Maximum 1 Day 11 hours)
3D (Maximum 3 Day 11 hours)
4D (Maximum 4 Day 11 hours)
5D (Maximum 5 Day 11 hours)
Threshhold - 16:30 PM
Weekends to be Excluded.
Holidays to be Excluded based on Country. Say I have 2 countries India and America, where America has holiday on 12/24/2012 but India does not have holiday on that Day. Hence while calculating Tgt date, India should be calculated normally, for America holiday date need to excluded(There will be a Holiday table based on the countries, not limited to 2 countries).
ex: 1) A ticket opened at 12/26/2012 8:56 AM; Target date will be 12/26/2012 19:00, in this case its 1 day 10:04 hours added to the Opened Time.
2) A ticket opened at 12/26/2012 16:56 PM; Target date will be 12/29/2012 19:00, in this case ticket opened after threshold time of 16:30, Technically ticket should start from next day i.e 12/28/2012 8:00 AM and 1 day 11 hours added to this date.
3) A ticket opened at 12/26/2012 7:56 AM(Before the begin of Working hours); Target date will be 12/26/2012 19:00, in this case its 1 day 11:00 hours added to the Opened Time.
4) A ticket opened at 12/21/2012 17:56 PM(After Threshold time); Target date will be 12/24/2012 19:00, in this case its 1 day 11:00 hours added to the Opened Time. If the above ticket belonged to America, then holiday dates(both 24 & 25) need to be skipped and Tgt date will be 12/27/2012 19:00.
Here is the Sample Data
Start Date/ Time
Tgt Date/Time
Expected Tgt Date/ Time
12/21/2012 18:20
I need results to be appear in the "Tgt Date/Time" column. I have also provided results in "Expected Tgt Date/ Time".
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Jun 26, 2008
I am trying to subtract 12 business hours from a date/time stamp. It has to be during working hours however which are 8AM - 5PM, Monday-Friday.
For example if my value is 6/23/2008 9AM
Subtracting 12 business hours would give me 6/19/2008 3PM.
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Dec 8, 2007
I've being trying t calculate an excel formula to work out a order turnaround time based on opening hours.
Example: The store is open from 8 am to 6pm monday to friday, I need to get a formula to work out how long it took from the time the order was logged until it was completed, during the course of the working day - this works fine but if the order was received on 06/12/07 at 5:20 pm then was finally completed by 7/12/07 at 11:55 the next day I need to figure out how to take into consideration of non working hours during that time. (time from 6pm to 8 am next day
example 2 - if order was sent on the 06/12/07 at 01:30pm and completed at 06/12/07 4:30 then I know its taken 3 hours to complete
example 3 - if the order was sent on the 06/12/07 at 5pm and completed next day at 07/12/07 at 10am - then I know it took 3 hours to complete
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Jan 11, 2014
I have to fill in data in excel sheets and I am using VLOOKUP. The sheet has upto column AF and 1048500 rows. I have copied the data table (table array used for the vlookup) after column AF and the data table has about 70000 rows. One formula is to be filled in column AF and another in column AG. Filling in the formula is taking up to 3 hours for a column!! how i can improve the processing speed without breaking the file into smaller files? There are no other formulae in the sheet - i've replaced all formulae with values.
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Jun 6, 2012
I have a requirement of calculating time spent on ticket, basically a difference between the time a ticket was logged and when it was resolved.
First, working days are Saturday through Wednesday, i.e weekends are Thursday & Friday.
Second, there are different resolver groups or teams which work on a ticket. These teams have different working hours, some work from 07:30 to 15:30 on weekdays, and others work 24/7. Each ticket will be assigned only to one resolver group.I also need to consider holidays.
So, my requirement is to check the resolver group for each ticket, and decide the working hours based on it. After this check has to be done for holidays, and then difference between logged time and resolved time needs to caluculated in minutes.
Tickets can be logged at any time of the day / week, it may not always be logged during working hours only. in such cases calculate should consider next business day / hour as the start time.
Raw data for tickets is available in =Sheet1!$A$1:$E$21
Ticket NoResolver GroupLogged DateResolved DateTime Spent123456
Team A5/21/2012 1:56:28 PM5/29/2012 2:10:53 PM343543Team B5/21/2012 9:31:02 PM5/27/2012 3:41:22 PM853732
Team C5/22/2012 2:28:06 PM5/26/2012 2:34:31 PM
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Jun 18, 2014
I have tried to make a sheet which has
Resource, Task, Rate (I'd like this to be on another sheet, as there is a lot of repetition) Also, right now the columns for hours are based on weeks, but i'd like to do it by days and then collapse by weeks, and months and get totals by weeks and months too. Then, I'd like to multiply the rate by the hours to find the total number of hours, however the way it is done right now is not very intelligent and very time consuming when creating the formula, which looks something like this :
what can be done to make this a bit better?
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Jul 3, 2014
I'm trying to make a way to track if I've worked more or less than the 39 hours/week I'm paid for. At the end of each week, I have a total of how many hours and minutes that I've worked .
On column C I have what I should work.
On column D I have what I did actually work
On column E I'd like to convert automatically Columd D to minutes for calculation purposes
Column F to know if I worked more or less than what I should've subtracting C and E
Column G to have an ongoing tally to know if I need to work more or less
Column H and I could probably be the same thing. Ideally what I'd like is to have a formula pull the information from column G and put it into workdays, hours, and minutes with 1 workday being 7 hours and 48 minutes.
Since I tend to work too much, I'd like to know if I've worked 3 days too much during 1 month, I can take 3 days off the next month to get everything zeroed back to where I don't owe the company anything and vice versa.
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Oct 22, 2008
I need to calculate below hours
The answer suppors to be 37:30 Hours but its showing total diffrent value. i used sum(E1:E5) Excel formula, but its not working.
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Dec 2, 2008
I am trying to create a spreadsheet that auto calculates my emp. time.
However I do not want to use military time. I can get it to work by =a2-a1 but only if it is 8.5 and 17.5. Any ideas how I can do clock in 8:30 clock out 4:30 = 8 hours?
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Jan 22, 2010
I have enclosed a sheet with the dilemma i currently face.
Ive tried multiple variations on a solution none of which have been 100% accurate.
Basically the work day is split into 3 shifts :
Days ( 06:00 - 14:00 )
Afters (14:00 - 22:00 )
Nights ( 22:00 - 06:00 )
I have a report which tells me the total time the colleague will be getting paid for and there
clock in and out times.
I need to determine which shift bracket there hours fall into based on the time bands.
Ie :
David worked 8 hours , started at 10:00 finished at 18:10 , so thats 4 hours recorded in days and 4 in afters since he worked across both shifts. the 10 minutes is not being paid so it doesn't need to be recorded.
the sheet should explain things better.
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Feb 5, 2013
I am trying to figure out the calculation of cycle time from my worksheet. I have 1419 hrs equals 59 days 03 hrs.
If A2=1419
I tried this formula
=INT(A2/24)&" days " &MOD(A2,24)&" hrs"
Which gave me an answer of 59 days 3 hrs.
I was wondering how they got "03 hrs"?
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Jan 22, 2010
One of my administrative duties is to keep a record of all of the flying-hours completed by a group of twenty pilots. I've constructed a spreadsheet and entered all of their flying records into it.
At the head of each column I have the date, aircraft type, registration number, pilot name, co-pilot name, other crew name, day flying, night flying, solo, dual, total captain hours, etc.
Whilst that I've completed the easy part of this project and that I can transfer each individual pilots flying-hours into his own seperate logbook (by filtering and copy/pasting into another worksheet), there are three other reports that I'm required to provide:
1. To be able to list the number of flying-hours completed during the previous 7 days (for each individual pilot).
2. To be able to list the number of flying-hours completed during the previous 30 days (for each individual pilot).
3. To be able to list the number of flying-hours completed during the previous 90 days (for each individual pilot).
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Mar 9, 2006
I am trying to work out the minutes elapsed for a call monitoring
system. The hours monitored are between 05:30 and 19:00 - so if a call
gets logged outside of these hours then the minutes calculated will be
calculated from 05:30 the same day if logged on or after midnight or
05:30 the next day if logged before midnight (ie the next 05:30).
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Sep 29, 2012
I would like to write a macro that can return the number of hours worked during the night shift.
In this case, the night shift starts at 21:00pm and ends at 6:am next day.
The column "I2" returns the number of hours worked during the day - formula ((F3-C3+(F3<C3))-(E3-D3+(E3<C3)))*24);
The column "J2" gives the overtime hours taking into account the number of regular hours allowed - IF(OR(I3="",I3<6),"",IF(I3>H3,"",I3-H3));
Cells "C3:F13" allows users to set up (using a data validation list) starting time, lunch in, lunch out, end time ( columns C and D AM; E and F PM);
My question is: How can I calculate night hours in column K, without having conflits with numbers returned in column I (worked hours)? Is it possible to write a macro for this?
Below please see the table:
Start Time
Lunch In
Lunch Out
End time
Regular hours
Worked Hours
Night Shift
[Code] ......
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Jun 22, 2009
I am trying to build a spreadsheet to calculate how many hours have elapsed between to entries; start time (H10) e.g. 9:15 AM and end time (I10) e.g. 12:15 PM. The formula that I am using in the calculation cell field (J10) is (I10-H10+(I10<H10))*24. This formula works great till I wish to include in an IF statement. What I would like is if the total hours calculated with the formula (I10-H10+(I10<H10))*24 is less than 4, return 4 (hours) otherwise the value. As well if there is no start time nor end time entered then return zero.
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Jan 7, 2012
For the past month now, I'm trying to calculate some work hours (night hours actually), based on a reference.
Let me show you the table:
- Column A has all of the schedules of the employees
- Column B has the numbers of hours for each schedule (all have 8.5 hours/day)
- Column C has the reference for the night hours.
Now what I'm trying to do, is to find a formula that will calculate the numbers of the night hours using the reference in Column C
Row 23 in that table has an example of what I'm looking for.
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Aug 4, 2013
My overtime pays is anything exceed over 8 hours per day or over 40 hours per week. Right now I can only calculate overtime by either over 8 hr/day or over 40 hr/ week. I need a way to combine both.
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Mar 25, 2014
formula that will compute contract amounts that are paying out for a given month, depending on what is listed as the contract renew date and how often the contract renews.
Assume the contract date is in C1, contract renew date is in C2, Contract term is a drop down menu in C3 that has two options of text, 6 Months or 12 Months. C4 gives the contract amount. There are then dollar amounts in C5 and C6 that are only taken into consideration if they are $0.00. In B1 will be the run date or the date I want to pull my info for.
I basically need a formula in C7 that will return the contract amount from C4 taking into account these conditions: If there is a dollar amount in either C5 or C6, return "$0.00" in C7. But if C5 and C6 are both zero, than: If C3 = "12 Months" and B1 is in the same month as C2 (I don't want it to take into account the year of day of the date), than return the amount listed in C4 in cell C7. Or if C3 = "6 Months", and B1 is in the same month as C2 or if B1 is 6 months ahead of the month listed in C2 (again not taking into account the day or year), than return the amount in C4 in cell C7. So basically if the contract amount in C4 was $100, and B1 3/1/2014 and the contract renew date is C2 is 9/15/2013, I still want $100 to appear in C7, even though there is only technically 5 and a half months in between the dates of 9/15/2013 and 3/1/2014. I want it to look at these dates and add six months to the month of September and then look at cell B1 and as long as that date is a date in March, return the contract amount in cell C7. I also want $100 to appear in C7 if the date in B1 was a September date. In the situation where C3 is set to 12 months, if C2 is a September date than $100 will only appear in C7 if B1 is also a September date.
And one last thing, I'm going to somewhat withdraw my request that the year shouldn't be taken into account. This is only partially true. It just occurred to me that the $100 should only appear provided the date in B1 is in the same year or in a subsequent year AFTER the year of the contract renew date in C2. So for instance if, C2 is 9/15/2013 and I put in 03/01/2013 in B1, it should NOT calculate the $100 in C7 since the contract technically would not have renewed in March of '13 as it didn't exist until Sept of '13.
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