Get Excel To Count Only If Two Logical Statements Fulfilled Using Ranges?
Jul 24, 2013
I am trying to get excel to count a value if (and only if) two logical conditions are fulfilled on two different cell ranges.
1st condition: In cell range x, the value should = C2
2nd condition: In cell range y, the value should be greater than 0
I've tried an AND statement and failed, and I've also tried COUNTIF statemetns and had no more luck. This could well be due to my skill level however.
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May 18, 2013
I have got a table with data from 2005 to date, (for example) For the purpose of what I am doing I need a column which shows date ranges between September 2005 - August 2006 to show as 2005/2006, then September 2006 - August 2007 to show as 2006/2007. I have done some research and seen that, Potentially, a nested 'IF' can be used but it can only be used 7 times which would cause a problem going forward....
Is this the only way or is there a better way (without using VB)?
I am using Excel 2010
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Oct 8, 2012
I have a spreadsheet where I have a list of patients who were evaluated on a certain date unique to that patient. Some of the patients have a subsequent date of death, and some do not (they're still alive).
I need to create a logical test which indicates whether or not the patient died at specific intervals after their unique evaluation date-- at 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months. Additionally, I need to measure whether the patient died at 0-6 months, or 0-12 months, or is still alive.
In other words, if Patient A was evaluated on 1/1/2008 and subsequently died on 10/31/2008, I need to do a logical test that says 3 months = false (no death), 6 months = false (no death) and 12 months = true (death). True = 1 and False = 0 (so I can do a simple column add to figure out how many died at each interval). Additionally, for the 0-6 month test it should calculate = 0, but for the 0 - 12 month test it should calculate = 1.
I'm totally stumped as to how to do this. Currently my spreadsheet reads as follows: (I've put ** next to cells that I need formulas to calculate. If no **, assume it's a value I've inputted manually)
A1 = Patient number (numerical order)
B1 = Patient Initials
C1 = Initial Evaluation date
D1 = Date of death (if any- blank if patient is still alive)
E1 = Patient death indicator (1 = dead, 0 = alive)
F1** = Indicate whether or not patient died within 3 months of evaluation (1 = dead, 0 = alive)
G1** = Actual date of death within 3 month interval
H1** = Indicate whether or not patient died within 6 months of evaluation (1 = dead, 0 = alive)
I1** = Actual date of death within 6 month interval
J1** = Indicate whether or not patient died within 12 months of evaluation(1 = dead, 0 = alive)
K1** = Actual date of death within 12 month interval
L1** = Did patient die within 0-6 months of evaluation? (1 = dead, 0 = alive)
M1** = Actual date of death within 0-6 months
N1** = Did patient die within 0-12 months of evaluation? (1 = dead, 0 = alive)
O1** = Actual date of death within 0-12 months
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Feb 19, 2014
I'm trying to create a formula that will determine the bonus (%) for sales made. Here's the table:
<10000 sales = 0% bonus
>=10000 sales but <=29999 sales = 5% bonus
>=30000 sales but <=to 44999 = 7% bonus
>50000 sales = 10% bonus
Since the sales and bonus figures are subject to change each year I'd like the formula to point to the numbers but that part seems easy if I can get the formula right.
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Jun 14, 2009
i am using the IF script, and i am also using the COUNT script in the logical part of the IF statement. i need to make sure that both K3 and V3 have a value inside of the cell in order for the statement to work, although when just K3 has a value, the IF - TRUE statement works anyway. any ideas on how to fix this? =IF(COUNT(K3,V3),SUM(K3+V3),"")
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Apr 8, 2009
I am trying to create a logical test with three possible results:
h2 <10.2 "needs improvement"
(if false) h2=10.2 "meets standard"
if false h2>10.2 "exceeds standard"
Basically, I am referring to a cell to determine if it meets, exceeds or does not meed a specific standard. In this case 10.2.
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Nov 19, 2009
Mike Fax 5 60
John Tel 3 30
Mike Tel 2 30
Mike Fax 1 60
John Fax 1 60
hi all, i am faced with the following problem. before i describe the problem, i do not need help with recording a macro or using functions to solve the above problem, i know how to do that.
writing a code from scratch to do the following:
I need a code that will run through the above columns, and IF A=Mike and B=Fax, THEN C* I want to calculate a total for everytime Mike sells a Fax (or a Tel). Column C is quantity, Column D is price.
I am sure this is a simple loop code, but I have spent days trying to figure it out and I can not do it. Recording a macro is useless, because it is too confusing to look at the code and play with it and try to personalize it.
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Mar 7, 2012
I want to open a file (Sam) if a a condition is fulfilled.
So, my file Sam.xls has a sheet named "Control" (veryhidden), the cell A1 has value (A1=5)
When I open Sam file, the code checks another file DOT.xls (the user should not see this process) and if it finds the same value in Sheet2 (veryhidden), cell A1=5, the file Sam to be opened.
If the code does not match the values the Sam file to be closed, Sheet "CHIO" to be deleted and the application closed.
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Feb 28, 2013
excel 2007. Here is the situation:
I am using the Index and Match function to lookup for two specific criterias in a different worksheet. So far, it is working well, but it gets complicated. I want to look for the criterias in 6 different worksheets based on what a certain column is saying. Here is an example:
So, if the continent is Asia in the column A, I want Excel to look in the Asia worksheet for the city and the venue and return me the contact information. Same, if the continent says Europe, I want it to look in the Europe worksheet or the city and the venue and return me the contact information. So on and so forth.
The formula I have at the moment is this:
How do I incorporate the logical test for it to look for the proper worksheet knowing that all my continent worksheet have the same structure?
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Aug 2, 2006
I tried Count if statements and sum statements, but nothing is working. I
have 2 columns Ex: If "Jane" from column 1 and "Dog" in column 2 then print
the total number it repeats. This sheet is large. Here's and Example:
Here's the data
Jane Dog
Jim Dog
Jeff Dog
Jane Cat
Jim Dog
Jane Dog
Here is what the cells should print (just the number)
JaneDog = 2
JimDog = 2
JeffDog = 1
JaneCat = 1
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Jun 27, 2014
I am trying to creat a woorksheet that will calculate the number of time a test question was wrong. I am trying to acount for the various methods the data will be entered, with spaces or commas ect... this is the current fumula that I am using but it is not performing the desired effect. The problem is it is ramdomly counting 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 when the double digit numbers are entered. is there a better way to achieve this than the current formula bellow.
starting from 1
ending at 50
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Apr 15, 2014
Column A has current building, column b has future building. Would like to count the number of changes without adding a separate column with an if statement.
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Feb 12, 2009
The data:
There are a number of columns, but we'll use the first 2 first. Column A has the dates from 1/1/2009 to 12/31/2009. Column B will has numbers, mainly 0-100. One cell will have a 'report date' which is just a date.
The formula needed:
I have a few cells labeled wk1, wk2, wk3. Week 1 will start with the 'report' date. wk1 I would like the Average of Column B IF the dates in Column A are within the 'wk'. wk1 = report date TO report date + 6. wk2 = report date + 7 TO report date + 13 and so on.
My goal is to have the formulas all set so that when we move to another report date and the raw data is added, I can just change the 'report date' and everything (the wk numbers) will automatically update with the new raw data.
The furthest I got was this, but it didn't work.
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Jul 30, 2012
I have two cells = A1 and A2 in which there are words.
What I need the formula to do is if in A1 or A2 is "ABC" or "ABC2" , number 3 is going to appear in B1. If A1 or A2 is going to be "ABCD", number 6 is going to appear in B3.
I have this formula so far that works but cannot add any more arguments.
(The added numbers are found in another worksheet called "table".
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Nov 20, 2009
Part #1/1/20091/5/20091/6/20091/7/20091/26/20091/27/20091/28/20091/29/20091/30/20092/2/20092/3/20092/4/20092/5/20092/6/20092/9/20092/10/20092/11/20092/12/20092/13/2009ABC --20372027-00013211321-1304-001232122500
I have some data on rows that are similar to what is above. Hyphens mean no activity, then there are "stock" amounts and then "0" means out of stock. I'd like to count the # of times that the stock changes to 0, by 1/27/09 - 1/29/09 would be counted once -- as a range...the answer here would be 3 times that stock went to 0 - hyphens ignored..
I'm sure if's some count if function, or multiple ones, but not sure.
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Nov 22, 2008
I have three IF statements as below. the problem is if the first statement is true I want it to skip the next two statements or the result will be changed again.
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May 26, 2008
Sheet one will contain the following:
On sheet two I need to list any date that has three or more true statements with the coresponding name.
2/26/2008 Bill
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Feb 13, 2014
I am using Excel 2007 and am attempting to write multiple IF statements within a cell. This multi-cell validation would be used to validate that A=B and C=D but A&B do not equal C&D as illustrated below:
Here's the formula that I attempted to use:
=IF(A2=B2, (IF(C2=D2), (IF(A2=C2), "Error3", "OK"), "Error2"), "Error1")
However, I receive an error message stating "The formula you typed contains an error" and it highlights the D in the equation.
I am not sure why the D was flagged as an error. If anything, I thought the "Error" portions would have been flagged...
Is it possible to do a multi-cell validation in Excel?
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Mar 14, 2014
I would like to create a function where I would be able to ask and answer 20 questions. When using If statement it only allows me to use up to 7 nests.
I have created an example below with all the statements I need using IF but of course this doesn't work so I would need so how to handle this particular issue with so many questions/answers in one. Even though the delta between 5-4 and 3-2 is same I want different answers. I'm using Excel 2010.
=IF(AND(AK58=5;AL58=5);"OK";IF(AND(AK58=5;AL58=4);"1 OP";IF(AND(AK58=5;AL58=3);"2 OP";
IF(AND(AK58=5;AL58=2);"2 OP+1 NV";IF(AND(AK58=5;AL58=1);"2 OP+2 NV";IF(AND(AK58=5;AL58=0);"2 OP+2 NV+INST";
IF(AND(AK58=4;AL58=4);"OK";IF(AND(AK58=4;AL58=3);"1 OP";IF(AND(AK58=4;AL58=2);"1 OP+1
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Mar 25, 2014
I know about using countifs and or but utilizing sum(countif(..... [all because of this site] - but I have a statement that is quite long and is confusing me when trying to reduce it... if not then I can just use this and it'll be fine... but I would really like to reduce it if possible... here it is:
Basically I have a Data sheet that has 19,000+ records that have data from A to AJ... I am tasked with trying to find how many open work orders there are in our company on each given day that were submitted 30 days prior to a specific date. A = Region, AA = Date Submitted, AF = Date Completed and AJ = Days open.
The table looks like this:
1-Feb 2-Feb 3-Feb 4-Feb .........
Midwest 39 39 39 42
Northeast 119 119 120 126
Southeast 46 47 50 54
Southwest 53 53 53 57
West 53 53 53 60
Total 310 311 315 339
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Feb 26, 2014
I have button on the first tab in excel 2003. On every click of button, I need to loop the data.
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Nov 1, 2012
I tried sending this message once before but the system crapped out. At least on my end. If it was sent and this is a partial duplicate. At any rate, as most of you know when an Excel workbook has a large number of merged fields Excel sometimes changes all the cell (not just the merged cells) formats to a Date type, with the exception of those cells that are the Text data type. I found the following code on the net someplace and I can't properly cite the author, that when run resets the cell formats to the default format which is General for all those that had been changed.
Sub CleanStyles()
Dim sty As Style, wbTemp As Workbook
' First, remove all styles other than Excel's own.
' they may have arrived from pasting from other workbooks
This code worked for months. However, it no longer works. I opened the code in the VBA editor and stepped through it using F8. The first time I pressed F8 the first line in the code is highlighted, just like always. The next time I pressed F8 the third line of code (not counting the remarks or blank lines) is highlighted. It did not highlight the Dim statement.
I'm using Excel 2007 in XP.
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Mar 17, 2014
how to count a specific text in two different ranges eg a text "moby" ....want to count how many times it comes in ranges b4:b20 and in b50:b70
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Mar 12, 2009
look at the formulas in column cells G28..G33 and tell me where I went wrong.I have attached the file.
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Jun 25, 2009
I am trying to figure out how to sum/count between ranges. The attached file has the data. Basically I have the list of salespeople, Various ID's, Units, and sales. I want to count/sum by salesperson between 2 numbers. In the example below, I'd want to know Jones sales between ID's 1 and 3. The attached file.....
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Mar 20, 2009
I have a pivot table (sheet1)that has dates along the top(jan to dec 08 and will eventually include 2009) and codes down the left side.
The pivot will change on a daily basis, i.e. more codes will be added, as the new date comes up.
On sheet2 is my basis formula's that count or sum up on a monthly basis but with a fixed range, so if the pivot chnages the formala does not!!
Can someone help me with a formala that is dynamic enough to cope with this, i.e. maybe using the month to help with the calculation?
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Apr 30, 2009
I have a set of data and I need to count the match of two ranges in a matrix, example:
ColumnA | Column B
Week | Component
1 | AAA
1 | AAA
1 | CCC
1 | DDD
1 | CCC
1 | CCC
1 | AAA
1 | AAA
2 | AAA
2 | BBB
2 | BBB
2 | AAA
2 | CCC
I want a matrix like this:
Week/Component| AAA | BBB | CCC | DDD
1: 4 | 0 | 3 | 1
2: 2 | 2 | 1 | 0
I have 12 components and 104 weeks which means that using DCOUNT doesn't feel like an option.
I would like something like:
FOR RANGE A1:B3000 COUNTIF 1 in column A AND AAA in Column B
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Nov 19, 2002
Need a formula that will count the number of occurrences of that same number in three different ranges. The number that is to be compared to is in a cell that is a result of a formula.
Lowest number found in three ranges: 30 (Answer is in A1)
Question: how many times does that number appear in the three ranges?
Has to equal the cell reference value (A1), not a plain number (like 30)
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Sep 12, 2007
I want to count the number of cells with a “#n/a” in for a cell range which is non-continuous. For example my cell range is: “H5,J5,L5,N5,P5,R5,T5,V5". I’ve tried a few different things but I can’t get the function to work.
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Dec 14, 2007
I have many columns of data, each containing numbers ranging from zero to 100. I am trying to determine the formula to count how many of these numbers fall into different defined ranges;
e.g. how many pieces of the data are numbers between 90-99, how many are numbers from 80-89, 70-79, 60-69, etc continuing on down.
I attached a sample workbook which may be clearer: there is a tab (titled "data") with 3 example columns of data & there is a tab (titled "counts") where I hope to get counts for each range to be generated by a formula rather than count them myself.
Not sure if the following is possible, but this would be even faster if each column didn't have to first be sorted ascending/descending for the formula to be effective (as I have hundreds of these columns).
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