Subtotal With Condition (only Count Values Greater Than Zero When Data Is Filtered)

Oct 24, 2007

=SUBTOTAL(2,A2:A100) can be used in combination with any other formula so that when the data is filtered using autofilter it will only count values greater than zero.

I have attached a worksheet with the example.

In the attached workbook subtotal formulas are used in Row1 for sum and row 2 for count.
When the data is filtered using code "DUP" in column D, the subtotal in cell C2 is "4", whereas in the specified range there is a positive value in only 1 cell that is $1050 in cell C99.

Is there some combination that can be used with SUBTOTAL formula so that it will only count values greater than zero when data is filtered.

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Count Filtered Value If Greater Than 0?

Apr 11, 2014

I count D5:D54 filter data but i want count only when value is greater then 0(zero)


I Mean:

d5 = 0 don't count
d6 = 0 don't count
d7 = 0 don't count

if d5:d54 has value greater then 0 then count...

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Count Data/Values Greater Than Zero

Sep 7, 2006

I have a spreadsheet that contains dates in column A and numbers in column B. For some dates I do not have data available but I must include all of the dates, so a date with no data available has a 0 in column B. I need to come up with a way to average the total of my data with the total number of weeks with data (ones without a 0) that will recalculate everytime I add new data. How do I write a function that will check column B for a number greater than 0 and then based on that result either count or ignore column A, and then total the number of times A is counted?

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Count Unique Values Based On Duplicate Status In Another Column On Filtered Data

Mar 5, 2014

I am able to quite easily count the number of specific values in a cell after the table has been filtered. However, the problem I have run into is that some times the data needs to be placed into the spreadsheet twice (or to be more specific the same subject is associated with several unique data points).

What I need: some way to count the instance of some give value in column D only once based on the presence of a duplicate (unique) identifier in column C. However, when I filter the entire database, it must count *only* the filtered cells and not the hidden cells as well.

Column C Column D
111111 M
111111 M
111111 M


Currently calculates: M=9, F=2

Right now it incorrectly states there are 9 "M" from column D when it really should be 5 since 3 are duplicate values. My main difficulty is making sure this continues to work after I filter the entire sheet (say column ZZ) and have a bunch of hidden cells.

Equation currently using to count only filtered values (in this case "males" and "females"):
="M = " & SUMPRODUCT(SUBTOTAL(3,OFFSET(D3:D13,ROW(D3:D13)-MIN(ROW(D3:D13)),,1))*(D3:D13="M"))

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Count Cells Containing Dates (greater Than 2014) Based On Filtered Cells

Jun 24, 2014

I have spreadsheet with different 100s of columns of dates with 600 rows. The first row identifies which zone the data belongs to (North, South, East, West. NE, SW, SW1, etc...)

I want to write a formula to check how many dates in each column fall in 2015 or later years; This can be accomplished by writing a countifs formula.

Where it gets complicated is once i filter on the Zones;

I want the formula to give me the desired result - count of all CELLS where the year is 2015 or greater - WITH FILTERS ON.

I stumbled upon following sumproduct formula that gives count for visible cells, however when i apply the date criteria, i get incorrect result -


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How To Subtotal Data In Filtered Data

Nov 13, 2008

how to subtotal data in filtered data. Here's my issue, I have to filter a huge range of data based on account type, then within that account type, I need to subtotal data for a select number of departments where the departments I need to subtotal all start with the letter d. I can't figure out how to create this type of subtotal on filtered data.

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Subtotal Condition: Count For The "YES" Only

Aug 13, 2009

I have a column that contain YES and NO, I just want a count for the "YES" only.... is subtotal condition the best option to use if so how?

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VBA - How To Count Values In Filtered Cells

Aug 16, 2012

How do I count values in filtered cells?

After I filter for values in Columns(C), I want to count values in Columns(D). When I filter data, I noticed I can manually select the filtered cell range (i.e. Columns(D)) and at the bottom in the Status Bar it will give the correct count. If I cursor over that status bar count it will display "Number of selected cells that contain data." However, I cannot seem to figure out how to get vba to select just the filtered cells selected in that range and count them only and correctly... it instead counts all the values to the last cell in the filtered range.

For example
1) let's say I have a Range("D1:D120') and there are 20 cells containing data in that range.

2) I filter Columns(C) resulting in 10 rows and the rows are 2, 3, 20, 22, 27, 30, 37, 41, 56, 60. Of those 10 rows, there are only 2 cells containing data (let's say cell D20 and cell D37).

3) Now in reality, cells in Range("D2:D60") actually contain 10 cells with values, but since we filtered on columns(C) values... Columns(D) only shows 2 values.

...... here is my problem:
4) If I manually select the filtered range, the status bar "Count" value will correctly sum as "2." But if I code VBA or even "Record a macro code" (obviously incorreclty on my part), it will return a value of 10 for the range of D2:D60 and not on the visible filtered value which is "2."

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Count Values Greater Than Zero

Dec 10, 2008

I want to look to a range and if there is a value greater than zero I want to count it. I keep going round in circles trying to do this and now I give up.

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Count Unique Values In A Filtered Column

Dec 29, 2008

I need to count the number of unique names from a column of filtered text. On the attached example D5 is where I need the value, the current array I have does not work when the filter is applied by changing the product in drop box. I need to have a count of the unique account names from column A.

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Count Values Greater Than Or Equal To Zero

Dec 2, 2009

How can I count the number of cells in a range that contain values that are greater than or equal to zero?

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COUNTIF To Count The Values In A Range Which Are Greater Than 0

Aug 15, 2006

How can I use COUNTIF to count the values in a range which are greater than 0?

I put =COUNTIF(B2:B100000)>0 but that didn't work?

(I'm using XL 2007 hence the range greater than 65000 rows. But I don't
think COUNTIFs syntax has been changed in 2007 so I assume I'm having a brain

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Count Events Between Specific Dates And Having Adjacent Values Greater Than 0

Dec 28, 2013

I have a yearly running log (attached). At the bottom in cell [B88] I would like to develop a formula that gives me the number of times I ran in that specific month. Dates are in Column A and running distances are in Column B. If a distance is zero, I don't want to count it. I have attempted to solve this using the =COUNTIFS formula, but I am not able to structure it properly. Maybe =COUNTIFS is not what I should be using.

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No SMALL And LARGE With SUBTOTAL On Filtered List?

Oct 17, 2011

I have sales data in columns, the right most column has values in it.

If I filter the data using the standard Filter, I can add only filtered records by using SUBTOTAL(9, filtered_list) and this gives me the answer.

How can I find the 2nd largest or second smallest ONLY from the filtered data without using a Pivot table?

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Excel 2010 :: CountIf And SubTotal - Filtered Results

Jan 5, 2014

Excel 2010 windows 8

I am in need of a formula to count filtered results. On Sheet1 (Job Flow) the user enters data continually . The most important is the Date in column D some measurements in columns N,O & P that gives a result as a code, example s15020 or c3005 in column Q. A vlookup is then pulls up a price for the code.

On sheet two Column A There is a list of all the codes. I need a formula that will give a count in column B for the amount of codes that was entered in to the data base "sold" for a date filtered time period, be it a week, month or year. In other words the codes in ,column A sheet 2, should reflect the amount of units for the time filter on page1.

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Subtotal On Filtered Row That Has Comma Separated Text In Column

Apr 20, 2012

I have a column A1 that consists of a range of values separated by a comma.

row 1:value 1, value 2, value 3, value 4
row2: value1, value 4
Row 3: value 2, value3

I want to get the unique counts for each value in the filtered list. This one field is not filtered but the others in the table are so I only want the counts of value 1-4 when the entire list is filtered.

I have been able to accomplish this with individual values using the following formula:

=SUMPRODUCT(SUBTOTAL(3,OFFSET('1. Respondents'!$C$7:$C$39312,ROW
('1. Respondents'!$C$7:$C$39312)-MIN(ROW('1. Respondents'!$C$7:$C$39312)),,1)),
--('1. Respondents'!$C$7:$C$39312=C4))

This works great other than the fact that I need to count total values of the column in an array.

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Multiple Criteria And SUMPRODUCT (count The Number Of Rows That Have Values Greater Than 10/01/2008 In Either Of Two Fields)

Jan 23, 2009

I am trying to count the number of rows that have values greater than 10/01/2008 in either of two fields. I tried following formula but instead of giving total number of rows, it returns a random date.

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Count Consecutive Values By Condition

Jan 26, 2010

I have a spreadsheet with employees performance results for the last 12 months. Column A contains name, columns B to M contain text "Gold", "silver" or "bronze". I need to count how many consecutive months thay have achieved "Gold" status BUT must include latest month.

So, if column M contains "silver" or "bronze", the consecutive answer (column N) would be 0. If col M = "Gold" but L doesn't then N = 1. If M and L = "Gold" then N = 2 etc etc.

Is there a formula I can use in column N for this without doing 12 "if" functions?
I think this needs to be an array formula but the ones I've tried I can't get to work.

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Count Unique Values Depending On Condition?

Jun 17, 2012

I'm looking to get a formula to counting unique values listed in a column depending on a condition also find the attached file for more details


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Count Unique Values With Additional Condition?

Aug 13, 2012

I need to count the amount of unique values in a range, but only count unique values that also have a seperate condition. To illustrate with the 2 column dataset below....

Colour Letter
Yellow A
Yellow A
Green B
Yellow B
Blue A
Blue A
Yellow C

For this set of data i want 3 seperate cells for each 'Letter' telling me that, for 'A', the answer is 2 unique values (i.e. Yellow and Blue). For 'B' there is also 2 unique values (i.e. Green and Yellow) and finally for 'C' there is just 1 unique value (i.e. yellow).

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Count In Filtered List And Display Results In Table On Right Of Data

Aug 26, 2009

I have a long list of delegates attending functions on different dates and need help with 2 problems:

A) List has filters by date/venue etc but I will want the table to be visible even when list is filtered.

B) I am using the following formula to count "=SUMPRODUCT(--($E$3:$E$728="Thursday 3rd September 2009"),SUBTOTAL(3,OFFSET($E$3,ROW($E$3:$E728)-MIN(ROW($E$3:$E$728)),,1)))" and this works but if I filter to another date then 3rd September shows 0.

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Return Values Of Adjacent Cells When Condition Is True Omitting Values Where Condition Is False?

Jan 15, 2014

Here's a simplified example:




[Code] .........

I'm looking to return the values in column A adjacent to the cells in Column B equal to "Y". The kicker has been returning only the cells where the condition is true. Column C displays the desired behavior.

The closest I've been able to get is with a simple IF statement but I'm pretty sure the answer is a far cry away from there and likely requires an array formula. I'd prefer not to use VLOOKUP or OFFSET but will if the alternative is very complex.

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Summary Count & Sum Of Data By Condition

Mar 19, 2009

1. Count of Unique Print Customers
2.Total of Print Revenue
3.Count of Unique Online Customers
4.Total of Online Revenue
5.Count of Customers advertising in both Print and Online
6.Total Online and Print Revenue

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Searching For Values Greater Than Zero, Listing 3 Of Those Data In Order

Nov 2, 2008

Below is what I currently have on my excel spreadsheet:

2. Input Column 3
3. 0 No
4. 2 Yes_2
5. 0 NO
6. 0 NO
7. 0 NO
8. 2 YES_6
9. 0 NO
10. 1 YES_8
11. 0 NO

The spreadsheet starts by the user inputting numbers ONLY in column 1 (under input). The rest is done automatically by implementing equations. Column 2's equation is easy, if the value of column 1 is greater than 0, return YES_(row number). In addition, the maximum number of Yes's in column 2 is three (constraint).

My problem is that I need a 3rd column, consisting of only 3 rows that search for YES_1, YES_2, and YES_3. The 3rd column's equation is easy, I will simply use the Vlookup function for YES_1, Yes_2, and Yes_3. Therefore the PROBLEM IS: I need column 2 to output YES_1 (in row 4, from the example above), YES_2 (in row 8) ...etc. This would mean chaning the basic IF equation that I have which simply sees if the value in column 1 is greater than 0 then outputting "YES_the row number".

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Counting Filtered Data Cells Copy And Paste Values From Another Workbook?

Apr 10, 2014

I have a filtered worksheet -WB1 (filtered by Column "B"). I want to count the number of cells or rows in column "B"(Only the filtered ones) of WB1. Copy out that exact number of cells from another workbook(WB2) from the bottom moving up(Column "A") and paste it into WB1 column "I".

WB1 - Count Filtered Cell/Row with reference to Column "B"
WB2 - copy Cell count bottom to top of Column "A"
WB1 - Paste into Column "I"

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SubTotal Count(2)

Jan 15, 2009

I a formula in one of my cells so that when the data is filtered it will add up all the cells that have a yes in them. However I'm getting an error. If I use the countif formula it still adds all the cells with yes that are not in the filter selection.

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No Count Formulas By Subtotal

Feb 25, 2009

i want to count only nonblanks cell and based other threat i try modified the formula, but this doesnt count. how can i defined this forumula to count only nonblanks cells?

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Change Sum To Count In Subtotal

Oct 6, 2008

I am working with some data that needs to be subtotalled. All the fields are subtotalled by sum, although 1 column needs to be count.

I was planning to do the subtotal (by sum) for all the data and then get the macro to go and change that 1 column to count.

My problem is that this will be a weekly report and the number of rows will vary, so how can I changet the sum to count without hardcoding the cell ref's?

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Subtotal To Count Non-hidden Columns?

Mar 25, 2014

I have a linear count from 1 to 160 (J3:FM3) and I hide columns manually over time depending on a certain criteria. However, I would like to count how many columns I have left. I believe you need to use the subtotal function, but I do not understand how to use it.

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Adding Count To Each Subtotal Line?

Mar 8, 2014

I use the Subtotal function to sum several columns during the subtotal function. I dont think I can run a subtotal doing the sums and counts. Is there any way to add the number 0f rows in each subtotal? Count? I'm not sure how to go to each blank row (subtotal line) and count/add the number 0f rows in that subtotal?

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