Calculate Time Elapsed Between Start And Finish Dates
Dec 13, 2013
I need to calculate the time elapsed between start and finish dates. I've figured the TODAY function, as explained here but I'm referring solely to dates in cells. How to?
I can calculate total hours when a user enters a start date/time and a finish date/time. The kick is I only want to include hours from 2:00 PM to 12:00 AM (10 hour period). So assuming all the start and end times will be in this range, how can i calculate work hours over multiple days? For example: Start date/time = 2/26/13 2:30 PM and end date/time = 2/28/13 10:30 PM. I want my calculated hours to show 28 hours.
I have been trying to get excel to calculate elapsed time between two dates using mostly what I've read from other elapsed time posts. But I am clearly missing a step. I'm trying to streamline my process for taxes.
I want to take a time in the format of " yy/mm/dd hhmm " example: 1
3/04/24 2245 ( note its a 24hr clock) 13/04/24 2245 would represent 2013 April the 24th at 10:45PM.
------- A --------------- B -------------------- C 13/04/24 2245 ------13/05/24 0900 ---------[display hrs elapsed] <-- currently get #name?
I have custom formatted A and B to yy/mm/dd hhmm and formatted c to [h]:mm
When you enter b-a in column c you get #name?
If its easier to have the date and time into separate columns I can give that a shot, I was just trying to make it as streamlined as possible for copy past.
I have a user form with textBox1 = start time (entered as "[h]:mm") and text Box2 = finish time (entered as "[h]:mm"). I would like textBox3 to display the difference between the start time and finish time as a general number!
For example Start time: 21:00 Finish time: 06:30 Hours worked: 9.50
I am trying to get the start time and finish time for breaks.
I have 4 columns Name, status, start, finish. In the name column there are multiple names, under status there 6 different status's. and under the time columns there are in and out times dependant on status. I am trying to us index match match. I have tried vlookup and hlookup as a nested function. I keep getting errors.
NameStatus MessageStart TimeFinish Time Cameron WilliamsTech All & Billing12:31:4812:31:52 =index(starttime,match(name,namefield(match,"on lunch",starttime)))
I am working on an excel spreadsheet for work and I have to show a chart that shows the time of day a space is in use. Right now I am having to mark all of these by hand which takes me forever because I have a couple thousand lines of information.
I need to mark the hours in use based off the start and finish time.
For Example: 1) If the start time was 7:00 and the end time was 10:45 then the markers would only mark 7am and 10am 2) If the start time was 7:15 and the end time was 10:00 then the markers would only mark 7am and 9am 3) If the start time was 7:30 and the end time was 10:30 then the markers would only mark 7am and 10am 4) If the start time was 7:45 and the end time was 10:15 then the markers would only mark 8am and 9am
I was given the formula and it works to count the whole hour but now I need the formula tweaked and I don't know how...I need the formula to account for quarterly hours...and I don't know how to fix it.
Attached is an example of the spreadsheet of what I currently have and of what I need. Book1.xlsx
Can I calculate the number of working hours between these two using a formula? So if I have a 10 hour working day (08:00-18:00), Mon-Fri and the two Dates/Times can I calculate the number of working hours?
I have a workbook that is generated from the system(AS400)but it wont subtract the time finish -time start. I get a #Value error in the cells I tried two different formulas.
I've just started working on an FTE calculator and wish to populate a 12 month calendar with FTE depending on the start and finshed dates.
FTE Calculator non nursing.xlsx
I've attached the file. In Column D the user would select the month the staff start and in the Column E the month the staff will finish. I would like the fte that is calculated in Column Z then to populate in the 12 columns AB:AM (Jul to Jun) with corresponding month start and finish.
I need to determine a formula which will allow me to calculate a future date based upon a current date with varying time periods.
For example:
I have a bill which is paid on the 15th and last business day of each month. I would like to be able to see the next due date regardless of what day of the week it is.
I have a bill which is paid every other Tuesday. I would like to know the next due date without having to enter +14 for every due date in the future. In other words, it is preferable to be able to open the spreadsheet and automatically see the next due date, not use autofill to repeatedly add +14 to a previous date which would limit the # of future due dates that could be calculated.
I have a bill which is paid on the last business day of each month, not the last Friday of each month. I would need excel to return a value for the last day of the month which = Monday-Friday, regardless of what day of the week it may be as long as it isn't Saturday or Sunday(holiday exclusion would be nice but not required).
How to find the elapsed time between two times, but I need the start time in this instance.
Attached is my spreadsheet for a callcenter in which has exported data showing what time the data is exported and how long someone has been their state if they are out of adherence. I have selected fields explaining what I am wanting where on the spreadsheet.
I am wanting to subtract the elapsed time in MM:SS from the End Time which is in HH:MM AM/PM (Imported as text). I do not mind moving these to separate cells to the left to format them correctly, I want to be able to right click in A1, paste, and the rest trickle.
I am having difficulties subtracting the time to get the start time.
I have been asked to make some ammendements to a workbook currently in use.
I have to calculate elapsed time, and my formula is giving me odd results. I have a start time (cell B5), and an end time (cell F5). The formula being used was =IF(F5>0,((F5-B5)*24)) which gave the correct result. The cell is formatted as general. It didn't alot for the situation where the end time has not happened yet.
I changed the formula to =IF(F5>0,((F5-B5)*24),(K5-B5)*24) where cell K5 is the current time. The results are coming out with 6 - 9 decimal places. It makes no sense as I've tried setting the times to be exactly 24 or 48 hours to the minute. I've also tried replacing K5 in the formula to now(),
I am trying to build a spreadsheet to calculate how many hours have elapsed between to entries; start time (H10) e.g. 9:15 AM and end time (I10) e.g. 12:15 PM. The formula that I am using in the calculation cell field (J10) is (I10-H10+(I10<H10))*24. This formula works great till I wish to include in an IF statement. What I would like is if the total hours calculated with the formula (I10-H10+(I10<H10))*24 is less than 4, return 4 (hours) otherwise the value. As well if there is no start time nor end time entered then return zero.
I've being trying t calculate an excel formula to work out a order turnaround time based on opening hours.
Example: The store is open from 8 am to 6pm monday to friday, I need to get a formula to work out how long it took from the time the order was logged until it was completed, during the course of the working day - this works fine but if the order was received on 06/12/07 at 5:20 pm then was finally completed by 7/12/07 at 11:55 the next day I need to figure out how to take into consideration of non working hours during that time. (time from 6pm to 8 am next day
example 2 - if order was sent on the 06/12/07 at 01:30pm and completed at 06/12/07 4:30 then I know its taken 3 hours to complete
example 3 - if the order was sent on the 06/12/07 at 5pm and completed next day at 07/12/07 at 10am - then I know it took 3 hours to complete
1. Calculate the time that has elapsed between 2 times in both hours:min (hhmm) and total mins (mm)
2. Compute the day of the week (mon-fri) a particular date fell on. I really only need to know if the date fell on a weekday or weekend. table { }td { padding: 0px; color: windowtext; font-size: 10pt; font-weight: 400; font-style: normal; text-decoration: none; font-family: Arial; vertical-align: bottom; border: medium none; white-space: nowrap; }.xl63 { font-size: 12pt; } 1= M-F
3. How to write an If statement that assign a value to time based off this chart: table { }td { padding: 0px; color: windowtext; font-size: 10pt; font-weight: 400; font-style: normal; text-decoration: none; font-family: Arial; vertical-align: bottom; border: medium none; white-space: nowrap; }.xl63 { font-size: 12pt; } 1= AM (7-1459)
Using an array calc with criterions Day = 1 and Hour = 1 summed on Elapsed Time returns 81 with an average of 11.57 for 7 events of which there are 5 distinct dates.
The function =SUM(IF(D2:D14<>"",1/COUNTIF(D2:D14,D2:D14))) returns the number of distinct dates in the dataset ie 7.
Is it possible to combine these two methods to create an average of elapsed time by day and hour using a denominator of distinct dates for only that combination of dimensions?
I have attempted to calculate an item in a pivot table using a different denominator without success.
I must produce a report that details elapsed time between two dates and times.
The duration can span a number of days, I need to report just the elapsed working time, I can calculate the days with "NETWORKDAYS" but how can I calculate only the elapsed working time 08:00 to 17:00?
I have a userform that time stamps on my userform as soon as i open the form, is there a way that when I submit, that the amount of time that I was on the call to be put in my column on my worksheet as minutes?
I need to create a range of cells in Column A. I know the first cell, A2. The final occupied cell will vary. Once I have the range object I would like to step through and analyse each cell in turn using a For/Each loop.
The code I have so far is:
Public all_structures As Range 'Range required for for/each loop Column Public last_structure As Range 'Last cell in Column Public molcell As Range 'Current cell in range
' Establish range of cells in Column A
Set last_structure = Range("A2").End(xlDown) Set all_structures = Range(Range("A2"), Range(last_structure)) ***
' Loop through each structure in turn For Each molcell In all_structures
Loop code In here
Next molcell
When I run I get an error message of "Run-time error '1004': Method 'Range' of object '_Global' failed". It does not like the line marked ***.
I have to calculate the difference between the start time and end time of a job. The only catch is, how can I avoid calculating "out of hours" time. So, if a job goes from 9am to 9am the next day, I want it to avoid calculating between the hours of 23:30 and 03:30.
Another example is if a job goes from 02:00 to 04:00, I want it to avoid the tim between 02:00 and 03:00.
If there is a difference in days, so the job goes overnight, how do I take that into consideration also.
Is it possible to calculate hours if both the start and end time are in the same cell. Unfortunatly the developers of our scheduling program developed it so when you export the schedule to excel it shows Greg in A1 and 3:00pm-9:00pm in A2. I would like to have excel calculate the 6 hours so I can use it to auto generate another spread sheet I am making.
I have a small project at work where I am being asked to put a simple spread sheet that will calculate a start/stop time - and also include the date. For example:
Start time 5pm, date: 3/13. The spread sheet to auto calculate what the stop time and date will be if a specific amount of hours is to be calculated. For example in this case, 12 hours. From calculating in my head that would be 5am the following day. However, how can I get this in excel to work and therefore all i would have to do is enter the start time and date, + 12 hrs, and excel would calculate the time/date after the additional 12 hrs.
I am trying to calculate the average start time for a machine over a period. However the machine start time varies from 10:00 pm to past midnight. I have tried reviewing past posts but cannot seem to find a similar query.
the vendor has a 21 hr working window; start from 7am and goes until 4am; Mon to Fri.
Here is a scenario: - i request for a product information from a vendor on 3-Feb-14 8:00am (Monday) - he replies with all of the product info on 6-Feb-14 12:00pm (Thursday)
can you find the time in above scenario consideration the working window?
Here is another scenario: - i request for a product information from a vendor on 6-Feb-14 8:00am (Thursday) - he replies with all of the product info on 11-Feb-14 12:00pm (Tuesday) - Sat & Sun are days off but keep in mind that my Friday shift ends on sat at 4am so the networdays formula wont work.
I am not sure that I can do this, but here is what I would like to do. I have a worksheet that I initial when I start a job in on cell and then when I finish in another cell. What I's like is to have a macro running in the back ground that will tell me the total elapsed time from when I started to when I finished.